Hans-Broder von Laue

PAAM Conference 2010
Denver, Colorado
August 4-8, 2010
Hans-Broder von Laue
Wednesday evening, August 4, 2010:
Introductory remarks before Dr. von Laue:
We have a two pronged task in our work. We take what we work with anthroposophically
and see how it matches with what is seen in the world today. We want to be extremely
practical in a detailed way. Secondly, we are charged to do things not because “that is
how it is done” but to understand the impulses behind them. Broder and Elke von Laue
have been working with these tasks very intensively over many years.
“The Development of the Human Body out of the Spiritual World”
Dr. von Laue has been working with anthroposophic medicine for many years. He tries to
understand what is “borderline medicine” and what is anthroposophic. To begin to
appreciate what makes anthroposophically-extended medicine unique, he recommends
the book--The Shaking Woman. The author, Siri Hustvedt, is working with psychic
neurology as her topic. One day she had to give a talk about her father, with whom she
had had a very positive relationship during his life time. During the talk she stared to
have an epileptic-like episode. She hardly could stand or take hold of her consciousness.
This “fit” experience occurred again whenever she spoke about her father. No neurologist
could find the cause of her near fits. No explanation was satisfactory. She described her
experience with all these doctors. No one could explain or understand that her father was
a spiritual being and that she was having these physical experiences in her relationship
with him. His spiritual essence was affecting her physical body and consciousness.
What is the spiritual aspect of the human being and spiritual aspects of an illness? This is
an aspect that has to be brought into medicine. Rudolf Steiner did not like to speak about
anthroposophic medicine but of extended medicine. What is being practiced today is a
now-a-days extension of medicine. There is something we can call eternal, something
independent from our body. Remember that her dead father was creating reactions inside
of his daughter. This is a spiritual reality that is occurring. How can we learn to think that
there is a spiritual reality that can act independently of the body, that can be thought of
independently from what is bound to the body? What is the spiritual within our being that
is different from things on the psychological or soul level? There is physical aspect,
moral / psychosomatic aspect / spiritual aspect to the human being. How can we
understand this?
There are many ways of speaking about the spiritual world. Many ideas from old India
and from China are now appearing in western cultures, speaking about the spiritual aspect
of the human being. We become aware that these different ways of thinking and looking
at the spiritual all speak of the human being as going into the spiritual world after death.
Only anthroposophy brings how the human being comes to out of the spiritual world to
descend into bodily incarnation. We have a body and a soul aspect within our body. All
other paths look only at the end of leaving the body by meditation or through death. But
anthroposophy describes that there is also the road we walk down from the spiritual
world down into the physical.
Steiner describes how it happens that a human being comes about. Modern medicine
speaks of a chance meeting between egg and sperm and generates something that will
become a person. There is the meeting of the parents’ genetic codes and this chance
brings about the emerging child. The child is seen as only a chance meeting of the two
genetic codes.
Anthroposophy says incarnation begins when an individuality existing in the spiritual
world wants to get a body and become a human being. This begins far out in the spiritual
world with the intention that “I want to go down to the earth and have a body to do this
and that task. I want to deal with these particular people. I want to take up my own task
on the earth.” The “place” this occurs is somewhere over the zodiac and the time is called
the midnight hour of existence. Here begins the intentionality. “I need a body to work on
the earth.” Then this spiritual entity descends and meets the “soul world,” the planetary
spheres. This spiritual entity here takes hold of soul qualities long before there is a body.
“I need to have soul qualities that I want to build into my body.” The 3rd step is entering
the sphere of the living qualities of the earth and taking hold of something living which is
later on called an etheric body. If all this has been finished, this spiritual entity makes it
happen that conception may take place. Conception is out of full intention, not chance,
and takes a long, long time to prepare and form.
But there is also another path. There is a preparation that the father, grandfather, mother,
grandmother, etc. have all had to prepare so this can happen. There is the stream of the
zodiac and the generative stream, a stream of heredity to build up this body. These two
have to meet, the individuality and the heredity stream from the other side. These two
have to fight, to work together with each other and transform each other.
If we look with more detail to development of an embryo, in the very beginning it is a
tiny, little germ growing. But it begins growing up as only a sheath. This is the embryo
blast building the embryo. There is also the trophoblast that will become the placenta.
The individual stream is going into the sheathes. But the hereditary stream is going into
the embryo blast. The embryo is born out of the generative, heredity stream. Rudolf
Steiner calls this the “model body.” It is impossible to build an individual body from the
beginning. The model body has to be transformed into one’s own being, one’s own
abilities. There is an individual I organization, etc. But along side this is a family I, a
family soul, a family etheric body. There are both of these inside the child. The task of
Waldorf education and the first years of life is to help the child to transform the
hereditary model body into an individual body. This mostly takes place during the first 7
years; this is the picture and concern for the teachers. For doctors Steiner calls it the
primary body1 and says that the model body is really only transformed when we die; this
transformation into individualizing the body is on going through the whole lifetime.
The individual stream appears in the sheath around the child. What happens to the
placenta? It is gone with birth. Where is the I? the child will walk, talk, and speak in the
first years through the family I. the child is totally dependent upon the surroundings and
the child lives in the atmosphere of the family. The family is protecting the possibility to
achieve this transformation.
The story is slowing going on. Not until about age 9 does the individual “I” enters the
physical body. Before that the work of the I in the surrounding is to transform the model
body. The 9th year marks the esoteric birth of the I. This esoteric birth is a necessity. If it
does not happen, then the exoteric birth of the I at about 20 cannot occur. The
transformation in the first years is happening through education, through the way the
child is brought up, and through inflammatory diseases. The child needs these things in
order to transform the model body into his individual body. Modern medicine has
forgotten this aspect totally. Modern science is just beginning to realize that childhood
inflammatory diseases have an important impact on the immune system. When a person
has had few fevers, there is higher incidence that there will be cancer. The immune
system needs the training of fever. one of the ways the I penetrates the body is through
the immune system.
For a long time there was not any research that looked at this transformation. Now we
know more and more. There is now what is called the “second code--epigenetics” We
know, for example, that the nourishment of the mother transforms the future abilities of
the child. For example, depending on the mother’s nourishment during pregnancy, the
child may tend toward obesity or hypertension. This is not because of genetics but
because of what the mother did during pregnancy. We can change our body, even our
genetic code, through experience in world. We can change our hereditary body. Modern
science is demonstrating this now. Even though the human genome has been decoded,
nothing helpful, as far as understanding diseases or finding cures, has come of it. But how
can we learn the epigenetic code? How can an individual, out of one’s own intention,
change the body?
