Excerpt from German Velasquez & Pascale Boulet (1998)

General documents on intellectual property rights
1. Primary source documents
1.1. Treaties
Global Treaties
Agreement Establishing the World Trade Organisation adopted on 1994.
Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights adopted on
Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization adopted on
Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks adopted on 14
April 1981 last amended 28 September 1979.
Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property adopted on 20 March 1883
last revised on 28 September 1979.
Patent Cooperation Treaty adopted on 1970.
Patent Law Treaty adopted on 1 June 2000.
Protocol Relating to the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration
of Marks adopted on 27 June 1989 as amended 3 October 2006
Strasbourg Agreement Concerning the International Patent Classification adopted on
24 March 1971 as amended on 28 September 1979.
Budapest Treaty on the International Recognition of the Deposit of Microorganisms
for the Purposes of Patent Procedure entered into force on 9 August 1980.
Trademark Law Treaty adopted on 27 October 1994.
Treaty on Intellectual Property in Respect of Integrated Circuits adopted on 26 May
Vienna Agreement Establishing an International Classification of the Figurative
Elements of Marks adopted on 12 June 1973 as amended on 1 October 1985.
Regional and sub-regional treaties
Agreement Revising the Bangui Agreement of 2 March 1977 on the Creation of an
African Intellectual Property Organization 24 February 1999.
Harare Protocol on Patents and Industrial Designs Within the Framework of the
African Regional Intellectual Property Organisation adopted on 10 December 1982
last amended 21 November 2003.
Lusaka Agreement on the Creation of the African Regional Intellectual Property
Organization (ARIPO) 9 December 1976 last amended 13 August 2004.
Southern African Development Community Protocol on Health adopted on 1999.
European Patent Convention adopted on 5 October 1973 last revised 29 November
Convention on the Grant of European Patents adopted on 5 October 1973 last revised
29 November 2000.
Protocol on the Interpretation of Article 69 European Patent Convention adopted on
5 October 1973 last revised 29 November 2000.
Protocol on the Centralisation of the European Patent System and Its Introduction
adopted on 5 October 1973 last revised 29 November 2000.
Protocol on the Jurisdiction and Recognition of Decision in Respect of the right to the
Grant of European Patent adopted on 5 October 1973.
Protocol on Privileges and Immunities of the European Patent Convention adopted on
5 October 1973.
1.2. International declarations and similar documents
Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health adopted on 14 November
OHCHR Sub-commission on Human Rights Resolution 2000/7 Intellectual Property
Rights and Human rights.
UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights General Comment No. 17
Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted on 10 December 1948.
Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights adopted on 19 October 2005.
Regional and sub-regional
Abuja Call for Accelerated Action Towards Universal Access to HIV and AIDS,
Tuberculosis and Malaria Services in Africa adopted on 2006.
Brazzaville Commitment on Scaling Up Towards Universal Access to HIV and AIDS
Prevention, Treatment, Care and Support in Africa by 2010 adopted on 2006.
Continental Framework for Harmonization of Approaches among Member States and
Integration of Policies on Human Rights and People Infected and Affected by
HIV/AIDS in Africa adopted on 2005.
Gaborone Declaration on a Roadmap Towards Universal Access to Prevention,
Treatment and Care adopted on 2005.
Maseru Declaration on HIV/AIDS adopted on 2003.
Regulations for Implementing the Protocol on Patents and Industrial Designs within
the Framework of the African Regional Intellectual Property Organisation (ARIPO)
adopted on 25 April 1984.
Implementing Regulation to the Convention on the Grant of European Patents
adopted on 5 October 1973 last revised 7 December 2006.
National legislations and policies related to IP
From SADC region
Industrial Property Law 3/92 of 28 February 1992
Industrial Property Act 1996.
Industrial Property(Amendment) Act, 1997
The Democratic Republic of Congo
Industrial Property Law 82-01/82.
Ordinance No 89-173 0f August 1989
Patent Law
Patent Law Act of 9 of 1916.
Patent Rules of 1917 amended in 1942.
Proclamation No 17 of 1923.
South West African Affairs Act 25 of 1969
Patent and utility model and Industrial designs
South Africa
Competition Act 89/98 1 September 1999.
Harmful Business Practices Act of 1998.
Intellectual Property Laws Amendments Act of 1997.
Intellectual Property Laws Rationalisation Act of 1996.
Medicines and Related Substances Control Act of 1997.
Patent Amendment Acts of 1986 as amended 2001.
