Statistical Appendix Goal 1: Reduction of infant and under-five mortality rates by one third or to 50 and 70 per 1,000 live births respectively, whichever is less Under-five mortality rate Probability of dying between birth and exactly five years of age, per 1,000 live births Infant mortality rate Probability of dying between birth and exactly one year of age, per 1,000 live births Nepal does not have a national vital registration system from which mortality rates can be calculated. The Nepal Family Health Survey (NFHS1996) is considered to be the most recent and reliable source of data for mortality rates in Nepal. NFHS used the direct method to estimate mortality rates. Full reproductive histories were obtained from each woman interviewed. Women of child bearing age (15 to 49 years) were asked about all living children, all children who had died, and all pregnancies, whether they had resulted in a live birth or not. The estimated infant mortality rate (IMR) for the five-year period preceding the survey (19921996) is 79 per 1,000 live births. The under-five mortality rate (U5MR) for the same period is 118 per 1,000 live births. IMR and U5MR by 5 year periods preceding NFHS 1996 Years preceding survey IMR U5MR 0-4 years 78.5 118.3 5-9 years 108.3 161.6 10-14 years 126.7 195.6 According to the table above, mortality levels have declined by about 40 percent since the 80s. Findings from earlier surveys are plotted in the graph below. Trends in Infant Mortality in Nepal (1969 -1994) 200 150 100 50 0 1979 1984 NFFS 1986 90 103 NFHS 1991 123 115 80 127 108 NFS 1976 ` NFHS 1996 1969 1974 156 140 1989 1994 79 1 The IMR for boys is typically higher than that for girls. However, the higher rate of child mortality (between 1-4 years) is not biologically expected, and suggests discrimination against girls in child rearing practices, such as feeding patterns and care seeking. U5MR by Place of Residence (1986-96) deaths per 1,000 live births 250 208 200 178 179 143.4 150 127 139 138 119 113 100 82.2 50 Far-West Mid-West Western Central Eastern Terai Hill Mountain Rural Urban 0 Mortality Rates by Sex (1986-96) 200 deaths per 1,000 live births To determine disparities in IMR and U5MR, rates were calculated for a 10-year period to increase the number of cases. The disparity pattern for IMR and U5MR is the same, although they differ in the magnitude. IMR and U5MR are higher in rural areas than they are in urban areas. Mortality rates in the Mountains are much higher than they are in the Terai or the Hills. The MidWestern and Far-Western regions have the highest mortality rates. Boys Girls 142.8 135.5 150 101.9 100 83.7 45.5 50 56.5 0 IMR Goal 2: Child Mortality U5MR Reduction of maternal mortality rate Maternal mortality ratio Annual number of deaths of women from pregnancy-related causes, when pregnant or within 42 days of termination of pregnancy, per 100,000 live births There are no reliable registration systems on deaths or cause of deaths in Nepal, from which one can derive maternal mortality rates (MMR). The most recent survey conducted on the maternal mortality rate is the Nepal Family Health Survey (NFHS) of 1996. NFHS used the sisterhood method. Direct estimates of male and female adult mortality were obtained from information collected in the sibling history. The MMR for the period 0-6 years prior to the survey has been estimated at 539 per 100,000 births. This contrasts with the estimate of 515 per 100,000 derived by the indirect method (with some adjustments) from the Nepal Fertility Family Planning and Health Survey conducted in 1991. The MMR estimate from the NFHS (1996) is considered to be the most reliable in Nepal. This survey was ranked fifth best in an assessment of the quality of age data in 40 ` 2 Demographic Health Surveys.1 In NFHS 1996, maternal deaths are defined as those that occur during pregnancy, childbirth or within two months after birth or termination of pregnancy. A detailed discussion on data quality with regard to MMR can be found in the NFHS 1996 report. Goal 3: Reduction of severe and moderate malnutrition among under-five children by half Underweight prevalence Proportion of under-fives who fall below minus 2 and below minus 3 standard deviations from median weight-for-age of NCHS/WHO reference population. Stunting prevalence Proportion of under-fives who fall below minus 2 and below minus 3 standard deviations from median height-for-age of NCHS/WHO reference population. Wasting prevalence Proportion of under-fives who fall below minus2 and below minus3 standard deviations from median weight –for-height of NCHS/WHO reference. Current status of PEM The most recent national nutrition survey, Nepal Micronutrient Status Survey (NMSS), conducted in 1998, showed that that child malnutrition is still widespread in Nepal and that there has been very limited progress over the last decades. The survey found that 54 percent of children below 5 years of age are affected by stunting and that 47 percent of the children are underweight. In addition, the survey reports that 7 percent of the Map 1: Stunting in children below 5 years are wasted. children, 6-59 months, by eco-development region As can be seen from Map 1, (NMSS 1998) malnutrition is not evenly distributed throughout Nepal. Instead there is wide variation both ecologically and regionally throughout Nepal. Stunting, underweight and wasting are all more common in the mountain areas than in > 70 % 60 - 69 % the Terai. As with many other socio50 - 59 % economic indicators, there is also a 40 - 49 % marked geographical trend, with the rates for all three indicators being particularly high in the Mid- and FarWest Hills, as well as the whole mountain region. It should be noted from Map 1 that although the prevalence of stunting is particularly high in the western mountain areas, it is prevalent throughout the country with more than 40 percent of children stunted in all regions. The 1998 survey also shows that children in urban areas are less likely to be stunted (36%) than children in rural areas (56%). In spite of marked gender differences seen in many other socio-economic indicators, the recent nation-wide surveys have not found any significant From Ayad et al (1997) “Demographic and Socioeconomic Characteristics of Households” DHS Comparative Studies, No. 26. quoted in Retherford, R.D and Shyam Thapa (1999) “The Trend of Fertility in Nepal, 1961-1995”, Genus. 1 ` 3 differences in malnutrition between girls and boys below five years. Some localised studies, however, have found more malnutrition in girls. (NMSS 1998) 70 60 Percentage Age of the child is an important factor in the levels of malnutrition. There is a dramatic increase in malnutrition, for all indicators, between 6 months and 2 years. After the second year, underweight and wasting begin to decrease. Stunting, however, continues to increase after the second year for children in the Hills and Mountains. Figure 1: Indicators of malnutrition by age, children 6-59 months 50 40 30 20 10 0 6-11 months 12-23 months 24-35 months 36-47 months 48-59 months Stunting Underweight Wasting Trends in PEM Stunting In spite of the efforts made to address the problem of child malnutrition, and in spite of significant reduction in infant mortality and increased GNP, there has been only limited reduction in child malnutrition over the last 23 years. Figure 2: Prevalence of stunting; 6-36 months, <-2 SD, Nepal 1975-98 100 90 80 70 Prevalence According to data from three national level surveys having similar designs, there has been a slight improvement in the status of children, 6-36 months old, in Nepal when measured by stunting (height-for-age). There has been a 15 percentage point reduction since 1975, from 65 percent to 50 percent (Figure 2). On average, the rate of reduction was 0.65 percentage points per year, which translates into a 6.5 percent reduction for the 1990s. 60 50 NFHS 1996 NNSS 1975 NMSS 1998 40 30 20 10 0 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 The earliest national survey, the 1975 National Nutrition Status Survey (NNSS), was originally analyzed using a different reference population and classification system. The data have since been recalculated by the Center for Disease Control, Atlanta, to be comparable with later surveys. Underweight When comparing prevalence of underweight in children 6-59 months in 1975 with the situation in 1998, it can be seen that the reduction is slightly higher than for stunting. The 1975 National Nutrition Status Survey found 69.1 percent of the children to be underweight, whereas the 1998 Micronutrient Status Survey registered a prevalence of 47.1 percent, a 22 percentage point reduction. However, as underweight is a sensitive indicator that quickly responds to sudden changes, such as seasonal and temporary fluctuations, it is not a reliable indicator for long-term trends. ` 4 Goal 4: Universal access to safe drinking water Use of safe drinking water Proportion of population who use any of the following types of water supply for drinking: piped water; public tap; borehole/pump; protected well; protected spring; rain water. Drinking water received its due attention as a basic social service following the UN’s call to declare the Eighties as the Drinking Water and Sanitation Decade. Consequently, Nepal drew up a 10-year plan beginning November 1980 to provide drinking water to 69 percent of the population by 1990. Although achievement was far short of the rather ambitious target, this was the first time such a long-term plan, covering both the Sixth and Seventh Plan periods, had been formulated in this sector. By the end of the decade, according to the Nepal Family Health Survey (NFHS 91), 46 percent of the population had access to drinking water – 90 percent in the Trends in Safe Water Supply Coverage urban areas and 43 100 percent in the rural 90 areas. 80 In the 1990’s, drinking water coverage improved significantly, especially in the rural areas. According to the BCHIMES survey, in 2000 coverage stands at 80 percent – 92 percent in urban areas and 78 percent in rural areas. 70 60 % 50 40 30 20 10 0 1990 91 92 93 Total 94 95 96 Urban 97 Rural 98 99 2000 DWSS Safe water supply coverage NFHS 1991 NFHS 1996 BCHIMES 2000 Rural – 42.8% Urban - 89.9% National -45.9% Rural – 61.4% Urban- 84.7% National- 63.4% Rural – 78.1% Urban- 92.3% National - 79.9% However, figures released by the Department of Water Supply and Sewerage (DWSS), which carries out projects related to drinking water and sanitation, are much lower. In 2000, DWSS put coverage at only 67 percent. This could be because the information system is incomplete and, thus, not fully accurate. There are many DDC, VDC, NGO-initiated water supply schemes that have been built in response to popular demand. None of the surveys carried out during the 1990s provide any information on the quality of water being distributed in both the urban and rural areas. ` 5 The country hopes to achieve universal access to drinking water by the end of the Ninth Plan period (1997-2002). However, meeting it will be a tall task for the following reasons: Ambitious target Frequent transfer of key officials from one district to another Delay in the release of funds from the centre to the districts, making it difficult to meet annual targets Reduced funds from UNICEF and other agencies for drinking water due to increased allocation of resources for sanitation Goal 5: Universal access to sanitary means of excreta disposal Use of sanitary means of compound :? Proportion of population who have, within their dwelling excreta disposal toilet connected to sewage system; any other flush toilet (private or public); improved pit latrine; traditional pit latrine The overall situation of sanitation in Nepal is very poor. The NFHS survey in 1991 found sanitation coverage was only 20 percent – 69 percent in the urban areas and 16 percent in the rural areas. Sanitation coverage NFHS 1991 NFHS 1996 BCHIMES 2000 Rural-16% Urban-69% National -20% Rural – 18% Urban- 74% National - 23% Rural – 27.1% Urban- 74.7% National - 29% In 1994, DWSS announced a new policy on sanitation that aimed at: bringing about changes in people’s sanitary and hygiene practices through health education, information and community mobilisation; ensuring community involvement, particularly Trends in Sanitation Coverage women, in water management and hygiene 100 education; 90 encouraging the 80 participation of NGOs and 70 voluntary and community60 based organisations. % 50 In 2000, sanitation coverage stands at 29 percent, a nine percentage point increase since the beginning of the decade, which means sanitation has made little progress over the years. Sanitation coverage in the ` 40 30 20 10 0 1990 91 92 Total 93 94 95 Urban 96 97 Rural 98 99 2000 DWSS 6 rural areas is low, 27 percent, as against 75 percent in urban areas. In BCHIMES 2000, 51.5 percent of households (50.8% in rural areas and 66.5% in urban areas) report that they do not have latrines because they lack the resources to build one. During the current Ninth plan (1997-2002), the government has set a goal of increasing sanitation coverage to 40%. Given the rate of progress in the past, the target will be difficult to meet unless a different strategy is adopted to accelerate progress. Goal 6: Universal access to basic education and achievement of primary education by at least 80 percent of primary school-age children through formal schooling or non-formal education of comparable learning standard, with emphasis on reducing the current disparities between boys and girls. Children reaching grade 5 Net primary school enrolment ratio Net primary school attendance rate Proportion of children entering first grade of primary school who eventually reach grade 5 proportion of children of primary-school age enrolled in primary school Proportion of children of primary-school age attending primary school Net Primary School Enrolment In 1995, the net enrolment ratio (NER) in primary school was 68 percent, four percentage points up from 1990. However, wide disparity was seen in the enrollment of boys and girls, with a 56 percent NER for girls as against 79 percent for boys. Nonetheless, the enrolment ratio for girls shows remarkable achievement given that it was just 31 percent in 1990. These official figures provided by the Ministry of Education are comparable to the data collected by NMIS2 in 1995 which found 70 percent of children aged 6-10 enrolled in primary school. The data when broken down by sex showed that 60 percent of girls and 80 percent of boys were enrolled. The NMIS survey also showed that more children in urban areas were enrolled than in rural areas. Disaggregated data on NER by development region shows tremendous disparity, not only among the regions but also between male and female enrollment. The Mid-West and Far-West Regions had the lowest net enrollment rates and also the greatest disparity between boys and girls’ enrollment. Net Enrolment Rates (Source: NMIS Cycle 2, 1995) National Urban Rural East Boy 79% 87% 78 % 75% Girl 59% 76% 57% 57% Central 75% 53% West 89% 76% MidWest 68% 37% Far West 80% 57% The most recent data from the MOES (Ministry of Education and Sports), though not official, puts the NER at 72 percent in 1999. It shows little change in disparity over the 1998 data, with the girls’ NER standing approximately 18 percentage points lower than that of boys. NER in primary school in 1998 was 71 percent - 79 percent for boys and 61 percent for girls. ` 7 Net Enrolment Rates (Source: Ministry of Education and Sports 1998) East Central* West Mid West Total 71% 69% 78% 67% Boy 78% 81% 82% 78% Girl 64% 58% 74% 55% *This figure does not include the Kathmandu Valley. Far West 62% 75% 49% Kathmandu 84% 85% 83% Over the decade, the net enrollment ratio has been rising, albeit slowly. The credit for this goes to the Basic and Primary Education Project (BPEP) launched in 1992 to improve access, quality of instruction and supervise primary education in 40 districts. Nepal, however, fell short of its target of achieving a NER of 80 percent in 1998, as per the Jomtien goal of achieving universal primary education by 2000. Inability to achieve the target is attributed to the difficulty in reaching out to school children in the remote areas, gender discrimination which keeps girls at home, language problem in a country where Nepali is the mother tongue of only 52 percent of the population, poverty and low quality of education. In 1999, BPEP II was launched throughout the kingdom to improve access and retention and learning achievement. NER is expected to continue increasing, hopefully, at an accelerated rate of 2 percentage points a year, with the BPEP II goal of having a NER of over 80 percent by 2004. Children Reaching Grade 5 Survival rates in Nepal can be calculated with reasonable accuracy starting only in 1994. Survival rates in primary school were calculated in 1998 - the most recent date for official figures - at only 34 percent without repetition and at 44 percent with repetition. The reason for the low level of survival in the 5-year primary cycle is the high level of drop out and repetition in Class One. According to most recent official figures from MOES, over 19 percent of children enrolled in Class One dropped out, with another 38 percent of Class One students repeating the grade. This means only 41 percent of the cohort were promoted to Class Two. If we examine the trend from 1994 to 1998, we see a steady increase in survival rates of approximately 1.5 percent per year without repetition, and greater increase for survival rates with repetition. This can be attributed to several factors, including increased attention to teacher training and the introduction of pre-primary programmes to reduce underage enrolment. The survival rates are slightly higher for girls than boys, which means that enrolled in primary school, girls are not being pulled out at a higher rate than boys. This difference is greater for survival rate with repetition. Tables for survival rates (With Repetition and Without Repetition) for boys and girls from 1994-1998 are given below. If we look at the trends of the past five years, we are in a position to project survival rates until 2005, shown in the two graphs below. At this rate of growth, however, survival without repetition would still be well under 50 percent in 2005. In terms of projected survival rates with repetition, the data until 2005 are calculated based on the 1994-1998 trends in official data. As can be seen, girls’ survival rates with repetition are considerably higher than that of boys and reach over 60 percent. It is possible, as a result of the inputs from the Basic and Primary Education Programme 1999-2004, that survival rates will increase above these projected levels. This could be especially true as BPEP is focussing on teacher training and quality improvements in the classroom as key components. Based on the existing trends, the rates below have been projected. ` 8 Survival Rates Without Repetition* Year Total Female Male 1994 30 30 30 1995 31 31 31 1996 32 32 31 1997 34 35 33 1998 34 35 33 1999 35 37 34 2000 36 38 