País Nombre de la organización Dirección Alemania WBS TRAINING AG Alemania BNW Kanalstraße 23 Bildungswerk der Nidersächsischen Wirtschaft gemeinnützige GmbH Alemania WBS AG Persona de contacto Hugo-Junkers-Ring Stefanie 5, 01109 Dresden Schumann Peter Grünheid TRAINING Hugo-Junkers-Ring Stefanie 5, 01109 Dresden Schumann Télefono/e-mail/Web Breve descripción Fecha anuncio +49 351 88863-61 Stefanie.Schumann@wbstr WBS TRAINING AG is one of the most important German vocational training and service providers. Since 2004 WBS also cooperates as hosting institution in the scope of the Lifelong Learning Programme. Over the years the WBS has completed about 90 of these mobility projects. Our team has a lot of experience in managing IVT, PLM and VETPRO projects. We offer high level education in various fields - from information and communication technology to business administration, from automation engineering to social services. These trainings can be organized in English and German. Furthermore we also arrange internship placements especially in the field of hotel/gastronomy, engineering and nursing. Further placements upon request. Here German is mandatory. 23/01/14 A training at the WBS is characterized by excellent equipment, professional trainers, an all-around carefree support service by our staff and a well-balanced cultural. Most of the Mobility Trainings take place in the beautiful town of Dresden, which combines astonishing architectural sights with a charming landscape. In order to give you a closer idea about our recent mobility projects, please have a look at our facebook-page: We are looking forward to prepare an Erasmus+ Mobility Project according to your individual needs and to welcome you at our premised at the WBS Dresden. 0049 (0)441 21906-33 BNW cuenta con alrededor de 1.100 empleados en más de 70 localidades, siendo uno de los ofertantes de educación más grandes de la región alemana de Baja Sajonia. Entre nuestros servicios se incluyen: Búsqueda de prácticas profesionales. Búsqueda de alojamiento. Cursos intesivos de idioma (alemán). Seguimiento personal durante el período de prácticas. Trámites burocráticos. Certificación realización de las prácticas +49 351 88863-61 Stefanie.Schumann@wbstr unternehmen/international e-projekte/leonardomobility-projects/ 16/10/13 WBS TRAINING AG is one of the most important German vocational training and service providers. Since 2004 WBS also cooperates as hosting institution in the scope of the Lifelong Learning Programme. Over the years the WBS has completed about 70 of these mobility projects. Our team has a lot of experience in managing IVT, PLM and VETPRO projects. We offer high level education in various fields - from information and communication technology to business 18/12/12 administration, from automation engineering to social services and tourism. A training at the WBS is characterized by excellent equipment, professional trainers, an all-around carefree support service by our staff and a well-balanced cultural programme in the beautiful city of Dresden. In order to give you a closer idea about our mobility projects, please see our facebook-page: Our team is looking forward to welcome you at the WBS premises in Dresden :) The WBS is looking for partners/ schools, who would like to realize their mobility projects at the training centre of the WBS Dresden. Furthermore, the WBS searches for coordinating partners of pilote projects in the field of education. Alemania Makotech GmbH Luisentraße Pforzheim 75172 69, Manuela Montesinos Eslovaquia Kaštieľ 919 Mojmírovce, Mojmírovce, 951 15 s.r.o. (The Manor Mojmírovce House Inc) Eslovenia Storitve v turizmu in projektna dela, Martina Majcen s.p. (Lill) Prijateljeva ulica 19 Mgr. Anna Cristea Martina Majcen 07231 586 25 75 Manuela.Montesinos@mako Makotech GmbH Pforzheim es un centro de estudios para personas en el paro (centro subvencionado por el INEM alemán), para trabajadores, estudiantes y empresas en Alemania. Nuestro centro está especializado en idiomas para el trabajo, en SAP, Marketing y Controlling, formando y seleccionado personal desde 2005. En Alemania trabajamos y colaboramos con varios organismos como por ejemplo la oficina de empleo alemana y EURES en Alemania, la Cámara de Comercio, universidades y colegios mayores, etc. Makotech está situado en el sur de Alemania, entre Stuttgart y Karlsruhe, en Baden-Württemberg, una de las regiones más ricas e internacionales de Alemania, sede de empresas como Bosch, SAP, 30/05/11 Daimler o Porsche. Nuestro centro de estudios tiene clientes-empresas que ofrecen plazas de prácticas para becarios. Nosotros somos intermediarios entre las empresas y los becarios. Por este servicio no recibimos ningún dinero. Para nuestros clientes es muy importante que la gente tenga cierto nivel de alemán, especialmente alemán del trabajo. Makotech ofrece en cooperación con las empresas un curso de alemán de 1 y 2 semanas para los becarios antes de iniciar las prácticas. Además ayudamos sin contraprestación a los becarios a encontrar un alojamiento y con los primeros requisitos (darse de alta ect) en Alemania. 00421 37 77 982 01 At the moment Kastiel Mojmirovce (The Manor House) is involved in several projects: cultural projects (cultural heritage,sightseeings, art, crafts), social projects(working with ethnic groups Roma), educational projects (aimed on elementary, secondary, vocational schools or even higher education institutions), cooperating with the unemployed, prisoners, arranging workshops, couching, training, providing practical experience within management (hotel management, hotel and catering, travel and tourism, recreation and leisure). 00386 41 215 397 We are a professional company formed as a result of many different experiences in tourism. We have twelve years of experience in creating and organizing programs, various projects, transfers and events for tourists. We have experience in finding suitable accommodation and partner, monitoring employees and seeking for best solutions in case of any problem. We are qualified for work in the office and we have a huge amount of experiences in putting any plan into execution. Few years ago we started to work on LDV projects as well. 28/05/13 28/05/13 Therefore we will be very happy to welcome you in our beautiful and diverse country, full of possibilities for development and good learning environment. España E.C.L.A.C C/Empedrada,8 – 14001 Córdoba SPAIN España LanguageStays Local 9, Edificio Miguel Singular, Av. Breña-Lajas Sanlúcar s/n, Polígono Bertola, 11408, Jerez de la Frontera, Cádiz España España España España Antonia Navas Navarro Education&Mobilit Artalandio Kalea 3 Iker Orueta y 957488451 cordoba@eclacprogramase www.eclacprogramaseurop We offer you to be the trustworthy and reliable partner you need to organise your EU mobility project. Do not hesitate to contact us we have 4 years experience and references – Nous vous proposons d’être le relais nécessaire et de confiance dont vous avez besoin pour organiser et mener à bien votre projet européen. N’hésitez pas 23/01/14 à nous contacter, nous avons 4 ans d’expérience et des références.