05.1.15 William Few - Georgia Society Sons of the American

The William Few Chapter, Georgia Society, Sons of the American Revolution was organized in
1976, the bicentennial year of the birth of the United States of America. With the assistance of
Mrs. Edward L. Pietrowski and Mrs. P. Ulmer Savage of the Augusta Chapter of the Daughters
of the American Revolution and members of the College Hill Chapter, GASDAR and the North
Augusta Chapter, SCSDAR, potential members were located in the area. Organizational
meetings were held in the chapel of the Trinity on the Hill United Methodist Church. One topic
of conversation at these early meetings was the selection of the name for the chapter. On July 7,
1976 it was decided that the chapter would be named the Colonel William Few and a
Constitution was adopted.
Colonel William Few, a native of Maryland, moved from North Carolina to join his family in
Augusta in the Fall of 1776. He served as an officer in the Georgia Militia during the
Revolutionary War and was a signer of the United States Constitution from Georgia. After
signing the Constitution, Few and James Gunn became the state’s first two U.S. Senators.
Georgia’s two Senate seats are still known today as the Few and Gunn seats. Col. Few’s grave is
located at St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Augusta.
The Charter Banquet and installation of officers of the William Few Chapter took place on
March 26, 1977 at 7:30 P.M. in the Executive House Hotel in Augusta, Georgia. Among the
guests representing the SAR that evening were Ryall S. Morgan, Former President General,
NSSAR; Robert L. Newby, Jr., President, GASSAR; Ken B. Grubbs, Senior Vice President,
GASSAR; Gerald G. Fling, Vice President Southern Region, GASSAR; James R. Westlake,
Vice President Northern Region, GASSAR and Joseph H. Brown, Treasurer, GASSAR.
Representatives of the DAR who brought greetings that evening were Mrs. Louis J. Bahin,
Regent, GASDAR; Mrs. Lois Pertrowski, Regent, Augusta Chapter GASDAR; Mrs. Nell
Walden, Regent, John Franklin Wren Chapter, GASDAR; Mrs. Herman Pfadenhauer, Regent,
College Hill Chapter, GASDAR and Mrs. Paul R. Hayes, Regent, North Augusta Chapter,
SCSDAR. Frank Fling, President, GASCAR also brought greetings to those assembled.
The following chapter officers were installed that evening by Former President General of the
NSSAR, Ryall Stapleton Morgan:
Leon J. Zeigler,
Maxwell Vallotton,
Raymond Roland,
Samuel W. Wardlaw,
J. Carleton Vaughn, Jr.,
D. Leland Zeigler,
Robert W. Hawes,
C. Arthur Youmans,
James A. Brough,
P. Ulmer Savage,
Vice President
Board of Management
Board of Management
Board of Management
Board of Management
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The following Compatriots were charter members of the William Few Chapter, GASSAR:
John R. Beveridge (deceased)
Adam C. Bledsoe, Jr.
Walter R. Garrett, Jr.
Robert W. Hawes
Lynn L. Ogden
P. Ulmer Savage (deceased)
R. Lee Smith, Jr.
J. Carleton Vaughn, Jr.
Harry P. Wren
Leon J. Zeigler
Serell E. Zeigler
Albert H. Beveridge
James A. Brough
Edward P. Green (deceased)
William T. Lott
Arthur R. Rowland
DeWitt C. Smith, Jr.
J. Maxwell Vallotton
Samuel W. Wardlaw, Jr.
David L. Zeigler
Robert S. Zeigler
C. Arthur Youmans
The following Compatriots have served as Chapter Presidents:
Leon J. Zeigler
Dr. DeWitt C. Smith
Robert W. Hawes
Walter R. Garrett
Robert R. Turbyfill, Jr.
Jon Millar Posey
P. Ulmer Savage
Maj. Charles H. Bonner
Ltc. David R. Titus
Albert H. Beveridge
James H. Hyder, Jr.
Robert R. Turbyfill, Jr.
The William Few Chapter holds quarterly banquet meetings with a structured program and a
featured guest speaker. Wives and guest are always welcome. The chapter participates in a
number of activities designed to inspire and recognize patriotism in the community at large.
Good Citizenship Medals are periodically presented to individuals in the community who have
demonstrated outstanding patriotic leadership.
Law Enforcement and Fire Service
commendation medals are also presented. Each year the chapter presents Junior ROTC medals
to deserving cadets at some thirteen area high schools representing all branches of the Armed
Forces and participates in the Eagle Scout Scholarship Contest of the National Society.
Wreaths are presented at all local patriotic ceremonies by members of the William Few Chapter
and the NSSAR colors are presented at the annual Massing of the Colors ceremony at Fort
Gordon each year. A ceremony is conducted by the chapter at the grave of William Few every
Independence Day. The grave of each deceased member of the chapter is marked with a Bronze
SAR Member marker, and an SAR Patriot marker is placed on the graves of deceased soldiers of
the Revolutionary War as they are located. There have been five Patriot markers placed as of the
writing of this history, December 1, 1997.
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