Blood Vessels: The Vascular System

The Cardiovascular System Part 2
Blood Vessels: The Vascular System
Taking blood to the tissues and
o Arteries
o Arterioles
o Capillaries
o Venules
o Veins
The Vascular System
Vessels have 3 layers or tunics
Differences Between Blood Vessel Types
Walls of arteries are the ________________
Lumens of veins are ________________
Larger veins have ______________ that prevent backflow of blood
___________________ muscle “milks” blood in veins toward the heart
Walls of capillaries are only ___________________ layer thick to allow for exchanges
between blood and tissue
Movement of Blood Through Vessels
Most _____________ blood is pumped by the heart
____________ use the milking action of muscles to
help move blood
Capillary Exchange
Substances exchanged due to ________________
o ____________ and _______________ leave
the blood
o _______________________ and other
wastes leave the cells
Capillary Exchange: Mechanisms
Direct ______________ across plasma membranes
______cytosis or _____cytosis
Some capillaries have _______ (intercellular clefts)
o Plasma membrane not joined by tight
Fenestrations of some capillaries
o Fenestrations = __________
Diffusion at Capillary Beds
Special Circulations: Hepatic Portal Circulation
Veins of the _______________ portal circulation drain the digestive organs, spleen and
pancreas and deliver this blood to the liver via _________________________________
Liver processes _____________, ________ and ____________ before they enter the
systemic circulation
Some nutrients are removed to be ______________ for later release to the blood
_____________ feed the liver circulation
Special Circulations: Circulation to the Fetus
Lungs and digestive system are ________ functional
All nutrient, excretory and gas exchanges occur through the ________________
Umbilical cord contains ____ blood vessels
o ____ large umbilical __________
Carries nutrients and ________________ the fetus
o ____ smaller umbilical ______________
Carries ____________________ and __________ from fetus to placenta
As blood flows to the fetal heart, most of it ____________ the _____________________
via the ductus venosus and enters the inferior vena cava and is carried to the right atrium
Since _______________________________________, 2 shunts bypass them
o Blood entering right atrium is shunted into the left atrium via _______________
_________________, an opening in the interatrial septum
o Blood that enters the right ventricle is pumped out the pulmonary trunk and
shunted into the ductus arteriosus, which connects it to the aorta
_________________ carries blood to fetal tissues and ultimately back to the placenta via
the umbilical arteries
Shortly after birth, the foramen ovale closes and the ductus arteriosus collapses and is
converted to the ______________________________________________
Developmental Aspects of the Cardiovascular System
A simple “tube heart” develops in the embryo and pumps by the ______________ week
The heart becomes a ____________________________ organ by the end of _________
Few structural changes occur after the seventh week
Pulse – pressure ___________ of blood
Monitored at “_______________________________” where pulse is easily palpated
Resting pulse averages ______________ beats/min
Blood Pressure
Measurements by health professionals are made on the pressure in large arteries
o Systolic – pressure at the peak of ventricular _____________________
o Diastolic – pressure when ventricles ______________
Pressure in blood vessels ___________ as the distance away from the heart ___________
Measuring Arterial Blood Pressure
Comparison of Blood Pressures in Different Vessels
Blood Pressure: Effects of Factors
Neural factors
o Autonomic nervous system adjustments (sympathetic division) cause
____________________________, which ______________________ BP
Renal factors
o Regulation by altering blood _________________
Allowing more water to leave as urine, __________________ BP
 Retaining water ____________________ BP
o _______________ – hormonal control - _______________ BP (vasoconstriction)
o Heat has a _____________________________ effect
o Cold has a _____________________________ effect
o Various substances can cause increases or decreases
_______________ BP – epinephrine and nicotine
_______________ BP – alcohol and histamine
Factors Determining Blood Pressure
Variations in Blood Pressure
Human normal range is variable
o Normal
140–110 mm Hg ________________
80–75 mm Hg ________________
o ______tension (low BP)
________ systolic (below 100 mm HG)
Often associated with long life and an old age free of illness
Chronic hypotension may hint at poor ________________
o _______tension
___________ systolic (above 140 mm HG)
Can be dangerous if it is _____________
Study collections