35 2001 37 40 35 2002 38 41 36 2003 39 43 37 2004 40 44 37 2005 41 46 38 *Rates from 1999 are projected figures Survival Rates With Repetition* Year Total Female Male 1994 38 38 39 1995 40 40 41 1996 40 41 40 1997 43 45 42 1998 44 45 43 1999 45 48 43 2000 46 50 44 2001 48 52 45 2002 49 54 46 2003 50 56 47 2004 52 58 48 2005 53 60 49 *Rates from 1999 are projected figures Projected survival with repetition until 2005 SURVIVAL RATES WITHOUT REPETITION - 1994 TO 2005 50 40 30 20 10 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 0 YEAR FEMALE MALE Net Primary Attendance Rates No data are available in Nepal on net attendance rates. They have never been collected by MOES, or by any surveys to date. There have been surveys that look at attendance rates in primary schools, but these have not factored in the age of children. For example, the NMIS Cycle Two data from 18,825 households in 1995, found attendance rates in primary school to be 55 percent in Class One and 60 percent in Class Two. This was based upon attendance registers in schools averaged over the previous five days. Boys’ attendance was found to be slightly higher than that of girls. There was no analysis of differences based upon age. In early 2000, the BCHIMES survey covered 10,302 households. An average attendance rate of 83 percent was found over the previous three days of school. Again, this was not based on net enrolment, but on children of all ages in primary school (gross enrolment). The main reasons for not attending were illness of the child, followed by household chores, distance to school, poor quality of teachers, language problems and unwillingness of the child for unspecified reasons. ` 9 Although the gross attendance rate shown by the BCHIMES study is encouraging, a trend cannot be derived at as the methodologies used by NMIS2 1995 and BCHIMES are different. Goal 7: Literacy rate Reduction of the adult illiteracy rate (the appropriate age group to be determined in each country) to at least half its 1990 level, with emphasis on female literacy. Proportion of population aged 15 years and older who are able, with understanding, to both read and write a short simple statement on their everyday life Literacy Rate The 1991 Census used reported literacy as its tool to assess literacy (i.e., based on the feedback to the questions "Are you literate? Is each member of your family literate?"). The 1991 Census found 33 percent of Nepalese aged 15 years and above literate - 48.9 percent males and 17.2 percent females. In 1995, adult literacy rates were assessed in the NMIS Cycle Two survey. It found that the reported national literacy rates for adults aged 15 years and above had risen to 40 percent, with 57 percent for men and 23 percent for women. The main reasons given for the increase was expansion of primary school education and the efforts of the national literacy campaign, which had reached over 300,000 adults annually since 1993. Disaggregated data on literacy shows tremendous disparity between male and female literacy rates by development regions, with male literacy at four-times the levels of female literacy in the Mid and Far West Regions. As can be seen from the chart below, female literacy in the Mid and Far Western Regions is just a third of the 33 percent female literacy for the Western Region. Adult Literacy Rates by Development Region by percent Far West Female 9 Male 49 Source: NMIS2, 1995 Mid West 11 44 West 32 69 Central 16 51 East 21 53 In 2000, the BCHIMES Survey also looked at reported adult literacy as part of the household data collected from 10,302 homes. It found adult literacy to be 51 percent, which was broken down to 66 percent for males and 35 percent for females. The single factor most responsible for the increase in literacy has been expanded primary education for girls. Of the 33 percent women who are literate, 25.7 percent had undergone formal schooling while 7.2 percent acquired literacy through informal channels, a pointer that the impact of the literacy campaign has decreased. Given the different modalities used in the NMIS and BCHIMES surveys, their figures are not comparable, hence the actual literacy trend cannot be ascertained. Yet it is clear that over the decade there has been a steady increase in both male and female literacy rates. Female literacy is more impressive, having nearly doubled since 1991. The gap between male and female literacy rates has also narrowed both in actual and percentage terms. In 1991, female literacy was one-third the male literacy level, while in 2000, female literacy is half the ` 10 male literacy rate. The chart below shows the literacy figures as recorded by different surveys over the past 10 years. Adult literacy rate Female Male Total Goal 8: 1991 Census 17 49 33 1995 NMIS 23 57 40 2000 BCHIMES 35 66 51 Provide improved protection of CEDC and tackle the root causes leading to such situations. Total child disability rate Proportion of children aged less than 15 years with some reported physical or mental disability Total child disability rate This Situation Analysis on Disability in Nepal conducted in 1999/2000 found the prevalence of disability among children below 15 years of age to be 1.01 percent. The study was carried by New Era, a Nepali consultancy firm, under the supervision of the National Planning Commission, with support from UNICEF. In this survey “disability” is defined as: “a result of impairment where a person might not be able to perform activities of daily life considered normal for his/her age, sex, etc.” A disability describes a functional limitation in the categories of communication, locomotion, mental development, as well as complex disabilities. Although the survey’s definition was formulated based on the WHO international classification of impairment, disability and handicaps (ICIDH 1980), it is much narrower. The survey includes only those who are severely disabled, and does not cover those with mild disabilities and cases with impairment. Furthermore, the degree of disability was not clinically examined, and it was identified by non-medical although trained - enumerators. The survey covered a sample size of 13,005 households with a population of 75,994, accounting for 0.37 percent of the total population. Data quality management primarily focused on proper data collection and recording them in the forms. No sampling error was calculated In this survey, prevalence of disability among the general population aged 0-70 years was found to be1.63%. This is significantly lower that the global estimated prevalence rate of moderate and severe disability of 5.5 percent2. This difference can be attributed to: the narrow definition of disability used in the survey; the age limit for the survey, i.e. 0-70 years old; a non-clinical examination by non- medical enumerators who are not in a position to identify mild and moderate types of disability; non-inclusion of disability and death among children no longer present in the household. Disparities 2 ` Helander, E. “Prejudice and Dignity, an introduction to CBR”, UNDP 1999, p. 21. 11 Breakdown of the disability prevalence among children under 15 years is presented in the table below. The survey found a higher disability rate among males than females under 15 years of age. This pattern is consistent with the findings of earlier sub-national studies conducted in Nepal. In terms of regional differences, disability prevalence is lowest in the mountains where socio-economic indicators tend to be the poorest. This suggests that in areas where living conditions are harsh and access to quality basic social services is poor, children with severe disabilities have a low chance of survival. Table A: Estimates of disabled persons below 15 years of age Background Characteristics Total Population Persons with Disabilities Prevalence (%) Percentage of Disabled Persons in Different Categories (100%) Age Group 0-4 5-9 10-14 10,772 10,908 9,644 97 103 117 0.90 0.94 1.21 28.7 30.5 40.8 Sex Male Female 16861 16151 199 139 1.18 0.86 58.9 41.1 Location Urban Rural 2712 30300 25 313 0.92 1.03 7.4 92.6 Ecological Belt Terai Hills Mountains Total 13377 10554 9081 33,012 140 108 90 338 1.05 1.02 0.99 1.01 41.4 31.9 26.6 100.0 Goal 9: Special attention to the health and nutrition of the female child and to pregnant and lactating women Under-five mortality Probability of dying between birth and exacetly five years of age, per 1000 live births rate- female/male – disaggregated by gender Underweight prevalence Proportion of under-fives who fall below minus 2 standard deviations from median female/male weight for age of NCHS/WHO reference population-disaggregated by gender Antenatal care Proportion of women and aged 15-49 attended at least once during pregnancy by skilled health personnel Proportion of population aged 15-49 who are HIV positivedisaggregated by gender and age HIV prevalence ` 12 Anemia Proportion of women aged 15-49 years with haemoglobin levels below 12 grams/100 ml blood for non-pregnant women, and below 11 grams/100 ml blood for pregnant women Underweight prevalence – girl/boys Under 5 mortality rate (male/female) deaths per 1,000 live births The Nepal Micronutrient Status Survey (NMSS), conducted in 1998, found that there was no significant gender difference in the nutritional status of children below 5 years of age. The survey found that 47 percent of children below 5 years are underweight (boys 46.8 % and girls 47.4%). Fifty-four percent of under-five children are stunted (boys 54.4% and girls 53.7%), and 7 percent are wasted (boys 7.3% and girls 6.0%). In spite of marked gender differences seen in many other socio-economic indicators, the recent nation-wide surveys have not found any significant differences in malnutrition between girls and boys below five years. Some localised studies, however, have found more Mortality Rates by Sex (1986-96) malnutrition in girls. Please refer 200 to Goal 3 for a general Boys Girls discussion on malnutrition rates. 142.8 135.5 150 101.9 100 83.7 In the Nepal Family Health 56.5 Survey (1996), mortality rates 45.5 were calculated for a 10-year 50 period to assess disparities. The infant, child and under-five mortality rates by sex are shown 0 in the graph. We see that the IMR Child Mortality U5MR male IMR is higher than the female IMR, as would be expected. However, the higher rate of female child mortality (between 1-4 years) is not biologically expected, and suggests gender discrimination in child rearing practices, such as feeding patterns and care seeking practices. Antenatal care Please refer to Goal 11 for the discussion on Antenatal care. Proportion of Women 15-49 years with Anaemia In 1998 the overall prevalence of anaemia in women of reproductive age was 67.7 percent. Among pregnant women, the rate was 74.6 percent, with severe anaemia in 5.7 percent of the pregnant women (NMSS 1998). In spite of the magnitude of anaemia in Nepal, the problem has received little attention. There have also been relatively few surveys. Anaemia was first assessed in the 1975 Nepal Nutrition Status Survey, which only reported on children aged 6 to 70 months. In 1986, 71 to 95 percent of mothers with young children were found anaemic in five districts (Joint Nutrition Support Project).3 And in 1997, the Nepal Nutrition Intervention Project – Sarlahi (NNIPS) conducted a survey in Sarlahi District, which found 70.6 percent of pregnant 3 ` Joint Nutrition Support Project. 13 women, 81.6 percent of lactating mothers, and 57.5 percent of infants (3 months) with anaemia.4 Field methodology may vary, and sample size and design certainly vary between these surveys and the NMSS in 1998. It seems clear, however, that the anaemia rate has been extremely high in women for at least the last twelve years and that there has been no reduction. For a more detailed discussion on anaemia, please refer to Goal 13. HIV Prevalence in Nepal In the early 1990s, HIV prevalence in Nepal showed a slow, gradual increase among STD patients and female sex workers (FSW). Beginning with the mid-1990s, HIV infection rate among the FSWs shot up from 2.7 percent in 1996 to 17.3 percent in 1999/2000, and rose exponentially from 2.2 percent in 1995/1996 to nearly 50 percent in 1999 among injecting drug users (IDU). Nepal has entered the stage of a concentrated epidemic, with a higher than 5 percent seroprevalence among the sub-population such as the FSWs and IDUs. According to WHO/UNAIDS estimates, some 33,500 Nepalese were living with HIV/AIDS by the end of 1999. There are a total of 1,714 reported cases of HIV infection, including 18 children from perinatal transmission, and 416 have progressed to AIDS, as reported by the National Center for AIDS and STD Control (NCASC), as of Oct 31, 2000. The figures for men more than double those for women: 1,206 men, 370 FSWs and 97 housewives. Blood transfusion accounts for only three known cases and injecting drug use, a further 191. However, HIV/AIDS cases could be vastly underreported due to irregularities in the reporting system. No evidence of HIV infection was found among antenatal clinic attendees tested at 8 sentinel surveillance sites in 1991 and 1992. But by 1999, HIV prevalence among antenatal clinic attendees was an estimated 0.2 percent, which sends an alarming sign that HIV is foraying into the general population. In absence of effective interventions, HIV prevalence in Nepal may rise to 1-2 percent in the 15-49 age group over the next decade, according to Dr. James Chin, Clinical Professor of Epidemiology, University of California, Berkeley. Translated into numbers, it would mean between 100,000 to 200,000 young adults becoming HIV positive and 10,000 to 15,000 of annual AIDS cases and deaths by the end of this decade. If the trend is allowed to continue, by the end of the first decade in the 21st century, HIV may become the Number One killer of Nepalese in the 15-49 age group. The stunning projection, a conservative estimate of USAID/Family Health International, is based on Nepal's current HIV prevalence among the adult population. Injecting drug users The relatively low HIV prevalence in Nepal's adult population masks a staggeringly high prevalence of 50 percent among injecting drug users (IDUs). As of early 1999, there are around 20,000 IDUs in Nepal. Half of all IDUs in Kathmandu, according to NCASC, test HIV 4 Dreyfus, ML, Shrestha, JB, Khatry, SK. The Prevalence of Anaemia among Pregnant and Lactating Women and among their infants in Sarlahi District. For submission to the Journal of the Nepal Medical Association. ` 14 positive. And half of the country's 50,000 drug users, including non-injecting drug users, are in the 16-25 age group. A national HIV seroprevalence survey in February 1999 showed that HIV prevalence among IDUs increased markedly from 2.2 percent in 1995 to nearly 50 percent by 1998. Dr. Chin attributed the rapid rise to a probable change in the type of drug used. There has been a significant shift from heroin to the use of injectable buprenorphine (Tidigesic), he said in a USAID-sponsored visit to Nepal in August 1999. Tidigesic is a prescribed pharmaceutical product, a sedative that costs less than a hard drug like heroin. It is estimated that drug users in Kathmandu spend an average of Rs 5 million (US$ 70,771) a day to sustain their habit. A rapid assessment in 1999 by the NCASC cited peer pressure, curiosity, frustration and an uncertain job prospect as major factors that drive young people, mostly male, into drug use. The NCASC said in a recent assessment that among HIV positive drug users are children of middle-class families, students, street children, rickshaw pullers, vegetable vendors and odd job holders. Contrary to popular belief in the high correlation between HIV and illiteracy, the majority of drug users in Nepal are educated. According to the NCASC, 36.5 percent have attained 9-10 grades, 17 percent 6-8 grades, almost 10 percent attended intermediate school, and only 7 percent are illiterate. Another surprising fact is that almost 80 percent of IDUs associate the sharing of needles and syringes with the risk of HIV infection. The high awareness points to their vulnerability of not being able to access the means necessary for behaviour change, as national policies and decision-makers still oppose 'harm reduction' interventions (e.g. access to clean needles and syringes, and substitution therapy). Migrant laborers and sex workers HIV is also making inroads among migrant workers in Nepal. Between one to two million Nepalese men and women cross the open border with India to find jobs in Mumbai, Calcutta and other cities. Grim economic prospects - with the unemployment rate as high as 47 percent (1998 Human Development Report) - have triggered an exodus of cheap labour, multiplying the real risk of HIV infection. Among them are girls trafficked or voluntarily recruited to Indian brothels, exposing themselves to increased HIV risk unknowingly. A recent UNAIDS survey of brothels in Mumbai shows an HIV prevalence of 60 percent among FSWs. Data from a Family Health International (FHI) study in 1999 confirms a strong correlation between sex work in India and HIV infection among returned Nepalese women. Of the 410 FSWs surveyed, 70 had worked in India, and 12 of them (17.1%) tested HIV positive. This compared to the 1.2 percent, or 4 women, who tested HIV positive in a survey of 340 FSWs who had not worked in India. Contributing to Nepal's HIV growth is also the large number of young Nepalese male migrants who frequent brothels in India. The estimated numbers of HIV-infected Nepalese FSWs and male workers returning from India may rise to a few thousand a year, according to Dr. James Chin. The number of sex workers in Kathmandu Valley varies from 5,000 - 25,000. Commercial sex in Nepal is largely hidden. Many report serving at least three clients a day, and those frequenting them include vegetable vendors, migrant workers, garment workers, local shop owners and students. Most of their clients refuse to use condoms. According to UNAIDS, the majority of male clients are married, or have other partners, which multiply the chances of HIV spreading into the general population. The low socio-economic status of women and ` 15 relative inaccessibility of condoms also make hidden commercial sex an HIV fermenting ground. Compounding the situation is the injecting drug habit among FSWs. In a recent FHI sample survey of 300 FSWs in Kathmandu, 15 said they were IDUs and 11 of them (73.3%) were found HIV positive. Goal 10: Access by all couples to information and services to prevent pregnancies that are too early, too closely spaced, too late or too many Contraceptive prevalence Proportion of women aged 15-49 who are using (or whose partner is using) a contraceptive method (either modern or traditional) Fertility rate for women 15 to 19 Number of live births to women aged 15-19 per 1,000 women aged 15-19 Total fertility rate Average number of live births per women who has reached the end of her childbearing period. Awareness about Family Planning The percentage of married women of childbearing age, 15-49, knowing at least one family