Dataset for A.M. Makarieva (2001) "Variance of protein heterozygosity in different species of mammals with respect to the number of loci studied", Heredity, 87(1), 41-51. Dataset “Protein heterozygosity of natural species of mammals” (Russian text is below) 1) L is the number of studied loci, N is the number of studied individuals, HL is the expected heterozygosity. 2) Only values of the expected heterozygosity HL were considered. If it was not known from the source of data what heterozygosity value (observed or expected) was published, HL was calculated from corresponding allele frequencies, see formulas (1)-(2) in the paper. Such values are marked with an asterisk *. In case of Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium the published values were considered as values of expected heterozygosity and were included into the analysis. 3) If a certain species was represented by two or more populations where the same number of L loci was studied, the population with the largest number of studied individuals was taken. For those populations for which data for several years were available, heterozygosity values were averaged over the years and weighted by numbers of individuals studied each year. 4) If for a given species there were several values of heterozygosity obtained in different populations with different numbers of studied loci L, all these values were used only if they all belonged to different intervals of L, see Fig. 1 in the paper. If some of them fell within the same interval, only one value of HL with the largest L was considered. 5) Only populations with ten or more studied individuals were considered. 6) In most cases data on zoo and laboratory populations of mammals were not considered. If any problems with the presented data arise (incorrect citation, missing reference etc.), please, do not hesitate to contact the author: Theoretical Physics Division Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute 188300, Gatchina, St.-Petersburg, Russia fax +7-813-7131963 e-mail: ammakarieva at gmail dot com 1 Dataset for A.M. Makarieva (2001) "Variance of protein heterozygosity in different species of mammals with respect to the number of loci studied", Heredity, 87(1), 41-51. Белковая гетерозиготность естественных видов млекопитающих 1) L число исследованных аллозимных локусов, N число исследованных особей, HL ожидаемая гетерозиготность. 2) В работе использовались только значения ожидаемой гетерозиготности HL. Если не было ясно, какая именно гетерозиготности (ожидаемая или наблюдаемая) приводится в рассматриваемом источнике, значение HL рассчитывалось по частотам аллелей полиморфных локусов, см. формулы (1)-(2) в статье. Такие значения отмечены звездочкой *. В случае равновесия Харди-Вайнберга опубликованное значение гетерозиготности считалось совпадающим с ожидаемой гетерозиготностью и использовалось в анализе. 