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Mr L Talmage
Deputy Head:
Mr D Adfield
Business Manager: Mrs J Hellier
Rhode Lane
Tel No: 01278 424600
Fax No: 01278 446073
16 February 2016
Dear Parents/Carers
Year 3 trip to The National Roman Legion Museum, Caerleon, Wales.
As part of their History topic on Romans, year 3 will be visiting The National Roman Legion
Musuem in Caerlon, Wales, on Monday 8th February 2016. Whilst there, they will be learning
about Ancient Roman life.
We will be leaving school at 8:30am prompt so children need to be in school by no later than
8:20am. Please bring your child to the hall at 8.20am. We leave at 8.30am and unfortunately we
cannot wait for latecomers! We will be travelling by Webberbus and returning for 4.00pm. The
trip is being led by year 3 teachers.
Please send your child with a packed lunch and enough drink for the day (nothing fizzy please!). If
your child has free school meals a packed lunch will be provided by the caterers.
As the children will be walking in different areas we request that they wear jeans/trousers and their
trainers/suitable shoes. However, please note that The National Roman Legion Musuem is a
public place so it is essential that your child is in their school jumper/cardigan and that they
remember that their behaviour will be a reflection of the school.
We are requesting a voluntary contribution from parents of £5.00 to cover some of the cost of the
trip. The school is subsidising the remainder of the cost. Please note this is a voluntary
contribution, however if not enough parents contribute the trip may not be able to go ahead.
Please complete the attached permission slip and return to school by no later than Friday 29th
January 2016.
Yours sincerely
Mr L Talmage
Mr D Adfield
Deputy Head
A Bridgwater College Trust Academy
Year 3 trip to The National Roman Legion Museum, Caerleon, Wales.
As parent/guardian of …………………………………………class ………………………………………
I have read, fully understood and am satisfied with the details supplied about the above mentioned
activity and agree to my son/daughter taking part.
I know of no medical reason why he/she should not participate.
I am enclosing £5.00 contribution
I am enclosing £……………….. as a contribution
I am unable to make a contribution
My child suffers from travel sickness on a coach
As this trip doesn’t return to school until late, please can you advise on the consent slip below
whether your child will be collected from school or walking home?
…………………………………………………………………………..will be collecting my child at 4pm.
I give permission for ……………………………………………………………… walk home at 4pm.
Signed …………………………………………………… Date …………………………….……………
Contact number ………………………………………………………………………....……………………
Any medical comments………………………………………………………………………………………
Please return to school fully completed by no later than Friday 29th January 2016.
A Bridgwater College Trust Academy