PROJECT RESTRUCTURING FOR BOARD AND RVP APPROVAL TEMPLATE FOR PROJECT PAPER (PP) Operations Policy and Country Services This template contains the following sections: Rationale, objectives, and key features Structure of the Project Paper Standard format for the Memorandum of the President (cover memo for PP) Template for the Project Paper Data Sheet Content and Sections of the PP Processing steps for the Project Paper Note: The PP is to be used pending final approval of a revised policy on project restructurings. RATIONALE, OBJECTIVES, AND KEY FEATURES The new Project Paper (PP) is part of Management’s initiative to modernize and simplify documentation for investment lending. The initiative encompasses the PP as well as the Project Concept Note and streamlined Project Appraisal Document (PAD) introduced in FY03, the conversion of the old Project Status Report into the simplified Implementation Status and Results Report (ISR), and the forthcoming modernization of the Implementation Completion Report (ICR). The PP is being introduced to standardize the documentation for Board decisions on matters that call for a simpler document than a full PAD or Program Document. This PP is to be used for Board approval of project restructuring. In the past such matters were documented in a full Memorandum of the President (MOP). The information that was contained in the MOP should now be set out in a concise PP, which, in line with the requirements of the disclosure policy, would be disclosed in the same manner as a PAD. Under the new system, the MOP would serve as a transmittal memo for the PP and a document to inform the Board on issues that the Borrower wishes not to make available for public disclosure. 1 Until now there has been no standard format for documentation on project restructurings. The MOPs used for these purposes have varied widely in coverage, quality, and length. The new PP will provide for a consistent but concise presentation of restructuring proposals, complete with the background, rationale, analysis, benefits, and risks. It will thus be easier to prepare and to read and will provide a more robust basis for subsequent monitoring and evaluation. In summary, the new PP has the following objectives: To improve the quality and consistency of the documentation. To make the PPs shorter and easier to prepare. To strengthen the guidance role and accountability of managers. To improve the PPs’ usefulness as the basis for the associated legal amendments. Its key features are: 1 It is short—the main text should not exceed six pages in 12-point ‘times roman’ font. It follows a prescribed format so as to present a concise, coherent “story line”. It is publicly disclosed. The MOP is not required for disclosure under the Bank’s current Disclosure Policy. 2 STRUCTURE OF THE PROJECT PAPER 1. Memorandum of the President 2. Data Sheet 3. Introductory Statement 4. Background and Reasons for Restructuring 5. Proposed Changes 6. Analysis 7. Expected Outcomes 8. Benefits and Risks 3 Standard Format for Cover MOP for Project Restructuring MEMORANDUM AND RECOMMENDATION OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE INTERNATIONAL BANK FOR RECONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT [INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ASSOCIATION] TO THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTORS ON A PROPOSAL TO RESTRUCTURE THE [NAME OF PROJECT] [LOAN/CREDIT NO.] FOR [NAME OF COUNTRY] 1. I submit for your approval a proposal to restructure the [Name of Project] [Loan/Credit No.] for the [Name of Country]. 2. The proposed restructuring would support … [briefly summarize the reasons for the changes, the major modifications being proposed, and any changes to the project’s development objectives and associated outcomes]. 3. [If applicable, explain any relevant matters that the Borrower has requested not to be disclosed in the Project Paper]. 4. Recommendation. I am satisfied that the proposed restructuring of the [Country] [ Name of Project] [Loan/Credit No.] would comply with the Articles of Agreement of the [Bank/Association]. I recommend that the Executive Directors approve this proposal in accordance with the terms of this Memorandum and attached Project Paper. Upon approval, the [Loan/Credit] Agreement will be amended accordingly. [Name] President By [Name] Washington DC [Date] 4 DATA SHEET TEMPLATE FOR PROJECT PAPER Date: Task Team Leader: Country: Sector Manager/Director: Project Name:: Country Director: Project ID: Environmental category: Borrower: Responsible agency: Revised estimated disbursements (Bank FY/US$m) FY Annual Cumulative Current closing date: Revised closing date [if applicable]: Does the restructured project require any exceptions to Bank policies? Have these been approved by Bank management? Is approval for any policy exception sought from the Board? ○ Yes ○ Yes ○ Yes ○ No ○ No ○ No Revised project development objective/outcomes [If applicable] Does the restructured project trigger any new safeguard policies? If so, click here to indicate which one(s) [selection box like the one in the new ISR] Source Revised Financing Plan (US$m.) Local Foreign Borrower IBRD/IDA Others Total 5 Total GUIDELINES FOR THE CONTENT AND STRUCTURE OF THE PROJECT PAPER (PP) Length: The PP should not exceed the equivalent word count of six pages in 12 point, single-spaced text, excluding the MOP