3) Если какой-либо вид был представлен двумя или более популяциями с одинаковым количеством L исследованных локусов, в анализе использовалась популяция с наибольшим числом исследованных особей. Для популяций, для которых были известны данные по гетерозиготности за несколько лет, значения гетерозиготности усредня лись по всему периоду наблюдения со взвешиванием по числу особей, исследованных в каждом году. 4) Если для какого-либо вида имелось несколько опубликованных значений гетерозиготности с разным числом исследованных локусов L, все эти значения использовались в анализе только в том случае, если они все попадали в разные промежутки чисел исследованных локусов L, см. рис. 1 в статье. Если некоторые из них попадали в один и тот же интервал, в этом интервале для данного вида использовалось только одно значение HL, соответствующее наибольшему L. 5) В работе использовались данные только для тех популяций, в которых было исследовано не менее 10 особей. 6) В большинстве случаев данные по лабораторным популяциям и популяциям зоопарков не были включены в работу. Любые вопросы по представленным данным (неверная ссылка, отсутствующая ссылка и т. д. ) можно адресовать автору: Отделение теоретической физики Петербургский институт ядерной физики 188300, г. Гатчина, Ленинградская обл., Россия факс (813)-7131963 e-mail: ammakarieva at gmail dot com 2 Dataset for A.M. Makarieva (2001) "Variance of protein heterozygosity in different species of mammals with respect to the number of loci studied", Heredity, 87(1), 41-51. Species Reference L N HL Acinonyx jubatus [1] 52 98 0.000 Acomys cahirinus [2] 35 29 0.030 Acomys russatus [2] 35 30 0.029 Akodon azarae [3] 20 22 0.118 Akodon azarae [3] 18 13 0.099 Akodon dolores [3] 16 50 0.153 Akodon dolores [3] 18 43 0.192 Alces alces [4] 19 165 0.017 Alces alces [5] 23 422 0.000 Alces alces [6] 34 34 0.004 Alouatta belzebul [7] 20 50 0.055 * Alouatta pigra [8] 36 39 0.027 * Alouatta seniculus [9] 29 106 0.092 Amblysomus hottentotus [10] 40 19 0.049 Antidorcas marsupialis [11] 46 24 0.060 Apodemus agrarius [12] 38 94 0.022 * Apodemus agrarius [13] 11 12 0.007 * Apodemus alpicola [14] 33 11 0.041 * Apodemus flavicollis [15] 20 17 0.04 Apodemus flavicollis [16] 36 38 0.059 Apodemus flavicollis [13] 11 23 0.060 * 3 Dataset for A.M. Makarieva (2001) "Variance of protein heterozygosity in different species of mammals with respect to the number of loci studied", Heredity, 87(1), 41-51. Apodemus flavicollis [17] 29 26 0.037 Apodemus hermonensis [18] 36 12 0.028 Apodemus mystanicus [18] 36 39 0.070 Apodemus sp. nova [17] 29 39 0.010 Apodemus sylvaticus [15] 20 30 0.08 Apodemus sylvaticus [13] 16 31 0.028 * Apodemus sylvaticus [17] 29 36 0.037 Arvicanthis abyssinicus [19] 17 23 0.030 Baiomys taylori [20] 24 10 0.061 * Balaenoptera acutorostrata [21] 21 95 0.046 Balaenoptera acutorostrata [22] 45 2881 0.087 Balaenoptera acutorostrata [23] 29 112 0.076 Balaenoptera acutorostrata [23] 36 50 0.058 Balaenoptera borealis [22] 13 232 0.027 Balaenoptera borealis [22] 45 299 0.019 Balaenoptera edeni [22] 45 331 0.016 Balaenoptera physalus [22] 13 193 0.011 Balaenoptera physalus [22] 45 64 0.025 Berardius bairdii [24] 18 11 0.016 Bison bison [25] 24 96 0.021 Bison bonasus [26] 20 86 0.038 * Blarina carolinensis [27] 28 27 0.038 * 4 Dataset for A.M. Makarieva (2001) "Variance of protein heterozygosity in different species of mammals with respect to the number of loci studied", Heredity, 87(1), 41-51. Blarina carolinensis [28] 12 30 0.000 Bos grunniens [29] 34 56 0.008 * Brachyphylla cavernarum [30] 17 10 0.000 * Callithrix emiliae [7] 20 63 0.030 Callithrix humeralifer [7] 20 14 0.035 Callithrix jacchus [7] 20 35 0.019 Callithrix penicillata [7] 20 10 0.049 Calomys laucha [31] 24 25 0.162 Calomys laucha [31] 22 100 0.153 Calomys laucha [32] 19 95 0.147 Calomys musculinus [32] 20 70 0.149 Calomys musculinus [33] 13 92 0.201 Calomys venustus [32] 18 28 0.146 Canis latrans [34] 20 44 0.031 Canis lupus [35] 40 38 0.029 Capra aegagrus [36] 38 20 0.030 * Capra ibex [37] 38 46 0.024 Capra ibex [38] 15 149 0.063 * Capreolus capreolus [39] 32 89 0.058 Capreolus capreolus [4] 19 24 0.024 * Capreolus capreolus [40] 40 48 0.059 Capromys pilorides [41] 30 24 0.079 5 Dataset for A.M. Makarieva (2001) "Variance of protein heterozygosity in different species of mammals with respect to the number of loci studied", Heredity, 87(1), 41-51. Caracal caracal [42] 50 16 0.029 Carollia perspicillata [43] 17 12 0.087 * Castor canadensis [44] 34 48 0.017 * Castor fiber [45] 32 28 0.098 Castor fiber [46] 23 13 0.069 Ceratotherium simum [47] 31 23 0.036 * Cercopithecus aethiops [48] 13 340 0.022 * Cercopithecus aethiops [49] 23 124 0.050 * Cercopithecus aethiops [50] 29 178 0.052 Cervus canadensis [4] 19 49 0.015 * Cervus canadensis [51] 24 112 0.012 Cervus elaphus [52] 43 233 0.045 Cervus elaphus [53] 23 138 0.012 Cervus elaphus [54] 34 83 0.032 Cervus nippon [55] 19 120 0.000 Chionomys nivalis [56] 34 20 0.161 Chionomys nivalis [57] 22 32 0.021 Clethrionomys glareolus [16] 32 24 0.006 Clethrionomys glareolus [58] 48 14 0.074 Connochaetes gnou [59] 31 16 0.018 Connochaetes taurinus [60] 29 12 0.047 Connochaetes taurinus [61] 33 15 0.043 6 Dataset for A.M. Makarieva (2001) "Variance of protein heterozygosity in different species of mammals with respect to the number of loci studied", Heredity, 87(1), 41-51. Crocidura leucodon [62] 30 10 0.025 * Crocidura olivieri [62] 31 10 0.026 * Crocidura russula [63] 28 20 0.017 * Crocidura suaveolens [62] 31 11 0.053 * Cryptomys sp. [64] 34 12 0.054 Ctenomys australis [65] 35 27 0.000 * Ctenomys flamarioni [66] 12 12 0.18 Ctenomys maulinus [67] 18 39 0.103 * Ctenomys mendocinus [68] 34 17 0.079 Ctenomys minutus [66] 20 20 0.06 Ctenomys porteousi [65] 31 31 0.145 * Ctenomys sp. [66] 12 19 0.14 Ctenomys sp. [66] 20 12 0.05 Ctenomys sp.2 [67] 18 19 0.109 * Ctenomys torquatus [66] 20 22 0.19 Cynictus penicillata [69] 17 29 0.026 Cynomys ludovicianus [70] 16 113 0.106 * Cynomys ludovicianus [71] 25 50 0.066 Cynomys ludovicianus [72] 46 15 0.066 * Cynomys mexicanus [72] 46 12 0.060 * Cystophora cristata [73] 30 166 0.047 Cystophora cristata [74] 21 10 0.009 * 7 Dataset for A.M. Makarieva (2001) "Variance of protein heterozygosity in different species of mammals with respect to the number of loci studied", Heredity, 87(1), 41-51. Dama dama [75] 30 88 0.000 Dama dama [76] 51 180 0.006 Damaliscus dorcas [11] 45 27 0.011 Didelphis virginiana [77] 31 21 0.112 Dipodomys agilis [78] 18 15 0.034 * Dipodomys compactus [78] 18 21 0.018 * Dipodomys deserti [78] 18 22 0.007 * Dipodomys elator [79] 29 21 0.042 * Dipodomys elator [78] 18 25 0.011 * Dipodomys elephantinus [80] 33 14 0.022 * Dipodomys heermanni [78] 18 51 0.051 * Dipodomys heermanni [81] 22 26 0.000 * Dipodomys merriami [78] 29 21 0.055 * Dipodomys merriami [78] 18 106 0.066 * Dipodomys microps [78] 18 103 0.005 * Dipodomys nitratoides [81] 22 14 0.057 * Dipodomys ordii [78] 29 25 0.044 * Dipodomys ordii [78] 18 90 