Critical thinking article and worksheet

Critical thinking: the mental process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating
information to reach an answer or conclusion
Critical thinking and summary skills
Read the article below. Write a one-sentence summary for each paragraph. Then discuss the
questions with your classmates.
Fame or Safety?
From the time she was a young girl, Francis
Wright dreamed of becoming an architect. She
wanted to design buildings that people around the
world would talk about. While Francis was studying
architecture at university, her professors soon saw
that she was a brilliant student with a promising
career as an architect ahead of her. They said that
she needed to learn more about building safety and other less exciting but important aspects of
architecture, but they were impressed by her bold, dramatic design ideas.
In her last year at university, there was a competition to design a new library for the
university. Francis had some interesting ideas for the design. She entered the competition and won
first prize. Francis graduated from university soon after that, and the prize she had received for the
university library design helped her to get an excellent job with one of the country’s most important
architectural firms.
Her first assignment was to design a huge new theater for the city’s new downtown
entertainment center. Francis worked for months on the project. When she was finished, her
colleagues looked at her plan for the new theater and they thought it was fantastic! They had some
suggestions for making the roof of the building stronger, but they loved Francis’s ideas for the look
of the new theater. “This building will make you famous!” they told her. The technical part of being
an architect was not Francis’s specialty, but she did the best she could to make the changes her
colleagues suggested. After that, construction began.
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Critical thinking: the mental process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating
information to reach an answer or conclusion
Three years later, Francis’s theater was almost finished. Everyone in the city was proud of
their spectacular new theater. Francis was proud too. A grand opening was planned with fireworks
and lavish celebrations. The mayor of the city and many of the city’s most important men and
women would be there. Francis was excited.
During the three years the theater was being built, Francis was busy with other projects.
While working on those projects, she continued to learn more about architecture, especially about
building safety. A few days before the grand opening, she was checking something in the theater
plans she had created three years earlier. She saw something that worried her. She began to worry
that she may have made a mistake when she changed the design of the theater’s roof. It might not be
safe and it could be dangerous and collapse. If it collapsed while the theater was full, hundreds of
people could be killed. If Francis told everyone about the possible problem, the opening would
have to be cancelled and she would lose her reputation as an architect. She would need time to
check to see if the roof was fine or if it needed extra work.
1. The grand opening of the theater is just a few days away. What should Francis do? Should she
say nothing and hope the roof doesn’t collapse? Should she tell people about her possible
2. Can you think of another alternative?
3. Have you heard of any other cases like this?
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Image 2:
Critical thinking: the mental process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating
information to reach an answer or conclusion
Write a one-sentence summary for the paragraph below. Then talk with your group members
and agree on the "best" summary.
From the time she was a young girl, Francis Wright dreamed of becoming an architect. She
wanted to design buildings that people around the world would talk about. While Francis was
studying architecture at university, her professors soon saw that she was a brilliant student with a
promising career as an architect ahead of her. They said that she needed to learn more about
building safety and other less exciting but important aspects of architecture, but they were
impressed by her bold, dramatic design ideas.
Write a one-sentence summary for the paragraph below. Then talk with your group members
and agree on the "best" summary.
From the time she was a young girl, Francis Wright dreamed of becoming an architect. She
wanted to design buildings that people around the world would talk about. While Francis was
studying architecture at university, her professors soon saw that she was a brilliant student with a
promising career as an architect ahead of her. They said that she needed to learn more about
building safety and other less exciting but important aspects of architecture, but they were
impressed by her bold, dramatic design ideas.
Write a one-sentence summary for the paragraph below. Then talk with your group members
and agree on the "best" summary.
From the time she was a young girl, Francis Wright dreamed of becoming an architect. She
wanted to design buildings that people around the world would talk about. While Francis was
studying architecture at university, her professors soon saw that she was a brilliant student with a
promising career as an architect ahead of her. They said that she needed to learn more about
building safety and other less exciting but important aspects of architecture, but they were
impressed by her bold, dramatic design ideas.
Write a one-sentence summary for the paragraph below. Then talk with your group members
and agree on the "best" summary.
