British Medical Journal, 115 - Friends of Brighton & Hove Hospitals

Brighton Born, Sussex Bred - Index
Bold figures refer to illustrations; titles of publications etc are in italics
A Block 20, 34, 34, 79, 135, 136, 140
Abbas, Despina 85
Abelone, Baby Jane 76
Abortion 69, 126
Abbott, Kerry 9
Absolum 122-4
Adams, Kitty 66, 132-4
AIMS (Association for the Improvement of Maternity Services) 88, 115
Alcohol 2
Alexander, Mrs A.V. 59
Alexander, Viscount 74
Allingham, Philip V. 2
Anaesthetics 69
Anderson, Mrs 132
Ansell, A. 61, 86
Ante-natal care and clinics 44-5, 52, 55, 62, 68, 83, 87, 93, 96, 104, 135, 139,
Aquarium 43
Area Health Authority, East Sussex 79
Armed Forces 60
Art Gallery 43
Ashby, Susan 89, 90
Atkinson, Angela 95
Attree, Mr 9
Attree & Somers Clark 36
Baby Business exhibition 96-7
Baby Friendly Initiative (BFI) 99-100, 102, 109-110
Baker, Alderman 74
Balfour Road, no. 5 38
Barnard, Fred 2
Barraclough, Jenny 95
Beal, Juliet 95
Beard, Robert 94
Bedford, Alan 99
Beeton, Isabella 4
Bell, Carol 99, 110, 114
Bereavement room 110, 112
Betsy Prig 1
Beynon, Dr Constance 62, 65, 121, 122
Beynon, Dr John 72
Billin, Natalie 110
Birthing beds 91, 92, 113, 114
Birthing pool 96
Blair, Cherie 102
Blanket Lending Society 46
Bodle, Jacqueline 143
Boer War 33
Bolton, J.M. 61, 120, 128-130
Boreham Wood 48
Bostock, John 89
Boyle, Dr Helen 44
Bradford 68
Bradley, Rob 94
Breastfeeding 87, 96-99, 105, 110, 123, 125, 126, 131, 136
Briggs Albert 73
Brighton Babies Walk of Fame 107, 108, 108
Brighton Camp 19
Brighton Birth Trust 93, 94
Brighton Corn Exchange 96
Brighton Dispensary 9
Brighton Friendly Societies 38
Brighton Grammar School 37, 37, 47
Brighton Health District (later Authority and NHS Trust) 79, 87. 93, 94, 96,
Brighton (later and Hove) Herald 43, 58, 72
Brighton, Hove and Sussex VIth Form College 41
Brighton Town Hall 21
British Medical Association (BMA) 72, 75, 77
British Medical Journal, 115
Bristol 5
Bristol Road 43
Brittain, Sally 95
Brown, Sister 142
Brown-Amorin, Adele 113
Buckingham Road (see also Sussex Maternity Hospital) 37, 45, 46, 47, 48,
49, 52, 55, 58, 60, 62, 66, 67, 69, 72, 73, 96, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 126,
127, 128, 131, 132, 140, 142
Buckman, Peggy 89
Burfoot, Mr 140
Burgess Hill 65
Burrell, Lady 49
Burley, M 141-2
Burton, Jenny 104, 104, 110, 111
Butler, Jane 109, 112
C. Block 35, 52, 57, 73, 79, 135, 136, 137, 140
Carr, Dr 141
Carr, Stephanie 96, 97
Castle Square 43
Causey, Alison 90
Central Midwives Board 33, 34-35, 37, 38, 41, 47, 52, 55, 59, 65, 74, 121
Chacko, Annie 89
Changing Childbirth (1993) 93
Cherry, Jackie 106
Chichester 48, 119
Chichester, Earl of 9
Childbed Fever 4
Children’s Day 55
Chillman J.C. 72, 75
Church Street 19
Churchill Square 99
Cieslak, Dora 85
Clark, Angela 98
Clark, Anna 104, 104-5
Clifton, Mrs McCarthy 44
Cobby, Janet 71
Collett, Terry and Paul 87
Colley, Lara 110
Collins, Janet 136-7
Community Health Council (CHC) 87
Cook, Christine 89
Copestake, S. 35, 37
Core, Sister 122
Cotton, Lucy 108
County Councils 44, 58, 85
Cowley, Harry 46
Crawley 48, 65