planning method increased nearly five-fold, from 21 percent to 98 percent, during 1976-1996 (Figure 1). Awareness about family planning varied considerably by method: Sterilization continued to be most widely known, while spacing methods were least known. Of all the spacing methods, awareness about injectables and the condom increased by more than nine and fifteen times, respectively. Awareness about the IUD and female barrier methods is the lowest, while awareness about the pill increased more than two-fold. Overall, awareness about any modern method of contraception has been nearly universal. ` 16 Figure 1 Women’s (15-49) Awareness of Modern Contraceptive Methods, Nepal 1976-1996 100 Any modern method 90 Female sterilization 80 Injectable Condom 70 Pill Implant Pe 60 rce 50 nt 40 IUD Male sterilization 30 20 Female barrier 10 0 1976 1981 1986 1991 1996 Contraceptive Prevalence Contraceptive use has also increased considerably over time (Figure 2). Current use of any modern method of contraception increased from 3 percent to 29 percent among currently married non-pregnant women of reproductive age - a 10-fold increase over the two decades. This indicates an average increase of about 1.3 percentage points per annum. Female sterilization is the most prominent method, accounting for 50 percent of the total prevalence. Male sterilization is the second most popular method, representing one-fifth of the total prevalence in 1996. Of the spacing methods, the injectable is the most popular method. There has been an increase in the prevalence rate of injectables from 0.1 percent in 1981 to 5 percent (a fifty-fold increase) during 1981-1996. The BCHIMES survey puts the contraceptive prevalence rate at 37 percent, confirming the increasing trend of contraceptive use. Figure 2 Trends in Contraceptive Use, 1976-1996 ( currently married women, 15-49) 30 29 All spacing methods Male sterilization 25 24 Female sterilization 9.6 Percent Using 4.4 20 15 15 7.5 6.0 2.0 Availability and Accessibility 10 8 6.2 2.2 5 3 3 3.2 12.1 13.4 6.8 1.9 0 1.0 1976 ` 2.6 0.1 1981 1986 1991 1996 17 During 1976-1991, the percentage of women who knew of a family planning outlet (a measure of service availability) increased from 6 percent to 74 percent (Table 1). This situation most probably reflected a combination of the establishment of new service outlets and women being more knowledgeable about the existing as well as new outlets. In contrast, there was only a modest gain in accessibility, defined as women's perceived travel time to a known outlet, during the period 1976-1991. Whereas about one-third (34%) of the women perceived the travel time to be up to two hours in 1976, 50 percent of women thought so in 1991 - an increase of 16 percentage points. Similarly, whereas in 1976, 66 percent perceived the travel time to be more than two hours, 50 percent thought so in 1991. The most significant increase in accessibility was in the category of 1-2 hours, where there was a 2.5 times increase during 1976-1991. Overall, accessibility increased more during the 1976-81 period than during 1981-91; in 1976, about 50 percent of women perceived the travel time to be one day or more, in 1991 only 18 percent. In spite of these gains, however, only 25 percent of the women perceived access to an outlet within one hour from their place of residence, while 50 percent of the women perceived the access to be at least three hours. Comparable data for all methods for 1996 are not available. However, among the current users of modern contraceptive methods, 77 percent live within one hour of the nearest service delivery outlet and 13.4 percent within a radius of 1-2 hours. These data indicate the importance of bringing the services in close proximity to the potential users. Table 1. Percentage of currently married women, 15-49 years, who know of a service outlet for family planing and perceived travel time to a known outlet, Nepal, 1976-1991 Availability and Accessibility Availabilitya Accessibilityb Up to one hour 1-2 hours 3-4 hours 1 day or more a b 1976 1981 1991 6 33 74 24 10 15 51 29 13 38 21 25 25 32 18 Refers to having knowledge of the availability of a service outlet. Refers to perceived travel time to the nearest outlet among those who know of an outlet. Supply Source Both the 1991 and 1996 surveys collected data on the supply source for the methods currently used. We present information from the 1996 survey in Table 2. For sterilization, injectables and implants, the government continues to be the main source for the overwhelming majority of the users; for the pill and condom, the private sector is an important source. Two of three women using the pill and one of three women using condoms obtained the supplies from a private source, mainly pharmacies. Within the public sector, the major sources, according to their relative order of importance, are district hospitals/clinics and mobile clinics. ` 18 Public District hospital, district clinic, primary health center Mobile clinic/camp Nor-plant IUD Condom Inject ables Pill Total 48.2 31.7 8.3 18.8 6.5 56.7 52.3 34.5 38.7 49.8 0.0 3.9 0.0 4.7 0.0 29.1 0.4 0.1 49.4 63.2 34.1 26.2 8.6 17.0 0.0 0.0 27.0 2.1 45.4 0.0 0.0 5.3 9.1 10.6 10.1 11.4 5.6 12.4 29.2 9.8 3.7 7.8 5.2 0.6 8.2 0.0 10.0 4.5 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Health post, Subhealth post, family planning clinic,female community health volunteer and other public sources Private Pharmacy/shop Hospital, clinic, community health volunteer Other Friend/relatives and source not specified Total Male Sterilization Source Female Sterilization Table 2. Percentage distribution of currently married women, 15-49 years, using contraceptive methods by most recent source of the method, Nepal, 1996 Note: Some percentages may not add to 100 due to rounding. The percent distribution shown in the table is partly from those reported in the 1996 survey report (MOH, 1997:64)) due to differences in classification of the source of supply. Total includes users of diaphragm/foam/jelly. Demand for Family Planning There have been steady increases in unmet need, met need and total demand for family planning services in the first half of the 1990s. However, the magnitude of the change varies for the respective categories. The increase in unmet need is less than the met need. Unmet need increased by only 0.74 percentage points annually, while met need increased by 1.16 percentage points annually. ` 19 The total demand for family planning services increased by over 9 percentage points, from about 51 percent in 1991 to 60 percent in 1996. On the other hand, the met need (i.e., percentage using contraception) increased by 6 percentage points, from 23 percent to 29 percent. The total demand is, thus, higher by about 3 percentage points than the met need. About two-thirds of the total demand is met by the increase in contraceptive use. Had the percentage using contraception increased by 1.9 percentage points (in lieu of 1.16) annually, the total increase in demand would have equaled the rise in contraceptive use. As of 1996, only about half of the total demand is met, and fully 31 percent of the currently married women in Nepal are in need of family planning services, either for spacing or limiting births. Fertility Emerging evidence suggests that fertility in Nepal has begun to decline. This change in fertility represents a major social transformation underway in society; it indicates a transition in the lives of women and their families and suggests the effectiveness of the population and family planning programs in the country. This transition is indicative of the gradual changes in the values, norms and practices. The pre-established cultural scripts are being transformed, and a new culture of contraception and reproductive behavior is evolving. During the 20-year period, 1976-1996, five comparative national fertility surveys were conduct. In addition, censuses and various other surveys provide further information for gaining insights into fertility change. Life-time fertility, measured by the total fertility rate (TFR), for Nepalese women of 15-49 years was 6.3 in the mid-1970s. It declined to 4.6 in 1996 (Figure 3). Thus, there has been a decline of 1.9 births per woman over a 20-year period. Life-time fertility for urban areas (2.9) is about 2 children less than for rural areas (4.8). In urban areas, fertility has declined much faster than in rural areas. Contraceptive Use and Fertility Contraceptive use is one of the four most important "proximate determinants" of the aggregate level of fertility. Analysis of district-level data since 1991 shows that a 15 percent increase in contraceptive use is associated with a reduction in one potential birth, or total fertility rate (TFR), per woman in Nepal. By extrapolation, the 1996 contraceptive prevalence of 24 percent is, therefore, associated with the reduction on average of about 2 potential births per woman in Nepal. Desired Family Size The notion that the increasing demand for family planning is a relatively new phenomenon is suggested by the data on desired family size. The average number of children desired by currently married women is shown in Table 3. Table 3. Average desired number of children among currently married women, age 15-49, in Nepal, 1976-1996 ` Age Group 1976 1981 1986 1991 1996 Difference (1976-1996) 15-29 30-49 3.7 4.3 3.7 4.3 3.2 3.7 2.9 3.5 2.7 3.2 -1.0 -1.1 15-49 4.0 4.0 3.5 3.2 2.9 1.1 20 Over the 20-year period, the average desired family size declined by 1.1 children per currently married woman. The data also suggest that the norm regarding family size began to change sometime during the early 1980s. By the mid-1990s, the average number of children desired declined to just below three. Of interest here also is that the change in fertility preference has occurred between both the younger and older age groups. Figure 3 Trends in Fertility & Contraceptive Prevalence 1976-2001 40 TFR 6 35 30 TFR per woman 5 25 4 20 3 15 Contraceptive prevalence 2 10 (modern methods) 1 5 0 0 1976 1981 1986 1991 1996 Percentage using contraception 7 2001 Knowledge and practice of family planning in Nepal have increased considerably during the 20year period, 1976-1996. As of 1996, the overwhelming majority of Nepalese women reported being aware of modern family planning methods. Awareness of spacing methods is relatively lower than that of permanent methods. Of those who are aware of any modern methods, about 29 percent are currently using a method. Use of modern contraceptive methods has increased by an average of 1.3 percentage points per year during the 20-year period. This level of increment is lower than that of the records of "established" programs, but higher than that of the "emerging" programs internationally. The private sector, mainly pharmacies, appears to be emerging as an important source of supplies, particularly for the pill and condom. The private sector represents a new dimension of the country's family planning program. For unlike in the public sector, the users of the private sector would have to pay for the commodities, hence the beginning of the concept of "pay-forcontraceptives" in the country. It also signals the potential opportunity for introducing other contraceptives through the private/ commercial sector. While the private sector is not likely to be a substitute for public sector service delivery in the foreseeable future, it certainly could play a larger role in expanding the service delivery capacity of the country's family planning program. The recent introduction of the injectable contraceptive through the social marketing sector in Nepal appears appropriate, particularly since the use of injectables has been increasing in general, and pharmacies have become the main source in the private sector. Although the availability of services has increased over the years, for the majority (75%) of women, service outlets continue to be at least one hour or more away from their place of residence. The only spacing method that has recorded a relatively fast rate of increase in use is the injectable. The main reason for this being its increasing availability. Actually, the injectable ` 21 is the only spacing method (aside from the pill and condom) that is currently available through the majority (over 70%) of family planning outlets in the country. The experience of the injectable contraceptive suggests that the use of other similar spacing methods such as IUDs and implants may also increase, with wider availability of these methods, accompanied by effective education, communication and motivation program inputs. Evidence from Nepal and other countries suggests that availability of and accessibility to services are directly related to increased use of family planning services. There is, therefore, an urgent need to strengthen and expand service delivery outlets with the provision of regular supplies of various contraceptive methods. The data also reveal that about one-third of the women of childbearing age in Nepal do not want to have any more children. The percentage wanting to limit childbearing is considerably higher than the percentage wanting to space pregnancies. This pattern appears similar to the experiences of several other countries in which contraception is initially adopted by older women to terminate childbearing. At the same time, the role of spacing methods, particularly injections and implants, in the overall contraceptive method mix has increased in more recent years. The need to create more awareness for spacing methods with well-focused and appropriate education-communication and motivation campaigns cannot be overemphasized. The overwhelming majority of contraceptive users in Nepal do not switch between methods. Further, the availability of each method has attracted a new pool of users. The current level of contraceptive use is associated with a reduction of about 2 potential births per woman. These results are in line with those based on cross-national studies. After several years of effort, fertility transition appears to have begun in Nepal. Norms and preferences regarding family size are changing. The demand for family planning, particularly for limiting pregnancy, remains high and is probably increasing. The current level of contraceptive use in Nepal may be considered to be at a critical stage in which further rapid spread is most likely to occur, as has been the experience of other countries. The challenge is, therefore, to expand and strengthen the provision of good quality services on a regular basis to meet the increasing demand now and in the future. Goal 11: Access by all pregnant women to prenatal care, trained attendants during childbirth and referral facilities for high-risk pregnancies and obstetric emergencies Antenatal Care Childbirth Care Obstetric care Proportion of women aged 15-49 attended at least once during pregnancy by skilled health personnel Proportion of births attended by skilled health personnel Number of facilities providing Comprehensive essential obstetric care per 500,000 population Number of facilities providing basic essential obstetric care per 500,000 population Antenatal care There are three national surveys that looked at antenatal care (ANC) in Nepal in the past decade. These three surveys are essentially comparable. The differences in survey design are that: (a) the NFHS (1996) only covered births in the three years prior to the survey, whereas the other two surveys were for births in the previous five years; and (b) the definition of a qualified ANC provider differs from one survey to another. There has been a ` 22 recent shift in policy on persons qualified to provide ANC. The figures and differences in definitions are summarized in the table below. The survey findings suggest that ANC coverage has been improving over the last decade in Nepal. About a quarter of women now have at least one ANC visit with a skilled health personnel during their pregnancy, compared to only 15 percent at the beginning of the decade. It is also encouraging that among women who have at least one ANC visit, many of them return for additional check ups. The 1996 survey found that the median number of visits was 3. BCHIMES 2000 found that the number of visits was 3.6. A minimum of 4 ANC visits are recommended for women with uncomplicated pregnancies. Both the 1996 and 2000 surveys found that younger, educated, low parity women who live in urban areas are more likely to have an antenatal check up. In terms of regional disparity, women in the western parts of the country and the mountainous regions are less likely to be seen by a health worker during pregnancy. Proportion of women with at least one ANC visit during pregnancy Nepal Fertility, Nepal Family Health BCHIMES (2000) Family Planning Survey (1996) and Health Survey (1991) For all live births in For all live births in For all live births in the last 5 years the last 3 years the last 5 years % attended by doctor, nurse or 15% 24% 27% midwife (skilled health personnel) % seen by trained 15% 39% 40% care provider Doctor, trained Doctor, nurse/ANM, Same as 1996 midwife, nurse. VHW, MCH worker, survey definition other health Definition of professional, trained care including health provider assistants, assistant health worker, senior assistant health worker. While the government policy on health staff who are eligible to provide antenatal care has been expanded, much remains to be done regarding the training of health staff and improving the quality of antenatal care provided. Further efforts are required to develop the crucial link between antenatal care attendance and the ability to access lifesaving Emergency Obstetric Care (EOC) services in health facilities for emergency complications. Childbirth care The table below summarizes the data available on assistance at delivery in Nepal. While the data suggests that progress has been made over the decade, the proportion of births attended by skilled health personnel remains low at only 12 percent. Furthermore, this figure is more likely to be an overestimate, rather than an underestimate, because of the tendency among rural women to consider paramedical health workers in health centers as doctors. ` 23 At the same time, the proportion of deliveries supervised by trained health personnel has increased with each survey, from 6 percent in 1991 to 13 percent in 2000. However, a distinction needs to be made between “trained” and “skilled” birth attendants. Training programmes for health staff, community volunteers and traditional birth attendants are not adequate for them to be considered “skilled” birth attendants. The majority of women in Nepal deliver at home, with over half assisted by a relative or a friend. What is also alarming is that the proportion of women who deliver on their own, with no other person present, has not decreased over the decade: 10 percent in 1991; 11 percent in 1996 and 12 percent in 2000. Nepal Fertility, Family Planning and Health Survey (1991) For all live births in the last 5 years % of births at a health facility % attended by doctor, nurse or midwife (skilled health personnel) % attended by