- Queremos ser el socio ideal y de confianza para llevar a buen puerto su proyecto europeo encargándonos de su gestion in situ. +34656822562 m LanguageStays is a study travel agency that offers customised work experiences and language courses abroad. We can place interns in the UK and Spain. We can provide with accommodation and language courses. Our service is attentive and excellent. 23/01/14 (+34) 661274853 Located in Bilbao, main city of the Basque Country (Spain), in info@educationandmobility. Education&Mobility we organize internships abroad and delegation com / visits for teachers, professionals and entrepreneurs. ioa@educationandmobility.c om www.educationandmobility. com 23/01/14 Asociación Av/ Mónaco 27-29 Alberto Mundus - un 4º 3ª Tortolero mundo a tus pies 08917 Badalona Alvarez (Barcelona) 680258248 alberto.unmundoatuspies@ m Asociation MUNDUS is an association created by young Catalan people passionate about mobility and exchange, as well as cultural diversity and non-formal development for youngsters. The goal is to facilitate the contact between cultures. 23/01/14 Asociación Calle San Juan Formación Grande,nº9 Intracomunitaria 655708837/956323167 asoc.formacionintracomunit formacionIntracomunitaria. Asociacion Formacion Intracomunitaria aims to promote and encourage the cultural and lingustic enrichment between youngters and adults from Andalucia with other European countries. Our activities cover the organization of cultural events like literature, music, performing arts, giving special relevance to the female entrepreneurship in this area. We want to cooperate with other European countries in the frame of Erasmus for All in the writing and submission of projects offering innovating tools which contribute to the personal and cultural growth of people. Our organization is also located in Sevilla where we can also organize mobility programmes (PLM/IVT)- Liguistic and pedagogical training, accommodation and work placement search. We can receive groups not bigger than 6 participants. E.C.L.A (Estancias Culturales y Lingüísticas en Andalucía) Isabel alle Empedrada,8 – Antonia 14001 Córdoba Navas España Navarro 00 34 957 48 84 51 y 00 34 649 74 47 48 eclaprogramaseuropeos@y 16/10/13 ECLA, ha trabajado en el mundo de la educación en varios países europeos así como en Estados Unidos y Australia. Su dilatada experiencia en este campo, su manejo de otras lenguas y culturas y 16/10/13 la excelente reputación de la que gozamos entre nuestros colaboradores en Andalucía y en el extranjero, nos permite ofrecer unos servicios de calidad óptima y constante. A partir del 2009 empezamos a recibir estudiantes/aprendices que nos han hecho adquirir una experiencia importante, especialmente en el programa LEONARDO DA VINCI. Les proponemos ser el socio ideal y de confianza para organizar y llevar a buen puerto su proyecto europeo. No duden en ponerse en contacto con nosotr@s podemos suministrarles referencias tanto de los beneficiarios de los programas como de las empresas colaboradoras. España España España EUROPEAN MOBILITY SERVICES CALLE FLOR Nº210 LA ZUBIA 18140 GRANADA MARIA ESPERANZA GARCIA BADILLO E.C.L.A.C (Estancias Culturales y Educativas en Andalucía y Cataluña) Calle Empedrada,8 Antonia – 14001 Córdoba – Navas ESPAÑA Navarro Unicentro-escuela C/Gloria Fuertes 20 Mila Posado de español - 1ºDcha, C.P: Ruiz Spanish school 29680 0034 679 972 298 Entidad Intermediaria de acogida para recibir a los beneficiarios de los proyectos Leonardo da Vinci (IVT, PLM, VETPRO), Erasmus Placement, Youth in Action. Ofrecemos todos los servicios tales como: Recogida en aeropuerto, búsqueda de alojamiento, búsqueda de prácticas profesionales, organización de visitas profesionales, organización de visitas Culturales, curso de idiomas,… 00 34 957 48 84 51 y 00 34 649 74 47 48 annavasnavarro@hotmail.c om Nous vous proposons d’être le relais nécessaire et de confiance dont vous avez besoin pour organiser et mener à bien votre projet européen. N’hésitez pas à nous contacter, nous avons l’éxpérience d’un LEONARDO APPRENTISSAGE en Aquitaine. (+34) 952 79 79 39 / 615 Unicentro is a school specialised in the teaching of hispanic 60 04 35 language and culture, based in Estepona on the Costa del Sol for the past eleven years. We offer residential courses to foreign students with accomodation hosted by local families or hotels. Our courses range from beginners level to business and pre examination. Our cultural sector includes tours of local historical interest. We also manage placement of students with local business under a work experience programme. We have undertaken courses for French students under the Leonardo Mobility Programme. For more information, please contact us. España ITINERISCULTUR C/Pedro de E Alarcón, 21 1º B 18005 Maddalena Paolella España the Institute of Cuesta de las Development, Calesas, 39. Cádiz Employment and 11006 Training of City Hall with Cadiz Rosa Mª + 34 956 290213 Oliva Robles. Manager of Area and Employment and Training España Institucion La Salle 0034 958994665 – 0034 651488140 mpaolella@itinerisculture.c om C/ Rafael Final , 50 Manuel Solis +34 670974042 - CP 28044 16/10/13 28/05/13 18/02/13 Itinerisculture es una asociación de promoción social y de gestión de programas culturales. Desde el 18/02/13 2009 promueve diversas actividades y en particular proyectos europeos relacionados con programas y sub-programas comunitarios. The project addresses the need, on the one hand to improve the language skills to level spoken in the learning of foreign languages; and, on the other hand, promote the mobility of 25 unemployed/ace of the municipality; all with the objective of promoting their employability in general and in particular at European level, as well as intercultural skills and social for further integration into the society. 18/02/13 We are a training facility that participates in IVT and PLM projects. We look for partners for the next call IVT project. We also offer intermediate as partners for people from other countries for a traineeship in Madrid. 