Cripps, Mrs 12
Cumberlege, Julia (Baroness) 92, 93, 95, 96
Curtis, Miss 122
Daily Mirror, 111
Dale, Monica 78
Davigdor Road 35, 37, 48
Davis, Dame Karlene 111, 112, 115
Denman, J.L. 35
Denman and Matthews 38
Dickens, Charles 1
Dickinson, Paula 102, 102
Diocesan Training School 13, 26
Dover 26
Dowsett, Sarah and Louis 106
Drake, Dr 124
Drummond, Carol 116
Dyke Road 41, 59, 123
Eardley Holland, L. 59
Early Birth Association 110
Eastbourne 117
Eastern Road 56
Eclampsia 52
Edinburgh 45
Elm Grove 121, 136
Emergency Flying Squad 68-9
Emergency Hospital Scheme (EMS) 56
Emery, Sue 90
Emmanuel, Sister 141
Enright, J.F. 62
Evening Argus (later The Argus) 74, 75, 86, 116-117
Ewens, Ann 67
Ferguson, Dr Haig 44
Field, Mrs 130-132
Fillery, Debi 95
Finney, Vivian 47
Fisk, Andrew 94
Fletcher, Karen 90
Forceps deliveries 69, 124
Forde, Anne 92
Furner, E.J. 22-23, 22
Fussell, Dr E.F. 20-21
Gamps 1, 2, 3
Gasson, Stella 124
Gaukroger, Clifford 84
General Board of Health 11
George IV 9
George Miles Ward 94
Gillett, Mrs 134
Glyn-Jones, Kate 107
Gooch, Dr 12
Grant, Alison, Neil and twins 95
Gray, D. 61
Grice, Pauline 95
Groh, Lisa 107, 108, 108
Guildford Road 120
Haemorrhage 3, 52,69
Hall, Dr Donald 62
Hannah, Rev J.J. 21
Hannah Moore Ward 101
Hanover Place 18, 26
Harris, Ms 135
Harry, C. 61, 64, 121, 136
Harvest of Death 24
Hayler, Sally 90
Hayward, Ms 142-3
Haywards Heath 119
Healthcare Commission Maternity Survey 119
Hennessey, Karen 90
Higgins, Sue 90
High Street 64, 69 12, 16
Hill, Jo 94
Hippodrome 49
Hobbs, Miss 122
Hodson, H.A. 21-22
Home Birth Achievement Award 103
Home Births (from mid-1930s) 53, 84, 90, 103-5, 111, 116, 131, 132, 135
Horsham 48,
Hospital Friends 90
Hospital Management Committee, Brighton & Lewes 72-5, 77
Hospital Saturday Fund 28
Hospital Sunday Fund 27-28, 38
2 Sussex Square (private military) 45
2nd Eastern District General
Barts 121
Brighton Borough Sanatorium 62
Brighton General 66, 67-9, 67, 68, 72, 73, 74, 75, 77, 78, 79, 96, 101, 119,
124-6, 135, 136, 137-8, 138-140, 140-141, 142
Brighton Municipal 52-3, 53, 57-8, 59-60, 66
Brighton and Hove Hospital for Women (West Street) 39, 43-5, 46-52
Charing Cross 121
Florence Nightingale 55
Guy’s 69, 121
Kitchener Indian Hospital 41
New Sussex 48
Nuffield, Woodingdean 57
Princess Louise Hospital for Children 74
Princess Royal 119
Queen Charlotte’s 4
St George’s 121
Royal Alexandra Hospital for Sick Children 29, 36, 38, 73, 123, 127
Royal Free 121
St Richard’s 119
St Thomas’s 121
Southlands 120
Sussex (later Royal) County 9, 27, 29, 35, 37, 38, 56, 62, 73, 77, 78-9, 79,
83-119, 83, 133, 137
Sussex Maternity 9, 37, 43, 47, 48-52, 54-6, 58-61, 63, 66, 69-79, 77, 119124, 126, 133-4, 135-6, 136-137, 138-9, 140, 141-2
― Retention Committee 73. 74
Women’s Hospital (proposed) 36
House of Commons 73-5, 103
House of Lords 74
Hove 12, 15, 28, 29, 35, 36, 37, 44, 48, 65, 69, 111, 121, 127
―98 Goldstone Road 26
3 Livingstone Road 26
9 Portland Road, 26, 26, 39, 44, 55, 63, 69, 121, 127
123 Sackville Road 26
Hove Labour Party 69
Hove Town Hall 48, 49
Howlett, J.W. 35-6
Huggins, Sue 95