trained health personnel For all live births in the last 3 years BCHIMES (2000) For all live births in the last 5 years 6% 8% 11% 6% 9% 12% 6% 10% 13% Doctor, trained midwife, nurse. Trained personnel involved in providing delivery services Nepal Family Health Survey (1996) Doctor, nurse/ANM, VHW, MCH worker, other health professional, including health assistants, auxiliary health worker, senior auxiliary health worker. Same as 1996 survey definition As we have seen with antenatal care, younger, educated, low parity women are more likely to have assistance at delivery. Also, births in urban areas are more likely to benefit from medical supervision than those in rural and remote areas. The low number of births attended by skilled personnel is clearly reflected in the high maternal mortality in Nepal. There is compelling historical and limited epidemiological evidence of a significant relationship between skilled attendance at delivery and reduction in maternal mortality ratios. The low numbers reflect the lack of awareness among women and communities in general, that every pregnancy faces risks. It also reflects the lack of skilled personnel in rural areas of Nepal where 90 percent of the population resides, as well as the lack of faith in the health system. Obstetric care: There has been no national survey to determine the number of facilities providing comprehensive and essential obstetric care (EOC) in Nepal. The Health Management Information System also does not collect this information from hospitals and health centers. ` 24 The most extensive survey to date has been the needs assessment conducted in 2000 for the Women’s Right to Life and Health Project. The survey covered all the health facilities, both public and private, in three of the five development regions in Nepal. Although the selection of the three regions was based on the project implementation sites, the findings are indicative of the national situation. The two development regions not covered in the assessment were the Far Western and the Central regions. The Far Western region is considered to be the most disadvantaged of the five regions in Nepal. The Central region includes the Kathmandu valley, the largest urban center in Nepal, and therefore, is considered to have the best maternal care facilities. According to the Guidelines for Monitoring the Availability and Use of Obstetric Services (UNFPA/WHO/UNFPA, October 1997, p. 27), the minimum acceptable level of Comprehensive EOC is considered to be one facility per 500,000 people. The minimum for Basic EOC is considered to be 4 facilities per 500,000. From the table below, we see that in all the regions, EOC facilities were inadequate for the population. For Comprehensive EOC services, the gap was the smallest in the Eastern region with only one additional facility required, while the Mid Western region had only onethird of the required number of Comprehensive EOC facilities. Of greater concern is the situation of Basic EOC facilities. The number of facilities with Basic EOC services is drastically smaller than the number required. The data suggest that less than 10 percent of the required Basic EOC services are actually available in these three regions. Comprehensive EOC Services in the Three Regions Surveyed Estimated Required Available Region Total Comprehensive Comprehensive Population* EOC Facilities EOC Facilities Eastern 5,316,150 11** 10 Gap between Required & Available 1 Western 4,509,076 9 6 3 Mid-Western 2,909,753 6** 2 4 All Regions 12,734,979 18 8 26 Basic EOC Services in the Three Regions Surveyed Estimated Required Basic Region Total EOC Facilities Population* Eastern 5,316,150 43 2 Gap between Required & Available 41 Available Basic EOC Facilities Western 4,509,076 36 1 35 Mid-Western 2,909,753 23 2 21 12,734,979 102 5 97 All Regions * Source: Annual Report, Department of Health Service 2054/55 (1997/98), HMG, MOH, p.297. ** The figure is rounded up to the nearest whole number. The findings of the Nepal Needs Assessment Survey of the three development regions showed that the high maternal mortality rates (MMR) in Nepal are reflected in the proxy indicators for MMR - the process indicators for EOC. The Survey also found that the situation in the Mid Western Region is poorer than in other parts of the country. We see from the table below that the status of EOC services in the country is very poor. Improving the status of Basic EOC services poses an even greater challenge than for ` 25 Comprehensive EOC services. The EOC facilities are underutilized, and may not be performing the life-saving obstetric services. Process indicators Population 12,734,979 Facilities surveyed (Govt hospitals/ private hospitals/ PHCCs) 42/ 25/ 90 CEOC (Available/ Minimum acceptable for the said population) 18 / 26 BEOC (Available/ Minimum acceptable for the said population) 5 / 102 Proportion of births in EOC facilities (should be at least 15%) 5.2% Met need for EOC (should be at least 100%) 5.4% Caesareans as a proportion of all births (should be 5-15%) 0.7% Case fatality rate (should be <1%) 1.9% Goal 12: Reduction of the low birth weight (less than 2.5 kg) rate to less than 10 percent Birthweight below 2.5 kg Proportion of live births that weigh below 2,500 grms Current status No nationally representative data on birth weights are available for Nepal. National surveys on low birth weight have relied on the mothers’ subjective report on the baby’s size, ranging from “very small” to “large”. A survey conducted in 4 hospitals in 1999 showed that 20 to 35 percent (mean 27%) of the babies are born with low birth weight (LBW Prevalence and Associated Factor in Four Regions of Nepal, MIRA/UNICEF, June 2000). Previous hospitalbased studies have shown similar results. However, in Nepal, as few as 10 percent of all deliveries take place in health facilities. Because of the bias involved in this, it is likely that the real prevalence of low birth weight is much higher. This view is also supported by unpublished data from an on-going study by the Nepal Nutrition Intervention Project – Sarlahi (NNIPS). The study has found that in Sarlahi, a district in the Terai, about half of all children are born with low birth weight. It is unlikely that there has been any significant improvement in the prevalence of low birth weight over the last decade. Goal 13: Reduction of iron deficiency anaemia in women by one third of the 1990 levels Iron-deficiency anaemia ` Proportion of women aged 15-49 with haemoglobin levels below 12g/100ml for non-pregnant women, and below 11g/100 ml for pregnant women 26 Current status Al l 40 Pr eg na nt No npr eg na nt > -3 9 30 -2 9 20 < 20 % anaemia Iron Deficiency Anaemia is the most common nutritional problem in Nepal with profound economic and social consequences. Figure 1: Prevalence of anaemia in women According to the Nepal Micronutrient (NMSS 1998) Status Survey (NMSS), in 1998 the overall prevalence of anaemia (< 12 100 g/100ml) in women of reproductive age 80 was 67.7 percent. Among pregnant 60 women, the rate (< 11g/100ml) was 74.6 40 percent, with severe anaemia (< 20 7g/100ml) in 5.7 percent of the pregnant 0 women. As seen in Figure 1, anaemia rates decrease slightly with age. Age Group (in years) The NMSS also found distinct variation in the prevalence of anaemia by ecological zone, with highest levels in the Terai, followed by the Mountains (Map 1). In addition, rural areas had higher rates than urban areas. Map 1: Anaemia in pregnant women Trends (NMSS 1998) In spite of the magnitude of anaemia in Nepal, the problem has received little attention. There have also been relatively few surveys. Anaemia was first assessed 80 - 89 % in the 1975 Nepal Nutrition Status Survey, 70 - 79 % only reporting on children aged 6 to 70 60 - 69 % months. In 1986, 71 to 95 percent of 50 - 59 % mothers with young children were found anaemic in five districts (Joint Nutrition Support Project). In 1997, the Nepal Nutrition Intervention Project – Sarlahi (NNIPS) conducted a survey in Sarlahi District, which found 70.6 percent of pregnant women, 81.6 percent of lactating mothers and 57.5 percent of infants under 3 months with anaemia. Field methodology may vary, and sample size and design certainly vary between these surveys and the NMSS in 1998. It seems clear, however, that the anaemia rate has been extremely high in women for at least the last twelve years and that there has been no reduction. Goal 14: Virtual elimination of iodine deficiency disorders Iodized salt consumption Low urinary iodine ` Proportion of household consuming adequately iodized salt Proportion of population (school age children general population) with urinary iodine levels below 10 micrograms/100ml urine 27 Current status Salt iodisation The latest survey, BCHIMES 2000 (Figure 1), found 90.7 percent of the households using salt with some iodine content, whereas 62.6 percent used adequately iodised salt (> 15 ppm). In Nepal, nearly all salt is iodised before being distributed on the market, yet popular preference for large crystal salt is a hindrance to universal iodisation, as Figure 1: Iodine content in household salt handling, trading and storage practices by ecological zone of large crystal salt cause considerable loss of iodine. 100 The Terai has the lowest usage of adequately iodised salt, probably due to the cross-border trade in noniodised salt from India. Because of the high use of packaged refined salt in urban areas, adequately iodised salt is more common in the urban areas (87.5%) than in the rural areas (58.9%). Iodine retention in packaged salt is much better than in the large crystal salt commonly used in the rural areas. Urinary Iodine 80 60 40 20 0 Terai Hills 0 ppm Mou n tain s < 15 ppm Nation al > 15 ppm Source: BCHIMES 2000 Figure 2: Median Urinary Iodine Excretion Women and School-aged Children Med ia UIE (u g /l) According to the findings of the 1998 (NMSS 1998) Nepal Micronutrient Status Survey 300 (NMSS), Iodine Deficiency Disorders (IDD) is no longer a problem of public health significance in Nepal (Figure 2). 200 The median Urinary Iodine Excretion (UIE) was 114.0 g/l among women and 100 143.8 g/l among school age children. For both the groups this is just above the 0 cut-off point designated by WHO to Terai Hills M ountains National indicate adequate iodine status (100 W om en School C hildren g/l). In spite of this overall good situation, 43.6 percent of the women and 38.3 percent of the school age children had UIE below 100 g/l, indicating that further progress is required. Historically, IDD has been most severe in the Mountains. However, this is no longer the case, with women and school age children in the Terai recording a lower UIE than in the Mountains (Figure 2). In addition, median urinary iodine concentrations are higher in urban areas compared to rural areas. There seems to be no differences by age or sex among the school-aged children and no difference by age group among women. ` 28 Trends Salt iodisation The first nationwide survey examining salt iodine content at the household level was the Nepal Family Health Survey 1996. In 1998, the Nepal Micronutrient Status Survey again looked at salt iodine levels, as did BCHIMES 2000. As can be seen in Table 1, there are slight differences in the findings from the three surveys. The differences, however, are more likely to be due to differences in survey methodology than a reflection of any trend. Table 1: Iodine Content of Salt Used in Households by Survey Survey NFHS 1996 NMSS 1998 BCHIMES 2000 No iodine < 15 ppm > 15 ppm 6.8% 93.2% 17.2% 27.7% 55.2% 9.3% 28.1% 62.6% * The NFHS only reports on whether the salt is iodised or not. There is no information on the amount of iodine. Figure 3: Prevalence of UIE < 100 μg/l 1985 - 1998 100 Urinary Iodine UIE < 100 ug/l (percent) 90 80 70 60 HMG/UNICEF 1985 50 The first national IDD survey, conducted 40 in 1965-1967, showed a high goitre 30 20 prevalence, ranging from 60 to 90 10 percent, and also a high cretinism rate. A 0 1985 1990 1995 second IDD survey, jointly conducted by the Nepalese government and UNICEF in 1985/86 in 15 randomly selected districts, found significant improvements, with the total goitre rate reduced to 40 percent. NMSS 1998 2000 The HMG/UNICEF 1985/86 survey also found a 52 percent prevalence of low urinary creatinine excretion. In Figure 3, creatinine concentration has been converted to iodine concentration on a 1:1 ratio based on WHO/UNICEF/ICCIDD recommendations.5 As seen from the figure, there has been some additional progress since 1985, with a reduction of low IUE from 52 percent to 39 percent in 1998. Overall, with median UIE levels above 100 g/l for both women and school children, it is clear that great progress has been seen in Nepal towards the elimination of IDD. However, the prevalence of IUE < 100 g/l is still high, calling for further efforts in this area. 5 WHO/UNICEF/ICCIDD 'Indicators for assessing Iodine Deficiency Disorders and their control through salt iodization' ` 29 Goal 15: Virtual elimination of vitamin A deficiency and its consequences, including blindness Children receiving vitamin A supplements Proportion of children aged 6-59 months who received a high dose vitamin A supplement in the last 6 months Mothers receiving vitamin A supplements Proportion of mothers who received a high-dose vitamin A supplement before infant was 8 weeks old Low vitamin A Proportion of children aged 6-59 months with serum retinol below 20mcg/100ml Current status Vitamin A Supplementation The Nepal National Vitamin A Programme (NVAP) has been very successful. Aimed at supplementing high dose vitamin A twice a year for children aged 6-59 months, NVAP was initiated in 8 Terai districts in 1993. By October 2000, the programme had, after a gradual expansion, been established in 69 of the 75 districts in the country. It is anticipated that the whole country will be covered during 2001. Figure1: Vitamin A Capsule Coverage, 2000 100 80 60 40 20 0 Na tio na l R ura l Urba n G irls Boys Source: BCHIMES 2000 Percentage BCHIMES 2000 is the latest nation-wide Figure 2: Age-specific prevalence of survey examining vitamin A capsule coverage in the six months preceding the mild xeropthalmia in children 1-11 survey. Although the survey examined years (NMSS 1998) coverage in the whole country, including 3 those districts where the NVAP had not Bitot's sp ots 2.5 yet been introduced at the time of the Nig h tb lin d n ess 2 survey, the observed overall coverage is 1.5 very high at 89.5 percent (Figure 1). No 1 coverage differential was observed between girls (89.8%) and boys (89.3%). 0.5 As in previous studies, the survey found 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 the coverage to be lowest in children Child age in years aged 6-11 months (75.2%). This finding could be biased by the problem of establishing the age of the children at the time of the last vitamin A supplementation round as opposed to the age at the time of the survey. The coverage was higher in the rural areas (90.3%) than in the urban areas (82.1%). Vitamin A Status ` 30 In 1998, the prevalence of nightblindness among pre-school children (12-59 months) was 0.27 percent. The prevalence of Bitot's spots was 0.33 percent (NMSS 1998). Among school-aged children, the prevalence was 1.2 percent for nightblindness and 1.9 percent for Bitot's spots. This indicates that while pre-school children benefit from the NVAP, vitamin A remains a public health problem in older children. Figure 2 illustrates how clinical vitamin A deficiency rates increase with child age. Map 1: Sub-clinical VAD in children, 6-59 months (serum Retinol < 0.70 mol/l, NMSS 1998) 40 % 30 - 39 % 20 - 29 % < 20 % The NMSS did not find any significant differences in clinical vitamin A deficiency between pre-school girls and boys. However, there was a noticeable difference between urban and rural areas. While no cases of nightblindness were reported in urban areas, the prevalence was 0.31 percent in rural areas. As for geographical distribution, the highest rates of clinical vitamin A deficiency were seen in the Eastern and Central Terai. Looking at sub-clinical vitamin A deficiency, NMSS found that 32.3 percent of the pre-school children had serum retinol levels below 0.70 mol/l, indicating that children are still at high risk despite Figure 3: National Vitamin A on-going national efforts. The rates of Programme Coverage low serum retinol were higher in the Children Receiving VAC and Estimated Coverage 2,400,000 100 Terai (40.0%) and the Mountains 90 (35.5%) than in the Hills (23.4%). 2,000,000 80 70 The 6-11 months age group had the 1,600,000 60 highest rates (41.2%), indicating that 1,200,000 50 the amount of vitamin A received 40 800,000 30 through breastmilk and 20 400,000 complementary feeding is insufficient. 