Art - St Leonard`s C of E Primary School

Spring-The Great Outdoors
Autumn-A Kingdom United
Exploring and developing ideas
To be able to record and explore ideas from first
hand observations
To use a range of media when drawing.
To be able to show patterns and textures by
adding dots and lines.
To make a variety of lines of different sizes,
thickness and shapes.
To use thick and thin brushes and paint pictures of
what I see.
To be able to name the primary and secondary
To be able to say how artists has used colour
Summer-A Far Away Land
To explore and experiment with lots of collage
To cut and tear paper, textiles and card for my
To sort and arrange collage materials for a
To create collages sometimes in a group and
sometimes on my own.
To be able to describe what they think about
others’ and own work
Digital Literacy
Digital literacy
Digital literacy and ICT
Computer Science
Digital literacy and ICT
Computer Science
On Line Safety: Use technology safely,
respectfully and responsibly. Be able to
name people that help us.
Text, Sound and Images: Use technology
to create and change digital content
Data Handling: Use technology to create
and change digital content Begin to save
and retrieve work.
Simulation & Modelling: Understand
what algorithms are. Begin to
programme simple programmable toys
with simple instructions
Animation: Use technology to create and
change digital content. Be able to save
and retrieve work.
Programming: Create simple programs
Begin to identity why a programme has
gone wrong and make suggestions on
how to fix (debug) it.
Design purposeful, functional and appealing products for themselves and others based on a design criteria.
Generate, develop, model and communicate their ideas through talking, drawing, templates, mock ups and, where appropriate, information and communication technology
Select from and use a range of tools and equipment to perform practical tasks e.g. cutting, shaping, joining and finishing.
Select from and use a range of materials and components, including construction materials, textiles and ingredients, according to their characteristics.
Follow safety procedures
Explore and evaluate a range of existing products.
To evaluate their ideas and products against the design criteria. Saying what they liked and disliked identifying what they could have done differently or how they could improve in the future.
Technical Knowledge
Build structures, exploring how they can be made stronger, stiffer and more stable.
Design and make assignments using a range of materials, including food items that can be put together to make products and textiles.
Cooking and nutrition
Use the basic principles of a healthy and varied diet to prepare dishes.
Through a variety of creative and practical activities pupils should be taught the knowledge, understanding and skills needed to engage in the process of designing and making. They should work on a range of relevant contexts (e.g. the home and school, gardens and
playground, the community, industry and the wider environment.)
As part of their work with food, pupils should be taught how to cook and apply the principles of nutrition and eating. Instilling a love of cooking in pupils will also open a door to one of the great expressions of human creativity. Learning how to cook is a crucial life-skill that
enables pupils to feed themselves and others affordably and well, now and in later life.
Traditional tales
Fantasy stories
Non-fiction texts: labels, Lists, captions.
Stories by the same author: Jill Murphy
Non-Chronological Report
Poetry on a theme
Traditional rhymes: innovation
Poems to learn off by heart
Stories with repetitive patterns or
Non-Chronological Report
Stories from other cultures
Recount: Familiar events
2a Understand geographical similarities and differences through studying the human and physical geography of a small area of the United Kingdom, and of a small area in a contrasting non-European country.
1a Name and locate the world’s seven continents
3a Identify seasonal and daily weather patterns in the United Kingdom and the location of hot and cold areas of the world in relation to the Equator and the North and South Poles.
5b Use simple fieldwork and observational skills to study the geography of their school and its grounds and the key human and physical features of its surrounding environment.
Changes within living memory. Where appropriate, these should be used to reveal aspects of change in national life
The lives of significant individuals in the past who have contributed to national and international achievements. Some should be used to compare aspects of life in different periods
Significant historical events, people and places in their own locality
Pupils recognise the distinction between present and past in their own and other people's lives
They show their emerging sense of chronology by placing a few events and objects in order, and by using everyday terms about the passing of time.
They know and recount episodes from stories about the past.
They find answers to some simple questions about the past from sources of information.
Year 1 Pupils recognise the distinction between present and past in their own and other people's lives They show their emerging sense of chronology by placing a few events and objects in order, and by using everyday terms about the passing of time.
Spring-The Great Outdoors
Autumn-A Kingdom United
Summer-A Far Away Land
See Separate Planning
Nursery Rhymes
Hey You!
Rhythm in the Way we Walk Banana
KS1 Nativity
Athletics Activities
a)master basic movements including running, jumping, throwing and catching, as well as developing balance, agility and co-ordination, and begin to apply these in a range of activities
b) participate in team games, developing simple tactics for attacking and defending
c) perform dances using simple movement patterns.
(Friendship week)
1.2 God & Creation (5hrs)
Everyday Materials
Seasonal Change
1.3 Christmas Gifts & Gift Bringers (4hrs)
Supplement – The lords Prayer
Reflect Rewind and Replay year 1
1.6 What is a saint
1.4 Jesus was special (6hrs)
Everyday Materials
1.5 Easter celebrating new life (5hrs)
Supplement S3 My world Jesus world
1.7 Baptism – Non-Christian faith
Supplement – S11 Joseph
Seasonal Change
Pupils should be taught to:
Pupils should be taught to:
distinguish between an object and the
material from which it is made
identify and name a variety of everyday
materials, including wood, plastic, glass,
metal, water, and rock
describe the simple physical properties of a
variety of everyday materials
compare and group together a variety of
everyday materials on the basis of their
simple physical properties.
Pupils should be taught to:
identify and name a variety of common
animals including fish, amphibians, reptiles,
birds and mammals
identify and name a variety of common
animals that are carnivores, herbivores and
describe and compare the structure of a
variety of common animals (fish, amphibians,
reptiles, birds and mammals, including pets)
Pupils should be taught to:
identify and name a variety of common wild
and garden plants, including deciduous and
evergreen trees
identify and describe the basic structure of a variety
of common flowering plants, including trees.
observe changes across the four seasons
observe and describe weather associated with the
seasons and how day length varies
identify, name, draw and label the basic parts of the
human body and say which part of the body is
associated with each sense.
During years 1 and 2, pupils should be taught to use the following practical scientific methods, processes and skills through the teaching of the programme of study content.
asking simple questions and recognising that they can be answered in different ways
observing closely, using simple equipment
performing simple tests
identifying and classifying
using their observations and ideas to suggest answers to questions
gathering and recording data to help in answering questions.