The University-Wide Assessment Plan is

Rationale for Assessment at Pace
As Pace University looks forward to the completion of its first 100 years, it recognizes
the importance of quality programs, dedicated faculty, engaged students and committed
staff who contribute to the achievement of the Pace University mission to “provide the
best possible private education to a diverse and talented student body.” Pace is
positioned to increase its national and international reputation in the years ahead through
continuous improvement. The Second Century Strategic Plan spans the years 2003-2008
and emphasizes self-evaluation to enhance Pace’s reputation as an internationally
recognized institution within the higher education community. This assessment plan is
designed to set forth the university’s present activities and future plans for assessment.
Assessment refers to the systematic collection, review and use of information about
educational programs undertaken for the purpose of improving student learning and
development. (Marchese, T.J., AAHE Bulletin, 1987, 40, 3-8). It includes an
examination of overall university goals and objectives, evaluation of program and
departmental effectiveness and student learning. Assessment of student learning
demonstrates that the institution’s students have knowledge, skills, and competencies
consistent with institutional goals and that students at graduation have achieved
appropriate higher education goals. (Middle States Association, Characteristics of
Excellence, 2002). At Pace University, assessment plays an important role in selfevaluation and Pace’s commitment to continuous improvement.
The University-Wide Assessment Plan will target the following areas for assessment
I. The Second Century Strategic Plan (2003-2008) – The plan will include measures of
institutional effectiveness as outlined by the goals and objectives set forth therein. The
University-Wide Assessment Committee will be responsible for reviewing evidence of
the progress of the University in meeting its goals and objectives.
II. Academic Program and Department Assessment - The plan will set a time
frame for establishing assessment plans, providing guidance and advice for
assessing student learning in all academic programs at both the
undergraduate and graduate levels.
III. Academic Support and Administrative Unit Assessment - The plan will set a
time frame for establishing assessment plans and provide guidance and advice
for all academic support units and administrative units to assess: student
learning, program outcomes and attitudes of major constituencies.
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Philosophy of Assessment
The University-Wide Assessment Plan was developed consistent with the Principles of
Good Practice for Assessing Student Learning outlined by the AAHE (attached). The
plan includes a determination of educational values and specific quantifiable objectives
and recognizes the importance of community involvement, long-term commitment and
implementing change to meet student needs.
Pace University has already begun to assess various offerings within its programs and
departments across the University. It will continue on this path to achieve the following
 To improve the effects of teaching and other aspects of the Pace experience on
student learning and development
 To attract and retain qualified students
 To examine and enhance institutional effectiveness
 To advance the reputation and image of Pace through the quality of its programs
 To maintain and strengthen Pace’s standing among its competitors
 To satisfy the requirements of accrediting agencies
Pace University Mission Statement
The basis for assessment is the University’s Mission Statement and the Core Objectives
that follow. Each school, department and unit within the University establishes goals and
objectives that are consistent with the University mission.
Pace’s Mission Statement emphasizes the following:
•A continuous commitment to Opportunitas that provides the benefits of
higher education to students who may otherwise have been excluded due
to social or economic factors.
•An emphasis on excellence while strengthening international efforts and
investments in technology.
•A commitment to self improvement and civic engagement.
The assessment plan at Pace University also addresses the University’s core objectives to
determine the extent to which these objectives are met and to provide direction for
improvement. The major core objectives as stated in the Strategic Plan that will be
assessed are:
•To strengthen Pace’s academic excellence and reputation by encouraging
faculty and staff, improving the University’s standing, strengthening the
academic units and increasing international opportunities for students.
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•To commit to being a student centered university by increasing diversity,
providing competitive services to students, increasing the endowment and
increasing student representation.
•To strengthen Pace’s financial situation by growing enrollment,
instituting a capital campaign and developing opportunities for
supplemental revenue.
•To celebrate our centennial by emphasizing the University’s contribution
to the city, state and nation.
The University-Wide Assessment Plan is consistent with the above mission, goals and
objectives of Pace for the next five years and will assist the University in achieving its
The Pace Experience
The Pace experience refers to the students’ complete encounter with Pace University
during the period they are enrolled, as well as contacts with Pace University after
graduation. It includes connections with faculty in class and with administration and staff
within the academic support and administrative units through which students learn.
