Curriculum Vitae - UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine


Brittany D. Kammerer, Ph.D.

University of California, Davis

Department of Veterinary Medicine: Anatomy, Physiology, and Cell Biology

One Shields Ave. Davis, CA 95616

Phone: 206-940-7537; Fax: 530-752-7690


Post-doctoral Researcher & Fellow (Jan. 2012-present). University of California, Davis. Advisor: Swee J.


Instructor (July 2011- March 31, 2012). Dept. of Fisheries and Wildlife, Oregon State University (OSU).

Post-doctoral Research Associate (2009- 2011). Dept. of Fisheries and Wildlife, OSU. Advisor: Scott



Ph.D., Molecular, Cellular and Integrative Physiology, University of California (UC), Davis. May 28, 2009.

B.S., Cum Laude , Biology and Environmental Studies, Tufts University. 2002.


Kammerer, B., R. Baxter, S.J. Teh. 2015. A laboratory study isolating the effects of salinity exposures on Delta Smelt: are physiological tolerances driving fish habitat preference for the Low

Salinity Zone? San Francisco San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science , in preparation

Kammerer, B., T.-C. Hung, R. Baxter, S.J. Teh. 2015. Defining salinity responses of Delta Smelt through biomarkers: a laboratory investigation measuring physiological effects of low salinities on an estuarine fish. Comp. Biol. and Physiol. A , in review

Kammerer, B.D. S.A. Heppell. 2013.

Physiological indicators of prolonged thermal stress in steelhead. Trans. of the Amer. Fisher. Soc., 142: 1299-1307


Kammerer, B.D. S.A. Heppell. 2013. Individual condition indicators of thermal habitat quality in field populations of redband trout ( Oncorhynhus mykiss gairdneri ). Environ. Biol. of Fish

96(7): 823-835.

Kammerer, B., J.J. Cech, Jr., and D. Kültz. 2010. Rapid changes in plasma cortisol, osmolality, and respiratory responses during salinity stress in tilapia ( Oreochromis mossambicus ). Comp. Biol. and Physiol.

A 157(3): 260-5 .

Kammerer, B. 2009. Short-term mechanisms of seawater acclimation in tilapia ( Oreochromis mossambicus ). Ph.D. Dissertation, UC Davis. Davis, CA

Kammerer, B. and D. Kültz. 2009. Prolonged apoptosis in mitochondria-rich cells of tilapia

( Oreochromis mossambicus ) exposed to elevated salinity. J. Comp. Physiol. B 179: 535-542

Kammerer, B. Sardella, B.A., and D. Kültz. 2009. Salinity stress results in rapid changes in cell cycle of tilapia ( Oreochromis mossambicus ) gill epithelial cells. J. Exp. Zool . 311A: 80-90


Study Leader Defining salinity tolerance and physiological biomarkers in longfin and delta smelt. University of California, Davis, Dept. of Veterinary Medicine: Anat., Physiology, and Cell Biology. 2012-13.

Course Development and Instruction. Fisheries and Wildlife 476/576: Fish Physiology. Dept. of Fisheries and Wildlife: Ecampus, Oregon State University (OSU). 2011-12.

Laboratory Supervisor, Dept. of Fish and Wildlife, OSU. Undergraduate Research Laboratory Students:

Ryan Lande: Fall 2009- Spring 2010; Paul Sims: Spring 2010; Maya Bernadette-Peters, Kelsey Josi:

Fall-Winter 2010; Will Krett, Ajand Shamloo, Bryan Whisenhunt, Kyle Jones: Fall 2010- Sp. 2011.

Supervisor , Dept. of Fish and Wildlife, OSU. Undergraduate Fish Research Laboratory Workers:

Ryan Lande: Summer 2009; Robin Celeste Jenkins: Summer 2010.

Teaching Assistant Animal Science 18: Introductory Aquaculture. University of California, Davis. Fall

2006; 2007.

Teaching Assistant Animal Science 131: Aquatic Animal Reproduction. University of California, Davis.

Spring 2007.


Kammerer, B., R. Baxter, S. Teh. Physiological responses of Delta smelt to low salinity acclimation.

Poster to be presented at the

Bay-Delta Science Conference. Sacramento, CA October 28-9, 2014.

Kammmer, B., G. Tigan, J. Lindberg, S. Teh. The effects of salinity on longfin smelt larvae in rearing trials.

Poster presented at the Interagency Ecological Program Workshop. Folsom, CA. April 25, 2013.


Kammerer, B. and S.A. Heppell. Physiological metrics effectively assess thermal stress and habitat quality of redband trout ( O. mykiss gairdnerii ). Talk presented at the American Fisheries

Society Meeting, Seattle, WA. September 5, 2011. (#6855)

Invited Speaker, Central Oregon Flyfishers, Bend, OR. Summer 2011.

Kammerer, B. and S.A. Heppell. Physiological metrics effectively assess habitat quality of redband trout ( O. mykiss gairdnerii ). Talk presented at Oregon Chapter of the American Fisheries

Society Meeting, Bend, OR. February 23, 2011.

Kammerer, B. J. J. Cech, Jr. and D. Kültz. Kammerer, B. Correlation of the effects of salinity on tilapia

( Oreochromis mossambicus ) plasma osmolality, cortisol, and respiration. Talk presented at Oregon Chapter of American Fisheries Society Meeting, Eugene, OR. February 25, 2010 (p. 104)


Delta Science, California Sea Grant Post-doctoral Fellowship. 2013-2014. $169,376.

Hart, Cole, and Goss Fellowship. Dept. of Animal Science, University of California, Davis. 2005 &

2006 $3000; 2008-09 $6,300.

Distinguished Service Award, American Fisheries Society (AFS); Davis-Sacramento Subunit. 2008.

NSF Travel Award to attend the International Congress for the Biology of Fishes, AFS. 2008. $431

Marin Rod and Gun Club Scholarship Grant. 2008. $1,500

McOmie Research Fellowship. Dept. of Animal Science, University of California, Davis. 2008. $3,000

UC Davis Graduate Scholar Fellowship, University of California, Davis. 2004-2005. $23,978

UC Davis Non-resident Tuition Fellowship, University of California, Davis. 2004-2005. $12,735


Peer Reviewer: Journal of Aquatic Animal Health, Fish Physiology and Biochemistry, Animal

Reproductive Science

Solar Community Housing Association Board of Director, 2012-14, Davis, CA. Secretary 2005-6.

UC Davis Post-doctoral Association Board. 2012.

Graduate Women’s Network: Facilitator. 2011-2012. Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR.

Young Adult Education and Outreach. 2011-12. First United Methodist Church, Corvallis, OR; United

Methodist Church, Davis, CA.

Molecular, Cellular and Integrative Physiology (MCIP) Graduate Group Student Mentor. UC Davis, Davis,

CA. 2007-2009.

American Fisheries Society Secretary. CAL-NEVA Chapter, Davis Subunit. Davis, CA. 2006-2008.


American Fisheries Society

American Fisheries Society, Physiology section

Society of Integrated Biology

Association for Women in Science