What is the difference between a queen bee and a worker bee? It is only nutrition that
makes the difference. It is not genetics but epigenetics, the nourishment.
[At this point in the lecture, pictures were shown of embryos and embryonic
development.] At the 5th week the head and heart are resting on one another. Without the
heartbeat on the face, it would not develop. The embryo is totally spherical, rounded head
to “tail” like the zodiac. Whenever Rudolf Steiner speaks of the zodiac, this is how it is
shown. We can see the zodiac imprinted in the embryo. We have to overcome being
bound in the circle of the zodiac2 in order to gain freedom from our individual past.
GA 314 1.+2.lecture
GA 208
The next picture is the first uprightness, not done by muscles but by growing in stretching
out from being bound to the zodiac.
26th day shows the yolk sack. There is a stream of substances coming from yolk sac and
then on other side is a destructive process that will become the nerve system.
At 21st day we see the embryo blast. There is nourishment streaming in, other things
streaming out.
Before this stage is pictured ectoderm and endoderm.
At the16th day, there is no inner space but two leaves, two little bubbles which meet. Only
this mutual part is the embryoblast, all around is the trophoblast.
In earliest days after conception, there is almost no child but other material composing
the sheathes.
Before the fertilized egg can begin to divide, there has to be a process occurring on the
surface of the egg. Pictures we saw shows spirals, on surface of the egg, which change in
a rhythmic way. First there are forms and a shaping on the surface. This is called the
melody of calcium on the surface of the egg. It is a precondition that these forms appear
on the surface so that the division of the egg can occur. First there are forms on the
surface, making possible that the whole development can begin.
The female egg has the corona radiate around it. But before there is any division of the
egg, there is an outside influence coming from periphery which meets the physical.
Forces are working from the outside into the germ. There are forming influences on the
surface before the division begins. This [process of something streaming in from the
periphery] is probably going on everywhere in different forms and ways.
Rudolf Steiner in 2nd medical course--Spiritual Aspects of Therapy (which was given at
the same time parallel to the eurythmy course)3--speaks of 3 aspects working formatively
on the body so that forms may appear. Here Steiner speaks of secretion. He is speaking of
something which is moving and which we have to tie down. (This is different from
consolidation). We want to see the forces inside development. One place in body where
these three steps are separated is shown in development of enamel of the teeth. There is a
special place where enamel will appear, in the teeth; and this is the most hardened
substance that body can build up. The better / harder the enamel crystals are, the better
the teeth are. But at the same place (within the mouth) the opposite appears. The etheric
body could not build up the enamel if the opposite did not also occur somewhere. This
opposite growth is shown in growth upward into the center of the brain of the pituitary
gland. This is the most important gland we have, only about 1 sq. mm. in size. But it is
building 10-12 different hormones which are necessary for the whole up-building of the
body. Tiny amounts of substance are spreading out into the body. It is not the amount of
hormone sent out that is important but the rhythmic dispersing. It sprays out substances
that work in the periphery everywhere. But the body is also condensing matter into the
teeth. Etheric body has to do both. In development both things are happening.
Looking to development of teeth, there is first the form building but nearly a nothing
inside. This is called the bell shape of the teeth. To cast a bell there has to be built up an
empty space, a form, into which the metal is poured. What will later become the enamel
GA 314 and 316
is at first just a form, a shape, without any tooth content. This is the first step. Then cells
begin to grow and secrete what will become enamel. Out of the blood comes a streaming
of calcium and other materials that will become enamel out of secretion process.
[What is described next is a rough report of what was shown on a series of slides showing
the forms and shaping the teeth go through on the way to becoming teeth in our mouth. It
is difficult to follow the process without the actual pictures. This description does not
include all the steps of the process but is just a gesture to describe what was shown.]
In development of forms, the first step is that at a certain point where the teeth will later
on be, the forming has to develop in a specific place. [There is a looking back into the
spiritual world to “remember” the form and then take hold with the process to create in
physical matter?] This is the beginning. Then there is a tiny engulfing, an indenting. Then
the form becomes more indented, curved downward. Then a little bubble is built. This
will become the form of the teeth. This separates from the original tissue in a selfenclosure. Later it will mature and then mineralize. There are 7 steps of these processes
which need to have impulses from the periphery, from outer space. This forming is not
started by the genetic centers of the cells. It is always started from influences from the
All the teeth are built inside the jaws and then are moved outward. In a 6 year old child
all the teeth are already formed and in the jaw. Then they have to migrate to the right
places. Our body is able to move the teeth from inside the bones, migrating to the right
place. At the end of this migration, the teeth have to be fixed there and anchored in the
bones. Inside the development of our teeth we can see first a shaping process nearly
without substance. 2nd step is secretion of substances into the empty space, building up
enamel of teeth. 3rd the organ has to be moved toward the place of its function. Through
these three forces we are able to shape, to specialize substances, and able to build up
growth movements. Out of these 3 different qualities, all embryology is built up.
Shaping, substance secretion, movement are the motives.
These three forces are working closely together throughout the body. They are hard to
separate out, but they are all working so the organ building can take place. This is going
on inside the model body, not one’s own individual body. So we have to get rid of the
first teeth as a step in overcoming the model. We have to create our own individualized
forming, individualized outer movements.
The present danger is that our time wants to prevent individualization inside our body.
We may dream about / imagine that we are becoming individualized, but we are only part
of this or that group of persons. We are socialized in a way that we function without
developing our own individualized spiritual aspect inside ourselves.
The spiritual builds up the model body which we must transform and not take on as the
thinking-feeling-willing of certain groups.
What is necessary to develop our own I truly, which is not a dream or illusion of the I?
We have to understand that individualization is only really happening if one is doing it
oneself. Developing one’s own body is a long, on-going process. But we have to do this
so that we can develop our own thinking-feeling-willing.
Only in Anthrop do we speak of something spiritual coming into physicality and building
a physical body.
Thursday, August 05, 2010:
The Physiology of Normal Development
Steiner quotation:
In der Eurythmie…
Eurythmy reveals the laws of the individual human being in his organization. Eurythmy
reveals this if we learn to know the language.”
