Grade 1 – Reading and Writing Plan Teacher: Kotner &Wyatt Week

Grade 1 – Reading and Writing Plan
Week of January 14-18,2013 _
Kotner &Wyatt
Word Wall Words: day, way, sleep, don’t, my, too, say,tie, rain, night
I can identify the problem and solution to a story.
Focus Standard :RL 2- Retell stories,
including key details and demonstrate
understanding of their central message or
Focus Standard: RL 2- Retell
Focus Standard: RL 2- Retell stories,
including key details and demonstrate
understanding of their central message
or lesson.
Focus Standard: RL 2- Retell
stories, including key details and
demonstrate understanding of their
central message or lesson.
stories, including key details and
demonstrate understanding of their
central message or lesson.
Focus Standard: RL 2- Retell stories,
including key details and demonstrate
understanding of their central message
or lessons.
Text: The King’s Taster
Text: The Sleeping Pig
Text: Dibels Testing!!!!!
Text: The Perfect Nest
Text :The Sleeping Pig
Model: Teacher will read the book a
Model: Teacher will read a loud
the story on pgs.133-152 in the
green anthology books.
Model: Teacher read a loud the
story and discuss as we read it.
Model: Review the story quickly.
Guided Practice: Discuss the
problem & solution in the book.
Independent: Rebus story about
Willy the mouse. Use the flip book
on characters, problem, & solution.
Reading from Just Right books.
Imagine It:Unit 5 Lesson10 Review
of y, ie, cy.
Guided Practice:
Work on the short story called
Bike Problems on pg. 11 in the
Main Idea book.
Guided Practice: Teacher fills
out the title, characters & setting
of the story web.
Guided Practice:
Independent: Use the flip book
page to describe the characters,
problem, & solution from the
story called The Sleeping Pig.
Reading from Just Right books.
Independent: Students will finish
filling out the problem & solution.
Reading from Just Right books.
Imagine It: Unit 5 Lesson 11
Long a spelled ai_& _ay.
Imagine It: Unit 5 Lesson12 Review
long a spelled ai_ & _ay.
Imagine It: Unit 5 Lesson 13
Long I spelled igh & _ie & _y.
Guided Practice: Go over the
questions from the on level practice
sheet out the teaching resource kit.
Independent Practice: Students to
read a story from the books called
The Huge Carrot, Watermelon for
Lunch, Hide and Seek, & Duke’s
Gift. Then they students will fill out
the practice sheet with the
questions about who prob., &
Make a poster about how you
would wake up a sleeping pig.
Imagine It: Unit 5 Lesson 14
Review long I spelled igh, _ie, & _y.
Dibels Assessment on 1/16/13
RI 1 – Ask and answer questions about key details in
RI 2- Identify the main topic and retell key details of a
RI 3 – Describe the connections between two
individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a
RI 4- Ask and answer questions to help determine or
clarify the meaning of words and phrases in a text.
RI 5 – Know and use various text features to locate
key facts of information in a text.
RI6 – Distinguish between information provided by
pictures or other illustrations and information provided
by the words in a text.
RI7 –Use the illustrations and details in a text to
describe its key details.
RI8 – Identify the arsons an author gives to support
points in a text.
RI9 – Identify basic similarities and differences
between two texts on the same topic.
RI10 – With prompting and
support, read informational
texts appropriately complex
for grade 1.
Grade 1 – Reading and Writing Plan
Kotner &Wyatt
Week of January 14-18,2013 _
Word Wall Words: day, way, sleep, don’t, my, too, say,tie, rain, night
I can identify the problem and solution to a story.
RL 1 – Ask and answer questions about key details in
RL 2- Retell stories, including key details and
demonstrate understanding of their central message or
RL 3 – Describe characters, settings, and major
events in a story, using key details.
RL 4- Identify words and phrases in stories or poems
that suggest feelings or appeal to the senses.
RL 5 – Explain major differences between books that
tell stories and books that give information, drawing on
a wide reading of a range of text types.
RL6 – Identify who is telling the story at various points
in a text.
RL7 –Use illustrations and details in a story to
describe its characters, settings, or events.
RL8 – (Not Applicable to Literature)
RL9 – Compare and contrast the adventures and
experiences of characters in stories.
I can continue writing simple personal narratives. Writing Workshop 45-60 Minutes Daily
Mini-Lesson (10-15)
Looking over a
Think about a time
Write a personal
personal narrative
when you were sad. narrative about
Whole Group
story from the
Tell about it. See pg. visiting your favorite
writing book pg.90.
93 in the writing
restaurant. What did
Pick out things that
you do first, next,
make it a narrative.
and last. See pg. 94.
Work Time (30-45)
or small groups for
specific skills
Sharing (5)
Next Steps
Students will try to
write another
personal narrative
Students will share
with a partner their
personal narrative
about being sad.
Let students share
out writings if they
Share if students
want to.
Students will share
their writings.
Share if students
want to.
RL10 – With prompting and
support, read prose and
poetry of appropriate
complexity for grade 1.
To work on
proofreading a
personal narrative.
Do pg.91 together or
most of it that
understand (spell,
add ending marks, &
Pick the best writing
of the week and
illustrate it for a
Encourage students
to proofread their
writings from this
past week.
Students can pick a
partner to help them
with their work if
Share if students
want to.
Share if students
want to.
Grade 1 – Reading and Writing Plan
Kotner &Wyatt
Word Wall Words: day, way, sleep, don’t, my, too, say,tie, rain, night
I can identify the problem and solution to a story.
Week of January 14-18,2013 _