18/02/13 España España España IES SANTIAGO APOSTOL C/ ORTEGA MUÑOZ FRANCISCO 30 GRAGERO 924017616 – 669711944 We are interested in looking for partners to do IVT from April to June 2014 ASSOCIATION FOR RURAL DEVELOPEMENT ESTEPA SIERRA SUR C/Solidaridad s/n 41560 Estepa (SEVILLA) SPAIN Rosa Escalera +34 954019965 urity; m/ Our organization is an association of public agencies, NGOs, business associations and private companies. Educational institutions (University of Seville), government (Provincial Management of Seville), NGOs (Equality of Women, Young), business associations and SMEs. We have managers in the territory of LEADER I and LEADER II. Size: 13 persons 18/12/12 MOVIDEA CB, MOBILITY AND TRAINING. Avenida Blas de Otero,26 Local 2 18200 Maracena (Granada) Nuria Espigares (+34)672609439 / (+34) 677872965 /pages/Movidea-CBMobilityTraining/202792716475068 ?ref=hl Movidea CB is an experienced host organisation collaborating within European Mobility projects (i.e. Leonardo da Vinci Mobility projects for IVT, PLM, VETPro) and Erasmus projects. Will organise together with your organisation all aspects related to the preparation, submission and implementation of your European projects. Movidea will organise a complete training programme of internship for students and also a complete training programme for teachers and professionals including study visits. We offer a comprehensive service including: accommodation, meals, transport, Spanish language lessons, cultural programme, cultural activities, etc. 18/12/12 +34915943776 www.idealeducationgroup.c om IEG is a group that was established in 2005 as the result of the consolidation of several leading companies in the sector of education, more specifically in the teaching of languages. The trajectory of this collective of businesses began in 1989 with the first objectives of Teaching Spanish for Foreigners and student exchanges throughout the world. With its approach to excellence in 18/12/12 business as well as the unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction that has characterized IEG since its conception, IEG has become the largest group specializing in the Teaching of Spanish for Foreigners as well as one of the fi ve world leaders specializing in student exchanges. Since its inception, IEG has continued to expand and develop during each phase of the organization’s growth and in each of its diverse business areas. 18/12/12 España IDEAL EDUCATION GROUP C/ALBERTO AGUILERA, 26-2º. 28015 MADRID (ES) JUAN JOSE MORILLAS GUERRERO España INTERCLASS Nord, 72 local 14, Esplugas del Llobregat Noel Tarre / +34934142921 Fanny Tarre +34664245716 / Somos una empresa especializada en la localizacion de practices en empresas tanto remuneradas como sin remunerar, por lo que estariamos muy interesados en participar en este tipo de programas, por lo que les agradecría nos informaran de como podemos darnos de alta para ser socios del mismo. Administrative address: c/ Huertas 47 – piso 2A – 28220 – Majadahonda Madrid Edgardo Calvente Farizano (Director) The institution IEES is a NGO. Its function is aimed at research and training of adults on issues related to professional formation and lifelong learning, dedicated to training national and European level. Composed of a group of professionals from education, with an experience, of over 15 years. Satisfy the growing need for continuing and specialty formation through the preparation and 18/12/12 distribution of educational activities such as exhibitions, conferences, seminars and training for both employees and those seeking employment. He has experience in professional certification training and retraining for the professional, editing of teaching materials, besides providing platform services Learning Management System (LMS). España IEES – Instituto Europeo de Educación Superior / European Institut of Higher Education 0034 – 669532517 18/12/12 España euroMind S.L. Avenida Ciudad de Amelia Linares 2. Ubeda Wojcik 0034 627050073 euroMind is an International training consultancy based in Úbeda (Andalusia, Spain) specialising in the management of vocational training projects from a wide range of mobility programmes. We collaborate with Training Centres in Andalusia trying to promote and boost rural development strategies, sustainable tourism, sustainable design, renewable energy (solar panels, solar thermal, PV, wind and biomass energy), mechatronics, innovative automotive technology, olive oil, biomass production and exportation, organic products manufacturing as well as general vocational training including any 18/12/12 services sector. At euroMind we develop short-term IVT programmes (2-4 weeks) for colleges in partnership with our local training centres and partner companies as well as long-term PLM training programmes for graduates and study and technical visits for professionals. Our organisation also takes part in research & development projects. As both hosting and sending institution, euroMind offer free advice & guidance service on the project writing stage to all those organizations that decide to deliver their mobility projects in partnership with euroMind. España Itninerisculture C/Pedro Antonio de Maddalena Alarcón, 21 1º B - Paolella 18005. Granada 0034 958994665 – Agenzia che si occupa di mobilità internazionale, vacanze studio, 651488140 – 635880763 corsi di lingua, formazione professionale e accoglienza di studenti partecipanti al progetto Leonardo da Vinci. m 18/12/12 España IMOT AGENCY 11404-Jerez de la Frontera María Sánchez +34 655 708 837 / We are a consulting agency located in the south of Spain and focused on different exchange and mobility projects (LLP) as well as Spanish language courses. We offer both Leonardo and Erasmus participants the possibility to have a working experience in a 18/12/12 Spanish company that matches their studies and professional profile. We cooperate with a wide range of Spanish companies which cover different professional sectors such as environment, education, engineering, biology, and many others. España DousCents Consulting S.L Xinzo de Limia, 32637, Galicia, Spain A Coruña, Galicia, Spain Anastazja Orlowska DousCents specializes in everything online, from social media to graphic design, web development, branding and content. It provides their customers tools with manage their online (Social Media) and offline (Events) presence. DC offers a variety of smart services and processes that help identify, clarify, reach and measure your social media goals. Our mission is to guide our customers to achieve maximum impact with an optimum return investment. Requirements For Candidates: Bilingual or very high level of Spanish with experience in generating content / journalism and strong interest in Information Technology, Communication and Social Media. Preferably candidates with an opportunity to stay in the company upon completion of the internship. Please attach profiles LinkedIn and Twitter to: 18/12/12 España Demg Internships José Zorrila España Planintur Europa S.L España OVIDA C/ Lena, 5 – CP FORMACIÓN, 33006 Oviedo S.L./OVIDA FORMATION, Ltd. España EUROPEAN MOBILITY SERVICES Avda. Joan Miro, 14, Edif.Carolina, 555 CP 29620. Málaga CALLE FLOR Nº2, LA ZUBIA (GRANADA) Teresa Gilarranz 00442032399491 Demg Internships is one of the most popular Spanish online internships and traineeships sites for students. Operating in all Europe, we help students who are looking for training and linguistic preparation in Spain. We assist students to get mobility grants. We develop agreements with well-know companies of the Spain to offer work placements to different profiles and in different fields. 