From the time she was a young girl, Francis Wright dreamed of becoming an architect. She
wanted to design buildings that people around the world would talk about. While Francis was
studying architecture at university, her professors soon saw that she was a brilliant student with a
promising career as an architect ahead of her. They said that she needed to learn more about
building safety and other less exciting but important aspects of architecture, but they were
impressed by her bold, dramatic design ideas.
Image 1:
Image 2:
Critical thinking: the mental process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating
information to reach an answer or conclusion
Write a one-sentence summary for the paragraph below. Then talk with your group members
and agree on the "best" summary.
In her last year at university, there was a competition to design a new library for the
university. Francis had some interesting ideas for the design. She entered the competition and won
first prize. Francis graduated from university soon after that, and the prize she had received for the
university library design helped her to get an excellent job with one of the country’s most important
architectural firms.
Write a one-sentence summary for the paragraph below. Then talk with your group members
and agree on the "best" summary.
In her last year at university, there was a competition to design a new library for the
university. Francis had some interesting ideas for the design. She entered the competition and won
first prize. Francis graduated from university soon after that, and the prize she had received for the
university library design helped her to get an excellent job with one of the country’s most important
architectural firms.
Write a one-sentence summary for the paragraph below. Then talk with your group members
and agree on the "best" summary.
In her last year at university, there was a competition to design a new library for the
university. Francis had some interesting ideas for the design. She entered the competition and won
first prize. Francis graduated from university soon after that, and the prize she had received for the
university library design helped her to get an excellent job with one of the country’s most important
architectural firms.
Write a one-sentence summary for the paragraph below. Then talk with your group members
and agree on the "best" summary.
In her last year at university, there was a competition to design a new library for the
university. Francis had some interesting ideas for the design. She entered the competition and won
first prize. Francis graduated from university soon after that, and the prize she had received for the
university library design helped her to get an excellent job with one of the country’s most important
architectural firms.
Image 1:
Image 2:
Critical thinking: the mental process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating
information to reach an answer or conclusion
Write a one-sentence summary for the paragraph below. Then talk with your group members
and agree on the "best" summary.
Her first assignment was to design a huge new theater for the city’s new downtown
entertainment center. Francis worked for months on the project. When she was finished, her
colleagues looked at her plan for the new theater and they thought it was fantastic! They had some
suggestions for making the roof of the building stronger, but they loved Francis’s ideas for the look
of the new theater. “This building will make you famous!” they told her. The technical part of being
an architect was not Francis’s specialty, but she did the best she could to make the changes her
colleagues suggested. After that, construction began.
Write a one-sentence summary for the paragraph below. Then talk with your group members
and agree on the "best" summary.
Her first assignment was to design a huge new theater for the city’s new downtown
entertainment center. Francis worked for months on the project. When she was finished, her
colleagues looked at her plan for the new theater and they thought it was fantastic! They had some
suggestions for making the roof of the building stronger, but they loved Francis’s ideas for the look
of the new theater. “This building will make you famous!” they told her. The technical part of being
an architect was not Francis’s specialty, but she did the best she could to make the changes her
colleagues suggested. After that, construction began.
Write a one-sentence summary for the paragraph below. Then talk with your group members
and agree on the "best" summary.
Her first assignment was to design a huge new theater for the city’s new downtown
entertainment center. Francis worked for months on the project. When she was finished, her
colleagues looked at her plan for the new theater and they thought it was fantastic! They had some
suggestions for making the roof of the building stronger, but they loved Francis’s ideas for the look
of the new theater. “This building will make you famous!” they told her. The technical part of being
an architect was not Francis’s specialty, but she did the best she could to make the changes her
colleagues suggested. After that, construction began.
Write a one-sentence summary for the paragraph below. Then talk with your group members
and agree on the "best" summary.
Her first assignment was to design a huge new theater for the city’s new downtown
entertainment center. Francis worked for months on the project. When she was finished, her
colleagues looked at her plan for the new theater and they thought it was fantastic! They had some
suggestions for making the roof of the building stronger, but they loved Francis’s ideas for the look
of the new theater. “This building will make you famous!” they told her. The technical part of being
an architect was not Francis’s specialty, but she did the best she could to make the changes her
colleagues suggested. After that, construction began.
Image 1:
Image 2:
Critical thinking: the mental process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating
information to reach an answer or conclusion
Write a one-sentence summary for the paragraph below. Then talk with your group members
and agree on the "best" summary.