Assessment focuses on learning that occurs both inside and outside the classroom.
Learning at Pace includes students growing in knowledge, in the application of that
knowledge in their work and in meeting life’s other challenges, and in the continuous
development of sensitivities, values, and the capacity to act in ways that benefit those
immediately around them and, ultimately, all people. Because learning is a process of
lifelong growth, learning at Pace can be seen as making a contribution to a life pattern
that began before students became members of the Pace community and will continue
long after they have moved on. During their time at Pace, students also should begin to
develop the habit of reflecting on their growth, alone and with others, with the goal of
becoming mature, fully realized contributors to their community and to the world.
Students are expected to master common material through the University Core
requirements at the undergraduate level and through school-based common requirements
at the graduate level. In addition, students explore a specialty in depth, whether in the
Dyson College or one of the professional schools. Students not only master the content
of their programs, but also develop the ability to identify both routine and unexpected
problems and apply their knowledge and skill to the solution of those problems on their
own and in the company of others. They develop a habit of reflection and the ability to
think critically. Finally, Pace students’ learning includes community engagement –
action in service to the societies in which they live and work. Pace students are active
participants in the academic, social, co-curricular, and civic life of the University.
Student interaction and engagement is part of the broader mission of Pace University that
extends beyond the cognitive and intellectual development of students. It aims to include
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increased understanding of self and others; expansion of personal, intellectual, cultural,
and social horizons and interests; development of personal moral and ethical standards;
preparation for useful and productive employment and membership in a democratic
society; and the general enhancement of the quality of graduates’ post-college lives.
The University-Wide Assessment Plan requires that programs, departments and units set
forth plans and procedures for assessing the Pace experience since learning occurs
throughout the University and is not limited to classroom exposure.
The Role of the University-wide Assessment Committee
The Committee has established a philosophy and framework for ongoing, university-wide
assessment and improvement. Its continuing task will be to evaluate progress on
achieving the goals and objectives of the strategic plan, ensure continuity, dissemination
of information, and review of the assessment process in the schools and departments and
encourage and shepherd assessment of student learning in all units. The University is
committed to developing a sense of faculty, staff, and student ownership of the
assessment plan in the hope that ownership will translate into a commitment to use
assessment results in improving courses and programs.
The University-wide Assessment Committee was established early in 2002 to work with
the Vice President for Planning, Assessment, and Research to recommend an overall
assessment plan for the University. The Committee has elected representation from the
Faculty Councils and representation from each of the schools augmented by appointed
members with experience in assessment. The majority of Committee members –
appointed and elected – should come from the faculty.
The University-Wide Assessment Committee will be responsible for establishing overall
assessment plans at three basic levels, each of which is described in detail in this
I. Assess the progress in achieving the goals and objectives of the Second Century
Strategic Plan on an annual basis and recommend courses of action for the
II. Advocate, guide and monitor assessment at the Program and Department
levels, and develop strategies for analyzing, interpreting and sharing the results of
global assessments where appropriate.
III. Guide and assist in the development of assessment plans for the Academic
Support Units and the Administrative Units consistent with the Strategic Plan and
student learning, departmental effectiveness and service to major constituencies.
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I. Assessing Pace University’s Second Century Strategic Plan
The University-Wide Assessment Committee will be responsible for evaluating the
progress in achieving the goals and objectives of the strategic plan on an annual basis and
will recommend courses of action to the President for improvement when necessary. The
Office of Planning, Assessment, Research and Academic Budgeting will be responsible
for collecting and disseminating data to the committee members and the committee will
meet annually in June to evaluate progress on the strategic plan. The committee will then
draft a report to the President comparing actual performance on the objectives of the
strategic plan and expected performance as set forth in the document “Reaching New
Heights: Pace University Second Century Strategic Plan 2003-2008.”
In some instances quantifiable guidelines are specified in the strategic plan. However,
where measures have not been identified, the University-Wide Assessment Committee
will serve as a resource to those relevant units and departments identifying measures and
methods for evaluating those points within the strategic plan.