10 0 Trends 0 1993/94 1994/95 1995/96 1996/97 1997/98 1998/99 Source: NTAG Supplementation Prevalence After each of the biannual supplementation rounds, a coverage survey has been conducted in some 15 districts. As shown in Figure 3, these “mini-surveys” show a Figure 4: Trends in the VAD Situation consistently high coverage, with the interventions reaching about 90 5 percent of the targeted children. The 4 mini-surveys also show that coverage 3 remains high in districts where the 2 programme has been implemented for a long time, indicating that there is 1 no long-term fatigue. The high 0 1985 1990 1995 2000 coverage found by the mini-surveys has been confirmed by two national XN (N ation al) X1B (Terai) coverage surveys (NMSS 1998 & BCHIMES 2000). ` 31 As mentioned above, BCHIMES 2000 estimated that vitamin A supplementation rounds covered all the districts, regardless of the NVAP’s implementation status. So did the 1996 National Family Health Survey (NFHS), when the programme was implemented in only 27 districts. In 1996, NFHS found that 32.2 percent of all children aged 6-35 months surveyed throughout the country had received a vitamin A capsule in the six months preceding the survey. BCHIMES, conducted after the NVAP had expanded from 59 to 64 districts, found the nationwide coverage of children aged 6-59 months to be 89.5 percent. This indicates that the coverage in the actual programme districts is very high. Vitamin A Status Percen tag e Figure 5: Impact of NVAP on Limited data is available to discern Nightblindness & Bitot’s Spots change at the national level in the (NMSS 1998) status of vitamin A deficiency. It is 0 .5 7 % 0 .5 5 % 0.6% known, however, from both national and sub-national data, that vitamin A 0.4% deficiency was a serious public health 0 .2 9 % problem in the 1980s. It is also clear 0 .2 3 % that there has been a significant 0.2% decrease in nightblindness. Two surveys conducted in 1995 and 1996, 0.0% Nepal Family Health Survey and Nepal N ig htblindne ss B ito t's spo ts Multiple Indicator Surveillance, Receive VAC Not receive VAC reported nightblindness in children 2435 months at 0.9 percent. In 1998, the prevalence for children in the same age group was 0.19 percent (Figure 4). It seems reasonable to conclude that the significant improvement in vitamin A status is a result of the implementation of the National Vitamin A Programme. Further evidence for this can be seen in Figure 5 that compares the prevalence of clinical vitamin A deficiency between children who had received and who had not received vitamin A supplements in the six months preceding the NMSS. With a national coverage rate of 89.5 percent, it is clear that the National Vitamin A Programme is performing very well. The observed reductions in clinical vitamin A deficiency over the last years also demonstrate the impact of the programme. Since vitamin A deficiency no longer is a problem of public health significance in pre-school children, and since almost 90 percent of the children nationwide are reached with supplements, Nepal can be considered to have achieved the goal of virtual elimination of vitamin A deficiency. Even so, 32.3 percent of pre-school children still have low serum retinol levels. Furthermore, vitamin A deficiency is still frequent among school-aged children. In spite of the good achievements, it is therefore clear that more needs to be done. Goal 16: Empowerment of all women to breastfeed their children exclusively for four to six months and to continue breastfeeding, with complementary food, well into the second year Exclusive breastfeeding rate Proportion of infant under 4 months (120 days) who are exclusively breastfed Timely complementary feeding rate Proportion of infants aged 6-9 months (180-299 days) who are receiving breastmilk and complementary food ` 32 Continued breastfeeding rate Proportion of children aged 12-15 months and 20-23 months who are breastfeeding Number of babyfriendly facilities Number of hospitals and maternity facilities designed as baby-friendly according to global BFHI criteria Current Status Breastfeeding is universal in Nepal, with a 98 percent initiation rate (BCHIMES 2000). The overall good breastfeeding situation in Nepal is reflected in Table 1, showing the standard breastfeeding indicators. Table 1: Breastfeeding Status 1996 (NFHS 1996) Breastfeeding Indicator Exclusive breastfeeding rate Timely complementary feeding rate Continued breastfeeding rate – 12-15 m Continued breastfeeding rate – 20-23 m Figure 1: Breastfeeding Status by Child Age 100 90 No breastfeeding 80 70 % of children The relatively lower rates in “exclusive breastfeeding” and “timely complementary feeding” rates indicate a wide range in the timing of the introduction of complementary foods. This is clearly seen in Figure 1, which shows that complementary foods are generally introduced too early – and in some cases too late. It can also be seen that water is introduced too early. It is also clear from the figure that the breastfeeding duration is very long, with some 46 percent of 3-year-olds still being breastfeed. Rate (%) 81.8 70.8 96.6 87.7 Breastfeeding with complementary food 60 50 Breastfeeding with water only 40 30 20 Exclusive breastfeeding 10 0 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 Age in months Source: NFHS 1996 Trends It is difficult to review overall trends in breastfeeding since earlier studies did not use the present breastfeeding standard indicators. It is clear, however, that the initiation rate has remained very high during the 1990s. In 1991 it was found to be 98 percent, in 1996 it was 97 percent and in 2000 it was again found to be 98 percent (NFHS 1991 & 1996 and BCHIMES 2000). Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative In 1993, the Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) was started in Nepal. However, after an initial assessment of the situation, when the need to increase health workers' knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding breastfeeding and complementary feeding was fully realised, and after a productive policy review meeting, very little progress has been seen. So far only seven hospitals have been certified as 'Baby-Friendly'. To accelerate the implementation of BFHI activities, additional partners need to be identified and a long-term plan developed. ` 33 At the same time, we need to bear in mind that not more than 10 percent of births are delivered in hospitals in Nepal. The proportion of deliveries in health facilities, including hospitals, health centers, sub-health posts, etc., has only increased marginally over the last ten years, from 6 percent in 1991 (NFHS) to 11 percent in 2000 (BCHIMES). Goal 17: Growth promotion and its regular monitoring to be institutionalised in all countries by the end of the 1990s No indicators Current Situation In accordance with the national policy of monitoring growth in the health facilities, a national growth chart has been developed, which is based on the WHO standard chart. In spite of this, the MOH’s institutional growth monitoring programme is not carried out properly. On average, a Nepali child is weighed only 2.8 times in the first years of his/her life – far too seldom for growth monitoring to make any difference. Generally, a child is weighed twice during the first four months of life and a third measurement takes place about the age of nine months – at the time for the measles immunisation. This clearly indicates two things: that children are weighed when they come to the health facilities for immunisation; and that no children come exclusively for growth monitoring. This is not surprising, considering the low health service coverage and quality in Nepal. For growth monitoring and promotion to work in Nepal, it has to take place at the community level. In the UNICEF-supported Decentralised Planning for the Child Programme, presently being implemented in 13 districts, growth monitoring data is used as an entry point to initiate discussion in the community on the situation of children and women. Goal 18: Dissemination of knowledge and supporting services to increase food production to ensure household food security No indicators Current Status Data on household food security is not available in Nepal. However, with the very high poverty rates seen in the country, many households face food insecurity. The Nepal Living Standard Survey of 1996 found 42 percent of the population living below the absolute poverty line. It seems unlikely that there have been any significant improvements during the 1990’s. Actual increases in food production have largely been offset by a rapid population growth. Goal 19: Polio cases ` Global eradication of poliomyelitis by the year 2000 Annual number of cases of polio 34 Although Nepal joined the global polio eradication initiative only in 1996, the progress towards achieving the goal has been admirable. The number of confirmed polio cases has decreased from 9 cases in 1995 (probably under-reported due to a weak surveillance system then), to two cases in 1999 and one case in January 2000. All three cases were found in the southern districts bordering India. Since joining the initiative, Nepal has conducted nine NID and three SNID rounds, with each round covering more Fig. 1: Confirmed Polio cases than 92 percent of the total target 12 11 population, validated by post coverage 10 surveys. By sex, there was no difference 9 9 8 8 between boys and girls in the polio 6 vaccination coverage in the NIDs. In 4 order to enhance the epidemiological 2 2 impact, the NID dates were 1 0 synchronized with neighboring countries, particularly India. OPV3 coverage in 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 routine immunization has stabilized at around 76 percent. AFP surveillance, started in 1996, attained WHO recommended standards in 1999 for the non-polio AFP rate and in 2000 for the adequate collection of two stool specimens. Until 1994, the sentinel site surveillance for vaccine preventable diseases from hospitals provided little information. From 1995 onwards, the MOH, with WHO support, has made extra effort to strengthen the system. In 1995, 15 AFP cases were reported, of which 9 were confirmed as poliomyelitis. During 1996, 11 cases were reported, of which 8 were confirmed as polio cases. In April 1997, the MOH established an Early Warning Reporting System (EWARS) to complement the already existing HMIS system. As a result, the number of reported cases increased. Altogether 35 cases were reported in 1997. Of them, 11 were confirmed as poliomyelitis. Of these 11 cases, eight occurred in children aged less than five years, and in one the wild poliovirus (type 1) was isolated from the stool. In 2000, WHO estimates that 80 percent of global polio cases remain in South East Asia, particularly in India and Bangladesh. Since Nepal shares most of its 500-mile open border with the most polio indigenous Indian states of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh, Nepal is highly vulnerable to cross border transmission. This makes Nepal critically important to the global eradication initiative. Experts believe that Nepal is on track to eradicate polio by 2005. This was demonstrated by the fact that the expert group at SEARO/WHO advised the government to conduct only two NID rounds in 2000 instead of three as planned by the MOH. Goal 20: Elimination of neonatal tetanus by 1995 Neonatal tetanus cases ` Annual number of cases of neonatal tetanus 35 No accurate surveillance is currently in place to monitor neonatal tetanus (NT) cases, thus, the magnitude of NT is unknown. The annual reports of the MOH, which are health facility based data, indicate a sharply decreasing trend in NT cases. From 727 reported cases in 1995, they have decreased to just 50 in 1999. However, interpretation of these data calls for caution as over 90 per cent of deliveries in Nepal take place at home under unhygienic conditions, without the assistance of appropriate trained health care providers. Due to lack of a community surveillance system, many of the cases from this cohort go largely unreported. The MOH reports TT2+ coverage for all women of childbearing age (WCBA) as being in the vicinity of 10 percent for the past 5 years. This low coverage is due to inconsistency Fig 2: NT cases in Nepal (Source: HMIS annual reports) in the denominator which takes in all women of childbearing age, whereas the 800 727 programme focuses on pregnant women 600 557 only. NFHS 1996 found that in about one 400 third (33%) of the births, mothers received 306 two or more doses of TT vaccine during 200 197 pregnancy. Similarly, the 1998 EPI 50 0 coverage survey indicated that 65 percent 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 of mothers had two or more doses of TT during the 3 years preceding delivery. This means two out of every three children born are protected against NT at birth. Programme status: By endorsing the recommendation of the World Summit for Children, Nepal committed itself to eliminating neonatal tetanus (NT) by 1995. However, for various reasons such as competing priorities - mainly eradicating polio - and lack of resources, NT elimination activities could not be initiated until recently. In 1999, with UNICEF and WHO support, the MOH revised its National Immunisation Policy, providing a long-term vision and operational strategies for a routine immunisation programme. It set the goal of eliminating NT by 2005. Following the policy review, a national strategy to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus (MNT) was developed, and eight high-risk districts were identified. In 2000, two rounds of supplemental immunization covered 88 percent of all women of child-bearing age. The third round is due for mid-2001. At the moment, work is under way to establish a community surveillance system to sustain the coverage achieved in these pilot districts. The MNT programme will ultimately cover all 75 districts. Goal 21: Reduction by 95 per cent in measles deaths and reduction by 90 per cent of measles cases compared to pre-immunization levels by 1995. Under-five deaths from measles Annual number of under-five deaths due to measles Measles cases Annual number of cases of measles in children under five years of age. Measles is a major cause of child mortality in Nepal, accounting for an estimated 13 percent of all child deaths. Unfortunately at the moment, there is no reporting of active cases, making it impossible to assess the impact of measles immunisation. No distribution of cases by age group or previous immunization status is available. ` 36 The annual reports of the MOH show that the measles incidence rate went up from around 40 cases/100,000 population in 1996 to more than 50 cases/100,000 population in 1997, but gradually decreased to 30 cases/100,000 in 1999. Measles coverage in the routine immunisation programme has remained at over 81 percent, validated by the 1998 coverage survey and BCHIMES 2000. The high number of reported cases in 1997 indicates a cyclical outbreak. The reports, both the Ministry of Health’s Management Information System (HMIS) and various surveys, also indicate that the measles coverage rate is higher than DPT3 or OPV3. This signifies that measles is a public health problem, and people are more conscious about it than other vaccines. Fig.3: Mealses coverage and no. of cases annual (source: HMIS annual reports) 90 15000 10000 80 70 coverage No of cases 5000 1996 1997 1998 1999 87 88 89 81 7812 12677 5771 6874 0 Fig.4: comparison of measles and DPT3 coverage 100 82 80 60 57 65 54 40 Measles DPT3 20 Of the four immunisation goals, Nepal 0 has lagged behind in the measles goal. DHS 1996 BCHIMES 2000 Major reasons for this include a weak management at the MOH, competing priorities and lack of funds. However, the 1999 Immunisation Policy has given new impetus to the programme. With the strengthened routine immunisation programme, the measles goal will be achieved, hopefully, by 2005. Goal 22: Maintenance of a high level of immunization coverage (at least 90 per cent of children under one year of age by the year 2000) against diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, measles, poliomyelitis, tuberculosis and against tetanus for women of childbearing age. DPT immunization coverage Proportion of one-year-old children immunized against diphtheria, pertusis and tetanus (DPT) Measles immunization coverage Proportion of one –year-old children immunized against measles Polio immunizations coverage Proportion of one-year-old children immunized against poliomyelitis TB immunization coverage Proportion of one-year-old children immunized against tuberculosis Neonatal tetanus protection Proportion of one-year-old children protected against neonatal tetanus through immunization of their mother ` 37 Immunisation programmes for the six primary series antigens were introduced in all the 75 districts only in 1989. In 1990, coverage, except for measles, increased to 80 per cent through the UCI campaigns. However, the coverage achieved through these campaigns could not be sustained. The following years saw a steady decline in coverage until 1994, which began improving only from 1995. From 1998 the overall 120 coverage seems to have stabilized at 100 76 per cent. 80 60 40 20 0 The HMIS does not provide gender disaggregated data. BCHIMES 2000 indicates no gender disparity in BCG, DPT1 or OPV1. However, the dropout rate for girls is slightly higher 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 than that of boys for both DPT3 and OPV3, indicating that fewer girls BCG DPT3 OPV3 Measles complete the full immunization compared to boys. Though small, the fact that the difference exists is a matter of concern. However, there seems to be no gender disparity for measles, probably Fig.4: Imm. status of boys and girls because it is a more common (BCHIMES 20000) disease, and people are more aware of the importance of immunizing 86 87 100 83 81 78 70 children against it. 67 64 80 60 Boys 40 The 1998 coverage survey conducted Girls 20 jointly by CHD, WHO and UNICEF 0 showed that the programme has BCG DPT3 OPV3 Measles accessed 92 percent of the total target population with one or more doses of vaccination. However, only 65 percent of children completed the full doses by age one. The high drop out rate is attributed to lack of proper services and lack of parent's knowledge about having to complete the course. Eight percent of the target population is not reached mainly due to socio-economic conditions and remoteness of the communities. Coverage in the southern Terai districts at 58 percent was much lower than in the hill/mountain districts at 70 percent. The same study reported that 64 percent of the babies are protected against NT at birth due to a relatively high TT coverage for pregnant women. However, the coverage of the overall target group i.e. women of child bearing age (15-45 years) was poor at 15 percent. A large number of child deaths are due to vaccine-preventable diseases. However, the immunization programme faces problems related to increasing coverage. This is due to staff reduction, inappropriate training, unclear authority of the District Health Offices, late release of funds, inadequate cold chain maintenance, poor supervision and incomplete data. Currently, due to incomplete reporting of cases and inaccurate reporting of coverage, there is a tendency to over-estimate the impact and the success of the immunization program. The MOH has shown its commitment to improving the routine immunisation programme. In 1999, with UNICEF and WHO support, the MOH revised the National Immunisation Policy, providing a long-term vision and operational strategies to improve the routine immunisation programme. The new policy document outlines the objectives, targets and strategies for Nepal’s national immunization program. It takes into account recent developments in immunization strategies, and current limitations of the program. ` 38 The revised strategy for immunization programme has focused on the following major areas: increasing accessibility to services, improving the quality of services, promoting safe injection practices, high risk area approach for NT elimination, exploring the possibility of introducing new vaccines, decentralized planning and community partnership in the management of immunization sessions. Goal 23: Reduction by 50 percent in the deaths due to diarrhoea in children under the age of five years and 25 percent reduction in the diarrhoea incidence rate Under-five death from diarrhoea Annual number of under-five deaths due to diarrhoea Diarrhoea cases Average annual number of episode of diarrhoea per child under five years of age ORT use Proportion of children aged 0-59 months who had diarrhoea in the last two weeks and were treated with oral rehydration salts or an appropriate household solutions(ORT|) Home management of diarrhoea Proportion of children aged 0-59 months who had diarrhoea in the last two weeks and received increased fluids and continued feeding during the episode According to WHO, diarrhoea is defined as three or more watery, loose and effortless motions within a 24-hour period. The peak season of diarrhoea in Nepal is from April through July. Under five deaths from diarrhoea: No reliable national data are available on the annual number of under-five deaths due to diarrhoea. The Annual Report published by the Department of Health Services, Ministry of Health, puts the number of