Example – Biochemical Screening Results

Biochemical Screening Results
Michael Rath ND DipAc DipCHM
This is a real-life example of a Biochemical Screening Profile –
How to interpret the colours and percentages –
Green is Good! – any other colour is outside of the optimum range by the percentage
indicated. Red and Maroon being worse than Orange or Brown.
If you look at the next page, I have circled the BUN and Urine Porphyrin readings.
The raised BUN (Blood Urea Nitrogen) and Urine Porphyrins is a result of Kidney
dysfunction, probably due to Methyl-Mercury damage to the glomerular tissues and
kidney function.
Any increase in BUN above optimum indicates some degree of loss of glomerular
function. For different reasons, a low BUN can provide one of the earliest indications
of loss in glomerular function. Thus, a low, high normal, or clearly elevated BUN
provides some indication of loss of glomerular function.
Urinary Porphyrins
Porphyrins are formed as intermediates in the biosynthesis of heme. In humans and
other mammals, porphyrins with eight, seven, six, five, and four carboxyl groups are
excreted in the urine in a well-established pattern.
Mercury selectively alters porphyrin metabolism in kidney proximal tubule cells,
leading to an altered urinary porphyrin excretion pattern.
Urinary porphyrin concentrations were measured in dentists. Among dentists with no
detectable urinary mercury, mean concentrations of urinary porphyrins were within
the established normal ranges for male human subjects.
In contrast, among dentists with urinary mercury in excess of 20 micrograms/Ltr,
mean urinary concentrations of four- and five-carboxyl porphyrins as well as of
precoproporphyrin were elevated three to four times those of unexposed subjects.
These findings suggest that urinary porphyrin profiles may serve as a useful
biomarker of mercury exposure in clinical or epidemiologic studies of mercuryrelated human health risks.
Altered Kidney Function is a sign of: OXIDATIVE STRESS due to exposure to
some oxidant catalyst (i.e. metal, drug, chemical, bacterial toxin) or the effect of
autoimmune antibodies.
Remedy: I currently have six mercury amalgam that will be removed in a few weeks
time by a dental surgeon who specialises in this process. If not removed correctly, you
can be exposed to very dangerous mercury levels as a result of the removal process.
Chinese herbs to support and repair the kidneys and their function are also required.
A Free Calcium Risk Index is not a measure of free calcium. Instead, it is intended as
a predictor of excesses of free calcium - which is believed to be more reliable than the
indirect measure of ionized serum calcium. The Free Calcium Risk Index is predictive
of excesses or lack of excesses of free calcium, and is indicative of the degree of
Acidemia or Alkalemia (acidemia is by far the most common problerm)
The Free Calcium Risk Index, compared with total calcium, reflects the sum total
organic anions (alkaline buffers) plus albumin - relative to total calcium. A high
reading in people who have a normal albumin indicates a reduction in the level of
organic anions.
It is thus associated with ACIDEMIA and a tendency towards ANAEROBIC
METABOLISM, calculus formation on teeth, calcification within the body, stone
development, bone loss, and chronic disease in general. Conversely, the presence of
these symptoms are predictive of a high Free Calcium Risk Index, Acidemia, and a
tendency towards Anaerobic metabolism
The body has five layers of alkaline buffering – the last being serum phosphorus.
The body’s only stores of phosphorus is in the bone, so in order to extract the
phosphorus the bone must be broken down, and in so doing the levels of free calcium
in the blood increase and bone density falls!
The five layers of the buffering system 1) Lungs
2) Protein, Hemoglobin, and Red Blood Cell Quality and Quantity
3) Urea / Kreb's Cycle
4) Kidney / Adrenal Function
5) Bones / Parathyroid hormone (phosphorus)
Acidemia / Anaerobic Metabolism – Risks:
 Arterial disease Cancer
 Yeast infections
 Diabetes
 Bone resorption
 Bacterial infections
 Fatigue
 Persistant oral infections
 All degenerative processes
 Tooth decay
Excess Free Calcium - Risks:
 Calcium buildup on teeth
 Arthritis
 Calcium deposits
 Psuedo-Gout
 Cancer
 Complicated arterial lesions
 High Blood Pressure
In the following result - The elevated Calcium Risk Index (circled) is predictive of
Increase Alkalising Foods & Supplementary Buffers
Stop Calcium Supplementation
Remove Phosphorus Lowering Foods from Diet
Reduce the Body’s Toxin Load and Exposure
This is an overview of the Six Subclinical Defects from my own results -
This is the results of Mercury Toxicity Screening – The arrows to the left indicate
that if a reading is heading in that direction – a problem exists.
 The Percentage and Colour indicate the severity of the problem.
 The Overall Risk level is indicated at the bottom left.
 The Most Important thing to remember – is that Mercury is Unsafe in the Body
AT ANY LEVEL! You may appear to be OK at the moment – but sooner or later
it will cause major problems.
To be able to understand what is happening at the deep biochemical level gives
practitioner insights that were never before possible.
More detailed examples and Treatment protocols will be discussed in future articles.
IT is being continually updated …
Regards … MIKE
The Software program from which these images were taken, is
available from Quest For Health and is an additional module that
becomes a part of the HealthQuest program suite.