Review: In the spiritual realm of the Zodiac, there is the midnight hour, the beginning of
intentionality, “I want to get hold of a physical body.” I am a spiritual being, related to
zodiac, to persons who have died before, and related to all those spiritual beings.
Speaking of the “shaking woman” of yesterday, her father wanted to give her a message,
but she did not understand this. She did not realize connection with her dead father, and
that he wanted to give her a message; so he shook her. To incarnate, we assemble our
internal Zodiac, with impulse “I want to go down.” The spiritual being has to go down
now into the planetary spheres…with the Sun. “Please, I need to have tools, an
organization. I want to go down to the earth. Please give me your gifts, soul qualities
from inside your realm.” There begins thinking /feeling/ willing, which in later
organization make it possible for the individuality to feel and think and will.
Intentionality of Thinking, Feeling, and Willing is gifted by this sphere.
Then the soul goes down deeper into the Etheric World. “Please, I need new gifts, I want
to build up the body. What are gifts of the Etheric World? These are living qualities that
appear in the ethers, rhythms between two qualities, such as expansion - contraction,
breathing in and out, hardening - dissolving, etc. I can give shape to anything or dissolve
it again, i.e. shaping and dispersing in thinking. To feel, we must have secretions. Then
secretion gives feeling inside the body. The substances of secretion are more sal like or
more sulfur like, more condensing or more dissolving. In Will sphere in Etheric realm is
anchoring and moving. You have to learn to move and to fix and tie it down. In the body
there is no impulse without movement. Soul has to learn moving quality.
Before conception there is the spiritual germ of the physical body, brought down to
mother, so that conception can occur. Now the conception may take place.
In the forming of the embryo, there are three forces or activities at work: formative
forces, secretion, and movement. None is without its opposite. For formative forces
there is growing and the opposite tendency of dying. There is no growing of form without
there also being a stopping. Secretion means substances are appearing out of the blood.
If you are weeping tears coming out of the eyes, tears are at first in blood, and in
secretory processes of tears, or milk, products are result of secretory processes. We can
build up substances with a tendency toward hardening (enamel of the teeth) or spraying
out of hormones from the pituitary gland (dispersing) in tiny amounts. Inside egg, forces
are built up and secreted. I.e. substances are out taken out of the blood, even the enamel
is secreted. Also the pituitary secretes rhythmically tiny amounts of substances.
Hardening and opposite in same place. (Sign written with =and bar upright above and
bar upright below.)
Spiritual germ is going into the physical.
Computer screen put up again: Eye-development.
How are forms appearing….thickening in outer layer builds the place where lens will
Forming of lens stage by stage shown on screen. As the eye develops on the skin, first
forming as an imprint of where the lens will be, there is a mirroring process at the back of
the head where the brain will be. The eye is shaped from the outside in. Next step is
growing in opposite direction, filling up with cell growth outwards from the back of the
eye. Formative forces are shaping the body. Growing process, then a stopping process,
then more growing then dying of cells. Example: buds of arms and legs, which grow
outward. Cells then dies, apoptosis, in between the fingers, so the fingers emerge from
the limb buds. The form comes from a dying process. Shape is brought about by
interplay of growing and dying forces combined.
Development of the eye involves:
Differentiation of substances,
Movement to the place of function
The three qualities:
Formative forces
Secretion (substance development)
Moving and anchoring4
We can differentiate these to describe their functions but they appear together, interworking at the same time, in the same place.
Reference for the content given next is GA 208, given 29 October 1921:
“The Forming of the Human Being through Cosmic Influences.”
[This lecture is available from rsarchives.org under GA number]
There are 7 cosmic form processes described.
To incept
Development is always working
To indent
in polarities. There is either an
To envelop
activating or an inhibiting process.
Self enclosure
The organism is finding its way
To fill up
through these two possibilities.
To mature
Etheric body has to do both
To mineralize
processes and bring it to a rhythm.
[Along side each of these processes were drawn the gestures symbolizing the intervals in
eurythmy (which it was said Rudolf Steiner initially gave to teachers and called them
“rhythms”)]. These are the prime, second, third, 4th, 5th … etc 7 interval gestures, they are
the same forming qualities as inside embryology.
There is no three-foldness inside Etheric. There is only a two-ness, polarities: anabolism
or catabolism, necrosis or apoptosis, in every living process a working between polarities.
There is either a more activating process or inhibiting process, pro-inflammatory or antiinflammatory. More active, less active, you have to build up the rhythm. Day and night
ego, or sleeping and waking, or building up or breaking down.
There are 12 forces, but only 7 build up body, then 5 others. Beyond mineralizing comes
To poison
standing between the 7 and the following 4 below.
4 others working out of the doing, out of the earth, earthly building forces
Stock farmer
If we use our will, we are forming our whole
body by working with the quality of earth.
GA 314 + 316
Forces are gathered from the Zodiac. Planetary sphere modulates/ metamorphoses the
forces descending from the Zodiac.
Eurythmy reveals the laws of the individual human organization. We can see working of
the Ether body through eurythmy.
How do we call the spiritual world by other names? I.e. Zodiac, midnight hour,
hierarchies, higher devachan, World of the Cosmic Word, the Logos. If we are looking
to Eurythmy, we are looking at the Consonants, the Zodiac sequences and also the
Evolutionary Sequence. There is the cosmic eternal word, the cosmic evolutionary word,
and then the Alphabet. With alphabet, there starts to be differentiation into human
languages. Regarding Ahriman and Lucifer, S stands as the hardening of Ahriman, then
M can soften. Lucifer sounds in H, which the M can then balance. There is this tension
of Ahriman and Lucifer working inside the consonants. [Working with these consonants
Rudolf Steiner gave to the eurythmists as a meditative picture / practice.] This is still
partly cosmic. Into the Human Word, which we are speaking, we have to look at the
place and way of pronouncing the consonants. Threefoldness inside the mouth with the
placement of sounds. GK-||-H - hard palate (far back in the mouth.) T D -||- S Sch Dental
sounds. Lip sounds BP -||- FV. Then there are strange consonants which you can use
everywhere: L, R M, N. Children start with lips. M is pronounced with the lips around
teeth. Sounding further back produces nasal sounds, NG. Bring it forward then you get an
N. These are the middle sounds. This is the space aspect inside mouth of spoken
Other aspect is whether sound is a plosive—K&G, D&T, B&P-- or blowing / breath
sound—F&W, S&SH, Ch&H-- etc. There is the different movement between the
plosives and breath sounds.