0.008 * Dipodomys panamintinus [78] 18 10 0.000 * Dipodomys spectabilis [82] 24 160 0.061 * Dipodomys spectabilis [82] 31 32 0.076 * Dipodomys spectabilis [78] 18 47 0.013 * 8 Dataset for A.M. Makarieva (2001) "Variance of protein heterozygosity in different species of mammals with respect to the number of loci studied", Heredity, 87(1), 41-51. Dipodomys venustus [80] 33 12 0.053 * Elaphurus davidianus [83] 24 42 0.011 * Elephas maximus [84] 33 29 0.015 Eliomys quercinus [85] 41 21 0.090 Eptesicus fuscus [86] 19 19 0.013 * Eptesicus pumilus [87] 35 11 0.066 * Eptesicus regulus [87] 35 13 0.055 * Eptesicus sagittula [87] 35 14 0.061 * Eptesicus vulturnus [87] 35 18 0.076 * Erignatus barbatus [88] 53 157 0.055 Erinaceus concolor [89] 30 13 0.087 Erinaceus europaeus [89] 30 21 0.027 Erophylla sezekorni [30] 17 12 0.010 * Erythrocebus patas [90] 29 53 0.031 Eulemur macaco [91] 12 46 0.034 * Felis silvestris [92] 54 10 0.052 * Gazella dorcas [93] 16 25 0.074 * Gazella gazella [93] 16 16 0.027 * Gazella subgutturosa [93] 16 30 0.021 * Geomys arenarius [94] 25 23 0.050 * Geomys breviceps [95] 21 50 0.029 * Geomys bursarius [96] 17 24 0.065 * 9 Dataset for A.M. Makarieva (2001) "Variance of protein heterozygosity in different species of mammals with respect to the number of loci studied", Heredity, 87(1), 41-51. Geomys bursarius [97] 15 122 0.142 * Geomys bursarius [95] 21 24 0.010 * Geomys tropicalis [94] 34 30 0.000 Gerbillus allenbyi [98] 27 39 0.000 Gerbillus pyramidum [98] 27 27 0.022 Globicephala macrorhynchus [24] 19 39 0.054 Globicephala macrorhynchus [99] 36 204 0.009 * Globicephala melaena [100] 41 69 0.034 Gorilla gorilla [101] 22 10 0.046 Hemiechinus auritus [89] 30 13 0.023 Hylomys parvus [102] 33 11 0.033 * Lagenorhynchus obliquidens [24] 19 30 0.093 Leopardus wiedii [42] 50 11 0.047 Lepilemur mustelinus [103] 22 72 0.058 Leptailurus serval [42] 49 16 0.033 Leptonychotes weddelli [104] 46 36 0.023 * Lepus europaeus [105] 53 41 0.044 Loxodonta africana [106] 25 47 0.047 Macaca fascicularis [50] 29 33 0.096 Macaca fuscata [50] 29 1394 0.021 Macaca fuscata [107] 32 224 0.014 Macaca mulatta [50] 29 143 0.054 10 Dataset for A.M. Makarieva (2001) "Variance of protein heterozygosity in different species of mammals with respect to the number of loci studied", Heredity, 87(1), 41-51. Macaca sylvanus [108] 23 57 0.076 Macropus eugenii [109] 42 43 0.015 Macropus rufogriseus [110] 21 66 0.087 Macrotus californicus [111] 21 34 0.047 * Macrotus waterhousii [111] 21 49 0.030 * Manis pentadactyla [112] 62 12 0.078 * Marmota marmota [113] 50 160 0.015 * Marmota monax [114] 24 22 0.066 Martes americana [115] 24 10 0.124 * Martes foina [116] 21 121 0.000 Martes zibellina [117] 25 1237 0.060 * Mastomys huberti [19] 17 79 0.028 Mazama americana [118] 19 52 0.077 * Megadontomys thomasi [119] 30 15 0.020 Melomys burtoni [120] 29 13 0.046 * Melomys cervinipes [120] 29 13 0.031 * Mesocricetus auratus [121] 19 15 0.015 Microdipodops megacephalus [122] 23 20 0.072 * Microdipodops pallidus [122] 23 20 0.093 * Microtus agrestis [123] 18 91 0.222 * Microtus arvalis [57] 19 18 0.059 Microtus breweri [124] 15 316 0.004 * 11 Dataset for A.M. Makarieva (2001) "Variance of protein heterozygosity in different species of mammals with respect to the number of loci