MI 211 / IMM 201: Advanced Immunology I The Molecules and Cells of the Immune System Course Information Contact Information: Organizer: Dr. Yueh-hsiu Chien chien@stanford.edu TAs: Chris Sundberg Andy Snow sundberc@stanford.edu asnow@stanford.edu 4-8637 5-6616 Office hours will be announced. If you have questions for the TAs outside of office hours, please email them in advance to arrange a time to meet. Grading Grades in the course will be determined from problem sets assigned after each set of lectures given by a speaker (40%), as well as take-home, open-book midterm and final exams (30% each). Due dates for each problem set will be noted when assigned. Late problem sets or exams will not be accepted unless the delay is due to an emergency. Students are encouraged to discuss aspects of the problem sets amongst themselves. However, each student is expected to formulate their own answers to problem set questions, and should not write their answers collectively with other students in the class. For both take-home exams, students should not discuss the problems with each other under any circumstances. Recommended Texts Although the class does not include an assigned textbook, the following textbooks are recommended for helpful information relating to topics presented in course lectures: 1. Kuby Immunology, 4th ed., by Richard A. Goldsby et al. 2. Immunobiology: The Immune System in Health and Disease, 5th ed., by Charles A. Janeway et al. 3. Fundamental Immunology, 4th ed., by William E. Paul. Course Website The course website (URL: www.stanford.edu/class/mi211) will include course information and announcements, as well as course materials (links to assigned journal articles, lecture notes, etc.) whenever possible. If there are any problems or additional recommendations for the website, please let one of the TA’s know.