Humphrey-Smart, Patricia 121
Hyde, Elizabeth 89
Hyslop, Emma (see Matrons)
Idle, Mrs 140
Imperial Theatre 59
Infant mortality 33, 43, 52, 65
Integrated Patient Care (IPC) 95, 96
International Midwives Day 103, 106-108
Jackson, Lara and Chloe 106, 108
Janes, Sister 120
Jarvis, Mrs 138
Jeyes, K. 61
Jo 78
Jones, K. 61, 120
Joyce, Margaret 125
Julian, K.I. 64
Kearsey, Mrs 137-8
Kelly, Bridget 113
Kemp, Dr 26
Kennedy, Mrs 140
Kingston, Jamaica 122
Lancet, The 3, 19, 20-21, 34
Ladies Committee 38, 55
Lansdowne Place 12
Later, Alicia 111, 112
Latilla, Mrs H.G. 58
Latilla Campbell 58
Laudanum 3
Lauste, Leslie 62, 64
Laverick, Jo 112
Lawler, Miss (obstetrician) 133
Lawrence, Mr 9
League of Friends 110
Lee, Carol 95
Lee, Nelson 49
Lee, Robert 24
Level 11 93, 96, 102
Level 12 101, 103
Level 14 96
Lewes 48, 65, 74, 88, 93, 141
Lewes Road 19, 121
Liverpool 24, 25
Lockey, Rachel 109
London 3, 5, 11, 12, 24, 57-8, 104, 122, 125
London Echo 24
Long, Freda 71, 74
Lovers Walk 15
Lying-in Hospitals and Charities 3, 4, 5
―Brighton 5, 9-13, 21-23, 24-29, 33, 34-40, 39,
Bristol 5
General (later Queen Charlotte’s Hospital) 4
Glasgow 24London 12New Westminster 3, 4
Poor Married Women 4
St Mary’s Home for Female Penitents 19
Lynn, Sue 111
Lyons, Dr 5, 9, 13, 14. 22, 26
Lyons, Sue 112
Mackenzie, K.F. 62, 64
Mackenzie, Sandra 95
McCormack, Celia 94
Mainwaring, Eva 106
Manuel, E. 61, 120
Marchand, Kathy 97
Marlowe, Anthony MP 69
Marx, Alderman 36
Maternal deaths (mortality) 3, 4, 16, 24-25, 43, 49, 52, 54, 84
Maternity Society (Brighton) 9, 10
Martin Chuzzlewit 1, 2
Matrons 42, 137, 138-9
― Blot. G.E. 43, 55
Hyslop, Emma 55, 56, 59, 61, 78, 121, 137
Mayo, Mrs E. 58
Meadows, M. 61
Mearing, Mrs 135-6
Measure, Jak and twins 98
Mechen, Violet and Victoria 86
Medical Physics 88
Midwifery and Child Welfare Act, 1920 46
Midwives Act 1902 33
Midwives Act 1936 55
Midwives in Action, 109
Miles Elvis 107, 108
Miles, George and Ros 94
Millennium Bug 101
Miller, J.E. 64
Mills, Trudy 109
Minister of Health 69, 73, 75
Ministry of Health 46, 49, 58
Mitchell, Betty 71
Mitchell, H. 61
Mitchell, Sally 59, 125-6
Mitchener, Paul, Sarah and Louis 107
Modernisation 113-114
Mohomed, Sake Deen 9
Montgomery, Julia 94
Moore, Hannah 101
Moore, Paul, Sue and family 101
Morley, Mary 110
Mothercraft 98
Moulescoomb 46, 93
National Baby Week 42-4, 42
National Childbirth Trust 88
National Health Service 54, 61-2, 65, 66, 85, 92, 93, 96, 124 number 111,
Neo-natal mortality 45
New Zealand 65
New Zealand, High Commissioner 59
Newhaven 61, 65, 90
Newsholme, Sir Arthur 43
Nicholl, Dr Pat 74
Nightingale, Florence 24
Nuclear Medicine 88
Obstetrical Society of London 18
Obstetricians 24
Odom, Ms 128
Old Ship 9
Oliver Twist 1
One Stop Clinic 102
Opium 3
Pain Relief 3, 66, 113, 124-5, 134, 135
Pallett, Lyn 95
Page, Mrs E 134
Palmer, Sue 90
Panorama programme (BBC) 116, 117
Pantook, Mrs 139-140
Peacehaven 65, 90, 03
Peel Report 84
Pickett, Sylvia 136
Pinnard Stethoscope 106, 128
Placenta, retained 3, 69
Poor Law Institutions see Workhouses
Portland Road (see under Hove)
Portslade 65, 69, 90