studied", Heredity, 87(1), 41-51. Microtus cabrerae [125] 20 11 0.072 * Microtus chrotorrhinus [126] 25 17 0.082 Microtus pennsylvanicus [126] 25 23 0.162 Microtus pennsylvanicus [124] 15 151 0.064 * Mirounga angustirostris [127] 24 67 0.000 Monophyllus plethodon [30] 17 10 0.011 * Monophyllus redmani [30] 17 25 0.011 * Mus musculus [128] 27 89 0.028 * Mus musculus [129] 17 78 0.102 * Mus musculus [130] 22 247 0.056 Mus musculus [131] 36 121 0.100 * Mus musculus [132] 24 33 0.067 Mus musculus [133] 46 40 0.073 Mus musculus [134] 40 137 0.11 Mus spretus [132] 24 33 0.024 Mustela erminea [116] 21 39 0.000 Mustela nivalis [135] 40 19 0.068 Mustela nivalis [116] 21 13 0.000 Mustela putorius [135] 40 16 0.031 Mustela putorius [116] 21 24 0.000 Myopus schisticolor [136] 26 148 0.031 Myotis californicus [137] 21 32 0.116 * 12 Dataset for A.M. Makarieva (2001) "Variance of protein heterozygosity in different species of mammals with respect to the number of loci studied", Heredity, 87(1), 41-51. Myotis lucifigus [138] 20 57 0.104 * Myotis yumanensis [138] 20 45 0.068 * Myoxus glis [139] 42 100 0.070 Mysateles prehensilis [41] 30 28 0.031 Neofelis nebulosa [140] 50 20 0.023 * Neotoma albigula [141] 20 23 0.112 * Neotoma floridana [141] 20 13 0.157 * Neotoma lepida [142] 27 15 0.093 * Neotoma micropus [141] 20 13 0.102 * Neurotrichus gibbsi [143] 18 10 0.051 * Ningaui yvonneae [144] 28 16 0.007 * Ochotona princeps [145] 27 43 0.016 * Ochotona princeps [146] 26 46 0.003 * Odobenus rosmarus [147] 32 102 0.032 * Odocoileus hemionis [148] 35 67 0.043 * Odocoileus virginianus [118] 19 1549 0.080 * Odocoileus virginianus [149] 36 500 0.099 Odocoileus virginianus [150] 57 321 0.091 * Odocoileus virginianus [151] 21 110 0.132 Onychomys arenicola [152] 23 16 0.069 Onychomys leucogaster [152] 23 13 0.105 Onychomys torridus [152] 23 16 0.114 13 Dataset for A.M. Makarieva (2001) "Variance of protein heterozygosity in different species of mammals with respect to the number of loci studied", Heredity, 87(1), 41-51. Oryctolagus cuniculus [153] 26 50 0.062 * Oryx leucoryx [83] 24 46 0.006 * Ovis dalli [154] 27 18 0.015 Pan troglodytes [101] 22 19 0.009 Pan troglodytes [155] 42 114 0.022 * Panthera leo [42] 50 20 0.037 Panthera leo [156] 46 26 0.038 * Panthera pardus [42] 50 18 0.029 Panthera tigris [42] 50 40 0.035 Papio anubis [157] 34 28 0.017 Papio hamadryas [157] 34 292 0.047 Pappogeomys fumosus [158] 22 14 0.000 Pappogeomys merriami [158] 22 10 0.008 * Pappogeomys zinseri [158] 22 13 0.000 Parascalops breweri [143] 18 24 0.003 * Pelomys harringtoni [19] 17 34 0.048 Perameles gunni [159] 27 24 0.000 Peromyscus attwateri [160] 28 13 0.046 * Peromyscus attwateri [161] 17 56 0.015 * Peromyscus aztecus [162] 39 21 0.055 * Peromyscus boylii [160] 28 39 0.101 * Peromyscus boylii [163] 20 58 0.009 * 14 Dataset for A.M. Makarieva (2001) "Variance of protein heterozygosity in different species of mammals with respect to the number of loci studied", Heredity, 87(1), 41-51. Peromyscus boylii [161] 17 52 0.066 * Peromyscus boylii [164] 33 93 0.036 Peromyscus californicus [165] 31 77 0.069 Peromyscus comanche [166] 25 21 0.087 * Peromyscus dickeyi [167] 25 18 0.000 Peromyscus difficilis [160] 28 37 0.032 * Peromyscus difficilis [168] 21 18 0.006 * Peromyscus difficilis [166] 