Registered Charity
Number 268893
Tom West Analytical Fellowships
The Object of the Analytical Chemistry Trust Fund is to promote, assist and extend the science and study of Analytical Chemistry and of all questions relating to the analysis, nature and composition of natural and manufactured materials for the benefit of the public.
Closing date for applications: Friday 11 th September 2015
1. Purpose of the Tom West Analytical Fellowships
The Tom West Analytical Fellowships have been established to celebrate the life and work of
Professor Thomas Summers West FRS CBE, 1927-2010. He can be considered as a role model for younger researchers to follow (
Please refer to the Appendix for an appreciation of his life and work.
The purpose of the Fellowships is to assist early career analytical chemists within 5 years of their first full-time junior academic appointment at a UK or Irish HEI to establish their own independent analytical science research identity. The Fellowships, which are valued at a fixed sum of £15,000, may be used by the Fellow in any way that advances the purpose of the
Fellowships and of the ACTF, including but not restricted to one, some or none of:-
a 3-to-6 month sabbatical
buy-out from teaching commitments purchase of equipment or materials visit(s) to UK, Irish or overseas laboratory(ies)
purchase of time on third party facilities
employment of a research assistant
public engagement and schools, including training in communication
hosting visiting researcher(s) of acknowledged standing
establishing a research network
2. Definitions
Trust Secretary
Means the Analytical Chemistry Trust Fund.
Means the Trustees of the Analytical Chemistry Trust Fund.
Means the Trust Secretary of the Analytical Chemistry Trust Fund.
Means a Tom West Analytical Fellowship.
Means the holder of a Tom West Analytical Fellowship.
Means Higher Education Institution in the United Kingdom or the Irish
Republic, as defined by the Scottish Funding Council, the Higher
Education Funding Council for England, the Higher Education Funding
Council for Wales, the Department of Employment and Learning Northern
Ireland and the Higher Education Authority of the Republic of Ireland.
Home Institution Means the UK or Irish HEI at which a Fellow holds their first full- time academic appointment.
Work Programme Means the programme of work contained in the applicant’s application for a Tom West Analytical Fellowship.
Analytical Chemistry Means a discipline of the chemical sciences which in the judgement of the
Trustees is consistent with the Object of the Analytical Chemistry Trust
Analytical Chemists Means practitioners of Analytical Chemistry.
3. Who is Eligible
3.1 Early career and outstanding Analytical Chemists within 5 years of the date of appointment to their first full-time junior academic position at a UK or Irish HEI. The
Fellowship must be completed within 5 years of the date of appointment.
3.2 There are no restrictions on age.
3.3 There are no restrictions on nationality, but a Fellow must normally be resident in the UK or Ireland.
3.4 Applications are welcomed from candidates who wish to re-establish themselves after a career break or other period of absence from active research.
4. How to Apply
4.1 The application form can be obtained by e-mailing the Trust Secretary at
4.2 The application form must be approved by the applicant’s Head of Department or School in their Home Institution.
4.3 Applicants must append a list of publications relevant to their application.
4.4 Applicants must append a 1-page CV to their application.
5. Time Line
Call for applications (ACTF)
Decision by Trustees (ACTF)
Deadline for receipt of applications (applicant)
Announcement of award (ACTF)
Conduct of Fellowship (applicant)
6. Work Programme
June 2015
11 th September 2015 mid-October 2015 end October 2015 in following calendar year or years
At a minimum, applications must specify:-
The start and end dates of the Fellowship
Aim(s) and objective(s) of the Fellowship
How time and money will be spent.
Deliverables, benefits
Medium to long term professional development of the Fellow
Impact on UK or Irish analytical chemistry
In the application, the budget must specify how and when money will be spent; salaries, consumables, equipment, subsistence, travel (by economy class: including visas, insurance etc), teaching buy-out and other expenses.
All applications must include a statement that the project is compliant with the best standards of ethical practice.
7. Assessment of Applications
7.1 Applications will be assessed by three Trustees, all of whom are professional analytical chemists.
8. Finance
8.1 The Fellowships are a fixed value grant of £15,000 or Euro equivalent.
8.2 A Fellowship gr ant will not exceed £15,000 under any circumstances.
8.3 Payment will be made by BACS to the Fellow’s Home Institution up to one month before the start date of the Fellowship upon receipt of the Fellow’s Home Institution’s invoice by the Trust Secretary.
8.4 The F ellow’s Home Institution will be responsible for disbursement of funds to the
8.5 Trustees will not pay registration fees or overhead charges.
8.6 The Fellowship grants are exempt from VAT.
8.7 In consultation with the Trust Secretary, Fellows may be permitted to vire money between expenditure categories during the course of their Fellowship.
8.8 Fellows are responsible for their own work permits, visas, immigration clearance, travel and accommodation arrangements, insurance of their travel costs, personal belongings and medical requirements.
