Verbs for your NBPTS writing Perhaps you remember Bloom’s Taxonomy from college. Six areas of cognition were identified and descriptors given…those descriptors are in the form of verbs. Listed on the next page is the taxonomy. Underline the verbs that would be useful in descriptive writing. Circle the verbs that would be useful in your analytical writing. Star the verbs that would be useful in your reflective writing. Add additional verbs to the columns as you think of them. Bloom also provided additional cognitive descriptions for each of his levels: KNOWLEDGE – Involves recognition and recall of facts and the sequence of events COMPREHENSION – Involves interpretations, translations, summaries or paraphrasing of given materials. The person has the ability to describe a situation in his own words APPLICATION – Involves the use of material in a situation which is different from that situation in which it was originally learned ANALYSIS – Involves separating a complex entity into its parts, drawing comparisons and relationships between the elements (recognize biases, another’s point of view, read between the lines to determine an assumption or hidden meaning) SYNTHESIS – Involves combining elements to form a new original entity…a process of working with pieces, parts, elements, etc., and arranging them in a structure that was not clearly evidenced before. EVALUATION – Involves acts of decision making, judging, or selecting based on a given set of criteria, either subjective or objective. Bloom’s Taxonomy Knowledge Define Memorize Repeat Record List Recall Name Relate Underline Recognize Comprehension Restate Discuss Describe Explain Express Identify Locate Report Review Tell Application Translate Interpret Apply Use Demonstrate Dramatize Practice Illustrate Operate Show Sketch Analysis Distinguish Analyze Differentiate Appraise Calculate Experiment Test/compare Contrast Criticize Diagram Inspect Debate Inventory Question Relate Solve Examine Synthesis Compose Plan Propose Design Formulate Arrange Assemble Collect Construct Create Set up Organize Manage Prepare Evaluation Judge Appraise Evaluate Rate Compare Value Revise Score Select Choose Assess Estimate Measure