II. Program and Departmental Evaluation
Academic program assessment at the undergraduate level will focus on assessing student
learning in the core curriculum and within a student’s major. Assessment will include
evaluation of both academic knowledge and the skills and abilities learned in the core and
major. Dyson College will be primarily responsible for assessing learning in the Core
curriculum, while schools and departments will be responsible for handling assessment of
the major. Dyson College will be responsive to the needs of the professional schools in
the assessment of the learning objectives of the Core Curriculum.
Graduate assessment will focus on academic knowledge within the student’s discipline
and the skills and abilities learned within the programs. Each school will develop
assessment plans for its graduate programs.
All academic units will report assessment results to the Office of Planning, Assessment,
Research and Academic Budgeting for overall evaluation purposes.
Undergraduate Programs
The Core Curriculum
Assessment of student outcomes from the Core Curriculum begins with the Core’s
learning outcomes. The faculty needs to describe specific learning outcomes related to
the Core and indicate how the Core’s outcomes support the University’s mission.
Learning outcomes describe what students should know, be able to do, and value at the
completion of the Core. Assessment plans developed within Dyson College will indicate
specifically how faculty will determine whether learning objectives have been met. The
plan will describe what methods will be used and what target groups will be measured
and will include a process for evaluating the assessment plan itself. It will also include a
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timeline with deadlines for data collection, analysis, reporting, and recommendations for
improvement. The plan will identify those responsible for the various elements of the
assessment program and will make provisions for sharing data with internal and external
Dyson College will be responsible for assessing the core curriculum and individual
department plans will be in place by December 2004 to assess student learning outcomes.
University Curriculum Committees and the Special Task Force on the Core defined the
level of acquired knowledge and competencies for a strong general education program
and a structure for delivering the learning that should be part of all Pace students’ general
education experience. The Special Task Force adopted the following wording:
All Core courses must foster Communication and Analysis.
Communication – Learn to express ideas clearly and effectively.
Analysis – Think clearly and critically. Fuse experience, reason, and training into
considered judgment. Comprehend, interpret, and analyze texts, processes, and media.
Core courses will explicitly and comprehensively incorporate and integrate a significant
number of the general principles. Specific learning objectives relevant to each of these
competencies will be evaluated on an on-going basis, and will be incorporated into the
assessment plan.
Intellectual depth, breadth, integration, and application – Examine, organize and
use disciplinary ways of knowing and apply them to specific issues and problems in
intellectual, professional, and community life.
Effective citizenship – Be involved and responsible in the community. Act with
informed awareness of contemporary issues in their historical contexts. Develop
leadership abilities. Understand and value diversity within American culture.
Integrate service and learning.
Social Interaction – Know how to get things done in committees, team projects, and
other group efforts. Listen to and understand the views of others and help reach
Global, National, and International Perspectives – Become familiar with traditions
that shape our world and nation. Read and discuss texts from diverse traditions and
perspectives. Understand the cultural, economic, social and biological
interdependence of global and national life.
Valuing – Recognize different value systems. Understand one’s own self and one’s
own values, and the values of others. Read important texts that foster humanistic
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Problem Solving – Figure out what the problem is and what is causing it. With
others or alone, form strategies that work in different situations; then get done what
needs to be done, evaluating effectiveness.
Aesthetic Response – Study important works of the human imagination in order to
develop aesthetic and literary sensibility. Make and defend judgments about the
quality of artistic expressions.
Information Literacy and Research – Locate, evaluate, and make efficient and
ethical use of information resources.
Scientific and quantitative reasoning – Understand the workings of the natural
Develop problem-solving strategies using scientific and quantitative
Technology Fluency – Make efficient use of technology for personal and
professional needs. Use graphics, electronic media, computers, and quantified data.
The Major
Assessment of learning outcomes in the major begins with the goals of the department
related to the Missions of their school and the University. Faculty will be responsible for
formulating assessment programs that mesh with University goals. To make assessment
part of a department’s culture, faculty, with the department Chair’s support, will develop
program objectives and express them in terms of desired learning outcomes. Faculty will
review syllabi to relate program objectives and learning outcomes to specific courses and
to the related Core Curriculum goals. Faculty will be involved in planning, developing
or selecting measurement techniques, collecting data, interpreting the results, and using
the results to improve the curriculum.