Another description we need to take hold of in speaking is whether the soul is more
inside or outside. [lower case letter indicates vowel, upper case is the consonant.] Be it
matters which sound is spoken first, the vowel or the consonant, i.e. Be (pronounced as
“bay” or eM (ayM). The vowel adds soul aspect of spoken word.
Seven different levels, seven aspects of the consonants you have to take hold. Eurythmy
developed out of human word. Eurythmy developed out of spoken word. We look at the
way the sound is formed to speak it and then have to transform it into its opposite in the
eurythmy gesture. If you speak gutturally (like Americans pronounce R), then you have
to do R eurythmy gesture above. If a Lip R, you go down in the doing.
Look to the plosives: B, for example. First you close lips, press, then comes a breathing
out. In contrast, the eurythmy gesture is the opposite, i.e. the gesture starts with moving,
then a holding.
eF (ayF) or Fi (Fee); develop opposite in eurythmy from speaking.
We have to learn to observe our speaking, then we have to develop eurythmic
Friday, August 6, 2010
Transformation of the Etheric in Cancer and Cancer Treatment
Musicians work with / move between polarities; we need to learn to do / think polarities.
Our spiritual being in zodiac in midnight hour is intending to learn freedom in coming
down on earth. To become able to do this, there is an encounter in soul realm. “I,
therefore, need ability to think, feel and will-- take in information, transformation
perception, and then action. We need these abilities inside our body. Soul realm says yes
and provides these.
Then one has to enter the living qualities of earth, collect etheric body. Then you can
build up your body. Out of intension to think, you are entering the etheric realm where
one has to take up both shaping and dissolving forces. You have to learn to handle both
forces. In the feeling realm, you have to learn the laws of consolidating of substance and
dispersing of substance. The movement between consolidating and dispersing builds up
feeling. In realm of will, you have to bring the movement and stopping of movement
within the body.
Before you build up your soul, you have to build up body: you have to learn to be able to
shape and dissolve, consolidate and disperse, move and stop. Out of these three polarities
the embryo can be built. It is fundamental that the etheric has to build up organs. Then it
can build up the soul. But then there has to be destruction process within the organ, a
breaking down within the living organism. How do we break down inside the organism?
In which way does our body do this? CO2, we burn down substances, sugar, etc.
everywhere in the body. More specifically, what are the tools with which we can break
down substances? Enzymes are part of process of secretion. Secretion of enzymes is a
very important part of breaking down. What about in thinking? What is the destruction
process in the physiology of thinking? Action potentials… the way that nerves are
broken down and built up a bit. Electrical things are going on during the thinking. What
about in Will? What is physiological process in will? Burning down cholesterol, fat
substances, sugar. Both processes of destruction and building take place within the
etheric body. Astral body orders the destruction. The process of destruction is done
in the etheric. Ordering of these processes comes from the “I.”
What are upbuilding processes in our body? Synthesis of proteins, fat, carbohydrates,
minerals, etc. What do we need to build up substances? We need food, substances from
the world around us. Step one is to destroy these substances. The more you destroy, the
more there is ability inside and create new substances for the body. Substances we eat do
not form our body, but the possibility to form new substances lies in inter-working of
these two polarities. Destruction begins with chewing, adding enzymes, liquefying
substances. It is our “I” that can penetrate and destroy substances so that new substance
can be created. While natural science sees this as a chemical picture, Anthroposophy says
we have to destroy substance to make new substances. Two polar laws operate inside
this nutrition process.
How is our body able to do this up-building? Chart put on blackboard
to qualify substances for the I-potentiality
to prepare the substances for soul acticity
to enliven the substance inside the blood
mineralized and liquid substances
In gut, the substance is mineralized. It enters from the gut through the blood the realm of
lung and heart. In the tension between lung and heart the substances are enlivened,
become living substances. In this heart-lung realm, substances take on a plant-like
quality. There is a polarity between heart and lung. T hen substances meet forces of
kidney and brain. In this polarity, substances are ensouled. They take on an animal-like
quality. Then the substances pass through a polarity between senses and liver. Here the
Ego, or I bearing substance is created, making it possible that the I works inside the body.
This is the upbuilding / potentizing stream.
If substances cannot be qualified for the next level of existence, then excretion takes
place through lung, kidney, liver. The organs excrete what cannot be taken up for higher
use. Our ego potentizes every substance within our body. Pure warmth is the quality that
makes it possible for the I to work in the organism. By itself without this quality of
substance (prima matera) to work upon, the I can do nothing. This is compared to old
Saturn where everything is possibility.
Now the “I” has to bring down substances and form / build them into bone, blood, lung
substance, etc. Only into pure warmth the spiritual can come in directly. Hierarchies /
spiritual beings can work into pure warmth yet they need substance to shape our organs.
(Lecture5.) Thus begins a process of consolidation / condensation: From heart to kidney
to liver to lung, bringing substance down to a mineral-like quality. This stream is the
stable protein stream. The upward stream is the labile protein stream. The descent goes
back down through the organs and ethers, working down substances again to the point
where we can measure them again. Be clear that anthroposophy is speaking of processes
here, as opposed to the picture of molecules provided by natural science. This downward
stream makes possible the I, the soul, the life, and the substance. Polarity is the
potentizing and then condensing again, to specialized organs. At night the ether body has
to know where to build up; up-building has to know where to go. Downward stream
works on rebuilding of substances that have been destroyed. For example, if we walk all
day, it will be the muscles that are rebuilt during night. Drive all day? Rebuild nerves in
the night. In up-building no soul activity / no consciousness is involved. There is no
thinking-feeling-willing during upbuilding. There is a binding of soul and spirit activity
into substances.
GA 233
Let’s now look at the Consonants. There is a sequence:
Indications were given for how these consonants can be used therapeutically and are
listed below:
to move what is inside if constipation and the process must be stimulated.
There could be too little movement or irritable rectum. MOVEMENT
regarding the stomach, working of the muscle movement inside the
pylorus (opening at end of stomach leading to small intestine) too tight or
too loose. Again, MOVEMENT.
D, T
constipation because of imbalance in secretion--not enough secretion or
too much. SECRETION
S, Sch
secretion inside the stomach--too much or too little. SECRETION
B, P
absorption from gut to blood, , crossing the inner threshold from substance
to blood, also urine excretion
excretion of urine
B and F are related to the stream (upbuilding) from the gut ascending in order to enlive
and ensoul (in the kidney) the substance. The point here is to be able to transform outer
substances into inner substance.
