Influenza - or flu - is caused by flu viruses. Flu has similar symptoms to a cold,
when you have a runny nose, sore throat or a "bunged up" feeling, but flu
tends to be more severe. Seasonal flu follows a pattern, and tends to occur at
around the same time every year. Your body will usually fight off the infection
on its own, without medical treatment. Swine flu is just another strain of
seasonal flu and should be treated in the same way. This years seasonal
influenza vaccination did contain protection against swine flu.
Symptoms of flu
The flu viruses grow in the soft, warm surfaces of your nose, throat, sinuses
and airways, so this is where you usually get the symptoms. Typically, you
have a fever - your normal temperature should be 37°C
have a blocked or runny nose
have a headache
have a sore throat
get chills
have aching muscles
feel tired
Symptoms usually last for about a week but coughs and tiredness may last for
a few weeks. You may also lose your appetite, feel or be sick, or have
Diagnosis of flu
Although flu can be nasty, your body will usually fight off the infection on its
own, without medical treatment, so you don't have to see your GP. If your
symptoms get much worse or last longer than a week, you should contact
your GP. If you have a medical condition which makes flu worse you should
contact your GP. Anybody in an “at risk group” will have been offered the
seasonal flu vaccine which contains protection against Swine flu. You are at
risk if you have:
chronic lung disease such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
diabetes and take medication for it
heart disease
kidney diseases and kidney failure
reduced immunity, for example if you have HIV/AIDS or have had your
spleen removed
Or if you are: 
Over 65
Living in a care home
You should contact your GP, practice nurse or pharmacist for advice if you
get any of the following symptoms with flu:
severe vomiting or diarrhoea
difficulty breathing
skin rash
uncontrollable cough
cough with yellowy green or rust-coloured sputum (phlegm)
extreme lethargy or drowsiness
If your condition is not improving after five days.
There is no cure for flu. However, there are things you can do to help yourself
feel better.
Drink enough fluids to prevent dehydration - but don't drink excessive
Steam inhalations with menthol, eucalyptus or camomile may be
helpful. Take care with the hot water.
Vapour rubs can be soothing. Don't put this around your child's nose as
it can block the airway.
Tissues with menthol or moisturisers may help clear noses or prevent
sore skin around the nose.
Sucking sweets or lozenges with menthol or eucalyptus may help a
sore throat.
Gargling with salt water may also help a sore throat.
Eating a balanced diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables.
Stay indoors and rest.
Don't smoke.
For adults, use the painkiller that you would normally take for a headache to
help relieve the fever and pain. Be aware of the doses you are taking of
different medicines. It's easy to accidentally exceed the daily dose by using
more than one product (eg tablets, capsules, a hot lemon/blackcurrant drink)
containing the same active ingredient, such as paracetamol. You can take
both Paracetamol and Ibuprofen if needed. (Paracetamol two tablets four
times a day and Ibuprofen 400mg one tablet three times a day). Children can
take liquid painkillers; your pharmacist will be able to discuss which products
are available.
Ask your pharmacist for advice on products that contain a decongestant which
can help to clear your blocked nose by reducing swelling. Nasal saline drops
or nasal decongestants such as ephedrine sprays or drops may help with a
bunged up nose. Nasal decongestants are not generally advised for children
under 12.
There are lozenges, mouth washes or sprays such as benzydamine
hydrochloride (eg Difflam) which can be used to numb pain. They can be
purchased from a pharmacist.
Antihistamines may help to reduce some symptoms such as a runny nose and
sneezing but can make you feel more tired and cause headaches.
Antibiotics are not prescribed but can treat secondary infections caused by
bacteria, such as a chest infection or infections of the ear, nose or throat. GPs
don't usually prescribe antibiotics for seasonal flu. Your GP will tell you if you
need to take them.