18/12/12 Rosa María 664270994 Padilla Rodríguez. European Programmes Manager Planintur Europa es una empresa malagueña puntera en el sector tecnológico, dedicada al desarrollo de aplicaciones interactivas destinadas al sector turístico, cultural y empresarial. Cuenta con el apoyo de instituciones públicas de ámbito municipal, provincial y regional, además de una amplia gama de empresas del sector privado. Desarrolladores altamente cualificados trabajan en el desarrollo de las aplicaciones de Planintur. La empresa cuenta además con un departamento de formación cuyo objetivo general es la potenciación de la calidad y la competitividad del sector, la especialización mediante la innovación tecnológica y el 18/12/12 fomento de la formación. Al ser sus plataformas un medio indiscutible de promoción cultural, turística y empresarial de la provincia, Planintur está comprometida con la mejora de la imagen turística de Málaga. Entre sus clientes cuenta con un elevado número de empresas de todos los sectores que eligen su plataforma como medio de presentación al turista. Su departamento de formación recibirá titulados y especialistas dentro del Programa Educativo Leonardo da Vinci para estrechar lazos de colaboración a nivel europeo. El intercambio de buenas prácticas e innovación tecnológica es un eje central como empresa puntera local e internacional. Fernando GARCÍA ARROJO Leonardo da Vinci y Erasmus para estudiantes y profesores.-OVIDA es una institución educativa de reciente creación (2009) que ofrece a estudiantes y profesores que deseen realizar prácticas de formación en el norte de España sus instalaciones, con alojamiento en unas magníficas condiciones, en las modalidades de HD, MP, PC. Las tarifas están ajustadas a las condiciones de los destinatarios, con una espléndida relación calidad-precio. OVIDA dispone de unas modernas instalaciones residenciales con los servicios necesarios (wi-fi, biblioteca, salas de estudios e internet, piscina cubierta, gimnasios, canchas deportivas...) Programas Europeos Ovida. El complejo residencial está ubicado en Oviedo (Asturias), en las cercanías del campus universitario “El Cristo” y al lado del Hospital Universitario Central. Además del servicio de residencia, OVIDA cuenta con la posibilidad de ofrecer cursos intensivos de idiomas durante las estancias. Como organización de acogida, OVIDA puede gestionar las estancias formativas en empresas asturianas relacionadas con los currícula de los estudiantes de Formación Profesional, así como con los ámbitos de formación del profesorado. 18/12/12 The aim of European Mobility Services (E.M.S.) is the intermediation in European Mobility Projects as Leonardo Da vinci, Erasmus,…E.M.S. manages the hosting, practices and language courses for students intership. E.M.S. developes these activities in Granada, Málaga, Cádiz and Seville provinces. 10/04/12 LUIS GARCIA BADILLO +34 985.277.676 secretaria.formacion@ovida .es / +34679972298 España Murcia City Council, Youth European Programm Calle Carlos Teresa Valcarcel sn 30008 Martín o Murcia Soledad Lomba +34 968231589 y m http://www.informajoven.o rg/juventud/proyectoeurop eo Queremos desarrollar un proyecto para mejorar la calidad y promover la movilidad de jóvenes que se encuentran en fase de formación profesional y /o desempleo ofreciendo a 50 participantes la oportunidad de realizar prácticas en el extranjero en el sector turistico. Los participantes serán personas con formación previa en sector turistico, empresas, idiomas, o un perfil profesional orientado al mismo. Se trata de perfeccionar profesionalmente a desempleados ya formados en ocupaciones relacionadas con el 10/04/12 sector turistico y desarrollar un itinerario de formación y estancias europeas para desempleados que quieran incorporarse al sector. Está enfocado en particular al aprendizaje de lenguas extranjeras y habilidades interculturales, favoreciendo la movilidad y la empleabilidad en el sector turistico Pretendemos que los participantes estén durante cuatro semanas en una ciudad en la que adquirirán las competencias básicas sociales y lingüisticas, potenciandose e contacto directo con un segundo idioma, profundizando en el sector turistico del país. España COLIAVENT (Vicente Verdú Arias) Favanella nº56 Vicente Verdú Arias +34 622 07 88 46 HOST PARTNERS IN IRELAND: Project will bring to enough Irish companies where students in IVT training to obtain final quality training. All of them meet the legal requirements established in the country concerned to develop their business. The economic sector in which are inscribed these companies is active tourism, sports and recreation in the natural environment, recreation and environmental sustainability. It is in this productive sector where students studying for vocational education through "Conducting physical and sports activities in the wild" will have their professional output. Each of the companies proposed the end of this letter of commitment will provide the figure of an instructor to direct the education of students on the move. Schools (shipping partners), mobility students and their families will be provided with all necessary 10/04/12 contact details about the firms where they will perform the internship also COLIAVENT, made available to them a person / link to make inquiries concerning the company, assigned instructors, accommodation, food, travel, etc.. STUDENT TRAVEL: Will manage one-way tickets by plane to Dublin airport (Ireland) and return tickets to Spain airport plus the return flight ticket from Dublin airport (Ireland) to accommodation in that country. ROOM AND BOARD: will manage the full board and lodging of the students participating in the mobility project. LANGUAGE AND CULTURAL PREPARATION: Manage stockpiles, providing qualified teachers and counselors, linguistic and cultural preparation needed to make your stay in Ireland of the students participating in mobility to be positive. España M.E.P Europrojects Granada Plaza Trinidad, 2, 1º 5 18001 Granada Mari Carmen (+34)958250284 Espartero m M.E.P. Europrojects Granada is an experienced host organisation collaborating within European Mobility projects (i.e. Leonardo da Vinci Mobility projects for IVT, PLM, VETPro) and Erasmus projects. M.E.P. Europrojects Granada will organise together with your organiation all