Looking back to the gut, etc. there is movement, secretion, then substances cross a
threshold and are moved into the body. The kidney is one step of this movement on the
path upward. B and F are examples, that you can transform substances in the body to
make own substance. Allergies and autoimmune diseases are situations where the body
cannot destroy and then transform outer substances for upbuilding. The ability to build
of substances: that is the quality of B and F.
L, M, N, R can bring down specialized organ substances. The B & F creates the human
substance that can be transformed into every specialized organ-substance. You can
metamorphe them from being pure warmth to create organ substances in the body. All the
consonants are working to build up substances, move and secrete; they either participate
in up-building or organ building, which flows from ego downward.
All consonants are helpful in up-building.
Now let’s look to vowels. The Cosmic Word is built up of consonants and vowels. We
have to find the etheric working of the vowels. Purely physiological quality. U and I are
the first two vowels in the lecture6. E and O. then A
A, I, and U are the three corner vowels. A is formed in back of mouth, the E and O are
middle, I and U more front.
I and U are engaged in standing and walking. Is there any standing without walking, is
there any walking without standing? No. The secret is Moving and Resting. Not just for
walking, but for any movement alternates between moving and stopping.
E and O are therapeutically indicated for too fat or too thin. What do they have in
common? These both have to do with using substances, specialized substances.
A is for overcoming animality. No animality exists inside our physiology, inside the
etheric. Etheric is totally human. Substance has to be transformed from animalic to I
quality of human being. Substances are brought from mineral to plant like, then soul
(astral /animal realm) quality, then transform to an I-like human quality. A builds up
Correspondence: I and U have the correspondence to move and halt. Compare to the GK!
O and E are part of the question of secretion; compare to D and T.
The A compares to the B and P.
Let’s look to Secretion. It is not just one process. In weeping, we run out of tears after a
time. Tears come from up-building out of blood. Then we secrete the tears. Out of the
breaking down process we can secrete a substance, before that the substance has to be
prepared inside the gland. This is the corresponding up-building. Building up depends on
consonants. Vowels dominate working with breaking down process in the body. Right
time in right moment is the realm of vowels, whereas the building up of substance is the
realm of the consonants. Etheric body both builds up and breaks down.
The Cosmic Word containing consonants and vowels builds the body. There is the same
double aspect in movement realm. We can also build up the body of we really use the
movement of sounds.
If one is too tired, there is not enough building up process to make movement. Or if one
is sluggish / inactive / “lazy”, there is not enough breaking down processes to make
GA 316
movement. Doing of movement engages the breaking down process, the vowels. The
actual doing requires breaking down.
The potential and substance for movement, is the up-building,
Moving, secreting, up-building is connected to the consonants. Vowels are connected to
breaking down processes.
In the eurythmy lectures, Au and Ei are not mentioned. But they correspond to the
consonant middle sounds of L M N and R.
There is a duality of shaping qualities: one from the Moon, coming from the cosmos.
This is the Ei. Via cosmos, via the earth, is the Au quality. The Sun that works via the
earth, shaping our organs via the earth. This is the realm of the Hunter, etc.
Looking at the physiology as background, we look to apply these sounds to patients:
Not enough secretion in the eye? Which sound? You want to activate the etheric process
with D or S to activate secretion. Which vowel? E to provide more substance. The thin
person needs more substance.
With asthma and cramping in alveoli, in the bronchioli, G and K activate specialized
movement or lack of movement. For too much cramping, use the H. Balance by I or U.
I activates the doing, U activates the stopping.
Out of our understanding the etheric processes, then we can work. They are visible, if we
observe. Etheric and thinking is the same.
Vowels are wedging, hardening. Polarities between building up with the consonants and
vowels providing shaping, a wedge-like consolidation.
Saturday, August 7, 2010:
Transformation of the Etheric in Cancer and Cancer Treatment
If one tries to listen to where one’s I has been, if one just listens to the tones we sang, we
experience that the I is all around. Where is the I when one begins to sing? Inside me. I
am outside and inside both, sometimes more the one, sometimes more the other. We
have to always find the polarities. Inside our etheric body we are always building up and
breaking down.
Please be careful with the word “physical body”. It is a bit tricky to speak of. We are
speaking of a living physical body, not a corpse. The Young Doctors’ course describes the
physical body as there where we are open to forces from outside world. We are open to
forces outside in the physical world. Inside the etheric we always have the doubleness.
When you do not have both sides of the doubleness, then you are falling out of living
thinking. You need two hands. Imagine you are cooking, with one hand you fix the bowl
in place and with the other you stir. One hand does the opposite of the other. That is also
the gesture of the etheric body; one aspect is moving, the other is fixing.
When you want to solve a problem, (today what is cancer), you have to look at what is
there. We begin four steps of observation. (1) You first have to observe the object very
carefully. (2) Next try to learn how this object came about, how it was started in its
development. (3) Next step is to become aware of what it is doing, what is coming out of
a being that is revealing itself inside this doing. (4) Become aware of the being itself.
This being might reveal in a different way. Everything is a revelation. Try to become
aware that there is a being revealing itself.
Our normal senses perceive an object, not how it developed. The will inside thinking has
to dive into object in order to look at how the object developed. Next step: who is
revealing itself? And what is the being behind it. To learn anything about a being is the
most complicated thing. Do I know the being of my son? I know his manifestations, his
habits, and I know his doings and what he has done. The question of being is a
complicated thing. If you think you know a being, you are probably wrong.
Four steps summarized again:
Observe the object
in Steiners Word:
Dive into the object to wonder how it developed
Who is revealing him/herself in the development?
What is the being behind this manifestation?
What is the illness of cancer? We want to treat an illness, but we first have to know the
being of the illness. A person has her laws, the illness has its laws. We have to treat not
only the person, but the illness and what stage it is in, etc.
We have been looking at all those processes inside the living body.
Breaking down process, and building up processes.
What is breaking down and what is building up?
Breaking down we can say is Nerve; building up is Blood. But this is abstract.
Where do we have breaking down processes?
 The food we take in we have to break down. Only the human I is able to
penetrate every food. This is not so in animals. In breaking down our food there
is destruction of foreign substances. Our upper man is destroying substances in
the gut.
