Sample Essay Outline

Sample Essay Outline
Essay Question: Compare and contrast the Chinese and Japanese attitudes and policies regarding
modernization starting at the time of sustained European contact but concentrating on the period between 1840
and 1910. How did their status change in the eyes of the Europeans?
a. Background: Europe dominated most of the world by 1840; looking to Asia now.
b. Main Point #1: Both China and Japan resisted western influence at first
c. Main Point #2: After opening to west, Japan later begins massive modernization program
d. Main Point #3: China does not modernize; actively resists westernization
e. Thesis: Even though both countries were reluctant to modernize at first, Japan’s modernization
caused it to go from a third-world country to a major world player; whereas China, who refused
to modernize, went from being one of the greatest empires in the world to being a resource to be
divided amongst the more powerful nations.
Body Paragraph #1
a. Topic Sentence: Both China and Japan had long considered the Europeans to be barbarians and
were not interested in goods or ideas from Europe.
b. Evidence: China- Portuguese traders = “Ocean Devils” = No Trade
c. Evidence: Japan- Europeans = “Gaijin,” “hairy, (smelly) barbarians”
d. Evidence: George III sends trade mission to China; seen as “tribute” by Chinese Emperor
e. Evidence: Japanese want guns but distrust Jesuits
f. Evidence: Jesuits (most Europeans) expelled from China over issue of ancestor veneration
g. Evidence: Japanese Policy of Seclusion (1636-1844)
h. Transition: Unfortunately, as Western power grew so did their desire to use Japan as a resource
and market.
Body Paragraph #2
a. Topic Sentence: After Japan was forcibly reopened to the west in the 1840s, the Japanese
government decided that in order to protect their country they would have to modernize.
b. Evidence: Japanese government sends people abroad; learn everything, come back and teach
c. Evidence: Development of modern constitution
d. Evidence: Lack of resources = development of zaibatsus
e. Evidence: University system- US; Army- Germany; Navy-England.
f. Evidence: Japan defeats China (1894) and Russia (1905)=Rising power
g. Transition: Despite their successes, Japan’s mainland neighbor continued to refuse to modernize.
Body Paragraph #3
a. Topic Sentence: Despite the advances made in Europe and Japan, the Chinese continued to
believe in their inherent superiority and saw no need or reason to adopt modern ways, with
disastrous consequences for their country.
b. Evidence: Government/Civil Service based on Confucian ideas, not modern
c. Evidence: First Opium War: Open 6 ports to west, lose Hong Kong, British extraterritoriality
d. Evidence: Second Opium War: Open 11 more ports, missionaries allowed, trade on Yangtze,
embassies in Beijing
e. Evidence: “Hundred Days of Reform” smashed
f. Evidence: Boxer Rebellion leads to humiliating Boxer Protocols
g. Transition: It was obvious that China was now simply viewed as a carcass to be carved up by the
Europeans and Japanese.
a. Review of Essay: Japan modernizes and becomes powerful, China does not and gets chopped up
b. Short term importance: Japan seen as #3 naval power in world (Washington Naval Conference,
1924); Chinese throw out Q’ing dynasty in 1912, form republic
c. Long term importance: Japan’s growth=conflict=WWII; China has civil war=Communist