Royal River Review Sheet

Royal River Review Sheet – Use your book and notes as resources
Good Luck!!!
1. What is a scientific observation? Give examples.
2. What is an inference? Give an example of the difference between a sci. observation and an inference.
3. What are the three general categories of environmental issues?
4. What’s the difference between renewable and nonrenewable resources?
5. Give two costs and two benefits of drilling for oil in Alaska.
6. What is a fishery? Give an example of two specific fisheries.
7. What are the four ways to manage fisheries so they are sustainable, or able to keep producing fish?
8. Explain fishing limits, fishing methods, aquaculture, and new resources.
9. What is biodiversity? What are three advantages of biodiversity?
10. What is a keystone species and explain two examples.
11. How do area, climate, and niche diversity affect biodiversity?
12. Label all of the external anatomy of a fish.
13. What can a mouth tell you about a fish?
14. What are scales made of?
15. What does the dorsal, caudal, pectoral, pelvic, and anal fin do?
16. What are the nares?
17. What do the gills do?
18. What is the job of the operculum?
19. Why does a fish have a lateral line?
20. Label all of the internal anatomy of a fish including: gills, heart, pharynx, esophagus, stomach,
intestines, anus, swim bladder.
21. Does a perch have eyelids?
22. Do the gills have layers?
23. How many chambers does a perch’s heart have?
24. What’s so special about the pharynx?
25. What do the liver, kidney, and swim bladder do?
26. Know how to dissect a fish.
27. What did we use to catch our fish and how did we use it? Name two fish we caught.
28. What is a macroinvertebrate? What are some reasons why they are important to the river?
29. Name five macroinvertebrates.
30. Why do macroinvertebrates have a biotic value? What does it mean? What’s the difference between
pollution tolerant and pollution intolerant? The higher the biotic value means __________________.
31. What do you use to catch macroinvertebrates and how do you collect them?
32. Once you collect them from your bins and identify macroinvertebrates, how do you use them to
understand the water quality of the river?
33. What does ppm and ppt stand for?
34. What does pH measure? What is the minimum and maximum numbers for pH? What is the optimal
range of pH for aquatic organisms?
35. How does oxygen dissolve into the water? What is the optimal range of dissolved oxygen for fish in the
36. Where does chloride come from? What is the chloride level that drinking water should be under?
37. What is salinity? What are the minimum and maximum levels of salinity? What do you call water that is
a mix of fresh and saltwater?
38. Where does nitrogen come from? What level of nitrogen will lead to plant growth?
39. Where does phosphorous come from? What level of phosphorous will lead to plant growth?
40. In the case of nitrogen and phosphorus, what could happen if there is too much in the water? Name two
reasons why that can be bad. Be specific.
41. What does the turbidity tube measure? How do you use it? How can turbid water be bad?
42. What computer tool did we use to measure DO and pH?
43. In your opinion, do we have a healthy river in terms of fish, biotic water quality, and chemical water
quality? Why or why not? Be specific.
44. What were the findings when we compared the organisms and water quality from up river and at the
mouth of the river?