aspects related to the preparation, submission and implementation of your European projects. M.E.P. Europrojects Granada will organise a complete training programme of internship for students and also a complete training programme for teachers 20/12/11 and professionals including study visits. We offer a comprehensive service including: accommodation, meals, transport, Spanish language lessons, cultural programme, cultural activities, etc. España Fábrica de Idiomas, SCA España KeyIntern España World Working c/ Decano Fernández de Castillejo 2 Izabela Radomska Av. Diagonal 437, Cristina pral. 1ª, 08036 Lastra Barcelona +34 957811044 proyectos@fabricadeidioma For projects destinated in Spain (VETPRO or IVT/PLM) we offer: - language preparation of participants - placement or professional visits’ search - accommodation and maintenance - tutor help and supervision of the stay - project evaluation (Mobility Europass, Europass Language Passport) Fábrica de Idiomas is a language centre, where we teach Spanish through culture. Our offer is addressed to students of Spanish and for those who want to improve their skills in an international environment, while learning about Spanish customs and lifestyle. We also offer professional traineeship in Spanish companies, tutoring of the stay and language preparation for interns. 20/12/11 +34 932 063 739 Matching candidates (free service) and client companies in internship & entry-level job opportunities for university students & 10/10/11 graduates. Corporate Recruiter Branding, Job Search Workshops & Internship Culture Consulting for companies. +34 66 88 123 77 manuel@worldwideworking. net Http://www.worldwideworki Somos una empresa especializada en Emigración y Recursos Humanos. Ofrecemos Preparación Intercultural, Búsqueda de Trabajo y Acompañamiento Integral. Somos profesionales de 10/10/11 Migraciones, RR HH, Mediación Intercultural, Derecho e Integración Social. España Fundación de la C/ Santiago, nº 15, Mónica 983 36 24 78 Lengua Española 1º Izda. Valladolid López Ochoa monica@fundacionlengua.e (47001) s Fundacion de la Lengua Española is a Spanish foundation placed in Valladolid and dedicated to the promotion of the Spanish language and culture. In the Lifelong Learning Programme framework, since 2007 we work as an Erasmus Sending Organisation and we are a Hosting 10/10/11 Organisation. We offer language courses, cultural programmes, professional training, accommodation and monitoring. Our main goal is to help students to develop their professional skills, as well as a linguistic preparation. España C/ Rotonda de la Mr. Rafael +34 9541659492, is an organization based in Seville, that offer guidance Era, 46. 41940. Sánchez to education centres, public bodies, companies or NGOs who are Tomares (Sevilla) interested in developing an educational project in Southern Spain. 10/10/11 Our daily activity is focused on organizing placements in the LLP framework. España Advisers for International Programs in Spain C.El Bachiller 7 Cp. Erika Bianco +34 963 391 566 Advisers for International Programs in Spain (AIP) is a host centre 46010. Valencia for European professional and linguistic mobility projects in Valencia, Spain since 1998. We have a Spanish culture and language school accredited by the Cervantes Institute, and a team of more than 30 staff including teachers and administrative personnel, with a single goal: to help 18/12/12 the participants in our programs enjoy an unforgettable immersion experience in Spain. AIP guarantees to respect the Partnership Quality Commitment in order to carry out these activities. We will be involved in the underneath mentioned management tasks: Wide Avda. Maisonnave, Manuel nº 33 – 39, Portal Wagner 3 – 3ºA, 03003 Alicante 1) Selection of suitable accommodation (including food lodging, transfer from the airport and internal transportation). 2) Organisation of the training program described in the project; including the search of placement opportunities according to the sectors and goals of the Leonardo da Vinci Programme. 4) Offer a high quality language course and an exciting weekly activities program 5) In cooperation with the sending institution: evaluation, assessment and certification of the experience through the use of the Europass Mobility document to record the Experience We are managing VETPRO, PLM and IVT Leonardo Da Vinci Projects España Spain Internship España INSTITUTO DE BARRIADA SAN ENSEÑANZA CRISTOBAL S/N SECUNDARIA “EL BOHIO” España Burdeos 39, Sevilla Susanna Mettomaki FLORENTINA OLMOS Y ENCARNACI ÓN ROS 955115793 Spain Internship is a students services organization which provides global internship and traineeships services for students and graduates. Created in 2010, we are a young organization formed by International Business Graduates which aims to offer a fair service to students and graduates. 30/05/11 We offer internships in many different fields: Graphic design, multimedia design, marketing, administrative internships, IT, communication, engineering, hospitality and tourism, research, web design, social media, architecture and translation. 968519753 // m Impartimos Formación Profesional Cuidados Auxiliares Enfermería, Técnico Superior Laboratorio Clínico. Buscamos empresas (hospitales, clínicas odontálgicas, laboratorios) Para realizar la Formación en centros de trabajo Proyecto Leonardo y Erasmus. 27/09/10 MS Barcelona c/ Jonqueres 16, Sandra Lund +34 MS Barcelona Lifelong Learning has been successful at organizing, Lifelong Learning 3A, 08010 slund.msbarcelona@gmail.c managing and certifying Lifelong Learning Programming for both Barcelona om IVT/PLM and VETPRO programming. Since 2003, we have been hosting both professionals and students who are looking for training, linguistic preparation and professional exchanges. We have extensive experience as Receiving Agents, with a high level of expertise in organizing, managing and certifying these projects, as well as providing the high level of service required by both promoters and beneficiaries. We are also uniquely qualified to operate programming in English for the benefit of beneficiaries who don´t speak Spanish. MS Barcelona Lifelong Learning is an SME that specializes in transnational project management. We were created in response to 27/09/10 the need for capable, efficient project managemernt of European projects, and are the premiere hosting agency for transnational mobility programming in Barcelona. The staff of MS Barcelona Lifelong Learning has extensive experience in organizing and hosting programmes for mobility participants and in having created a strong network of contacts and relationships. Barcelona is an excellent destination for people of ages to enjoy. MS Barcelona Lifelong Learning specializes in organizing programming