Appendix: Operational Definitions for Clinical and Laboratory Variables Operational definitions Criteria Severe depression Any hospital admission with a diagnosis of depression OR 2 outpatient visits with diagnosis of depression. Must have occurred prior to HCV treatment in patients who received treatment. Severe hypertension One inpatient ICD 9 code for malignant hypertension or hypertension with complications Severe heart failure One inpatient ICD9 code OR 2 outpatient codes for CHF Significant coronary Any inpatient ICD9 code for coronary artery disease OR artery disease (CAD) coronary revascularization procedure Poorly controlled 2 inpatient or outpatient I-CD9 codes for diabetes with complications > 1 diabetes month apart Severe COPD Any inpatient ICD9 code for COPD with an ICD9 code for respiratory failure Drugs abuse Inpatient primary ICD9 OR 2 outpatient ICD9 codes for drug dependence/abuse Alcohol abuse Inpatient primary ICD9 code for alcohol OR 2 outpatient ICD9 codes for alcohol dependence/abuse HIV co-infection Any positive blood test (antibody, Western blot, or viral load) or ICD-9 code for HIV Cirrhosis Any ICD-9 code for cirrhosis or its complications (ascites, varices, encephalopathy, hepatitis w/coma, and portal hypertension) in inpatient or outpatient files. Liver transplant recipients Any inpatient or outpatient ICD 9 code for liver transplant Anxiety/PTSD Any primary inpatient ICD9 code for anxiety/PTSD Bipolar Any primary inpatient ICD9 code for bipolar disorder Psychosis Any primary inpatient ICD9 code for psychosis Non-metastatic cancer Any inpatient or outpatient ICD-9 code for non-metastatic cancer during the entire time before the HCV index date and two years after. Highest creatinine Highest lab value in the two years before or after the HCV index date. For patients who received HCV treatment the highest value before treatment. Lowest hemoglobin, Lowest lab value in the two years before or after the HCV index date. For white blood cell count, patients who received HCV treatment the lowest value before treatment. and platelet count Elevated ALT ALT >40 IU/ml for all tests within the two years prior and two years after HCV index date HCV Genotype Genotype 1 or 4, 2 or 3, or not tested. For ICD-9 codes, we used the AHRQ Clinical Classification System to classify all patient ICD9 codes into the relevant diagnosis. With the exception of variables with timing mentioned above, variables were defined as the presence of the code two years before or two years after the HCV index date.