Name ___________________________ Date ____________________ Title ______________________ Fayette County Kindergarten: Writing Rubric ELAKW1 The student begins to understand the principles of writing. Exceeds (9) Meets (6) Does Not Meet (3) a. The student is able to write independently to describe familiar persons, places, objects, or experiences. b. The student used phonetically spelled words to create sentences. a. The student is able to write or dictate to describe familiar persons, places, objects, or experiences. b. The student used drawings, letters, and phonetically spelled words to create meaning. c. The student printed his/her name, all uppercase and lowercase letters of the alphabet; and teacher selected words using proper spacing between words and sentences. c. The student printed his/her name, all uppercase and lowercase letters of the alphabet; and teacher selected words. a. The student did not write or dictate to describe familiar persons, places, objects, or experiences. b. The student did not use drawings, letters, and phonetically spelled words to create meaning. c. The student did not print his/her name, all uppercase and lowercase letters of the alphabet; and teacher selected words. d. The student used a left to right pattern of writing independently and consistently. d. The student used a left-toright pattern of writing most of the time. d. The student did not use a left to right pattern of writing. e. The student used capitalization at the beginning of sentences and punctuation (periods and question marks) at the end of sentences all of the time. e. The student used capitalization at the beginning of sentences and punctuation (periods and question marks) at the end of sentences most of the time. e. The student did not use capitalization at the beginning of sentences and punctuation (periods and question marks) at the end of sentences. Teacher’s Score Comments Name ___________________________ Date ____________________ Title ______________________ Kindergarten: Writing Rubric Exceeds a. Did I describe a familiar person, place, object or experience? b. Did I spell words or use letters or drawings to create sentences? c. Did I use neat handwriting? d. Did I start my writing in the correct place and write in the correct direction (from left to right)? e. Did I check my writing for correct capitalization and punctuation? Meets Does Not Meet