Faculty will decide at what points student learning should be assessed, e.g., at entry into
the major, midway through the Major, at graduation, and perhaps for alumni at 1 and 5
years out. At a minimum, faculty will probably want to assess learning at entry and at
completion of the program. In implementing their assessment plan, faculty will specify
who will get assessment results and how their department and their colleagues will use
the results to foster improvement. Faculty will assess knowledge, skills, and values both
for their program’s core courses and for specialty courses. This plan provides a set of
procedures that departments may choose to follow in outlining their own assessments. It
can be found under the title Assessment Plan Procedures.
The College and Professional Schools of the University and their academic departments
have developed mission statements and academic goals related to students’ specialties
that further amplify the principle of Opportunitas. These include:
Acquisition of specific problem-solving skills and professional competencies that
serve as a solid foundation for future graduate or professional studies, or that foster
positive immediate and long term outcomes in students’ careers.
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Ability to apply professional skills in a manner that reflects ethical values and a
commitment to social responsibility.
 Acquisition of skills in quantitative analysis, abstract reasoning, information research,
and technological fluency appropriate to their profession or discipline.
 Acquisition of attitudes and habits of reflection necessary for life-long learning in
their area of professional competence.
Graduate Programs
Each graduate program will have a clearly stated mission and objectives that nest within
their school’s/college’s and the University’s Mission Statement. Faculty will identify
student outcomes for both their program’s core courses and career concentration or
major. Each program will assess its students’ learning outcomes in light of the program’s
mission and objectives. Assessment of graduate programs incorporates all the same
elements as assessment of undergraduate programs, adapted to the shorter length of
programs at the graduate level. Faculty will determine the means of assessment and the
points at which assessment is done – generally, at entry and at program completion.
As with undergraduate assessment, the results of both formative and summative
assessments will be used in designing course and program improvements. The
assessment process itself will be continuously reviewed to ensure its effectiveness.
Student performance on national and state licensing or certification examinations is often
important to graduate programs. In developing assessment plans, departments should
also give special consideration to the need for professional graduate programs to interface
with external accrediting bodies. Meeting the requirements of external accrediting bodies
may stand in lieu of internal assessments.
III. Academic Support, Student Services, and Administrative Unit
Academic Support and Student Services
Students’ engagement with the Pace Community is furthered and supported by academic
support and student services units that serve as important elements of the Pace
Experience. The mission of academic support and student services units is to provide
direct or indirect support for learning as well as for other high quality services to
students. The aim is to create an academic and social context within which students may
grow into engaged and responsible adults. The mission encompasses students' thinking
and learning, understanding of self, multi-cultural understanding, emotional intelligence,
social responsibility and civic competency, physical well-being, and recreation and social
Framed by the Pace University Mission, academic support and student services units
must be responsive to the full spectrum of diverse student needs, abilities and cultures.
Student services and the co-curriculum provide support to Pace’s diverse student
populations such as older students, students with disabilities, international students,
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distance and distributed learning students, and students at all the multiple sites that
comprise Pace University. These services reinforce and extend the University’s influence
beyond the classroom. Student services promote the comprehensive development of the
student, and they become an integral part of the educational process, helping to
strengthen learning outcomes. Student services and the co-curriculum engage the learner
in the life of the University.
Academic Support Units including Student Services units contribute to the
accomplishment of the mission, vision and goals set forth in the Second Century Strategic
Plan. Although these units may not be primarily instructional, they do contribute directly
to the delivery of instruction and the consequent student learning. Assessment helps
Academic Support units and Student Services units to determine appropriate services and
service quality. Assessment also fosters the effective linking of academic support
services to academic programs.
In designing an assessment plan, Academic Support and Student Services units will show
their connection to Pace University’s Mission and Strategic Plan. Units should prepare
mission statements that describe the Units’ purpose and services and identify their
constituents. Unit goals are derived from Unit mission statements and further refined into
measurable objectives. Objectives may be process oriented, outcome oriented, or attitude
Academic Support and Student Services units identify the means for assessing attainment
of their objectives and set the criteria for judging success. Units engage in data
collection, analysis, and interpretation of findings, determine who gets assessment results,
and define processes to use assessment results for improvement. As in other cases,
assessment programs within Academic Support and Student Services Units should be
reviewed to determine their effectiveness.
