UNIT OF WORK: TRANSITION EYFS to KS1 LESSON PLAN 1 2 3 4 5 6 TITLE: OUT OF AFRICA Year groups: YR / Y1 Length of lesson: 30 minutes Aims for the unit: pupils will: use a story to springboard creative work with voices and instruments be offered holistic approaches to embrace musical outcomes through music, movement and created sounds explore the timbres of percussion instruments and improvise sound effects to enhance the story structure CONTENT MUSICAL LEARNING Lesson objective and success criteria To add chosen sound effects at an appropriate moment in a story or song (YR) To choose musical sound effects to follow a story line or match a picture (Y1) consider the sounds made by the different animals as they take and eat the various fruits represent these sounds using a variety of percussion instruments / body percussion / voices combine their sounds to retell the story Musical resources a selection of untuned percussion instruments, including African items if possible picture cards of animals that appear in the story Introduction/warm up Handa’s Surprise explain that children will use voices, bodies and percussion to add sound effects to the story Read the familiar story Handa’s Surprise ask for children’s initial thoughts and responses Main part of the lesson to include some aspects or combinations of the strands: Q: which animals took fruit from Handa’s basket? Q: what might they sound like? Q: how could we make these noises? Animal sounds Select one of the printed character cards and ask children how they would represent this particular animal musically. Ensure children are aware that they can use their voices, bodies and have instruments available. Pose questions: o o o Singing What might the animal sound like when it is walking behind Handa? What might we hear when the animal takes the fruit? How might the animal sound when he is eating the fruit? Composing Model children’s suggestions of sounds to represent the chosen animal Performing Group activity Listening Appraising Whole class activity Independent work Sharing/reflection divide into groups, giving each group a card depicting a different animal from the story ask groups to compose a series of sounds to accompany their animal’s part in the story Allow time to explore ideas and practise their sequences. Adult support where required. Reassemble to share sequences. Children to peer assess: what do they think worked well? how could the sequences be improved to make them even more effective? ask a child to create a sound to represent the oranges falling into Handa’s basket Q: Could this sound be used to complete the story? Do children want to include another sound to represent Handa’s surprise when she discovers what is in her basket? combine sequences and perform if possible, record the piece could be recorded on i-Pads for self assessment Appraise work using ‘thumbs up/ down’ to show individual successes Extension / Enhanced provision Instruments and character cards to be left out in music area for further independent exploration and additional compositions. Cross-curricular links Literacy Geography