in industries that are of paramount economic importance to this region of Spain. We have also been very successful in organizing both professional visits and placements in esoteric and specialized fields of interest. When you prepare your submission to the Lifelong Learning Programme for mobility projects, we would be glad to be your Spanish hosting organization.We hope to have the opportunity to collaborate with new partners. España SOCIEDAD DE C/ IMELDO SERÍS IBAYA + 34 922 533 353 DESARROLLO DE 83 PÉREZ SANZ financiacion@sociedadSANTA CRUZ DE TENERIFE The aim of The Santa Cruz de Tenerife Development Agency is to revive the socio economic field of the municipality thanks to different actions and endeavors that promote the set up of local 27/09/10 Enterprises, the Employment and Training España FUNDACION DE C/ SANTIAGO, 15, MONICA LA LENGUA 1º IZQ 47001 LOPEZ ESPAÑOLA VALLADOLID OCHOA Non profit Spanish organisation in Valladolid, Spain. We develop mobility programmes, with agreements with companies of the 27/09/10 region to offer work placements to different profiles (Administration, Restoration, Tourism, Catering, Education, Marketing) España Language4you Education SL Francia Domaine de la Chemin de Thomas Chapelle 2010 Rouquette 2, EGLI 33210 Preignac +33 9 72 12 16 09 Bioclimatic architecture Biology and Vegetation production Biodiversity protection and Ecology Wine production (ecologic viticulture) (Agroforestry) Electronics Lycée St Joseph 02-98-85-02-58 Somos un instituto profesional francès que se situa en Bretana. Busquemos socios por el programa Léonardo. Quisieramos enviar alumnos en empresas espanolas. Podemos hacer lo mismo para alumnos espanoles en Francia. 27/09/10 Lingua-Vár is an educational centre, located in the heart of Budapest, acting as a receiving organisation in Leonardo da Vinci Lifelong Learning and Erasmus Projects since 2002 and offering entire programme organisation and arrangements, such as welcome groups, transit, accommodation, work-placements, cultural activities, monitoring, administration, evaluation etc. The main fields are hotel, tourism, hospitality, catering and woodwork. Please check the details in our website and facebook page and do not hesitate to contact us if you are interested in our proposal. 23/01/14 Francia Hungria Irlanda Lingua-Vár Educational Centre WHITE in Ireland, Ltd. (Work experience Housing Internship Training Erasmus in Ireland) 0034 983 36 24 78 Rector López Encarnación 958275650 Argüeta 23A Pelaez 18001, Granada Route de Pencran Philippe - BP 329 – 29413 Gourvénec LANDERNEAU Előd u. 6, Budapest, 1192, Hungary Ildikó Fekete 0036 70 3135499 /TrainingBudapest?ref=hl 3 An Clochar, Michael Ryan Mobile: +353861073239, Convent Road, Office +3532272751, Doneraile, Co. Skype: whiteinireland Cork, Ireland Web: http://www.whiteinireland. com Nuestra empresa ofrece a los becarios de Leonardo toda la gestión de la búsqueda de sus prácticas así como del alojamiento, si en su 27/09/10 caso fuera necesario. Nuestra empresa tiene contactos en diferentes países de Europa, América y otros continentes. and Fruits production 30/05/11 WHITE in Ireland, Ltd. would like to work with you and your students. Ireland is primarily a farming country. It is a major part of every-day life here in Ireland. Both my wife and I come from farm families. We have decade long relationships with over two hundred Irish farms and Agribusiness here in Ireland in wide ranging areas such as: small family-run mixed farms, larger farming 16/10/13 conglomerates, feed / grain industry, Agri-Home placements, Dairy farms, Dairy businesses, Landscaping, Cattle Breeding, Horse Breeding, and the Sheep Industry. Our attention to detail, means that students are well matched to carefully vetted host families and agricultural work experience placements. We want our students go home with a comprehensive understanding of Irish farming and our agricultural way of life. We also expect that our host farmers will have learnt from the students both agriculturally and culturally Irlanda Swan training 9-11, Grafton Ms. Institute street. Dublin 2 Urpi Irlanda Transnational Interconnection Ltd Laura 00353 1 677 5252; Penrose Wharf, Dario Pesce Penrose Quay, Cork, Ireland Cork 10 Market Square, Paul Quinn & Mallow, co. Cork. Swan Training Institute has been participating in Euroepan funded programmes since 1995 as a receiving organisation. We are specialised in Leonardo da Vinci, Erasmsu and Vetpro programmes. We have an excellent partnerships with a large number of organisations across Europe and have formed many new contacts resulting from recommendations made by satisfied schools and 18/12/12 students. We work very closely with hundreds of companies from must of the sectors. We provide constant monitoring of each participant, final report, evaluation, Europass and all documents needed. Swan Training Institute as an English school can also provide an English course before starting the internship as well as accommodation, transfers, cultural programme, local transport. We look forward to co-ordinating your project in the near future 0214551320 Interconnection offers you a large range of services to look after all aspects of your work experience abroad. Based in Cork City, in the Republic of Ireland, we are able to offer you several services: internships for individuals or for groups of students, language courses, accommodation. +353 2251753 NCLIA actúa como organización intermediaria para cualquier proyecto Leonardo da Vinci, prácticas laborales, alojamiento y viajes 27/09/10 culturales. 20/12/11 Irlanda North Language Internship Academy Italia “Europlacement” 13, G. Di Brienne Mrs. on behalf of Street, 73024 , Graziana “Ceres – Lecce (Italy) Specchia Economic and Social Research Centre” +39 0832-1797925 Europlacement is searching for students and professionals that want to attend a 12 weeks internship period in famous Italian restaurants http://www.europlacement and culinary academies. , Italia I.RE.FORR +39 0971 51737 IREFORR – Regional Institute for Training & Research – is a Limited Cooperative Company founded in 1984 in Potenza a city of South Italy, which has a great deal of experience in the field of training and research. Today, I.Re.Forr. is flexibly structured together with a freelance organization. 