diarrhoeal deaths in 1998/1999 at 655. This figure is based on reports from all the health facilities, and is accepted to be grossly under-estimated. The general impression is that diarrhoeal deaths among children under 5 years have decreased substantially over the years. This is the view of the health workers and the Female Community Health Volunteers (FCHVs). Many of them have not heard of diarrhoeal deaths in the community for the last few years. Current status of diarrhoea cases: The two most recent national surveys on diarrhoea prevalence are BCHIMES 2000 and Nepal Micronutrient Status Survey (NMSS) 1998. These two surveys are comparable in design, and covered two months of the diarrhoea peak season (April/May). ` 39 Recent surveys on diarrhoea prevalence Survey % of children with diarrhoea during the 2 weeks prior to the survey, according to mothers’ report Age of children NMSS 1998 BCHIMES 2000 25.4% 16.2%* 6 months – 5 years 0 – 5 years Data collection months December – May * 16.8% for children aged 6 months to 5 years. March – May BCHIMES collected data from the beginning of March until the end of May 2000. The survey found that 16.2 percent of children under five years had diarrhoea in the two weeks prior to the survey. The 14-day prevalence of diarrhoea by children’s age follows a curvilinear pattern. The prevalence increases for up to 12-23 months of age, after which it decreases. The male/female difference is within the limits of sampling errors. In rural areas, the rate of diarrhoea is about 17 percent, compared to 12 percent in urban areas. No difference in diarrhoea prevalence has been observed between the Terai and Hill regions, while the figure for the Mountain region is slightly higher. The 14-day prevalence is lower when mothers are literate or better educated. NMSS shows a 14-day prevalence of 25.4 percent in children of 6 months to five years. This survey was carried out from December until May 1998. The age breakdown reveals that the prevalence of diarrhoea is highest among the 6-11 months age group with rates decreasing with increasing age. There were negligible differences by gender, with boys having a slightly higher rate than girls. By ecological zone, diarrhoea was more frequent in the Mountains with more than twice the 14-day prevalence. While comparing the eco-development strata, the Central Mountains had a particularly high 14-day prevalence (45.7%). The population in the mountain region, especially in the MidWestern and Far-Western regions, is considered poorer and more isolated, with limited accessibility to health services. This region also appears to bear a higher burden of diarrhoeal disease. Trends in diarrhoea prevalence: Despite the many national level surveys conducted in the 1990s to assess diarrhoea prevalence, it is difficult to ascertain a trend because of the differences in survey design, target age group, and the season in which the survey was conducted. Surveys conducted during non-peak season Survey Survey months Age group Diarrhoea in 2 weeks prior to survey Aug 1991 – Feb 1992 0 - 5 years 16% 15% NMIS 1 1995 January – March 1995 0 - 3 years NMIS 4 1996 August-November 1996 0 - 3 years NFHS 1991 ` 16% 40 Surveys conducted during the peak season (April/May/June/July) Diarrhoea in 2 weeks prior to survey Peak season Survey Survey months months 6 mos-5 0-3 yrs 0-5 yrs yrs NMIS 3 1996 February- April April 18% NFHS 1996 January – June April/May/June 27.5% December – NMSS 1998 April/May 25.4% May BCHIMES March – May April/May 19.3%* 16.7%* 16.2% 2000 * recalculated from the raw data for the respective age groups. Among the six national surveys1, NFHS 1991, 1996, NMSS 1998 and BCHIMES 2000 are comparable in terms of survey design, but no two are comparable with regard to age group and survey season. Furthermore, it is puzzling that the two comparable surveys that took place only two years apart, NMSS 1998 and BCHIMES 2000, should show such different rates, 25.4 percent and 16.7 percent respectively. From the above data, it is neither possible to determine the trend in diarrhoea prevalence, nor ascertain if the end decade goal of reducing the diarrhoeal prevalence rate by 25 percent has been achieved. ORT use: A simple and effective response to a child’s dehydration is a prompt increase in fluid intake, Oral Rehydration Therapy (ORT). ORT in Nepal includes recommended home fluids, but the use of oral rehydration salts (ORS) is the main method being promoted. Recommended home fluids, according to the Ministry of Health guidelines, include breastmilk and other liquids, but sugar salt solution is no longer being actively promoted. The policy has also seen a shift in recent years, emphasizing the importance of giving increased fluid during diarrhoeal episodes, away from specifying the types of fluids to be given. NHFS 1996 found that use of ORS or recommended home fluids was reported by 29 percent of mothers. The use of home fluids, other than ORS solution, was small, contributing only 4.2 percent. BCHIMES 2000 found that a variety of fluids were given to the child during diarrhoeal episodes. Among mothers who gave fluids to their children with diarrhoea in the last two weeks, the most common fluids included breastmilk (60.6%), plain water (31.6%), ORS (26.0%) and sugar salt solution (13.7%). Trends in ORT use: The Government’s policy on what constitutes appropriate fluids for ORT has changed over the years. Furthermore, the surveys have not been consistent or clear on the definition of “home made solutions” or “recommended home fluids”. As a result, it is also difficult to discern a trend for ORT use. When limiting the analysis to ORS packages, there does not appear to be any improvement over the decade. In three comparable surveys, only one in four mothers reported giving ORS solution to their children with diarrhoea (see table below). In addition, NMIS 1 1995 and NMIS 3 1996 both found similar figures (27% in NMIS 1 1995; 35% in NMIS 3 1996). This is somewhat surprising since the use of ORS packets has been promoted through information, 1 A survey was also carried out jointly with Ministry of Health and WHO in 1990, Diarrhoeal Diseases Household Case Management Survey, Nepal. This was not included in the analysis, since (a) the sampling did not include the mountain regions, and (b) mothers were only asked about diarrhoea in the last 24 hours.” ` 41 education and communication activities throughout the decade, withstanding changes in the ORT policy. The low rate of ORS use is, probably, not due to lack of awareness. A large majority of mothers knew about ORS: 85 percent in 1991, 95 percent in 1996. And, according to the 1996 NHFS survey, about 63 percent of mothers reported having used ORS at one time or another. Availability of ORS in health facilities has been ensured. The Health Ministry’s Logistical Management Information System (LMIS) reports that ORS packets were available in 73% of all health facilities in 1996. The figure in 2000 was 77%. ORS packets are distributed at no cost at health centers and through the health staff, including community based volunteers. ORS can also be purchased at pharmacies and shops. The correct use of ORS may still be problematic in that only one in three mothers were found to be able to give the correct amount of water for mixing ORS. NMIS 3 1996 found that only one in four mothers could describe the steps for preparing the solution correctly. Use of ORS during diarrhoea (1991-2000) Survey NFHS 1991 Use of ORS Remarks 26.5% Mothers with children under 5 having diarrhoea in the two weeks prior to the survey, were asked whether ORS (Jeevan Jal) was given to the child. NFHS 1996 BCHIMES 2000 25.9% Mothers were asked to list all the treatments, including recommended home fluid, pill, intravenous drugs, given during diarrohea episodes for all children under 3. 26.0% Mothers were asked to list all the liquids given during diarrohea episodes for all children under 5. Home management of diarrhoea: The MOH policy on home management of diarrhoea is to give more fluids as well as to give the same amount or more food to the child. In the BCHIMES survey, only 20 percent of mothers reported giving more fluids, compared to 35 percent in 1996. Continued feeding (same or more food than usual) during diarrhoea was reported by 43 percent of mothers. The BCHIMES findings that only 20% of mothers gave increased fluids and as many as 10% of mothers give no fluids to their children with diarrhoea is of concern. A possible explanation is that mothers misunderstood the question regarding liquids, since over 60% report on having given breast milk to their child with diarrhoea. No figures are reported in BCHIMES for mothers who gave increased fluids AND continued feeding, but NMIS-3 (1996) found the proportion to be only 4%. Trends in home management of diarrhoea: Again, it is difficult to determine whether home management of diarrhoea has improved or not over the past decade. Four national surveys looked at different aspects of home management of diarrhoea. While there seems to be a general trend towards increased fluid intake and continued feeding, this cannot be confirmed by the data since the figures are not all comparable due to difference in survey design. ` Survey Increased fluids (more liquids) Same amount of liquid given No fluids given Continued feeding (same amount or more food) NFHS 1996 January – June 0-3 years 35% N/A N/A N/A 42 NMIS 3 1996 February - April 0-5 years NMIS 4 1996 August – Nov 0-3 years BCHIMES 2000 March - May 0-5 years Goal 24: 24% 12% 47% 17% N/A N/A N/A 24% 20% 41% 10% 43% Reduction by one third in the deaths due to Acute Respiratory Infections in children under five years Under-five deaths from acute respiratory infection (ARI) Annual number of under-five deaths due to acute respiratory infections Care seeking for acute respiratory infections Proportion of children aged 0-59 months who had ARI in the last two weeks and were taken to an appropriate health provider According to the WHO classification, a child with no cough or difficult breathing has no ARI. A child represented with a cough or difficult breathing alone is defined as having an upper respiratory infection without signs of pneumonia, while children who have a cough and/or difficult breathing in addition to other specific symptoms have pneumonia of varying severity or a very severe disease6. Under-5 deaths from ARI The Annual Report published by the Department of Health Services, Ministry of Health, puts the number of ARI deaths in 1998/99 at 727. This figure is based on reports from all the health facilities, and is believed to be grossly under-estimated. Current status of ARI The most recent survey, BCHIMES 2000, conducted from March till May 2000, shows a 29 percent prevalence of cough and cold in children under 5 years of age during the 14 days preceding the survey. Surveys on ARI prevalence 1995 NMIS (Jan – Mar) 1998 NMSS (Dec – May) 2000 (Mar – May) 6 ` BCHIMES Cough or difficult breathing during past 2 weeks (0-3 years) ARI 14-day prevalence – 0-5 years (cough with or without difficult breathing) Maternal observation – 0-5 years (cough or difficult breathing) at time of survey Clinical observation – 0-5 years (cough or difficult breathing) at time of survey Cough and cold during past 2 weeks (0-5 years) 30% 48.8% 30.2% 19.3% 29% IMCI (Integrated Management of Childhood Illness) training materials, WHO. 43 Another survey, NMSS7, conducted from December till May 1998, when the incidence of ARI typically peaks, showed a prevalence of 48.8 percent of cough with or without difficult breathing (ARI) during the two weeks prior to the survey. In this survey there were no differences by gender, but there was a clear linear association with age, with the youngest children being the most vulnerable. The highest incidences of ARI are in the Central Region. Seasonality may have effected the outcome - the study was carried out starting in the Terai in December and finishing in the mountains in May/June. Current Status of Pneumonia Surveys on pneumonia prevalence (cough and fast breathing) 1991 NFHS Cough and Fast Breathing in 2 weeks prior to survey in (Aug-Oct 91) children 0-5 years (Nov-Feb 92) 1996 NFHS Cough and Fast Breathing in 2 weeks prior to survey in (Jan – Jun 96) children 0-36 months 17% 34% For the classification of pneumonia, WHO uses the definition ‘cough or difficulty in breathing with fast breathing’8. In the NFHS survey carried out from January till June 1996, the prevalence of pneumonia was assessed by asking mothers if their children under three years had been ill with a cough accompanied by short rapid breathing in the two weeks preceding the survey. Reported was a prevalence of 34 percent. Pneumonia prevalence varies according to age, decreasing from around 37-38 percent for children 0-24 months to 26 percent after two years of age. Differences in pneumonia prevalence by the child’s sex, birth order, urban-rural residence, ecological and development regions are small. Care seeking for ARI The two surveys that report on care seeking behaviours for ARI - NFHS 1996 and BCHIMES 2000 - use different definitions of ARI. Therefore, strictly speaking the figures are not comparable. According to NFHS 1996, 18 percent of caretakers reported taking their children with pneumonia either to a health facility or a provider. BCHIMES shows a care seeking of 26 percent for a child suffering from ARI, defined as “cough and cold”. Health facilities and health care providers for both surveys include all public and private health facilities, ayurvedic centers, village health workers and community health volunteers, but not pharmacy shops and traditional practitioners. Trends Despite the numerous national-level studies on ARI and pneumonia, it is not possible to discern a trend for their prevalence other than it is high. This is because the surveys have used different age groups, ARI definitions, survey designs and seasons while collecting data. Hence in all future surveys, definitions of ARI and pneumonia should standardized. It is also recommended that standard questions be used in the same seasons for the same age groups. Community-Based Program for Management of Pneumonia 7 8 ` Nepal Micronutrient Status Survey, 1998. IMCI (Integrated Management of Childhood Illness) training materials, WHO. 44 In 1993, even while using the lowest estimate of pneumonia prevalence (300 cases/1000 children under 5 years), MOH data revealed that only about 15 percent of suspected pneumonia cases were brought by caretakers to a government health facility. That year the MOH, USAID, JSI, UNICEF and WHO formed a working group to develop an approach, then referred to as the ARI Strengthening Program, to bring much needed pneumonia diagnosis and treatment closer to children. The primary strategy was to extend pneumonia case detection beyond the health facilities through VHWs, MCHWs and FCHVs, collectively known as Community Health Workers (CHWs). Initially, two different intervention models were tested - “treatment” and “referral”, with each model established in two districts, to allow time to determine the capability of the CHWs and their acceptability in the community as care providers. An external assessment was conducted in 1997 with technical assistance from WHO/SEARO and WHO/Geneva, and the findings were very encouraging.1 The respiratory rate was assessed in 95 percent of children, in agreement with surveyors in 81 percent of the cases. Chest indrawing was assessed in 59 percent of children, in agreement with surveyor’s assessment in 93 percent. For all cases of ARI assessed, the classification was correct in 81 percent of the cases, and total case management was correct in 80 percent. Only 2.6 percent of the children who should not have received antibiotics had been given antibiotics by the CHWs. In addition, community-based treatment doubled the percentage of identified and appropriately treated cases of suspected pneumonia. Cautious expansion of the “treatment” model was recommended, as CHWs, particularly FCHVs, were found capable of correct pneumonia case management. The original two “referral” districts were converted to “treatment” districts in 1997/98, and two additional districts were added. In 1998/99, five more districts were added in collaboration with four international NGOs working in Nepal to maximize monitoring and to support the CHWs, particularly the FCHVs. At the same time diarrhoea, nutrition/Vitamin A and immunization were included in the training package, and the program was renamed the Community-Based ARI/CDD (CBAC) Program. From July 1999, the experience of these previous programs was combined with the Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI). Communitybased treatment of pneumonia is now available in 14 districts, representing 28 percent (936,985) of all children under 5 years in Nepal. The Ministry of Health’s Logistics Information System (LMIS) confirms that availability of Cotrimoxazole Pediatric tablets, used to treat ARI in children, has also improved. In 1996 Cotrim P was available in 31 percent of all health facilities, in 2000 it was available in 69% of health facilities. To date, through all the Community-Based Child Health Programs, a total of 1,437 health facility staff and 9,311 community 100 % of Expected Pneumonia Cases Treated by CHW health workers, including 8,124 % of Expected Pneumonia Cases Treated by HF FCHVs, have been trained in the 80 standard case management of 57 pneumonia. FCHVs have provided 60 orientation to over 115,000 mothers 22 40 in the rural areas on pneumonia symptoms, appropriate home care, 20 and on when and where to seek help. Over 2,000 traditional healers as well 0 as 301 district-level and 7,524 Non-Intervention Districts Intervention Districts village-level leaders have also received orientation on the community-based child health program and on their role in supporting FCHVs and saving children’s lives. IMCI materials have been adapted from the original WHO materials and translated into Nepali. Training, IEC and reporting materials appropriate for semi-literate village women have been developed, and monitoring systems established. ` 45 By July 2000, the percentage of suspected pneumonia cases that were treatment in the 4 initial program districts had reached 57 percent, with the FCHVs treating over half the cases. In the non-programme districts, only 22 percent of suspected pneumonia cases were treated in the MOH’s facilities. This 2.6 fold increase seen in the number of children reached and information on the quality of case management strongly suggest that this program is having a substantial impact on child mortality in Nepal. Goal 25: Elimination of guinea worm disease (dracunculiasis) This goal does not apply to Nepal. Goal 26: Expansion of early childhood development activities, including appropriate low-cost family and community-based interventions Pre-school development Promotion of children aged 36-59 months who are attending some form of organized early childhood education No data is available on pre-school net enrolment for children aged 36-59 months. The Statistics Section