9. Reporting & Final Expenditure Statement
9.1 A detailed report on the achievements and benefits of the Fellowship must be sent to the
Trust Secretary within 3 months of the end of the Fellowship.
9.2 A final expenditure statement must be sent to the Trust Secretary within 3 months of the end of the Fellowship.
9.3 A second report outlining the medium term development of the Fellow’s research career must be sent to the Trust Secretary one year after the end of the Fellowship.
9.4 Fellows may be invited to make a presentation on the achievements of their Fellowship at an Analytical Research Forum or other RSC Analytical Division meeting.
10. Variation and Termination
10.1 A Fellowship is a grant to the Fellow only; in the event that a Fellow is for any reason unable to conduct the Fellowship no substitution will be permitted.
10.2 In the event of maternity, paternity, adoption, parental or sick leave on the part of the
Fellow no additional funds will be paid, but the requirement to complete the Fellowship
withi n 5 years of the date of appointment to the Fellow’s first full-time junior academic position may be relaxed at the discretion of Trustees.
10.3 If a Fellow, for any reason, ceases to undertake the Work Programme the Trust Secretary must be informed immediately in writing. Where possible, at least one month’s notice should be given of any material change in the Fellow’s or the Work Programme’s circumstances.
10.4 If a Fellow plans to transfer to another HEI before the beginning of the Fellowship or during the Fellowship, Trustees expect the grant to transfer with the Fellow to the new
HEI. Agreement is required to this from both the transferring and receiving HEI and from the Trust Secretary.
10.5 If a Fellow transfers before or during a Fellowship to an organisation outside the UK or the Republic of Ireland the grant will be terminated forthwith and all uncommitted funds returned to the Trust Secretary.
10.6 Any Fellow whose progress or conduct does not satisfy the Trustees shall have the grant terminated.
10.7 Trustees reserve the right to terminate the grant at any time, subject to reasonable notice and to pay any payment that may be necessary to cover outstanding and unavoidable commitments.
11. Miscellaneous
11.1 The Tom West Analytical Fellowship scheme may be terminated or its conditions varied at any time at the discretion of the Trustees.
11.2 The Trustees reserve the right to make no Fellowship award if applications do not meet the required standard.
11.4 Fellows should seek to publish the results of their Fellowship in accordance with normal academic practice, preferably in RSC journals.
The Fellow and the Home
Institution shall acknowledge the support of the ‘Analytical Chemistry Trust Fund of the
Royal Society of Chemistry’ in all publications and materials resulting from the Fellowship.
11.4 ACTF makes no claim to the intellectual property rights arising from a Fellowship.
11.5 The Trustees accept no responsibility, financial or otherwise, for expenditure by the
Fellow or the Host Institution in addition to the Fellowship grant or liability financial or otherwise arising from the Fellowship.
11.6 The decision of the Trustees is final.
11.7 If not already a member, Fellows are strongly encouraged to become a member of the
Royal Society of Chemistry and its Analytical Division.
12. Contact
All enquiries and correspondence should be addressed to the Trust Secretary:-
Dr David A Ferguson, 37 Lime Avenue, Camberley, GU15 2BH
Tel / TAM 01276 500780
Professor Thomas Summers West FRS CBE
(Extract from V. L. Kalyane, S. S. Munnolli, Scientometrics, Vol. 33, No. 2 (1995) 233-256)
Thomas Summers West was born at Peterhead, Scotland on 18th November 1927. He was educated at Old Tarbat Public School in Portmahomack (photos) and then Tain Royal Academy.
He had been interested in Analytical Chemistry during school days, and his future scientific path was confirmed while he was living at the YMCA in Aberdeen, where he met Ronald Belcher,
Lecturer in Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry at the University. When Belcher moved with
Professor H W Melville to the University of Birmingham in 1948, West followed in 1949. There he actively participated in developing the nucleus of Bel cher’s Birmingham School of Analytical
Chemistry. At Birmingham Belcher built up an international centre for microanalysis. West’s early contribution to that was his work on a quartz fibre torsion ultramicrobalance and on a system of ultramicro organic elemental and functional group methodology. With the award of
PhD in 1952 he started up his own group, pursuing an independent line of research into
Analytical Chelate Chemistry. Also, he did exploratory work on solvent extraction and polarography. He was awarded a Senior DSIR Fellowship (1952-1955), and then became a
Lecturer in Chemistry (1955-1963). At Imperial College London he became Reader in Analytical
Chemistry during 1963-65. His DSc was conferred in 1962. The research highlights included the specific chromogenic ternary complex reaction between fluoride, either of the first two members of the lanthanides and 3-dicarboxymethylaminomethyl-1,2-dihydroxyanthraquinone, and the interpretation of the mode of action of this only known positive colour reaction of the fluoride ion. It has subsequently replaced all other spectrophotometric reactions for fluoride.