28/05/13 If you are involved in any LLP proposals and you are looking for competitive partners, we would like to ask you to consider our profile and our interest to join your new initiative. Especially for “Mobility incoming and outcoming” “Transfer of Innovation” potential proposals, IREFORR can play significant role in all proposal, in differents objective and different target groups. Italia AMFI Via Vestina 25 – Fabrizio INTERNATIONAL 67043 Celano (AQ) Ranieri 0039 0863 792003 AMFI welcomes participants from several European countries. As a result of its extensive network of local partners, AMFI is able to provide a complete hosting programme that includes the following 18/12/12 services:- accommodation- placement training- linguistics- social, cultural and integration planning- tutoring- project assessment- final VIA DELLA MANUELA TECNICA 24 D’ANDREA 23/01/14 certifications . Our main aim is to guarantee a good work experience and a good social integration into the Italian daily life. We work with many different professional profiles, providing work experience for almost alll qualifications, graduated people included. We give the chance to make a real exciting internship experience in enterprises ready to receive and assist them. Moreover AMFI can accompany trainees with the assistance of experienced tutors and counsellors. AMFI can also organize Technical Visits to other organisations, enterprises or schools in order to get to know them and learn a new way of work. Cultural activities are organized once a week and consist of visits to interesting cultural and historical places in Abruzzo and nearby; such as castles, medieval towns, museums. Italia A Rocca Via Arcodaci 48 Federica Sottile + 39 090 2130696 We are an Intermediary and Hosting organisation for the IVT, Vetpro and PLM MOBILITY projects from the Leonardo da Vinci Program. We host groups of people during their stay in Italy, and provide a learning, cultural and social program. Moreover, we are in 18/12/12 a position to find work placements for students of 18 years to 30 years old - and professionals, who are in possession of a General Certificate of Secondary Education (or equivalent) professional qualification or degree. Italia Association Via S. Leonardo – Rosa Essenia UETP – Loc. Migliaro 120, Brunetti University 84131 SA Enterprises Training and Partnership 0039(0)89330973; Essenia works in the field of professional training and International student Mobility. Services: Identification of host enterprises 27/09/10 Beneficiary reception Cultural and pedagogic preparation of the participants Language course Tutoring and monitoring of activities Polonia ALMAR POLONIA Ul. ZAMENHOFA Sp. z o.o 89/6, 64-100 LESZNO +48 507 029 293, +48 693 829 252 Somos una empresa intermediaria que ofrece apoyo y ayuda a todos los alumnos españoles que han tomado la decisión de realizar sus prácticas en Polonia. ALMAR POLONIA cuenta en su base con un elevado número de empresas de variada índole (administración y finanzas, márketing, comercio internacional, turismo, proyectos mecánicos, arquitectura, informática y programación, logística, imagen y sonido, educación física, educación infantil, gastronomía, etc. ) dispuestas a recibir a los becarios y a enseñarles tanto el funcionamiento de las grandes firmas, como el carácter de su profesión y sobre todo ayudar a adquirir nuevas experiencias imprescindibles en el mercado laboral de hoy en día 23/01/14 Nuestra empresa facilita a los estudiantes españoles la participación en los importantes proyectos empresariales que les hacen más atractivos y competitivos a nivel profesional. Nos ocupamos de organizar todo lo necesario para la estancia de los becarios en el país: trámites administrativos, alojamiento, curso de inglés, desplazamiento, búsqueda de las empresas de acogida y asesoramiento de los alumnos durante sus prácticas. Al final queremos subrayar que Polonia es un país con muchas perspectivas y salidas para los jóvenes que emprenden su aventura profesional lo que han podido experimentar ya los estudiantes españoles asesorados por nuestra empresa. Colaboramos también con las empresas de recursos humanos que ALICJA SŁOMKOWS KA, MAGDALENA KONKIEWIC Z guían e instruyen a los interesados a la hora de buscar trabajo. Polonia Futurum Coordination EU projects – Wrocław Branch: Marcin of Motylkowa 25/9, Borucki 52-209 Wrocław Warsaw Branch: Fabryczna 9/54, 00-446 Warszawa Registered address – Sobieskiego 1/19, 28-300 Jędrzejów +48 71 734 53 39 We are specialist training agency working in collaboration with a large number of other European training organizations as well as domestic partners. We specialize in Leonardo da Vinci programme. 18/12/12 Portugal Braga Open Mobility Rua da Gandra nº Tiago Costa +351915282476 50 4715 031 Varajão Fraiao Braga Barbosa m Reino Unido Internplacements 19A, Queens Parade W5 3HU, London Valeria Scavo 0044 (0)797 06 11 432 Internplacements Ltd is a recruitment agency specialised in assisting students to find an internship in London. We have partnerships with companies offering placements in Marketing, Business Administration, IT, Finance, Tourism and Web Designing. The opportunities are valid for three or six months, according to the students’ preferences and plans. We review their CV and cover letter before sending them to the host organization that is mostly in line with the students’ academic and professional profile. We will thus select students on the basis of their CV and cover letter 23/01/14 as well as of an interview with the candidates. They will also have an interview with the host organization before officially accepting their application. Once their profile has been finally accepted by the host organization, we will prepare all the necessary documents to formalise their placement. We will constantly monitor the candidate’s internship from the beginning to the end by providing feedback questionnaire valid to check the internship progress either on the company’s and the intern’s side. Reino Unido LanguageStays Miguel Breña-Lajas +34656822562 m LanguageStays is a study travel agency that offers customised work experiences and language courses abroad. We can place interns in the UK and Spain. We can provide with accommodation and language courses. Our service is attentive and excellent. Reino Unido Come2England 0044 (0)20 3129 9006 es.html Come2England is an international agency that provides advising and assistance services to those wishing to engage in a new adventure in London and are in need of a helping hand to find a job, accommodation, language courses, internship etc. Our office, 23/01/14 located in the heart of London, allows us to personally monitor closely the progress of our clients and constantly improve the quality of our services by creating more and more partnerships with Flat 5, 22 Lymington Road, NW6 1HY London 144 Heath 5QJ Cambridge Giada Road, E1 Manganaro Braga mobility open is a company based in city center of Braga (Portugal), specializing in mobility exchanges. We will be delighted if 18/12/12 you choose us for partners and we will give the best of us for your/client satisfaction. Thank You 23/01/14 other companies, restaurants, schools who are also centrally based. Our team consists of a group of young people