VOLUNTARY INSTRUCTOR SCHEME AT MARLE HALL OUTDOOR EDUCATION CENTRE (Revised June 2010) Aims of the Voluntary Instructor Scheme The VI scheme has been set up at Marle Hall to give young people (18 – 25 years) the opportunity to gain experience and qualifications relevant for starting a career in the outdoors. It is the ideal position for gap year students who are interested in outdoor activities and wish to work with young people in the future. We aim to: Provide high quality instructor training during a year of practical experience for someone who is considering a career in outdoor education Give VI’s the opportunity to gain NGB qualifications Develop teaching skills in a variety of adventure activities so that VI’s can progress from basic instructing to running sessions at a higher level Give our VI’s the opportunity to work on a range of activities with a variety of highly experienced and qualified instructors. If accepted onto the scheme, we will create opportunities for you to develop your skills in the following areas: Group Management Working alongside our professional experienced instructors you will be tutored in the following skills when working with groups: Styles of delivery Pitch Tone Supervision Assertiveness Boundaries Discipline Group awareness Authority Friendliness Empathy and understanding Technical Skills There will be opportunities to develop a range of technical skills whilst at the centre and on days off. You will be encouraged to make the most of your time off to develop your own personal climbing, mountaineering, canoeing and kayaking skills with the support of our staff. Throughout your year, we will spend time focusing on the following key areas: Climbing - Personal and Group Canoeing - Personal and Group Kayaking - Personal and Group Mountaineering - Personal and Group Gorge walking with groups Teaching orienteering Using High Ropes courses Sea Level Traversing with groups Bushcraft with groups Environmental knowledge and awareness Teamwork activities Reviewing skills Payment As this is a voluntary instructor scheme, we cannot guarantee any payment for work at the centre. However, towards the end of the placement you may gain sufficient experience and/or qualifications to be signed off to run certain activities (e.g. on-site activities, local walks, etc). On certain occasions we may offer some payment for these sessions, at our discretion. (See also section on Fire Wardens below) Centre Ethos The centre has a very strong ethos which is based around the following words: Respect Responsibility Teamwork Challenge We encourage our VI’s to take on our ethos and help our visiting groups to understand how the ethos affects them and those around them. Courses VIs are encouraged to gain as many qualifications as they are ready for. It is important that you develop your skills in the areas that interest you. Some of the awards that we are able to offer are: Walking Group Leader Award Mountain Leader Award BCU Awards SPA Award First Aid Fire Warden training Child Protection training If you are interested in other relevant training or assessment courses that we are not running ourselves, and we think you have the required experience, then we will consider assisting with the funding of these through an annual training budget allowance. Insurance VI’s will be covered under the Warwickshire County Council insurance whilst working as volunteers at the centre. The cover does not extend to personal outdoor and adventurous activities and you are encouraged to take out your own insurance for this. Police checks and Safeguarding As you will be working with children and vulnerable adults it is a requirement that you undertake an enhanced Criminal Records Bureau check before starting work as a VI. We will pay for this but will need your assistance to ensure that we have all the correct details. Food and Accommodation Accommodation is provided in a two bedroomed flat which is part of the centre building. The flat also includes a kitchen, bathroom and hall/sitting area. The centre will provide all your food whilst you are resident here. This involves eating with the students and staff in our dining room. You must let our domestic team know if you do not require a meal on a particular day. When the centre is closed e.g. weekends, food will be provided so VI’s can cook for themselves in the flat. Access to the main centre kitchen is restricted. Log books/diaries VIs will need to keep a log of the activities undertaken each week, whether in an observational capacity, team teaching, or supervised leading. This will help you, and us, to monitor your progress. It also forms part of our activity signing off procedure. We advise you to keep a log of all your personal and group experience as this is important evidence for future work and many assessments require a completed log book (e.g. ML, BCU, SPA, etc). Duties VI’s are very important to the smooth running of the centre and are integral members of our staff team. We ask that the VI’s take on responsibility for a number of key areas: Assist with the setting up of each course, organising kit and clothing for the visiting groups. Help supervise the issue of kit and ensure it is returned to stores. Each morning, help our visiting groups to obtain and present the weather forecast. VI’s will be expected to take an active role in assisting with evening activities for one or two evenings a week. This involves being available to help the visiting members of staff to set up the activities on the first night of every course (often, but not exclusively, a Monday), and then possibly assisting them on another night during the week. There are other duties which may be changed from time to time. A full list will be agreed with you at the start of your placement. Kitchen Work During busy times you may be required to carry out some kitchen duties which may include, sandwich making, preparing foods, clearing away and serving to customers. Fire Wardens VI’s act as Fire Wardens to support all groups resident in the Centre overnight, taking responsibility for arranging fire drills and supervising evacuation of the Centre should the fire alarm go off. You will receive training early in your placement for this and a nominal payment. Outdoor Education in the wider context of Education Through assisting at Marle Hall on our residential schools programmes, VI’s will develop an understanding of how the work at the centre supports and enhances students learning back in school. By the end of the year you should have an understanding of the specific links between Outdoor Education and the National Curriculum, and the value of Outdoor Education in developing life skills. Mentoring Each VI will be supported by a member of the Marle Hall staff team who will be your mentor for the time you are at the centre. The role of the mentor is to regularly review your progress and development and identify your specific training needs to ensure the maximum development during your stay at the centre. Professionalism As a VI working at an educational centre such as Marle Hall we have a high expectation of your professionalism. We expect the following: Politeness to all members of staff (permanent and visiting) Politeness to all students Good time keeping A clean and tidy appearance at the start of each day A positive attitude towards your work and others A willingness to take on a variety of jobs (often with little notice!) The ability to show initiative and be proactive Behaviour that is both professional and appropriate whilst working with others Arrival and Departure Arrival times will be organised with the Head or Deputy Head of Centre in agreement with the VI. The VI scheme is based on a 12 month contract and we invest a lot of time in the scheme. Therefore we ask that all VI’s sign up for the full 12 months, subject to a 3 month trial/settling in period. Should a VI wish to leave before the end of the 12 months then they will need to inform the Head/ Deputy Head of Centre and discuss the reasons why. Occasionally, if both the centre and the VI feel that once the 12 month period is up, it would be beneficial to both parties to extend the stay, then this may be considered. MARLE HALL VOLUNTARY INSTRUCTOR SCHEME CONTRACT Please read the following and then complete the form and send this section only back to Marle Hall I would like to join the Marle Hall Voluntary Instructor Scheme □ (please tick) Please complete the section below after discussion with either Helena or Martin. Name…………………………………………………………… Contact details of referee 1 Contact details of referee 2 Address………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………… Telephone Numbers Home…………………………………………………………… Mobile…………………………………………………………. NI No………………………………………………………….. Date of Birth / / Next of kin………………………………………………… Address of next of kin ……………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………. Contact Number of next of kin ………………………………….………………………………….. We look forward to welcoming you. The Marle Hall Staff Team. Medical Conditions (please let us know of any medical conditions you have e.g. asthma) ……………………………………………………………………………. ……………………………………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… Voluntary Instructor Scheme Dates: From……………………………………………………………… To………………………………………………………………….. Signed………………………………………………………………(VI) Signed………………………………………….………(MH Staff)