Another important discovery was the unique conditionally specific reaction between calcium and a new specially synthesized trishydroxytriazo clathrate cage dyestuff molecule.
Together with three young post-doctorates from Birmingham; Roy Dagnall, Bernard Fleet, and
Gordon Kirkbright; he quickly set up a thriving team, and in 1965 was promoted to the position of Professor of Analytical Chemistry. His work was centred in Analytical Atomic and Molecular
Absorption and Fluorescence Spectroscopy. He extended Atomic Absorption
Spectrophotometry to pioneering studies in Atomic Spectroscopy by Carbon Rod Electrothermal
Atomisation, Microwave Excited High Intensity Atomic Line Sources, Low Emissivity Separated
Flames, Chemiluminescence in Diffusion Flames, Atomic Fluorescence Spectroscopy, and
Atom Trapping Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy.
In 1975 West returned to Scotland as Director of the Macaulay Institute for Soil Research at
Aberdeen. He made contributions to piezo-electric crystal sensor systems for minute traces of airborne pollutants and to the study of interfacial optical absorption and emission phenomena at platinum electrode surfaces under conditions of diffusion controlled electrolysis in aqueous solutions. Work on biosignificant and toxic trace elements in the soil-plant ecosystem and acidification phenomena led to his participation in the UK Royal Society’s Surface Water
Acidification Programme team together with the Royal Academies of Science in Norway and
Sweden. He accepted Honorary Research Professorship of University of Aberdeen in 1983.
West encouraged open thinking and experimentation in new fields due to which many of his students became leaders in many fields of analytical science and in domains well away from
Chemistry. He played a prominent role in negotiations which led to the amalgamation in the UK of the Chemical Society and the Society of Analytical Chemistry. A special issue of the esteemed journal Talanta (Vol. 39, No. 11) was published in 1992 to honour him as a teacher, scholar, administrator, researcher, innovator, friend and colleague.
He established an international reputation and received widespread international recognition and awards. Within the Royal Society of Chemistry, West received the Meldola Medal (1956),
Perkin-Elmer Medal for Instrumentation and Analytical Chemistry (1977), and Redwood
Lectureship (1974). Overseas awards include the Interan Medal (1977) of the Czechoslovak
Chemical Society, Johannes Marcus Medal for Spectroscopy (1977) of the Spectroscopic
Society of Bohemia, and Honorary Membership (1981) of the Japan Society of Analytical
Chemistry. He became a Fellow (1979) of the Royal Society of Edinburgh and in 1989 a Fellow of the Royal Society of London. In the Queen’s New Year’s Honours List for 1988 he was made a Commander of the Order of the British Empire (CBE) for his contributions to chemistry and international science.
He was associated with the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) since
1963, rising to the position of President of the Analytical Chemistry Division (1977-81). After a period as Assistant Secretary General (1981-83), he was elected Secretary General of the
Union and served two four-year periods (1983-91). In 1990-92 West became Chairman of the
Standing Finance Committee of the International Council for Science and a member of its
Executive Board. He has also contributed significantly to other aspects of national and international science. He was the author or co-author of 410 publications.
He can be considered as a role model for younger researchers to follow.
He married the late Margaret Officer Lawson in 1952 and had three children, Ann, Ruth (Byrd) and Tom.
Thomas West, back row 3 rd from the right, 1937
Portmahomack, Ross & Cromarty
Trust Secretary
37 Lime Avenue
Surrey GU15 2BH
01276 500780
Analytical Chemistry Trust Fund
Tom West Analytical Fellowships
Application Form - 2015
Title (Mr Mrs Miss Ms Dr Prof etc):
Given Names :
Family Name :
University / College Address :
Post Code :
Telephone :
E-mail :
Title of your Fellowship Work Programme :
Start Date : End Date :
Date of appointment to your first full-time junior academic post at a UK or Irish HEI :
Lay Summary (maximum 300 words)
Work Programme (Maximum 2 pages)
Give details of:-
your field(s) of research in analytical science
what you would do during the Fellowship
where you would do it
how you would spend the grant
what you plan to achieve
milestones & deliverables
Professional Development; Impact on HEI and Analytical Science (Maximum 300 words)
Publications relevant to this application (Maximum 1 page)
Registered Charity
Number 268893
Short CV (Maximum 1 page)
Budget (
Give a comprehensive breakdown of your planned expenditure)
Buy-out from teaching :
If your proposed budget does not fit comfortably with
Equipment or materials : this form, please append a separate page.
Visit(s) to third party laboratory(ies) :
Purchase of third party facilities :
Research assistant :
Other (specify >) :
Other (specify >) :
Other (specify >) :
Other (specify >) :
(A word processed 'signature' is acceptable)
Head of Department / School:
Name: Signature:
Return this form by e-mail to Dr David A Ferguson
by 11 th September 2015