of the MOES has only just included pre-school enrolment in its School Monitoring Form and in the data collection process. So Nepal will have gross enrolment rates in pre-school as part of the government’s regular data collection process in the future. For the Education For All reporting process, Nepal did carry out a secondary analysis which uses general data on enrolment to extrapolate pre-primary gross enrolment figures for 1997. This Gross Enrolment rate for pre-primary school was calculated at just over 8 percent. HMG/N has initiated new policies to expand pre-primary programmes through the MOES structure, with the ambitious target of having 5,600 pre-primary centres established by 2004. This should have the effect of greatly increasing the levels of pre-primary enrolment nationally. Underweight Prevalence Please refer to Goal 3 for the discussion on underweight prevalence. ` 46 Goal 27: Increased acquisition by individuals and families of the knowledge, skills and values required for better living, made available through all educational channels, including the mass media, other forms of modern and traditional communication and social action, with effectiveness measures in terns of behavioural change. Overall information infrastructure The information revolution has inched its way into Nepalese families in the decade after the World Summit for Children. More families are able to access television in 2000 as TV coverage expands from 18 percent in 1990 to 44 percent of the country’s geographic area. Radio, the medium with the most extensive reach, is accessible in 90 percent of the districts in 2000 compared to 75 percent in 1990. In Kathmandu Valley, FM radio services are catching on, with a choice of 7 radio stations providing entertainment and a variety of programmes to 1.5 million residents. The ownership of television has gone up from 2 per 1,000 people to 6 per 1,000, whereas radio ownership has climbed slightly from 34 sets per 1,000 people to 38 per 1,000 between 1900 and 2000. In general, the exposure of families to TV, radio and print materials has increased, albeit at a slow pace, especially in rural and remote districts. The slow rate of progress is partly hampered by Nepal’s limited electricity coverage and inadequate road infrastructure. According to the World Bank, only 15 percent of Nepal’s population, mostly urban, currently enjoys electricity, and the rural poor live on the average more than five hours away from the nearest dirt road. With 9 million people still surviving on less than $1 per day, knowledge and information are, for the most part, a luxury rather than a necessity. Nepal’s transition to multiparty democracy in 1990 has given birth to a free press and an active civil society. The number of registered periodicals and newspapers has risen four-fold - from 423 in 1990 to 1,536 in 1999. However, high rates of illiteracy, especially among women, have not enabled the print media to play a more effective role in promoting broadbased changes at the grassroots. Adult literacy, though surged from 33 percent in 1990 to 51 percent in 2000, conceals a staggeringly low literacy rate of 33 percent for women. Gap between awareness and practice The many constraints, notwithstanding, Nepal has made positive progress in child survival and development since the World Summit for Children. Various evaluation reports show a near universal knowledge of family planning and Oral Rehydration Salt among women. The high rate of polio immunization - 92 percent of children in 1999 through NIDs -, the near universal coverage of iodized salt, and the successful distribution of vitamin A capsules to 90 percent of children in almost all districts, are evidence of families’ improved awareness of child health and nutrition. With HIV/AIDS a growing concern, 71 percent of urban women and 35 percent of rural women said in the BCHIMES 2000 Survey they were aware of HIV/AIDS. Colostrum feeding is also on the rise with 77 percent of mothers now giving their first breastmilk to newborns compared to 64 percent in 1996. Meena, an animated character advocating gender equality, has become a household name. Though there has been no formal evaluation of the media’s impact on attitude and behaviour, it is clear that families’ awareness is not put into practice. General knowledge of ORS may be widespread among mothers, yet only 26 percent of children who suffer from diarrhoea are given ORS, while a mere 4 percent receive recommended home fluids such as breast milk, according to the 1996 Family Health Survey. The survey also shows that only 35 percent of children are given increased fluids during episodes of diarrhoea, and more than ` 47 half are not rehydrated with ORS or increased fluids. The practice shows a worrying decline in 2000, with only 20 percent of children given increased fluids during episodes of diarrhea. And among them, only 26 percent were given ORS, while the number taken to a health facility has registered a negligible rise from 28 percent to 30 percent. The unmet gap in practice places a large group of children at higher risk of severe malnutrition and mortality. It also reflects a distressing lack of practical knowledge on the nutritional requirement of children with diarrhoea, which remains a major child killer in Nepal. The low level of awareness about sanitation and hygiene further compounds efforts to reduce child mortality. According to BCHIMES 2000, 67 percent of Nepal’s households do not have a toilet. Open defecation in crop fields, orchards, riverbanks, ponds and canals remain a preferred practice in rural areas. A large majority of villagers, based on a 1994 KAP Survey on Water and Sanitation, do not associate human and animal excreta with diseases. Though school children are somewhat knowledgeable, they have never tried to educate their parents on how human waste can invite illnesses. More than half of the families interviewed in 2000 said they are somewhat aware of the importance of latrines, but are unable to afford it. A more glaring gap between knowledge and practice confronts Nepal’s HIV high-risk group. Over 90 percent of commercial sex workers report having heard of HIV/AIDS from radio, according to a 1999 Family Health International (FHI) survey. They may be aware of its mode of transmission, but sex workers lack the bargaining power to insist on a condom to clients. A similar situation confronts girl children who are voluntarily recruited or trafficked to Indian brothels. HIV education in source districts such as Sindhupulchowk has been intensified through the work of NGOs such as CWIN. But girls who end up in Bombay continue to face a sea of male clients who know little about safe sex. Female illiteracy and gender biases Gender discrimination cuts deep into Nepal’s development on all fronts, and poses numerous obstacles in its efforts to achieve the end-decade goals for children. The net effect of mother’s exposure to media on infant mortality, based on a 1999 FHI regression analysis, is minimal. The analysis shows that mothers’ young age of pregnancy, short birth spacing and malnutrition, compounded by the lack of antenatal care, tetanus immunization and family planning are factors fueling Nepal’s high rate of infant death. Mothers’ exposure to the media, nevertheless, has a higher impact on under-five child mortality. Improved knowledge in detecting early signs of acute respiratory infections, diarrhoeal dehydration and child immunization through the media and interpersonal communication, is contributing to reducing child deaths. However, the analysis also reveals that female children of 1-4 years are at significantly greater risk of dying due to inferior care as opposed to the treatment given to boys. The complete immunization of children is one such example. The BCHIMES 2000 report shows that 58 percent of boys receive full immunization whereas only 51 percent of girls are immunized against all of the six antigens. There is ample evidence to show education is the most important determinant in a mother’s health seeking and reproductive behaviours. Among the male and female children who were fully vaccinated in 1999, 66 percent are children of literate mothers. A similar pattern is observed for treatment of acute respiratory infections, the number one cause of child death in Nepal. The BCHIMES 2000 survey shows that more boys than girls are taken to a health care provider for treatment of cough and cold, with a difference of 28.2 percent for boys and 23.7 percent for girls. Literate mothers are also more likely to bring their children to a health care provider. Over 70 percent of those who get treated for ARI are children of literate mothers. ` 48 Mass illiteracy among women as a result of gender biases also halts Nepal’s progress in combating malnutrition. Poor maternal health is largely accountable for the high rate of low weight births. Compounded by mothers’ poor knowledge of child nutrition, 70 percent of children in 1994 and 47 percent in 2000 are moderately and severely underweight. The prevalence of stunting among children aged 6-59 months has dropped only 15 percentage points since 1975, from 65 percent to 50 percent in 1998. Female children, according to the 1996 National Family Health Survey, are more likely to be stunted (50%) or severely stunted (22%) than male children. Mothers’ awareness of infant feeding is also overridden by the enormous burden of farming and housework. The BICHIMES 2000 shows that male members in as many as 57 percent of households in Nepal have never made any trips to fetch water. Feeding and childrearing practices are not likely to improve unless men’s role and responsibilities are addressed. Interpersonal communication Putting aside mothers’ education as a variable, any effective behavioural intervention in Nepal will have to combine media outreach with interpersonal communication. Neighbours, village leaders, street theatres and folk media are effective purveyors of information in the rural setting of Nepal, and, perhaps, play a more important role in influencing behaviours. Over the decade, government departments, aid agencies and NGOs have taken advantage of a new rural force to provide health education and simple diagnosis of child ailments. Known as the Female Community Health Volunteer (FCHV) programme, it was introduced in 1989 by the Family Health Division, Department of Health Services (DHS), with the support of USAID, FINNIDA, UNFPA and UNICEF. Over 45,000 rural women are currently trained to educate mothers on pneumonia, ORS, immunization, family planning, safe motherhood, sanitation and control of communicable diseases. Rural mothers often cite FCHVs as their source of information on children’s health care. A DHS evaluation in 1997, based on household feedback, attributed an increase in primary health care services in rural Nepal to the work of FCHVs. More than 80 percent of families interviewed said FCHVs had taught them the importance of child immunization and the use of Jeevan Jal (ORS). More than 60 percent said they learned about tetanus immunization, use of contraceptives and antenatal services. More than half said they acquired knowledge of childcare and nutrition from the volunteers, whereas 43 percent cited FCHV as a source of knowledge on latrine construction. Though the assessment does not look at FCHVs’ contribution to infant and child mortality reduction, it is clear that they are fulfilling a dire need for health education and rudimentary health services in Nepal. ` 49 Additional indicators for monitoring children’s rights Birth Registration It was only in 1977 that birth registration programmes were initiated in the country, first in 10 districts and later expanding to all the 75 districts by 1990. Under the Birth, Death and Other Personal Incidents (Registration) Act enacted in 1976, a baby must be registered within 35 days of being born, after which registration carries a penalty of Rs. 8–Rs. 50 (US$ 0.10 – 0.67). The BCHIMES 2000 survey has found that only 34 percent of children below 5 years have their births registered. However, given the late start, the figure implies that the vital registration system is picking up. The study found little difference in the birth registration between boys (17.3%) and girls (16.7%). Vital registration was found more effective in the Hills (36%) and the least effective in the Mountains (18%). Registration is slightly better in the urban areas (36.8%) compared to the rural areas (33.7%). The registration rate in the Kathmandu Valley is quite low at only 25 percent. Another survey carried out by Plan International, an NGO, in the 8 districts where it is active, however, shows a much higher registration rate. It found 42.2 percent of the total sampled child population below 18 years of age registered - 45.3 per cent for boys and 38.9 percent for girls. The proportion of registered children in the Hills and Mountains was 29.1percent and in the flat plains of the Terai 51.7 percent. Official data furnished by the Ministry of Local Development (MLD) on the extent of birth registration coverage during the 90’s also shows that in 2000 about 42 percent of children under one year are registered. Extent of birth registration coverage from 1991-2000 Year Total Populations Pop and % of children under 1 year Births registered (%) 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 18,491,097 18,937,160 19,393,984 19,861,827 20,340,957 20,831,644 21,331,362 21,843,068 22,367,048 22,903,598 565,413 (3.06%) 578,147 593,455 607,771 622,433 635,365 652,739 668,397 684,431 700,850 84,818 68,814 147,285 188,897 116,387 176,040 245,361 102,657 311,590 293,664 15.00 11.90 24.81 31.08 18.69 27.70 37.58 15.35 45.52 41.92 Projected population under 1 year has been calculated based on the past annual growth rate of 3.06%. Interpreting the data: The End-Decade Review seeks information on the proportion of children 0-59 months whose births are registered in 2000. However, neither the Ministry nor Plan International’s data are for this age group. ` 50 Plan International’s survey takes into account children up to 18 years. In Nepal, there is a tendency to register births only when necessary. And many children are registered only while enrolling in primary school, i.e., when they are more than five years old. Therefore, the proportion of children registered would be expected to be higher for older children. On the other hand, a cursory look at the data furnished by the MLD reveals that the projected child population under 5 in 2000 is 3,341,782, i.e., children born between 19962000. Of them, 1,129,312 children have had their births registered in 2000, which is 33.79 percent of the total child population under 5 years – a percentage similar to the findings of the BCHIMES survey. According to BCHIMES 2000, the majority of the respondents said they had no time for registration (39%), another 30 percent did not know about registration and 20 percent saw no need for it. The findings suggest that advocacy and awareness creation on this issue will go a long way in strengthening the system. But, of course, adequate and easy services for registration must also be available. Still other reasons cited by Plan International for not registering births include demand for higher fees for delayed registration, inactive local registrars, long distance to the local registration office, lack of necessary documents for registration, and a gender insensitive act that does not allow a mother to register her child. To enhance birth registration, Plan International has been adopting such approaches as collaborating with local government bodies, local institutions, UNICEF, INGOS, NGOs and CBOs; raising awareness through radio messages, hoarding boards, posters and pamphlets; grassroots networking among all stakeholders such as NGOs, Plan staff, VDC members, social workers, teachers and health workers; and organizing workshops cum trainings. Unicef, on its part, has incorporated birth registration in the Parenting Orientation package for caregivers of young children, and will establish the issue of birth registration in its Early Childhood Development Project. The government is committed to strengthening the vital registration system and promoting birth registration in Nepal, as reflected by the adoption of the Kathmandu Declaration in June 2000 by all the concerned central and local government bodies. Other stakeholders, development partners working in the area of birth registration, also signed the Declaration. Following on from the Declaration, the training of local registrars has been initiated. Children’s Living Arrangements & Orphans The Children’s Act, 2048 (1992) has a provision for the establishment and operation of Children’s Welfare Homes (Article 34), which are accessible to orphans as well as unattended and abandoned children (Article 35). As per Article 36, children stay in these homes until they are at least 16 years of age. Article 37 provides for vocational training and/or employment assistance to the children in these Welfare Homes. Provision for the establishment and operation of Rehabilitation Centres for children 0-14 years who are not living with their living parents has also been made under Article 42 of the Children’s Act. These Centres provide living arrangements for children under judicial custody, those addicted to drugs and runaways. The Centers are also open to children who have been rescued after being trafficked for commercial sexual exploitation and forced labor as well as victims of violence, rape, suppression and atrocity, and, therefore, compelled to abandon their families and live on the streets. ` 51 Although there is legal provision for living arrangements to be made for children, there has not been any budget allocation from the Government. Hence, they have yet to be established. There are different forms of living arrangements established and operated by NGOs with external funding. They include: Rehabilitation Centres for working, trafficked, abandoned and/or street children; Orphanages; Educational centres like vocational training centres, boarding schools or hostels. There are no exact figures available on the number of orphans nor on children not living with their biological parents. NGOs operate a number of homes in the country for orphans and abandoned children, but the data are not compiled and analyzed at the national level. Although NGOs must register with the Social Welfare Council and furnish data regarding living arrangements, they have not been done. However, different organizations are said to provide rehabilitation to about 6,000 children. Besides these institutionalised living arrangements, children aged 0-14 years also live with their employers (including brothel owners), extended family members, step parents or with relatives. There is no data for these categories of children either. Situation Analysis on Street Children 1996 estimated there were 26,000 children on the street and 3,700 children of the street. Based on CWIN’s information there has been a slight increase in the number of children of the street, from 3,700 in 1996 to 5,000 in 2000. About 100 children are living as dependents with their family members or guardians in jail. Child labour The Nepal Labour Force Survey 1998/99 (Central Bureau of Statistics, National Planning Commission) had gathered information on children’s participation in the workforce. The key concept used in the survey is current economic activity status. According to this survey, children are considered to be “currently active” if (a) they worked for at least one hour during the 7 days prior to the survey, or (b) they have a job to return to or (c) they are available for work if work could be found. The NFLS used a broad definition of work, consistent with the current ILO standard. For example, “work” includes tailoring, making mats, collecting firewood or water for the household. On the other hand, examples of “non-work” activities include cooking, serving food, washing dishes and Children's Work vs Schooling (5-14 yrs) utensils or shopping for the household, cleaning the house, 41% minor household repairs, or Currently 45% working caring for the elderly, the sick, 37% or young children. The population in the 5-14 age group is estimated at 4.86 million for this survey. 