Third Grade Digging Into the Past Lesson 5

Third Grade Digging Into the Past
Lesson 5
Title: Michigan’s Past Stays in Order
Grade Level: Grade 3
Unit of Study: Digging into the Past
 H.3.0.10 Create a timeline to sequence early Michigan history.
Students will develop an understanding of how to read and utilize a timeline.
Vocabulary words: time line, autobiography, biography, oral history, decade, century
Sequence of Activities:
1. The class will review and discuss how each person has a timeline in their own life (this
should have been done in previous grades). The teacher will prompt students to
brainstorm events in their own lives and suggest the differences between important and
unimportant events.
2. The class will create a timeline of a famous person’s life. Included in the events will be
important and unimportant. The class will discern the difference between the important
and unimportant events and create a timeline of this person’s life.
4. lives The teacher will lead the class in creating a timeline that will be a continuing
event for the entire school year. This is a timeline that can be set up on the wall in the
classroom or it can be in a binder or folder that each child adds to as the school year
progresses. This timeline should begin with the Paleo Indians (13,000-7000 B.C.) and
progress through the Archaic and Woodland Indians from there. A timeline of Michigan
history can be found at A chronological list of events that can be used as a part of the
timeline of Michigan History is
English Language Arts-
Mathematics- Students will use addition, subtraction, and sequencing skills previously learned in
math in order to number, read, create, and use the timelines.
Instructional Resources: Introduction to Michigan’s Past (Free Publication through Michigan
History Magazine) Available online at or by calling
The Mitten (also published by Michigan History Magazine)
Calhoun ISD Social Studies Curriculum Design Project
Third Grade Digging Into the Past
Equipment/ManipulativeStudent Resources –
Teacher Resources- Timeline sheet
Calhoun ISD Social Studies Curriculum Design Project
Third Grade Digging Into the Past
Digging Into the Past
Timeline Activity
1. Choose six of the events below to construct a timeline of Early Michigan History.
2. Neatly cut out your events.
3. Label the years on the timeline.
4. Attach your events correctly on the timeline and draw lines to the appropriate space on
the actual line.
1701- Detroit is founded as
Fort Pontchartrain by
Antoine de la Mothe
1783- The Revolutionary
War ends. The United
States gains independence,
and Michigan is part of the
new country.
1796- The British evacuate
Detroit and abandon their
posts on the Great Lakes.
1760- The French
surrender control of
Michigan to the British.
1622- The first ever
European, Etienne BrulÄ
of France visits Michigan.
There were 15,000 Indians
living in Michigan at the
1792- Under British
Parliament’s Constitutional
Act, the first election is
held in Michigan.
Calhoun ISD Social Studies Curriculum Design Project
1688- Father Jacques
Marquette, a French
Missionary, founds the
first permanent settlement
at Sault Ste. Marie (now
Michigan’s oldest city).
1715- The French establish
Fort Michilimackinac at
the Straits of Mackinac.
1787- Northwest
Ordinance is passed by
Congress to govern the
area that includes
Third Grade Digging into the Past
Timeline of Michigan History
Calhoun ISD Social Studies Curriculum Design Project
Third Grade Digging into the Past
Digging Into the Past – Timeline Activity Rubric
Timeline not labeled
Timeline labeled
incorrectly. Years not
in numerical order.
Numbers incorrect.
Order of Events
Events not placed on
the timeline in any
logical order.
Events placed
haphazardly on the
timeline. Some lines
drawn to correct
Six events placed on
Events not attached.
3-4 events attached to
Labeling the Timeline
Timeline labeled
partially correct.
Years in numerical
order, but numbers
Events attached to the
timeline with lines
drawn to most of the
correct locations on
the timeline.
5 Events attached to
timeline, or all 9
events attached to
Timeline correctly
and neatly labeled in
order. (1620, 1660,
1680, 1720, 1740, &
Events are placed in
logical places on the
timeline and in order.
Lines drawn to
correct location on the
Exactly six events
attached to the
Calhoun ISD Social Studies Curriculum Design Project