There is breaking down in nerve sense perception, i.e. when light streams onto the
back of the eye, listening to music, etc. Tiny little processes inside our nerves
take place. Action potential, the ways nerves are broken down, and then in
milliseconds built up again.
In thinking, also, we use the nerve sense process. Science can see this in imaging
brain-processes, etc.
In breathing, and taking in the O2, I burn O2, like in stove, to ash and CO2.
There may be breaking down in nerve sense, may be secretions, inside glands, etc.
O2 and CO2 are behind this.
Any movement is a breakdown process. Use your substances, burning fat and
cholesterol to provide energy so that we can move.
Oppositely, we have to build up everything. Up-building processes include:
 We need food and nutrition via the gut.
 Nourishment by the senses.
In the building up stream, inside gut we have mineralized fluid substances. They are
taken up into the lung and heart, into a field of forces / tension, so that they can come up
to a living quality in the domain between heart and lung. Another field of forces lives
between kidney and brain. This is not speaking of the organ of kidney or brain, but of a
field of forces that are named by an organ. These create a quality that the body can work
with, that the soul can be active with. Then substance goes to liver and sense forces, the
field of these, now the substances gain the quality that the the substances can be used by
the I. Out of Prima Materia, everything can develop. Prima Materia is illustrated by the
seed of the linden tree. It is a tiny something like a nut with a cover. Inside is a seed.
Within the seed is a germinating point. Plant it in the ground. Root goes down, sprout
goes up, becoming a tree. Before all of this could occur, there was a flowering, with bees
swarming; noise could be heard. There was fragrance through which the lime / linden
tree goes out into the atmosphere. Pollen can be high in the air, large circumference
reaching out. There is also development of large roots. Both dispersing into the
atmosphere and binding to the earth with roots belong together and happen at the same
time. The gesture of every living thing includes both dispersing and substance forming.
In building up out of germinating process things go two ways. Building up means to go
into two different directions. We have to see these polarities inside human body. These
two processes always relate to each other. No development without the opposite. Life is
never without death, death never without life. The balance of those two forces makes up
our healthy life.
When does a cancer really start? Scientists don’t know where cancer really begins.
Step 1. Immune surveillance. There is the tendency of certain cells to develop in the
direction of cancer. The immune system senses where cancer is starting and can
overcome it. So nothing happens. This is so complicated that immune surveillance can’t
be measured and is hard to study. There is no marker for this. But organism is stronger
than tendency to develop cancer.
2. Immune tolerance. There are cancer cells which the organism is able to wrap up and
contain so that they cannot grow. They are like seeds somewhere in the body which we
cannot detect with our technology. These single cells can be found only by chance.
Organism can prevent that the malignant cells can grow but is not strong enough to make
them die.
3. Immune Escape. Organism has failed; it becomes blind against cancer cells. The
cancer is stronger than the immune system. A cancer patient can develop resistance
against infectious diseases. That part of the immune system is working against foreign
things from the outside, but cancer derives from the inside. This is another area of
immune system. We have ability to send out specialized lymphocytes, so that the quality
of every organ is held in balance. Immune system protects so that each organ can
develop its own way of being. It protects organs through Regulatory T Cells. These are
highly specialized lymphocytes. No immunologist knows the whole of immunology;
there are hundreds of lymphocytes I can protect myself against outer influences. Other
part of immune system internally protects the integrity of the organs. If something enters
the lungs, i.e. an allergy or inflammation, TReg Cells respond. These T cells are specific
enough that etheric body can react in one way or other. But the integrity of the organ
cannot be maintained in a cancer situation.
Cancer has entered into stage 3 of Immune Escape. Cancer starts from epithelial cells
from skin, or protective layer from somewhere, i.e. in breast, lung, gut. [Diagram was
drawn to show progression of cancer beginning to grow.]
In cancer the epithelial cells begin to build up a bubble. Not any longer in order of the
organ (of the skin in this case.) This is known as “Cancer in situ” or CaiS.
We can compare this situation to how the lens of the eye developed. Cells without
vessels or nerves start to build up a new organ. This CaiS can develop and stay for years.
It need not grow but it can grow, suddenly. Stress can aggravate the system and tumor
building expands. They start to grow because of stress.
Step 2. Tumor calls to the organism for more supply. Tumor sends out secreting
substances which force the organism to build blood vessels; vessel is forced to grow into
tumor because the oxygen-supply is needed. Cancer in situ stands between step of
immune tolerance and immune escape. But now the cancer is invasive and grows rapidly
in all directions and can destroy other tissues. The organism’s own blood vessels are now
inside a tumor. Connective tissue grows alongside the blood cells. This is called the
invasive cancer. It is growing very rapidly in all directions. It can destroy other tissues.
Waste from tumor has to go out.
Step 3. Some of the cells separate from the tumor and start to migrate, and entering the
walls of the vessels. Then they emigrate through lymph or blood vessels, to other parts of
body. Vessels are always highways for migration. If there has been high immune
surveillance, the cancer cells cannot survive. The organism can overcome it. But at this
stage there is metastasis. This is a very clever force inside the cancer process. This
process is expansive. The whole metabolism is taken over by the tumor.
Step 4. Cachectic Stage. The cancer in the invasive stage can be all over body, but even
then we cannot see it. Only in this next stage we can see the effect in the body. The
person looks ill. The cancer directs the metabolic upbuilding to its own grows and
prevents the person from using its own resources, such as iron, and redirects use to serve
the tumor cell. The cancer uses these processes instead of the body.
Cancer is a sense organ in the wrong place. First step of sense building and the first step
of cancer building are similar (as described earlier in how the lens of the eyes builds and
how a cancer begins in epithelial cells). Then cancer can invade because it gained access
to the oxygen, the respiratory system. In the metastatic stage it uses the blood- and lymph
vessels, the circulatory system. This provides migration possibilities. Then in this last
stage the whole metabolism is taken over by the tumor. The malignant activity of cancer
is not only in the malignant cells but also in the connective tissue originally derived out
of the organism and which now supports development of the cancer. Lymphocytes can be
fooled, they “defect” to support the cancer when it experiences engagement with the
connective tissue. Malignancy is not just in cancer cell, but also within the rest of the
organism. Organism tries to overcome the cancer, but connective tissue belongs now to
the cancer. The immune system turns from destruction (through the lymphocytes) and
begins to support the cancer.