20% 24% 16% Usually working 71% 62% 80% Going to school Proportion of working children: Over 40 percent of all children 5-14 years, or 1.987 million children, were found to ` 0% 20% Boys 40% Girls 60% 80% 100% Total 52 be currently economically active. According to this criteria, children’s participation in the work force is significant. Since the proportion of unemployed among the economically active population is very small among children, most economically active children could be considered to be working children. Children in rural areas are more likely to be working, than urban children, where even among children aged 5-9 years, 19.8 percent of boys and 25.4 percent of girls, are economically active. In addition, 60.9 percent of the boys and girls aged 10-14 are economically active. It is worth noting that the proportion of girls who work is higher than that of boys, for all age groups. Table 1: Proportion of currently working children (as % of age group population) Total Urban Age group Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Rural Male Female 5 – 9 yrs 20.9% 18.3% 23.6% 7.3% 6.4% 8.4% 22.6% 19.8% 25.4% 10 – 14 yrs 60.9% 55.2% 67.1% 30.0% 27.5% 32.7% 64.9% 58.8% 71.5% Total 40.9% 36.8% 45.1% 19.0% 17.3% 21.0% 43.6% 39.3% 48.0% NLFS applied another definition of working children by determining their usual economic activity status. “Usually active” working children are those who have worked or were available for work during the 6 months prior to the survey. Compared to the 1.987 million currently working children, children who are usually working number 974,000, or make up 20 percent of all children aged 5-14. Almost all “usually working” children are “currently working”. Also among usually working children, similar patterns of gender disparity is noted, where the rates for girls are much higher than those for boys. Rural children tend to be more “usually active” than urban children. Table 2: Percentage of usually working children (as % of age group population) Total Urban Age group Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Rural Male Female 5 – 9 yrs 7.5% 5.9% 9.1% 2.3% 1.5% 2.4% 8.2% 6.5% 9.9% 10 – 14 yrs 32.6% 25.9% 39.8% 15.5% 13.8% 16.4% 34.9% 27.5% 42.8% Total 20.0% 16.0% 24.3% 9.1% 7.8% 9.7% 21.4% 17.0% 26.1% Working children and schooling: Table 3 below shows the proportion of children who are currently economically active, out of all children attending school. We see that even among school going children, a little more than one in three children are working. This is possible since currently economically active children are defined as those who have worked at least one hour prior to the survey. It would be possible to work one or two hours a week and still attend school full-time. More older children work than younger children, more girls work than boys, and more rural children work than urban children. Table 3: Percentage of currently active children among school-going children Total Urban Age group Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Rural Male Female 5-9 yrs 19.1% 17.9% 20.7% 6.5% 6.1% 6.9% 21.1% 19.7% 22.9% 10-14 yrs 52.6% 50.2% 56.1% 24.3% 23.3% 25.5% 57.1% 54.0% 61.6% Total 36.6% 35.2% 38.5% 15.8% 15.1% 16.7% 39.9% 38.1% 42.2% Table 4 shows the proportion of currently working children among the non-school going population. About half of all children who are not in school are currently working. As to be expected, more children who are not in school are currently economically active: 36.6% ` 53 among school goers, and 51.4% among non-school goers. Current economic activity in rural areas is higher (25.3 percent) than in the urban areas (12.7 percent). More girls are currently active than boys. As might be expected, a high proportion, 85 percent, of the non-school going children aged 10-14 years are currently working. The proportion of currently active girls is generally higher than that of boys. Table 4: Percentage of currently economically active children not in school Total Urban Age group Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Rural Male Female 5-9 yrs 24.7% 19.5% 28.3% 12.7% 9.0% 15.2% 25.3% 20.0% 28.9% 10-14 yrs 85.0% 82.7% 86.0% 74.3% 74.3% 74.3% 85.6% 83.0% 86.6% Total 51.4% 43.4% 55.9% 41.4% 38.2% 43.5% 51.9% 43.7% 56.5% Children’s work: Reflecting the pattern of the adult workforce, majority of the children (84.3%) are engaged in agricultural work, mostly subsistence agriculture. Elementary occupations, such as fetching water and collecting firewood, are also done by children. NFLS did not collect information on working conditions. However, it is likely that some, if not most, children engaged in manufacturing or construction industries may be exposed to hazardous conditions in their workplace. Children at risk number about 36,000 according to the NFLS. Occupations (type of work) Service Workers - House Keeping and Restaurants - Shop Sales persons Agriculture - Animal Producers - Subsistence Agriculture Craft and Related Trades Plant and Machine Operators Elementary Occupation - Agricultural laborers - Water Fetching - Firewood collection 13,000 26,000 53,000 1,617,000 22,000 4,000 39,000 78,000 78,000 Industries (kind of goods produced or services supplied) Agriculture, Hunting and Forestry 1,725,000 Manufacturing 26,000 Construction 10,000 Wholesale and retail trade 29,000 Hotel /Restaurants 16,000 Private holds with employed persons 165,000 All other categories 10,000 (2.0%) (0.7%) (1.3%) (84.3%) (2.7%) (81.6%) (1.1%) (0.2%) (9.84%) (2.0%) (3.9%) (3.9%) (87%) (1.3%) (0.5%) (1.5%) (0.8%) (8.3%) (0.5%) Work hours: The 1.982 million children aged 5-14 years who are classified as “currently active” work a total of 44 million hours a week. This works out to an average of 22.4 hours a week for every child who is currently working. Boys and girls work about the same number of hours, 22.1 and 22.7 hours a week respectively. Paid work: Of the children who work, about 60,000, almost all aged between 10 and 14, were reported as paid employees. About 50,000 children were engaged in activities classified as elementary occupations, most of them in the agriculture sector. ` 54 Non-economic activities of children: The NLFS also collected information on selected non-economic activities. Many of these, such as taking care of younger children and cooking and cleaning for the household, are performed by children aged 5 to 14 years old. The survey found that about1.5 million children are involved in these tasks, working a total of 15 million hours. Reflecting the patterns found among adults, more girls (1million) are involved in these tasks than boys (0.35 million), and girls work more hours than boys (12 million hours versus 2.8 million hours). Bonded child labour: Debt bonded child labour, under the Kamaiya system, is prevalent in five districts in the Mid and Far Western region. A total of 4,778 children9 are working under the Kamaiya system. These children are either working to pay the interest on the debts owed by their parents, or working in lieu of their parents, or are in some way linked to the work the bonded parents do. Additional indicators for monitoring the Integrated Management of Child Illness (IMCI) and malaria Care seeking knowledge BCHIMES 2000 was the first national survey conducted to collect data on care seeking knowledge as defined above. BCHIMES found that among mothers of children under five years of age, 50 percent were able to identify at least two symptoms for referral to a trained health care provider. In this survey, an open-ended question “When would you refer your child to a health care provider?” was asked. Where answers were not forthcoming, interviewers were expected to probe for answers, and categorize the responses. As with other indicators, there was a correlation between education levels and literacy, such that the proportion of mothers who knew at least two symptoms increased with education level and literacy level. For ecological zones, the highest proportion of mothers from the Hills could list two symptoms with 53 percent and the lowest in the Terai with 48 percent. A higher proportion of mothers in rural areas (51%), who tend to be less educated and less literate, could identify the symptoms than mothers in urban areas (45%). A possible explanation is that urban, educated mothers may have found the question too simplistic, or that because information and education activities tend to target rural, illiterate women, they were better able to recite the symptoms. A similar finding was also seen in mothers’ knowledge of the immunization schedule, where more mothers in rural areas, compared to urban mothers, were able to correctly give the immunization schedule for the six antigens. Malaria Malaria remains endemic in the southern Terai belt and the forest fringes of the foothills and the inner Terais. Ministry of Health estimates that 16 percent of the 22 million people of Nepal are at malaria risk. The morbidity rate for the malariarisk area is estimated at 0.35 percent. Since 1995, the mortality due to malaria has remained at less than two per year, except in 1996 when an epidemic occurred in Kanchanpur district with 15 deaths. 9 ` Population at risk Blood slide examined Positive detection 1995 12,298,141 338,189 9,718 1996 15,225,411 204,355 9,020 1997 15,619,053 160,293 8,957 1998 16,344,287 175,879 8,498 1999 15,879,497 132,044 8,540 Source: Ministry of Health, HMG Nepal The Kamaiya System in Nepal, Shiva Sharma a.o., SAAT ILO New Delhi, 1998 page 46. 55 The beginning of the 1990s experienced periodic malaria outbreaks. Due to epidemics in central and far-western regions the cases went up to 29,000 in 1991. With great effort, especially through continued indoor residual spraying in the epidemic areas, the number of cases was brought down to 9,700 by 1995. Since then, the malaria cases have remained below 10,000 annually. Of the 8,540 positive cases detected in 1999, 59 percent were male and 41 percent female, or in other words, the male to female ratio was 10:7. Thirty percent of the cases were below 15 years, 6 percent below five years and 0.4 percent below one year of age. Indicators for monitoring HIV/AIDS Women and HIV/AIDS in Nepal Knowledge of Preventing HIV/AIDS (main ways of avoiding HIV infection, and main misconceptions about HIV/AIDS) More women in Nepal are aware of HIV/AIDS today than they were five years ago, but the majority of them are still ignorant about the lethal infectious disease. Among women aged 15-49 in Nepal, according to the latest BCHIMES 2000 survey, 39 percent have heard of HIV/AIDS, a 12 percentage point increase from 27 percent in 1996. The knowledge gap on HIV/AIDS between rural and urban women has also narrowed. In 2000, 35 percent of rural and 71 percent of urban women have heard of AIDS, compared to 23 percent of rural and 67 percent of urban women in 1996. HIV/AIDS education has also reached more illiterate and semi-literate women. In 2000, 35 percent of illiterate and 76 percent of literate women said they had heard about AIDS. This compared to 1996, when a mere 16 percent of illiterate and 70 percent of literate women were aware of HIV/AIDS. In the 2000 survey, 67 percent of those who had heard of AIDS cited safe sex as the method to avoid HIV infection, and 82 percent said condom use is effective. In 1996, only 31 percent of those who had heard of AIDS were able to point out condom use as a preventive measure. According to the BCHIMES survey, among those who had heard of HIV/AIDS, 60 percent knew that it was possible for a healthy-looking person to have HIV. Misconception about the mode of transmission such as mosquito bites and kissing is low, less than 2.5 percent and 1 percent respectively. Perception of Risk of HIV Infection An increasing number of women are unsure about their risk of HIV infection. According to the 1996 National Family Health Survey (NFHS), 66 percent said they faced no risk of being infected, 16 percent thought there was a small chance, 6 percent a moderate chance, and 2 percent a big chance. In the BCHIMES study, 60 percent thought they faced no risk of HIV infection, 14 percent said there was a small chance, 2 percent a big chance, while 23 percent were unsure. Knowledge of mother to child transmission of HIV Since 1995, HIV/AIDS education, including mother-to-child transmission (MTCT), has been included in the training package of district-level health workers and female community health volunteers (FCHV). However, MTCT has not been the focus of HIV/AIDS education because ` 56 HIV prevalence among the general population is low, and the dominant mode of transmission is heterosexual and injecting drug use. In the 1999 FHI survey among FSWs, only 6 percent in 1998 and 11 percent in 1999 had heard of mother-to-child HIV transmission even though over 90 percent are aware of HIV/AIDS. FSWs have been the primary target of HIV intervention by NGOs in Nepal. The lack of awareness of MTCT indicates a dire vacuum in HIV education among the general population, especially among women with little education. A more encouraging trend is found among teenagers, over half of whom, in a UNICEF 2000 Survey, were able to explain the mode of MTCT transmission, i.e., through pregnancy and breastfeeding. The knowledge is derived probably from reproductive health lessons taught in school, or through the mass media. Women who know where to be tested for HIV and who have been tested for HIV Women's knowledge about a place to test for HIV is low. In 2000, among those who have heard of HIV/AIDS, only a quarter know where to go for an HIV test, and about 2 percent have undergone such a test. Poor awareness of a place to test for HIV is attributable to two factors. Firstly, very few HIV/AIDS messages disseminated through the mass media actually provide information on such a facility. Secondly, testing services are not available in all the districts. And where available, the service is primarily offered by private labs and blood banks, with little or no counseling to clients. Attitude toward condom use The condom has for long been promoted as a family planning method. However, it is only in recent times that it is being promoted as a means of preventing STD/HIV infection. But many families associate condom use with promiscuity. According to the 1996 National Family Health Survey, 98 percent of the women who have heard of HIV/AIDS have also heard of the condom. About 5 percent used it the last time they had sex, while another 4 percent used it as a family planning method. According to the BCHIMES survey, condom use is 4 percentage points lower than all the family planning methods adopted by the general population. Condom use is not prevalent partly because many families cannot afford one regularly, and partly because of the misgiving that it reduces sexual pleasure. Most women feel they are not in a position to influence their husbands on condom use. A notable increase in condom use is, however, seen among the FSWs and their clients, due to rigorous interventions by several agencies working on HIV prevention among high-risk groups. A recent Family Health International (FHI) survey of sex workers, migrant workers and truck drivers shows that consistent use of condoms by sex workers has increased from 33 percent in 1998 to 40 percent in 1999. An increased number of sex workers also reported condom use with the immediate past client, from 60 percent in 1998 to 67 percent in 1999. In the same FHI survey, consistent condom use by transport workers with their wives shows a drop from 14 percent in 1998 to 8 percent in 1999, and by male labourers with their wives from 26 percent to 7.8 percent. It is not clear what has brought about the decline. One explanation is that these workers do not perceive a need for condoms now that they are using them with sex workers. Given that 60 percent of the sex workers are not practising consistent condom use, they are putting the spouses and partners of their male clients at higher risk of HIV infection. Attitude to people with HIV/AIDS ` 57 People with HIV/AIDS are largely stigmatised in the Nepali society. HIV/AIDS is often perceived as a nemesis for the promiscuous, a consequence of immoral sexual behaviour. Sex workers who are HIV positive, in particular those returning from brothels in India, face greater disapproval and contempt from their communities. Families known to have HIV/AIDS patients find themselves isolated by the community in which they live. Some families are so afraid of the stigma attached to the disease that the infected member is confined to the home or thrown out of the house. It's not only the community that discriminates against people with HIV/AIDS. They are also despised in the hospitals and clinics. Many HIV/AIDS patients report being told to leave without proper counseling and medical care. In a recent Nepal Red Cross survey of adolescents, a quarter of them said AIDS patients should leave school and live in isolation, away from the community. Adolescent sexual behaviour In a UNICEF survey of adolescents in 2000, 92 percent said they had heard of HIV/AIDS. Of them, 10 percent felt that their friends were susceptible to HIV infection, either because they frequent restaurants and hotels where sex is available, or because of their association with drug addicts. The high level of awareness among teenagers, however, does not translate into safe-sex behaviour. About 20 percent of the adolescents who thought it was proper to have sex before marriage did not always practise safe sex. Of the 9 percent girls who had had sex, 32 percent said that they had more than one sexual partner, 13 percent had contracted a sexually transmitted disease (STD), and 14 percent had become pregnant. Among them, 74 percent said their partners use a condom, while 56 percent asked their partners to use one, most of whom agreed. Of the 22 percent boys who had had sex, more than half had multiple sex partners, 65 percent used a condom and 21 percent had contracted STD. ` 58