Biology 120: Genetics

Biology 1120: Genetics
Topical Schedule
Week 1 :Topics: Cells, cell division, chromosomes.
Chapters in Klug and Cummings: Chapter 1, Chapter 2
Study Guides from
The Limitations of Science, So What is Life?, Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells, Cell Structure, Life Together, Mr. and
Mrs. George Gene, Classical Genetics, Mitosis and Meiosis
Week 2: Topics: Chromosome Anomalies, Mendelian Principles
Chapters in Klug and Cummings: Chapter 5 (Part), Chapter 7 (part), Chapter 3
Study Guides from
Classical Genetics, Lynn’s Five Rules of Pedigree Analysis, Mutation (Section IV. A)
Week 3: Topics: Mendelian Genetics
Chapters in Klug and Cummings: Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6 (skim)
Study Guides from
Classical Genetics, Lynn’s Five Rules of Pedigree Analysis, How to Solve Genetics Problems I and II, Rh disease
Week 4: Library
Week 5: Topic: Beyond Mendel; Chi-square testing
Chapters in Klug and Cummings: Chapter 4, Chapter 5
Study Guides from
How to Solve Genetics Problems III, Multiple Alleles, Dominance, Chi-Square Goodness of Fit Test, A Matter of Sex, Sex
Linked, Influenced and Limited Traits*
Week 6: Exam Week
Weeks 7 and 8: Topics: Linkage and Linkage Mapping
Chapters in Klug and Cummings: Chapter 8, Chapter 9 FYI
Study Guides from
Introduction to Linkage Mapping, How to Solve Linkage Map Problems, Linkage Mapping Examples I and II
Week 9: Topics: Molecular Genetics: DNA Structure
Chapters in Klug and Cummings: Chapter 10
Study Guides from
Ah, DNA!, Just What Is a Gene, Anyway?, The Double Helix, Molecular Genetics
Week 10: Spring Break
Week 11: Topic: DNA Replication
Chapters in Klug and Cummings: Chapter 11
Study Guides from
Ah, DNA!, Just What Is a Gene, Anyway?, The Double Helix, Molecular Genetics
Week 12: Topics: Mutation; Transcription
Chapters in Klug and Cummings: Chapter 15, Chapter 13
Study Guides from
Molecular Genetics, Mutation, Mutagens
Week 13: Exam week
Week 14: Topics: Translation, Control of Gene Activity (Operons)
Chapters in Klug and Cummings: Chapter 14, Chapter 16
Study Guides from
Molecular Genetics, Operons
Week 15: Topics: Biotechnology, Contemporary Issues
Chapters in Klug and Cummings: Chapter 17, Chapter 18 (FYI). Chapter 19 (FYI)
Study Guides from
Biotechnology, Better Life Through Genetics
Weeks 16 and 17: Topics: Population Genetics
Chapters in Klug and Cummings: Chapter 22, Chapter 23 (FYI)
Study Guides from
Population Genetics*
Week 18: Exam Week