who came to London years ago looking for new adventures, job opportunities and personal enrichment. Thanks to our past experience, we created this dynamic agency, which was born from the idea to create a fast but effective way to help and support young people through the difficulties people may face in London. The efficiency and quality of our services derives from our ability to create customized programs and packages that aim to meet every specific need of our clients and support them throughout every step of the way. If you're a professional looking for some working experience in an English speaking country, we can get you the best internships in order to develop your potential skills and prepare your access to the labour market. With us, you won't have to worry about anything, we will take care of your internship program and let you know all the details If you are a company and you're looking for new interns, we will provide you the best profiles in order to meet your needs. Your Human Resources department will save time as all the recruitment procedure will be carried out by Come2England, and you will gain flexibility as we will just send you the profiles which match your requirements. Reino Unido Language Group in 42 Bloomsbury Greta Street WC1B 3QJ Grinfeld +44 (0)845 869 5540 m Somos una organizacion que ha tomado parte en Proyectos Leonardo PLM y IVT como organizacion intemediaria y de acogida desde el 2006. Ofrecemos practicas laborales en casi todos los campos profesionales y vocacionales en nuestros 3 centros de Londres, Dublin y Totnes (sur de Inglaterra). Tenemos amplia 18/12/12 experiencia en encontrar la compania adecuada para cada candidato siguiendo sus necesidades y expectativas. Organizamos estadia completa incluyendo preparacion linguistica, preparacion para practicas, practica laboral, alojamiento, transporte, programa social, welfare y documentos requeridos por la agencia nacional. Reino Unido UK Educational Hurlingham Antonio Development Studios Masiello Agency Ranelagh Gardens London, SW6 3PA (U.K.) +44 208133 9475 educa@languageeducation. eu http://www.languageeduca Somos una entidad que realiza programas pedagógicos en el extranjero. Colaboramos con Leonardo y Erasmus que quieran venir a Londres a participar de un programa con curso de idioma e 18/12/12 inmersión cultural, alojamiento en residence o en familia, y practicas laborales en casi todos los campos vocacionales y profesionales. Reino Unido Lemy School 116 College Road, Klara Tot Language Harrow, Mdsx., Academy HA1 1BQ 0044 (0) 20 3602 12 18 or We have 4 years experience and many school partnerships with Italy and France. Last year we took part in 7 EU projects and this year again we will be in charge of 11 project. For example: English on the stage (drama,theater),Teaching Assistant, IT and Marketing, 18/12/12 Tourism. We are looking for partner schools in other countries to host them for the EU projects. Reino Unido EuroPartnership Agency Ltd. 0044 1752 764206 EuroPartnership Agency Ltd., (short name: EuroPA) specialise in the Gosia@europartnershipage organisation and management of every aspect of work experience, 18/12/12, expert exchange, partnerships, transfer of innovation projects and Tamar Science Gosia Park, 1 Davy Road, Kuklinska Derriford, Plymouth, PL6 8BX in 42 bloomsbury Greta street WC1B 3QJ Grinfeld info@europartnershipagenc English Language courses funded by the European Commission 'Lifelong Learning Programmes' under Leonardo da Vinci, Erasmus, http://www.europartnershi Comenius, Grundtvig Programmes and Youth Actions. We are working with many Partners (schools, colleges, academies, universities, foundations, private and non-profit organisations, job centres, training organisations from across Europe on a variety of different programmes, and would be delighted to work with you. We are available as your UK based Host Partner. We have been involved in many placement, partnerships and language programmes over the past nine years as a beneficiary, promoter, host company and intermediary. Throughout this time, we have worked with many National Agencies in Europe delivering these projects, ans as a result of this experience, we have gained an in-depth understanding of the requirements of the successful project. We can assure you that we will do our best to ensure that our partnership is successful and that your Participants (students, trainees, postgraduates, experts, teachers, jobseekers and others) have a valuable and beneficial experience in the United Kingdom. If you would like to learn more about our services and how we can work together, and what we can provide for your available budget, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to the possibility of working with you in the future. Reino Unido Language London 0845 869 5540 m m República Checa ALVIT – Na Hradbách Ing. Martin (+420) 774 242 507 innovation and 1922/15 Pokorný education Ltd 702 00 Ostrava Česká republika The company was founded in November 1994. Today, it is presented by a group of young, enthusiastic project managers and lectors, former students and teachers from the local universities in the Moraviansilesian region. ALVIT is a company committed to quality, innovation and European cooperation. We firmly believe that European cooperation including mobility, exchanges and mutual learning has strong benefits to individuals and European 23/01/14 Community, contributing to building of a common European identity. That is why we are concentrating our efforts to serve in practice European cooperation: we participate in European projects; we cooperate with colleagues to develop training courses and materials with a real European dimension; we organize transnational training courses and we love to cooperate with real professionals. Turquía Mersin, Directorate National Education Our aim is to teach cultures and the cuisines of the countries for two weeks to the new graduated cooks from tourism schools and the 18/02/13 apprantices in tourism work. It will be Leonardo da Vinci PLM project. Mersin Il Milli Uğurcan BAL +905354431683 of Eğitim Müdürlügü Dumlupınar Mah. GMK Bulvarı Suphi Somos una asociacion intermediaria para participantes Leonardo y Erasmus que quieran venir a Londres a participar de un programa con curso de idioma e inmersion cultural intensivo, alojamiento, welfare y practica laboral en casi todos los campos vocacionales y profesionales. - We are a language centre and Erasmus and 27/09/10 Leoanrdo intermediate with good experience. We are looking for new European partners looking to send participants to London to take a programme including short intensive language course, accommodation, welfare and work placement in most professional and vocational fields. Öner Öğretmenevi Yanı 33130 Yenişehir/MERSİN