Course Name: Phytochemistry Course Number: 700321 Credit Hours: 4 Hrs. ( 3 Lect. + 1 Pract. ) Course Description This course covers the study of the chemistry of crude drugs such as volatile oils, glycosides, alkaloids bitter principles, resins and saponins etc. The study covers the chemical and physical properties, identification tests, methods of isolation and methods of assays. Aims To provide students with a thorough knowledge of natural products including their occurrence and classification. To study different classes of secondary plant metabolites and their biogenetic origin. To provide student with knowledge of drug constituents, their structures, their analysis and uses. General Objectives The student should: Have knowledge of different extractioon techniques Have knowledge of heterocyclic chemistry Have knowledge of different analytical methods Have knowledge of different chromatographic methods. Course contents Theory: 1. Introduction ( 1 Hr) Definitions and aims . Classification of the secondary plant metabolites according to their biogenetic origin and chemical structures. 2. Carbohydrates (2 Hrs) Occurrence, distribution, chemical classification, properties,medicinal and pharmaceutical uses. 3. Lipids (2 Hrs) Chemistry of lipids (fixed oils, fats and waxes), medicinal and industrial uses. 1 4. Volatile oils (4 Hrs) Occurrence and distribution, methods of perpetration, physical properties, chemical classification (hydrocarbons - alcohols - aldehydes - ketones, esters, oxides, peroxides) , their chemical properties, uses in medicine and industry. 5. Resins and resins combinations (2 Hrs) Physical properties, chemical properties, preparation, chemical composition, balsams, uses. 6.Terpenoids: (2 Hrs) Occurrence, distribution, functions, physical and chemical properties, extraction and detection, classification (monoterpenes, sesquiterpences diterpenes, sesterpenes, triterpenes, tetraterpenes, polyterpenes), degradative terpenoids (quassinoids, liminoids) miscellaneous isoprenoids. 7. Phenolic compounds: ( 3 Hrs) Classification, naphthoquinones, lignans and lignins, chromones, xanthones anthocyanidins and anthocyanins. 8.Tannins. ( 2 Hrs) Occurrence, qualitative and quantitative determination, classification, hydrolysable, condensed (proanthocyanidins) medicinal and biological properties. 9. Glycosides: (8 Hrs) Occurrence, properties, chemical linkages, classification anthraquinones, cardiac, saponins, cyanogenetic, flavonoids and their glycosides, coumarins and their glycosides, alcohol and aldehyde glycosides, thioglycosides. 9. Alkaloids (8 Hrs) Definition, occurrence and distribution, extraction detection, classification pyridine, pieridine, tropane quinoline, isoquinoline, phenantherene, indole, imidazole, purine, steroidal, alkaloidal amines. 10. Miscellaneous Natural compounds (2 Hrs) Occurrence and chemical properties. 2 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Methods of instruction Lectures. Computer assisted sessions. Practicals. Tutorials. Practical: Extraction procedures. Isolation of starch from potato. Isolation of pectin from Grape fruit. Isolation of Palmitic acid from bee’s wax. Determination of acid value. Determination of saponification value. Determination of volatile oils in crude drugs. Assay of aldehyde and ketones. Separation of menthol/thymol mixture. 10. Extraction and detection of anthracene glycosides. 11. Extraction and detection of cardiac glycosides. 12. Extraction and detection of saponins. 13. Isolation of Tannic acid from galls. 14. Extraction and detection of alkaloids. 15. Isolation of caffeine from Tea. Main Text Book : Trease and Evans "Pharmacognosy", W.C. Evans, W.B.Saunders Company Ltd., London, 1996 Additional Reference: 1. Pharmacognosy and Biotechnology, By J.E. Robbers, M.K.Speedie and V.E. Tyler, Pub. William and Wilikins, 1996 Journals 1. Journal of Natural Products. 2. Journal of Phytochemistry. 3. Planta Medica. 3 Pre-requisites-course code 1. General Pharmacognosy 2. Biochemistry I 3. Instrumental Analysis II 4 course code 700127. course code 700231. course code 700425