25 25 0.063 * Peromyscus floridanus [169] 39 26 0.051 Peromyscus gratus [160] 28 60 0.061 * Peromyscus interparietalis [167] 25 10 0.000 Peromyscus maniculatus [170] 24 33 0.062 * Peromyscus maniculatus [168] 21 179 0.101 * Peromyscus maniculatus [171] 28 50 0.125 * Peromyscus melanotis [168] 20 11 0.030 * Peromyscus pectoralis [163] 20 25 0.027 * Peromyscus pectoralis [161] 17 20 0.049 Peromyscus polionotus [172] 58 39 0.049 Peromyscus polionotus [173] 31 12 0.091 * Peromyscus spicilegus [162] 39 63 0.049 * Peromyscus stephani [167] 25 11 0.000 Peromyscus truei [168] 21 36 0.020 * 15 Dataset for A.M. Makarieva (2001) "Variance of protein heterozygosity in different species of mammals with respect to the number of loci studied", Heredity, 87(1), 41-51. Peromyscus truei [166] 25 17 0.078 * Peromyscus truei [164] 31 58 0.023 Peromyscus winkelmanni [162] 39 14 0.075 * Petrogale penicillata [174] 23 17 0.017 * Phoca fasciata [88] 48 365 0.115 Phoca largha [175] 34 43 0.023 Phoca largha [88] 50 317 0.063 Phoca sibirica [176] 24 34 0.014 * Phoca vitulina [175] 34 168 0.027 Phocoenoides dalli [24] 19 483 0.154 Phocoenoides dalli [177] 26 197 0.057 * Phyllonycteris aphylla [30] 17 17 0.013 * Pipistrellis adamsi [178] 36 26 0.089 * Pipistrellus hesperus [137] 20 32 0.037 * Pitymys duodecimcostatus [125] 20 20 0.079 * Pitymys multiplex [179] 25 13 0.01 Potorous tridactylus [180] 10 64 0.029 Praomys albipes [19] 17 29 0.077 Procyon lotor [181] 24 243 0.028 * Procyon lotor [182] 12 67 0.015 Proechimys brevicauda [183] 25 97 0.097 Proechimys guairae [184] 22 16 0.059 16 Dataset for A.M. Makarieva (2001) "Variance of protein heterozygosity in different species of mammals with respect to the number of loci studied", Heredity, 87(1), 41-51. Proechimys simonsi [183] 25 44 0.169 Proechimys sp. [183] 25 48 0.157 Proechimys urichi [184] 22 13 0.080 Pseudorca crassidens [24] 19 31 0.051 Pusa hispida [74] 21 82 0.010 * Pusa hispida [88] 48 343 0.068 Rangifer tarandus [185] 35 100 0.042 Rangifer tarandus [186] 19 104 0.039 * Rattus fuscipes [187] 16 50 0.000 Rattus norvegicus [188] 25 47 0.104 Reithrodontomys fulvescens [189] 20 12 0.049 * Reithrodontomys megalotis [189] 20 13 0.032 * Reithrodontomys montanus [189] 20 11 0.050 * Rhinoceros unicornis [190] 29 23 0.099 * Rupicapra pyrenaica [191] 37 48 0.028 Rupicapra rupicapra [37] 41 136 0.035 * Saguinus fuscicollis [192] 19 138 0.041 * Saguinus midas [192] 18 123 0.024 * Scalopus aquaticus [28] 18 32 0.055 Scapanus townsendii [143] 18 12 0.000 Sigmodon hispidus [193] 23 43 0.022 * Sminthopsis dolichura [194] 30 28 0.051 * 17 Dataset for A.M. Makarieva (2001) "Variance of protein heterozygosity in different species of mammals with respect to the number of loci studied", Heredity, 87(1), 41-51. Sorex araneus [195] 27 40 0.077 * Sorex araneus [196] 35 32 0.028 Sorex cinereus [197] 33 34 0.093 Sorex cinereus [198] 26 19 0.085 * Sorex fumeus [198] 26 12 0.075 * Sorex haydeni [197] 33 12 0.094 Sorex longirostris [27] 25 14 0.021 * Sorex monticolus [198] 26 13 0.058 * Sorex palustris [198] 26 12 0.041 * Sorex trowbridgii [198] 26 10 0.040 * Sorex unguiculatus [198] 26 10 0.025 * Spalacopus cyanus [199] 23 31 0.027 * Spalax ehrenbergi [200] 17 119 0.018 Spermophilus armatus [201] 18 62 0.082 Spermophilus beldingi [202] 30 19 0.107 * Spermophilus beldingi [201] 18 27 0.028 Spermophilus columbianus [201] 18 179 0.104 Spermophilus elegans [201] 18 120 0.044 Spermophilus erythrogenys [201] 18 24 0.000 Spermophilus major [201] 18 23 0.035 Spermophilus mexicanus [203] 28 15 0.137 * Spermophilus mohavensis [204] 24 15 0.070 * 18 Dataset for A.M. Makarieva (2001) "Variance of protein heterozygosity in different species of mammals with respect to the number of loci studied", Heredity, 87(1), 41-51. Spermophilus mollis [201] 18 47 0.043 Spermophilus musicus [201] 18 56 0.000 Spermophilus parryii [201] 18 113 0.049 Spermophilus pygmaeus [201] 18 25 0.015 Spermophilus relictus [201] 18 25 0.019 Spermophilus richardsonii [201] 18 105 0.050 Spermophilus spilosoma [203] 28 22 0.136 * Spermophilus suslicus [201] 18 12 0.024 Spermophilus tereticaudus [204] 24 17 0.041 * Spermophilus townsendi [201] 18 42 0.072 Spermophilus tridecemlineatus [203] 28 18 0.069 * Spermophilus vigilis [201] 18 59 0.035 Spermophilus washingtoni [201] 18 31 0.032 Stenella attenuata [24] 19 183 0.089 Stenella coeruleoalba [24] 19 370 0.089 Stenella coeruleoalba [205] 15 40 0.021 Steno bredanensis [24] 19 23 0.007 Sus scrofa [52] 40 40 0.032 Sus scrofa [206] 50 53 0.050 * Sus scrofa [207] 33 80 0.015 * Sus scrofa [208] 15 15 0.012 Sus scrofa [208] 20 99 0.053 19 Dataset for A.M. Makarieva (2001) "Variance of protein heterozygosity in different species of mammals with respect to the number of loci studied", Heredity, 87(1), 41-51. Sylvaemus flavicollis [209] 38 17 0.059 Sylvaemus hermonensis [209] 38 20 0.038 Sylvaemus uralensis [209] 38 16 0.059 Talpa caeca [210] 38 14 0.009 Talpa europaea [210] 38 75 0.004 Talpa romana [210] 38 53 0.015 Tamias amoenus [211] 20 110 0.069 Tamias cinereicollis [211] 20 17 0.024 Tamias dorsalis [211] 20 23 0.086 Tamias merriami [211] 20 17 0.066 Tamias minimus [211] 20 126 0.098 Tamias palmeri [211] 20 40 0.042 Tamias panamintinus [211] 20 11 0.022 Tamias panamintinus [212] 36 22 0.063 * Tamias quadrimaculatus [211] 20 14 0.076 Tamias quadrivittatus [211] 20 17 0.061 Tamias ruficaudus [211] 20 20 0.089 Tamias sibiricus [211] 20 14 0.037 Tamias speciosus [211] 20 35 0.061 Tamias striatus [211] 20 19 0.048 Tamias townsendii [211] 20 28 0.047 Tamias umbrinus [211] 20 45 0.076 20 Dataset for A.M. Makarieva (2001) "Variance of protein heterozygosity in different species of mammals with respect to the number of loci studied", Heredity, 87(1), 41-51. Thalarctos maritimus [213] 13 52 0.000 Thomomys bottae [214] 27 30 0.084 * Thomomys bottae [215] 23 140 0.134 * Thomomys bulbivorus [216] 43 45 0.074 * Thomomys talpoides [217] 31 30 0.053 * Thomomys townsendii [218] 27 27 0.019 * Thomomys umbrinus [158] 22 30 0.046 * Thomomys umbrinus [219] 23 43 0.019 * Thomomys umbrinus [214] 27 30 0.032 * Trichechus manatus [220] 24 23 0.085 Tscherskia triton [121] 20 17 0.018 Tursiops truncatus [24] 19 35 0.039 Uroderma bilobatum [221] 22 54 0.006 * Ursus americanus [222] 23 46 0.080 Vulpes vulpes [116] 21 282 0.000 Zygogeomys trichopus [223] 31 12 0.026 * 21 Dataset for A.M. Makarieva (2001) "Variance of protein heterozygosity in different species of mammals with respect to the number of loci studied", Heredity, 87(1), 41-51. 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