and Data Sheet. The outline below suggests length ranges for each section. Content: Document preparers should follow the format and include all sections, but the text should be adapted to the specific circumstances of the project. The center column presents “expected” questions to be answered in each section. Section Name 1. Memorandum of the President 2. Data Sheet 3. Introductory Statement 4. Background and Reasons for Restructuring Expected Questions to be Answered in Each Section See sample MOP See Data Sheet Use the following standard text and add the required information: This Project Paper seeks the approval of the Executive Directors to introduce the following changes in the [Country], [Project Name], [Loan/Credit No], [Project ID] and any accompanying amendments to the project’s legal documents. The proposed changes … [very briefly summarize the reasons for the changes, the major modifications being proposed, and the expected outcomes from the restructured project]. a. When was the project approved and when did it become effective? What were the project’s original objectives, design, and scope? b. How has the project performed to date with regard to its DOs, related outcomes, project outputs, and implementation? (refer to PSRs/ISRs & other sources) c. What are the reasons for the project restructuring? Project has had some difficulties, but with proposed changes the uncommitted funds can be put to productive use and achieve relevant outcomes. Project is performing satisfactorily, but its outcomes would be enhanced through restructuring. Uncommitted funds need to be re-programmed for an emergency response—if this is the case, 6 Suggested Length ½ to 1 page 1 page ¼ to ½ page 1 to 1½ pages 5. Proposed Changes 6. Analysis 7. Expected Outcomes 8. Benefits and Risks how will the original project’s objectives, scope, and outcomes be affected? Also discuss the following if they apply: (i) country context, (ii) foreseen risk factors, (iii) sector policy or strategy, (iv) unforeseen events, (v) co-financing, (vi) institutional or capacity issues, (vii) project design, or (viii) other issues. a. What are the proposed changes, as applicable, in the project’s development objectives, outcomes, design, and/or scope? b. What are the other complementary changes, as applicable: (i) institutional arrangements, (ii) financing mechanism / conduit, (iii) outputs, (iv) project costs and financing plan (include summary tables), (v) financial management, (vi) disbursement arrangements, (vii) procurement, (viii) closing date, (ix) implementation schedule? a. Do any of the proposed changes have a major effect on the original economic, financial, technical, institutional, or social aspects of the project as appraised? If so, how are the changes justified? b. Do any of the proposed changes raise the environmental category of the project or trigger new safeguard policies? If so, how will these impacts be addressed? c. Does the restructuring involve any exceptions to Bank polices? If so, explain. a. Will the proposed changes affect the project’s DOs, outcome targets, or outcome indicators? If so, how? What new indicators will be monitored? a. Are there risks that could jeopardize the achievement of the restructured project DOs or outcome targets, including but not limited to political, policy-related, social/stakeholder-related, macro-economic, financial, institutional, or capacity-related? b. How would such risks be mitigated? 7 1 to 2 pages ¾ to 1 page ¼ to ½ page ½ page GUIDELINES ON PROCESSING THE PROJECT PAPER Step Identification and Approval of Initial Proposal Drafting of PP and legal amendment Internal review of draft PP and amendments Project Information Document Agreement on PP and legal amendments with Borrower Finalize Board Package (or RVP approved Package) Approval and subsequent signing Guidelines Restructuring proposal is identified during supervision. Task team Leader (TL) prepares proposal in memo to Country Director (CD) reflecting Borrower’s agreement. CD approves initial proposal. The PP Data Sheet is completed on the Operations Portal. The Project Paper (PP) is drafted and filed on the Portal. The lawyer reviews the PP and drafts amendment to the legal agreement. TL circulates draft PP and amended legal documents to SM and CD (copied to key staff, e.g.: FMS, LOA, Procurement, Safeguards) for comments, feedback, clearance, and authorization to complete processing. TL revises the PID and ISDS (if applicable). Sector Manager clears and TL sends PID to InfoShop. Any additional changes to these documents are to be updated as they occur. The TL finalizes the PP and any legal amendments with the lawyer, and reaches agreement on these with the Borrower. The TL prepares the PP package consisting of: the PP, the amendment letter, and covering MOP (MOP for Board cases only). The package is submitted through the CD, to the RVP for clearance (or for approval if RVPapproved case). For Board consideration, the RVP submits the Board package to SECBO for Board approval under the “absence of objection” procedure. Following confirmation of Board Approval (or alternatively, RVP approval), standard procedures are used to sign/countersign the legal amendment. 8 Primary Responsibility Task team leader Task team Leader Lawyer Task team Leader Task team Leader Task team Leader Lawyer Task team Leader CD RVP / CD Task team Leader Lawyer