Administrative Support Unit Assessment
Similar to Academic Support Units, assessment of Administrative Support Units begins
with a mission statement that supports the University’s Mission. Institutional
effectiveness depends on the efficient and effective delivery of services to all University
constituents. Administrative Units play an important part in making the institution
The process of developing assessment plans for Administrative Support Units follows the
same sequence as that for Academic Support Units: goals are derived from the Units’
Mission Statement and Strategic Plan; the goals are refined into measurable objectives.
Units determine how to assess the accomplishment of their objectives and set the criteria
for judging success. They engage in data collection, analysis, and interpretation,
determine who will receive assessment results, and define processes for using the
assessment results for improvement. Units’ assessment programs are evaluated to ensure
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Assessment Plan Procedures
1. The Provost’s Office will be responsible for the general oversight of assessment.
This oversight will include those Offices reporting directly to the President on behalf
of the President (e.g. DoIT, Human Resources, etc.).
2. The Office of Planning, Assessment, Research and Academic Budgeting (OPARAB)
will provide guidance and support for assessment activities across the University. It
will provide funding assistance, when possible, for planning and implementing
assessment and will be a repository of information and resources on assessment.
3. OPARAB will also serve as a repository for outcomes studies and reports.
4. In the submission of assessment findings and outcomes reports, every effort will be
made to protect the privacy of students, faculty, and staff in the reporting and use of
assessment data.
5. OPARAB will organize events for the dissemination of information, e.g., NSSE
results, and at which Schools, Departments, Divisions, Units and other members of
the University community will report on their assessment efforts.
6. The Provost’s Office will require that beginning on September 1, 2004 and
continuing through December 31, 2004, all University units will submit an initial
written assessment plan for their area. Plans within the schools and academic
departments will focus on degree programs and on major departmental activities.
Plans within academic support and administrative units will focus on student learning,
service and university functions as appropriate. Plans will include:
a. The name or names of those responsible for assessment within each Unit,
School, Department or Program.
b. A mission statement for each Unit, School, Department or Program.
c. General goals for each Unit, School, Department or Program.
d. Specific objectives and related measurement tools1 for the implementation of
assessment that will be available for review on request. Objectives and
measurements will focus on student learning outcomes, student feedback, and
on various aspects of the Pace environment and Pace University operations as
Measurements of learning outcomes could include pencil and paper tests, portfolios that present the
products of learning, rubrics, case analyses, work products from problem-centered learning activities,
nationally recognized examinations, presentations and other performances that are evaluated by faculty or
other experts. Measurements of major activities that support learning and contribute to the Pace experience
could include opinion surveys, narrative descriptions, results of focus groups, and post graduation
employment data.
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e. An appropriate timeframe for measuring outcomes, e.g., annually; on a 5-year
cycle; at the beginning, middle, and end of a baccalaureate program; in the
junior year; five years after graduation.
f. As assessment activities are implemented, Deans and Unit Heads will provide
data, analysis, action plans, and the results of those plans related to assessment
g. Assessment will include graduates’ experiences after completion of degree
programs, i.e., career progress and reflections on what in their Pace
experience was helpful and what needs to be improved.
7. The Provost’s Office will provide written feedback on each assessment plan and its
implementation either directly or through other competent reviewers selected in
collaboration with the Unit, School, Department or Program.
8. The Provost’s Office will initiate and support an assessment of the University-wide
Assessment Plan and will act on its findings.
In setting forth this Assessment Plan, the Committee bears in mind the unique needs and
goals of each academic and administrative unit and encourages those units to develop and
implement assessment activities that best serve their mission and goals within the
University’s Mission and Strategic Plan. The Committee is also sensitive to the dynamic
nature of assessment planning, which must respond rapidly to changes in intended
outcomes or objectives and to lessons learned from the actual use of various methods of
assessment. As a consequence, the assessment plan should be seen as a dynamic
document that will change with the needs of the University and its stakeholders.