Post-natal 68, 79, 83, 87, 136, 137
Pound Days 38, 59, 59, 123
PPI (Patient and Public Involvement) Report 118-119
Prestonville 15
Prince of Wales 1
Princess Helena Victoria 49
Princess Royal 54
Prontosil 54
Prostitution 19
Puerperal Fever 4, 24, 49, 52
Pumphrey, Sue 112
Queen Victoria 27, 33
Queen’s Nurses 58, 74
Queens Square 19
Quin, Maureen 114
Railway 15, 28
Raine, Mrs 124-5
Ransom, Mrs 141
Read, Elizabeth 89
Real nappies 102
Red Cross 45, 60
Rebolj, Herve 108
Reform 115
Regent Cinema 59
Regional Hospital Board 72, 73, 79
Richardson, Dr 25
Richmond and Gordon, Duchess of 52
Richmond Terrace, no.8 38, 39
Robinson, Kathy 66, 126-7
Ross, Douglas M., Dr 34-35
Rowlandson, Thomas 1
Royal College of Midwives 102, 108, 111, 115
Royal Pavilion 27, 43, 56, 59
S, Mrs 127-8
Sampson, Mrs and Jill 122
Samuelson, Mr 45
Sands (Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Society) 110, 112
Sarah (Sairey) Gamp 1, 2
Scanning 96, 105, 113
Selbie, Duncan 119
Seldon, Pat 89
Select Committees
― Medical Poor Relief, 1844 3
Sepsis and Septicaemia 4, 52
Sharp, Mr 22
Shelley, Mary 4
Shephard, Gaynor 114
Sherrys 49
Shoreham 61
Slums 11, 46
― Albion Hill 11
East Street 11
King’s Road 11
Queen’s Road 11
Russell (and Little Russell) Street 11
Suffolk Street 11
Smith, Catherine 95
Smith, Jacqueline 89
Smith, Mrs 127-8
Smyth, M.V. 61
Snowden Smith, Rev 23
Soames, Miss 23
Society of Apothecaries 16
South Devon 103
Southwark 26
Southwick 69
Spain, Margaret 132-3
Special Care Baby Unit (Trevor Mann) 96, 106, 113, 123, 127
Staffing levels 88, 115-116
Stewart, Lady Isabella 21
Still, Mrs 133
Stillbirths 12, 65, 110, 126, 139
Stock, Sue 106 108
Street, Deborah 89, 90
Stubberfield, Mary and Emma 84
Sudbury, John and family 92, 92
Sulphonamides 54
Sure Start 102, 109, 111
Sussex Daily News 23, 35, 36, 43, 59, 60, 124
Tarrant, Pauline 94, 95
Taylor, Nikki 110, 111
Team Midwifery 93, 95
Teeling, William MP 73-5
Thomas, Beryl 83, 86, 87
Thomas, Miss 121
Tipper, Stuart 84
Tompkinson, Stephen and Daisy Ellen 110, 111
Touray, Awa, 111, 112
Training, In-Service 88
Training Schools 16, 18, 41-2, 47, 52, 55, 59-60, 61, 65, 73, 74, 87, 88, 89-91
Trevor Mann (see Special Care Baby Unit)
Uckfield 48
Ultrasound (see Scanning)
United Nation’s Children’s Fund (UNICEF) 99, 109
University of Brighton 109, 111
Urben, Jane 110, 112
Urben, Rachel 112
Vallance, Mr 9
Vaughan, Rev. 22
Wagner, George 19
Wagner, Rev. H.M. 9, 10-11, 19
Walker Smith, Derek 73
Wallace, Julia 112
Waller, Dr 12
Warner, Sheila 97, 102, 102
Warren Farm Schools, 57, 57
Welling, Stuart 99
Wellington Road, no.16 52, 63, 121
West Street 13, 14-18, 17, 26, 28, 29, 34-40, 36, 36, 41, 43, 45, 46, 47, 48
Wheeler, Philippa 90
White, Susan and Nicholas 85
Whitehawk 46, 55, 63, 69 Clinic 69
Williams, Joan 71
Williams, Sarah and Emma 97
Wilyman, Marion 107, 109
Windlesham Road 48
Wollstonecraft, Mary 4
Woolwich 26
Workhouses and Poor Law 1, 9, 19-, 53
― Brighton (Elm Grove) 19-21, 20, 34-35, 34, 41, 52, 53, 125
World Health Organisation (WHO) 99, 109
Worthing 44, 142
Wright, Mrs 138
Wykeham Terrace 19
Young, Joy 88, 90-91