Patents Act 57 of 1978.
Patents Act
From other regions
Industrial Property Act 2001.
Intellectual Property Act 2001 of 1 May 2002.
Restricted Trade Practices, Monopolies and Price Control Act 1989.
The Statute Law (Miscellaneous Amendments) Act No. 2 of 2002 4 June 2002.
Patent Act 1983 incorporating latest amendment – Act A1196/2003.
Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia Act 2002.
Trade Marks Act 1976.
The Patent Law (Republic Act No 165 of June 1947).
Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines (Republic Act No 8293) of 1998.
Bill C-9: An Act to Amend the Patent Act and the Food and Drugs Act 2005.
Patent Act of 1985.
Patented Medicines (Notice of Compliance) Regulations of 12 March 1993.
Patent Rules of 28 August 1996.
Patent Act - United States Code Title 35 – Patents last revised November 2005.
2. Secondary source documents
AIDS and Human Rights Research Unit (2007) Human rights protected?
Southern African country reports on HIV, AIDS and law Pretoria: Pretoria University
Law Press.
Baker, BK (2004) Processes and issues for improving access to medicines
willingness and ability to utilise TRIPS Flexibilities in non-producing countries:
Fretwells Ltd
Bossche, PV (2005) The law and policy of the World Trade organization: Text, cases
and materials: Cambridge University Press.
Correa, CM (2000) Intellectual property rights, the WTO and developing countries:
The TRIPS agreement and policy options. London and New York: Zed Books Ltd.
Correa, CM (2002) Implications of the Doha Declaration on the TRIPS agreement
and public health Geneva World Health Organisation.
Drahos, P & Braithwaite, J (2002) Information feudalism: Who owns the knowledge
economy? The New Press.
Hestermeyer, H (2007) Human rights and the WTO: the case of patents and access to
Musungu, SF & Oh, C (2006) The use of flexibilities in TRIPS by developing
countries: can they promote access to medicines. Geneva: South Centre.
Musungu, SF (2004) Utilizing trips flexibilities for public health protection through
south-south regional frameworks Geneva: South Centre.
Parkin, M (2005) Microeconomics 7th ed United States of America: Pearson Addison
Reichman, JH & Hazensahl, C Non-voluntary licensing of patented inventions:
Historical perspective, legal framework under TRIPS and an overview of the practice
in Canada and the USA: International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development
Sinjela, M (2007) Human rights and intellectual property rights: tensions and
Viljoen, F & Precious, S (eds) (2007) Human rights under threat: Four perspectives
on HIV, AIDS and the law in Southern Africa Pretoria: Pretoria University Law Press
Chapters from books
Balasubramaniam, K ‘Access to medicines: patents, prices and public policy –
consumer perspectives’ in P Drahos & R Mayne (eds) (2002) Global intellectual
property rights: Knowledge, access and development Hampshire: Palgrave
Correa, CM ‘Pro-competitive measures under TRIPS to promote Technology
diffussion in developing countries’ in P Drahos & R Mayne (eds) (2002) Global
intellectual property rights: Knowledge, access and development Hampshire:
Palgrave Macmillan.
‘International Environmental Law Research Centre International Environment House
Amended patents act and access to medicines after Doha Philippe Cullet XXXVII/24’
Economic and Political Weekly 15 June 2002.
3D Trade - Human Rights - Equitable Economy (2004) Trade related intellectual
property rights, trade in services and the fulfilment of children’s rights – Botswana.
A joint study by WHO and the WTO Secretariat (2002) ‘WTO agreements and public
Abbott, FM ‘The TRIPS Agreement, access to medicines, and the WTO Doha
Ministerial Conference’ (2002) 5 Journal of World Intellectual Property 15.
Avafia, T, Berger, J and Hartzenberg, T (2006) The ability of select sub-Saharan
African countries to utilise TRIPS flexibilities and Competition law to ensure a
sustainable supply of essential medicines: A study of producing and importing
countries. Tralac Working Paper No 12. Stelenbosch: US printers
Bale, HE ‘Patent protection and pharmaceutical innovation’ (1996-1997) 29 New
York University Journal of International Law and Politics.
Berger, JM TRIPS, access to medicines and HIV/AIDS in South Africa: A
presentation made at the launch of Oxfam International’s “Rigged rules and double
standards: trade, globalisation, and the fight against poverty” document 11 April
2002, University of the Witwatersrand.
