Student exchange and Cooperation between Federico II and Reykjavik Universities Biomedical engineering program Paolo Gargiulo, PhD My Milestones… • • • 2001 Graduated at the University of Naples “Federico II” Degree in Electronic engineers - Biomedical engineering path Since 2002 employed at department of clinical engineering and consultancy 2008 PhD study at the Vienna University of Technology - TU Wien “3D Modelling and Monitoring of Denervated Muscle under Functional Electrical Stimulation Treatment and Associated Bone Structural Changes” • • 2009 Assistant Professor position at Reykjavik University Teaching duties at school of Technology and Engineering HR the following courses: – – – – Clinical Engineering Image processing and Medical modelling Instruments and Vital Signs Prosthetics and Artificial Organs Where is Iceland? Iceland Italy Icelandic, easy to pronounce: Eyjafjallajökull Reykjavk University An intresting building... International University Department of Biomedical Engineering BS and MS program Biomedical Engineering in RU My work at Landspitali Main activity at LSH BIOMODELING service: The creation of highly accurate physical models of human anatomy directly from medical scan data Clinical Applications • • • • • Diagnostic: supporting pathologist with visualization of difficult anatomical case Planning surgery in complicate orthopaedic and maxilla facial operation Patient follow up in craniofacial trauma, studying structural changes in bone and soft tissue Patient compliance providing computer simulating in maxilla lengthening Prosthesis design Prosthesis Design: Foot Amputation Main service: Planning and Simulation in Mandibular Lengthening (A)Computer model: the mandible nerve is rendered visible (B) 3D print out of jaw (C) Stereolithographic model Main ongoing projects Decline and restoration of denevated muscle undergoing elettrical simulation: Development of monitoring technique based on medical image modelling Student: Ilaria Bagnaro Patient’s stimulation according RISE program Rectus femoris’s 3D model Data acquisition using spiral CT scan Image processing and segmentation MUSCLE GROW AND DECLINE A: rectus femoris in 2003 before FES, after 4 year of paralyis B: rectus femoris in 2008 after 5 year of FES treatment A Volume measurement 150000 140000 130000 120000 rectus right 110000 volume mm3 100000 90000 80000 70000 60000 50000 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 B Changes in muslce density Contraction activities induce Bone remodeling Periprosthetic hip fracture risk analysis The project aim to develop a computational procedure based on 3D modelling and finite element analysis for evaluating periprosthetic femur fracture risk and to find optimum selection methods for different hip prosthetic types CEMENTED TOTAL HIP REPLACEMENTS the surgeon uses bone cement for fixation of the prosthesis to the skeleton CEMENTLESS TOTAL HIP REPLACEMENTS the surgeon impacts the total hip directly into the bed prepared in the skeleton How do stress distribute along bones in the two implant techniques? F F Inner ear morphology fin whale vs. human • Information from the inner ear is important in hearing and maintaining balance through postural control. • As aquatic mammals whales have suffered from seasickness during their evolution. • Morphological study of their inner ear might cast light upon their adaptive solutions of this disturbing phenomena HUMAN WHALE Dept of Development and Consultancy HUT Landspitali Measurements Summary Inner ear lenght (mm) Human Sheep Whale Anterior semicircular canal 19.5 20.9 21.8 Lateral semicircular canal 20.4 16.9 15.7 Posterior semicircular canal 15.2 18.7 19.5 Cochlea 32.3 15 70.7 Development of Diagnostic and Monitor techniques for inner ear disease Student: Andrea Veratti Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo BPPV is a common cause of dizziness. A recent study showed that 9% of people have BPPV, in most cases undiagnosed. Project aim: Research and develop a monitoring technique to quantify morphological changes occurring in patient's inner ear suffering from "benign paroxysmal positional vertigo". Project development and Methods A: 3dimensional model of human inner ear. B: posterior semicircular canal cross sectional area (coloured in blue) crossed by a profile line (coloured with cyan). C: Density profile within the semicircular cross sectional area (y: HU values, x: distance in mm). FEA of Electric fields in the brain • We develop high ( 0.5 to 1.0 mm) resolution human head models from segmented MR images. • These models have detailed 3-d representation of major tissue surfaces. • We use these models to predict the electrical and magnetic activity of human brain under normal and epileptic conditions. • In addition, we also analyze the high density (256 to 305 channel) EEG and MEG (magnetoencephalogram) data to noninvasively localize the epileptogenic areas in the human brain. Segmentation • Distinguish different tissues • Extract gray matter/white matter boundary Computations • Extract normal vectors from gray/white matter boundary • Place electric sources where the normal vectors are – Representing the pyramidal neurons in the cortex • Simulate E-fields