What is going on? With what would you compare (1) the dormant seed of cancer? To
something physical, resting. In the next step (2), there is expansive growing. The cancer
has gained its own etheric! In step (3), the cancer gains its own astral body when it can
migrate and move about like an animal. It has an invasive astral body that is growing,
working, doing within the body. There is now a soul inside that is foreign. This is an
invisible astral which is feeling. (4) Now the cancer says it needs its own I organization.
This is an incarnation of a foreign being described in the London lecture8. First there is
cancer in situ, where things are stable. Then inside the ether body a foreignness appears.
This foreign ether body has all the four levels of the 4 members of the etheric body. The
cancer takes on a life of its own. This moves the cancer to the invasive stage. When it
develops its own astral body and can travel, there is metatastic cancer. Then when the
cancer develops its own I-organization, the cancer arrives at cachectic stage.
Most cancer patients discovered in metastasized state have no feeling of their illness and
even modern medicine has no to detect really early stages of cancer (CaiS). That is why
we never can say: there is no cancer, we only can state that we cannot find it. Seeds may
be in body but undetectable which may or may not reappear years later.
[Questions came asking what can be effectively used for detection of breast cancer]
Thermography? Sensing variations of warmth can detect some breast cancers, other
kinds of tumors can be detected earlier by mammogram or the breastNMR. Blood
crystallization etc. is not reliable either. There is no testing to Broders’s experience that
can detect CaiS either in the mainstream or in anthroposophic medicine.
GA 218 Oct. 22, 1922 lecture was given in Dornach and is printed by Mercury Press in Spiritual
Relations in the Human Organism
Cancer is a foreign being within the body. In answer to question about leukemia, this is
totally different. In this disease the cancer cells derive from blood cells, not epilethial
What is being done to help prevent cancer? Life a normal, healthy life style; eat well; use
limbs; sleep well; do things. Do not believe in “supplements.” Any supplements that
claim to be cancer-preventing cannot be trusted. Claims are deceptive and unsupportable.
Claiming the health benefits make money.
Sunday, August 08, 2010
Transformation of the Etheric in Cancer and Cancer Treatment
“Eurythmy reveals the laws of the individual human being’s organization.”
Yesterday described development of cancer question.
Step 1. Cancer in situ--CaiS. The cancer sits as a seed within the body. The cancer wants
to develop itself. The “I” is trying to overcome the seed. There is battle between the
cancer and the developing self.
Step 2. Invasive cancer--Cancer suppressor genes work normally in every organ
development and wound healing to suppress overshooting growth.— (Proto-)Oncogenes
activate growing processes. There are always two steps: an activating and inhibiting force
in evopmentery? development. There are always two “reins” which one aspires to hold in
balance. The polarity is suppression/inhibition and activation. In cancer – independent of
the stage – the reigns both are activated, but they do not meet each other
Step 3. From invasive to metastatic, where the cancer begins to migrate and spread itself
into different locations of the organism.
Step 4. Cachetic stage
Two poles are looked at from anthroposophic image of man. Activator: growing forces /
activating of the lower man and Inhibitor holding back of the upper man. This is true in
every process. Etheric body works in between these polarities.
With CaiS, the beginning of cancer, the organism is becoming blind in a localized place
of the physical body and does not detect the cancer. The I organization is blinded. This
is a localized blindness.
Invasive cancer: Now the cancer has its own etheric body. Then the Astral Body of the
organism cannot take up the balance between breathing and pulse and is loosing the
contact with this process.
Metastatic Ca: Cells start moving, wandering. Soul life is given to cancer. Etheric body
of the organism is reduced and the cancer takes on its own astral body character.
Cahectic stage of ca: rapid growing of the tumor. When anything enters the realm of the
metabolic, the being is there. It now has its own “I” being, haven taken hold of the
metabolic system. As with an incarnating child, only when we have taken hold of the
metabolic- limb system, otherwise can the individuality truly work and the individuality
be born at about 21. Cancer invades whole body and one’s own body is gotten rid of.
Patient has to die.
In London 22.10.22 lecture (see footnote 8), Rudolf Steiner states that “the dying process
is the gift of the good gods.” We fight against good gift, but we have to accept it.
Between 4 steps: there is activating processes and the inhibiting process.
In the therapeutic eurythmy course, shaping are the wedge-like forms. Building process
is dissolving, making them fluid. Building up / dissolving process is activated by
consonants. Breaking down process is activated by Vowels. Vowels strengthen the upper
[This sequence was given by Rudolf Steiner to a woman with breast cancer.]
E M L Ei B D
L is in the middle and stands as conductor of the whole organism. A conductor does
nearly nothing in movement but holds together the wholeness. He is regulating time,
volume, etc. The L is the conductor inside the etheric body.
For the rest, there are polar relationships between the following pairs of sounds.
Polarity between B and O. Do not make B with O impulse. B starts in periphery and
goes inward. O starts inside in the soul and goes outward toward the periphery.
Polarity of E and D
Polarity of M and Ei
O, E and Ei work to consolidate and structure. M L B and D work upbuilding.
You have to start to structure the substance building. Some things have to be activated,
some substance has to be de-activated in cancer.
Oncogenes and suppressor genes are not ill in themselves. If we have a wound,
oncogenes have to be activated. Then suppressor genes can take over. These processes
are active in every healing in every part of the body. Activating comes in inflammation,
and then is taken away again.
In cancer, however, the “reins” of the oncogenes and suppressor genes do not meet; they
bypass each other. We have to regulate these processes. We activate secretion by D.
Then this activating is ordered by O and E.
New substance needs to be built. New substance building with B--“I start to build my
own substance in a new way.”
M is related to the timing processes of etheric body. This gesture calls forth the
microcosmic M which will shape as it does in the beginning in incarnation. You call the
eternal quality of these sounds down into the body for healing. Doing so gives the
possibility of facilitating healing forces to come. What do we need to do so that sounds
enter the human body?
This sequence is independent of the patient. But both the nature of the illness and the
individuality of the patient have to be treated, as well as how the illness appears inside
the patient. The therapy must find a balance between these two.
Normal science says causes of cancer:
1. Chronic viral infection may transform into cancer.
2. Chemical substances, such as smoke, toxic fumes, etc.
3. Too much outer forces from outside -light, etc.
4. Radiation
There is also the side of genetic code and heredity, a genetic predisposition to respond to
these two influences. Science says it is your bad luck to get cancer. It is by chance that
these two sides intersect and cancer develops.