Three years later, Francis’s theater was almost finished. Everyone in the city was proud of
their spectacular new theater. Francis was proud too. A grand opening was planned with fireworks
and lavish celebrations. The mayor of the city and many of the city’s most important men and
women would be there. Francis was excited.
Write a one-sentence summary for the paragraph below. Then talk with your group members
and agree on the "best" summary.
Three years later, Francis’s theater was almost finished. Everyone in the city was proud of
their spectacular new theater. Francis was proud too. A grand opening was planned with fireworks
and lavish celebrations. The mayor of the city and many of the city’s most important men and
women would be there. Francis was excited.
Write a one-sentence summary for the paragraph below. Then talk with your group members
and agree on the "best" summary.
Three years later, Francis’s theater was almost finished. Everyone in the city was proud of
their spectacular new theater. Francis was proud too. A grand opening was planned with fireworks
and lavish celebrations. The mayor of the city and many of the city’s most important men and
women would be there. Francis was excited.
Write a one-sentence summary for the paragraph below. Then talk with your group members
and agree on the "best" summary.
Three years later, Francis’s theater was almost finished. Everyone in the city was proud of
their spectacular new theater. Francis was proud too. A grand opening was planned with fireworks
and lavish celebrations. The mayor of the city and many of the city’s most important men and
women would be there. Francis was excited.
Image 1:
Image 2:
Critical thinking: the mental process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating
information to reach an answer or conclusion
Write a one-sentence summary for the paragraph below. Then talk with your group members
and agree on the "best" summary.
During the three years the theater was being built, Francis was busy with other projects. While
working on those projects, she continued to learn more about architecture, especially about building safety.
A few days before the grand opening, she was checking something in the theater plans she had created three
years earlier. She saw something that worried her. She began to worry that she may have made a mistake
when she changed the design of the theater’s roof. It might not be safe and it could be dangerous and
collapse. If it collapsed while the theater was full, hundreds of people could be killed. If Francis told
everyone about the possible problem, the opening would have to be cancelled and she would lose her
reputation as an architect. She would need time to check to see if the roof was fine or if it needed extra work.
Write a one-sentence summary for the paragraph below. Then talk with your group members
and agree on the "best" summary.
During the three years the theater was being built, Francis was busy with other projects. While
working on those projects, she continued to learn more about architecture, especially about building safety.
A few days before the grand opening, she was checking something in the theater plans she had created three
years earlier. She saw something that worried her. She began to worry that she may have made a mistake
when she changed the design of the theater’s roof. It might not be safe and it could be dangerous and
collapse. If it collapsed while the theater was full, hundreds of people could be killed. If Francis told
everyone about the possible problem, the opening would have to be cancelled and she would lose her
reputation as an architect. She would need time to check to see if the roof was fine or if it needed extra work.
Write a one-sentence summary for the paragraph below. Then talk with your group members
and agree on the "best" summary.
During the three years the theater was being built, Francis was busy with other projects. While
working on those projects, she continued to learn more about architecture, especially about building safety.
A few days before the grand opening, she was checking something in the theater plans she had created three
years earlier. She saw something that worried her. She began to worry that she may have made a mistake
when she changed the design of the theater’s roof. It might not be safe and it could be dangerous and
collapse. If it collapsed while the theater was full, hundreds of people could be killed. If Francis told
everyone about the possible problem, the opening would have to be cancelled and she would lose her
reputation as an architect. She would need time to check to see if the roof was fine or if it needed extra work.
Write a one-sentence summary for the paragraph below. Then talk with your group members
and agree on the "best" summary.
During the three years the theater was being built, Francis was busy with other projects. While
working on those projects, she continued to learn more about architecture, especially about building safety.
A few days before the grand opening, she was checking something in the theater plans she had created three
years earlier. She saw something that worried her. She began to worry that she may have made a mistake
when she changed the design of the theater’s roof. It might not be safe and it could be dangerous and
collapse. If it collapsed while the theater was full, hundreds of people could be killed. If Francis told
everyone about the possible problem, the opening would have to be cancelled and she would lose her
reputation as an architect. She would need time to check to see if the roof was fine or if it needed extra work.
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