Unit 5.4 Day 1 Mini Lesson

Unit 5, Week 4, Day 1
FCAT SKILL: Retell Events in Order
Mini-Lesson Teaching Point: Readers retell events in order by telling about the
important parts of the story in the correct time order and sometimes using clue
words: first, next, soon, then, and last.
Materials: 233A-B
Connection: (activate prior knowledge and focus student attention on the lesson)
Today I am going to teach you how to retell events in order by telling about the
important parts of the story in the correct time order and sometimes using clue
words: first, next, soon, then, and last. It is important to retell events in order
because it will help you summarize the important parts of the story in sequence.
We will practice retelling events in order while reading the story “City Garden” on
page 232.
Teach: (demonstrate the teaching point as if you were working independently)
The sequence of events in an article or story is the order in which the events
happen. When you retell events in order, you tell about the important parts of the
story in the correct time order. Writers sometimes use clue words such as first,
next, soon, then, and last to help readers understand the order of the events in an
article or story.
Let me show you how I practice retelling events in order. Read the beginning of “City
Garden” on page 232 stopping at the end of the first paragraph on page 233. I know that
this story is about a father who helps his son’s class plant a garden. As I read, I will
look for signal words such as first and next. These will help me figure out the steps
they take to plant the garden and the sequence, or order, in which they complete
these steps. Read 2nd paragraph on page 233. I noticed the key word “first” in this
paragraph. So now I know that first the class dug up the soil in the lot. I’ll read on
to find out what happens after that. Read the 3rd paragraph on page 233. Now I will
retell the steps that they have taken so far in planting their garden. First the class
dug up the soil in the lot. Next they planted seeds and small plants.
Active Engagement: (coach and assess students during this time)
Now you are going to have a try. While we are reading, pay attention to the order
that the events happen in the story so that you will be able to retell the events in
order to your partner. Read to the end of the story. Turn and Talk to your partner
about what happened in the story. Remember, when you retell events in order, you
tell about the important parts of the story in the correct time order and sometimes
use clue words such as first, next, soon, then, and last. Listen in and compliment
students who successfully retell the steps the class takes to plant the garden using clue
words (i.e. First, the class dug up the soil in the lot. Next, they planted seeds and small
plants. Soon, the flowers bloomed. Then, the vegetables became large and ripe. Last,
the boy and his father ate the vegetables from the garden.”).
Unit 5, Week 4, Day 1
FCAT SKILL: Retell Events in Order
Mini-Lesson Teaching Point: Readers retell events in order by telling about the
important parts of the story in the correct time order and sometimes using clue
words: first, next, soon, then, and last.
Materials: 233A-B
Link: (review and clarify key points, globalizing their utility from the now to the future)
Today and everyday when you are reading, it is important to practice retelling
events in order because it will help you summarize the important parts of the story
in sequence.
Provide a specific compliment about a student who was successful with today’s teaching