Now psychological effect is questioned: Can soul qualities cause cancer?
Testing and research have not demonstrated that soul disposition causes cancer.
The beginning of cancer is independent of soul factors.
However, the outcome is highly dependent on soul qualities. How quickly the cancer
grows or not is influenced by soul state. Here the soul state becomes highly important.
The activity of the patient is part of the healing.
Rudolf Steiner described in Spiritual Science and Medicine, lecture 7 that the cause of
cancer comes from long before. From the midnight hour, an I is incarnating. At a preconceptual stage, the intentionality of “bone building” is developing. This is not building
bones itself but intentionality to build bones. And this is being fixed too hard. This gives
tendency towards cancer and is related to heredity. The inclination is toward too much
Individual stream
________preconception_________*_____________ + ___________________>
# tumor
Hereditary stream
Before conception, after midnight hour comes the inclination toward hardening in the
hereditary stream. This gives the tendency toward cancer that the individualizing stream
cannot overcome. There is too much hardening. Thus, there is a spiritual origin of illness
before birth related to one’s own hereditary stream. This gives the disposition towards
On the other hand Rudolf Steiner speaks of the sense organ building process. What is the
background of our ability to build senses? Is etheric body able to build sense organs? No,
ot directly. Sense organs are built up out of forces, which started to work in the previous
incarnation but had been hold back. The sense organs of this life are built up out of the
forces, which were not used. The limbs in my last incarnation stayed germlike, not
growing out as in specialized animals. This gesture is everywhere – some parts are hold
back and save their abilities for the next generation. Each incarnation prepares the future
forming possibility of the sense organs for the next. Development of limbs builds sense
organization of the next incarnation.
What does this mean for cancer question? Inside the metabolic (brain, breast, etc) a
sense organ appears now instead of properly appearing as appropriate sense organ in the
future incarnation. This means that there is a rushing forward to next incarnation,
building sense organs in the metabolic / limb organization that should be occurring in the
next life. Cancer is building a “sense organ” in the wrong place in this incarnation rather
than a proper sense organ for next incarnation. There is a picture of acceleration. We
should actually build up higher sense organs now through meditative practices, initiation.
One the one hand from before birth we carry forward something from the past through
heredity. In cancer, this something from the past cannot be overcome. The past has a
retarding quality. There is a “preconceptual lump” from the past which the individuality
cannot overcome. On the other hand we are pointed toward the future, which has an
accelerating tendency. In cancer we are moving toward our future too quickly in building
the sense organ. These thresholds of birth and death are two frontiers everyone passes
through, carrying along the past from before birth and entering the future in passing into
Looking at our own souls, we can see these tendencies in us all the time. I have to do
something but I hesitate (the past not being transformed into the future), the timing of
doing is just right (healthy balance), or there is a rushing to do something too quickly (so
that what should ripen for the future appears too early.) Am I doing the right thing at the
right time, or too late or too soon? Ahriman accelerates the processes. Lucifer is inside
retarding quality of hereditary, gives tendency to cancer. Ahriman is able to build a
sense organ in my body too soon, something from the future physically incarnating as a
foreign body. Lucifer retards. I cannot overcome a lump out of myself.
Never tell a patient about this!!! Patient needs to take up his own future in a space of
freedom. There is a tendency to tell the patient exactly what he has to do, and do so
quickly. This can be a too rushed acceleration. Or one can delay too long, not really face
the illness, close eyes to its existence. Here is a retardation. Both approaches are wrong.
The patient has to build his own decisions and space of freedom, allowing him or her to
make one’s own decisions.
Many tools available from expensive, specifically targeted treatments, such as surgery,
radiation, chemotherapy, to viscum, eurythymy, massage, music therapy, painting
therapy, etc. Patient is to find his own space in freedom where the individuality can start
something new.
A point here is that the person be strengthened and supported to learn something new.
Patient wants to start in new ways but the social surrounding wants him to go on in the
old way. The guideline of therapy and medical treatment is to open windows, possibilities
for newness in the future. Our task is to open the space of the freedom for patient and
protect the new germinating point for change. Everyone is so easily trapped into regular
Patient should ask what this illness means to her. We cannot answer the question of
“why” of the illness. It is unanswerable. Avoid question for the reason of. Look to the
future. What does this person need to do as future task? Not wherefrom is the focus but
American psychologist, Lawrence LeShan, gives description of soul experiences of
cancer patients, which are correct. But the reason he gives for Cancer is wrong. Patients
are meeting the beasts from across the threshold unaware. Illness is opening spiritual
realm for patients, but they are not aware. They have lost their melody of life. My
melody of life starts at midnight hour. Patients of cancer have lost their melody of life,
and we need to help them gain their melody back again. He describes this in his book,
Cancer as a Turning Point,9 the soul experiences of cancer where patients meet the
beasts without knowing what is going on. These soul experiences are occurring because
of the cancer and as a consequence of the illness. The patient has crossed the threshold in
his etheric-physical body.
Cancer treatment with remedies primarily has to treat the illness, the general procedures
may be adapted to the individual situation. But there is also the individual task of the
patient: to find his own “melody of life”.
Within our etheric body Ahriman and Lucifer are working. Ahriman lives in contraction,
condensing, shaping, etc. Lucifer works in expansion, dispersing, dissolving. These are
the dual processes we must have for maintaining health in the human being. In this realm,
they are working here for the good gods on the etheric side. The etheric always has this
doubleness and is not three-fold. But within the doubleness of the etheric, the three-fold
forces of the soul (thinking, feeling, and willing) can develop.
The Group Statue of the Representative of Mankind at the Goetheanum illustrates this
picture. On the left side of the statue, Lucifer and Ahriman are working together, hands
intertwined, and are obedient servants to the good gods.
Laurence Le Shan
On the right side, where they are active in human soul life, they need to be separated
through the activity of our I. Christ stands in the middle and separates these two sides. On
the etheric side they work closely together to serve the etheric. Separation is necessary in
soul life.
We can help a patient by asking him questions, opening up a space where he can come to
his own activity
There are certain laws of cancer. Breast cancer has laws of where it metastasizes, such as
in the liver, lung, brain, and bones. The heart never gets cancer.
How do these images from the Statue relate to cancer? We have Lucifer pulling toward
the past and Ahriman accelerating toward the future. The patient has to separate these
two in soul activity and place them in their proper places in order to open his own
development into his future that he has intended before birth.