Berger, MJ ‘Litigation strategies to gain access o treatment for HIV/AIDS: The case
of South Africa’s Treatment Action Campaign’ 20 Wisconsin International Law
Journal 3.
Campbell, C ‘Letting them die: Why HIV/AIDS intervention programmes fail.’
(2003) International African Institute.
Correa, CM ‘Negotiating health protecting test data for pharmaceutical and
agrochemical products under free trade agreements’.
Correa, CM ‘TRIPS agreement and access to drugs in developing countries’ (2005) 3
International journal on human rights.
Csete, J ‘Several for the price of one: Right to AIDS treatment as link to other human
rights’ (2001-2002) 17 Connecticut Journal of International Law 17.
DFID HSRC overview paper (2004) Access to medicines in under-served markets:
What are the implications of changes in intellectual property rights, trade and drug
registration policy?
Dommen, C ‘Trade and human rights: Towards coherence’ (2005) 3 International
journal on human rights.
Drahos, P ‘The universality of intellectual property rights: Origins and development’
Queen Mary and Westfield College
Excerpt from German Velasquez & Pascale Boulet (1998) Globalization and access
to drugs.
Executive Order 13155 ‘Access to HIV/AIDS pharmaceuticals and medical
technologies’ (2000) Federal Register vol. 65 No. 93 Presidential documents.
Flynn, S, Hollis, A & Palmedo, M (2007) ‘Economic justifications for open access to
essential medicine patents in developing countries’ (draft).
Gallus, N ‘The mystery of pharmaceutical parallel trade and developing countries’
(2004) 7 The Journal of World Intellectual Property 2004.
Hoen, E ‘TRIPS, pharmaceutical patents, and access to essential medicines: A long
way from Seattle to Doha’ (2002) 3 Chicago Journal of international Law 27.
Junior, AA SELA 2005 Panel 5: Poverty and the international order Compulsory
Licensing and Access to Medicine in Developing Countries.
Lewis-Lettington, R & Munyi, P (2004) ‘Willingness and ability to use TRIPS
flexibilities: Kenya case study.’ DFID Issue paper: Fretwells Ltd.
Sacco, SF ‘A comparative study of the implementation in Zimbabwe and South
Africa of the International law rules that allow compulsory licensing and parallel
importation for HIV/AIDS drugs.’ (2005) 5 African Human Rights Law Journal 1.
SUN, H Reshaping the TRIPS Agreement concerning Public Health – Two Critical
Issues’ in (2003) 37 Journal of World Trade.
Trouiller, P, Olliero, P, Toreele, I, Orbinski, J, Laing, R & Ford N ‘Drug development
for neglected disease: a defunct market and public health policy failure’ (2002) 359
The Lancet Publishing Group www.thelancet.com.
Varella, MD ‘The WTO, Intellectual Property and AIDS – Case Studies from Brazil
and South Africa’ (2004) 7 The Journal of World Intellectual Property.
Yasmin, AE ‘Not just a tragedy: Access to medications as a right under international
law’ (2003) 21 Boston University International Law Journal.
Report of the Commission on Intellectual Property Rights (2002) Integrating
intellectual property rights and development policy.
UN Economic and Social Council Report of the High Commissioner 27 June 2001.
UNCTAD-ICTSD project on intellectual property rights and sustainable development
(2008) The Global Intellectual Property Rights System.
UNCTAD-ICTSD project on intellectual property rights and sustainable development
United States House of Representatives Committee on Government Reform-Minority
Staff Special Investigation Division (2005) Trade agreements and access to
medications under the Bush administration.
WHO Public health Innovation and intellectual property rights: (2006) Report of the
High Commission on Intellectual Property Rights, innovation and public health 2006.
WIPO intellectual property handbook: Policy, law and use International treaties and
conventions on intellectual property.
Case law
From SADC Region
Minister of Health and others v Treatment Action Campaign and others 10 BCLR
1033 (CC) 2002.
Minister of Health v New Clicks SA and others 2005.
Pharmaceutical Manufacturers’’ Association and 41 others v President of South
Africa and 9 others, High Court of South Africa, Transvaal Provincial Division, Case
No 4183/98 2001.
Treatment Action Campaign and others v Minister of Health and Others 2 BCLR 356
(T) 2002.
From other regions
Jorge Odir Miranda Cortez et al v El Salvador (2001) Inter-American Commission
on Human Rights
AIDS Access Foundation et al v Bristol Myers-Squibb Company and Department of
Intellectual Property (ThCIPITC 2002)