A GUIDE TO FINDING SPECTRA This guide is an annotated list of material held by the UBC Library that contains spectral data, or that comprises or includes indexes to spectral data. Some Internet sources are also included. The list is arranged in groups. First, sources are organized into sections by spectroscopic technique, and then into subsections by chemical class. Sources that list chemicals generally are given in decreasing order of the number of spectra they contain. Sources in subsections relating to specific chemical classes are listed alphabetically, in order of chemical category. Most entries for individual works describe the format (graphs, tables, etc.) and explain any other indexes or special features included, besides the usual alphabetical and molecular formula indexes. This guide is derived from a user aid prepared by Ruth Coman, Science Reference Library, British Library in 1977. CONTENTS: Compendia of spectral data Nuclear Magnetic Resonance A. Proton magnetic resonance B. C-13 magnetic resonance Electron Spin Resonance Infrared Raman Ultraviolet Mass Emission Other Further information 1 COMPENDIA OF SPECTRAL DATA Indexes and bibliographies: ZQC 451 B758 1977, Sci & Eng Reference Coman, R. A guide to the published collections of spectral data held by the SRL. London: Science Reference Library, 1977. Describes works published before 1977. Extensive, based on the collection at the British Library. Organized by spectral methods and types of substances. QD 95 M311 1974, Sci & Eng Reference Comprehensive index of API-44 and TRC selected data on thermodynamics and spectroscopy. 2nd ed. Texas College Station, 1974. Comprehensive index to all UV, IR, Raman, NMR and mass spectra published by the American Petroleum Institute Research Project 44 and the Thermodynamics Research Center Data Project in Spectral data. To look up a compound, consult the index for the desired compound, note the index code letter for the type of spectra and the spectra number, and choose the appropriate folder. Collections of spectral data of various types: QD 95 M3 1959, Sci & Eng Reference Spectral Data. Texas A&M University, Thermodynamics Research Center, 1959Five types of spectra: UV-visible, IR, Raman, NMR, and mass spectra, primarily for hydrocarbons important in the chemical industry, and shelved in loose-leaf folders. Access is through the formula index on green pages in each folder, or us the Comprehensive index of API-44 and TRC selected data on thermodynamics and spectroscopy, which indexes the entire series. Folders are coded according to type of spectra: Infrared (index code B); ultraviolet (index code C); Raman (index code D); mass (index code E); and NMR (index code F). Organic compounds (excluding hydrocarbons), inorganic compounds from lighter elements; ca. 61,000. Graph form. http://www.aist.go.jp/RIODB/SDBS/menu-e.html SDBS: Integrated spectral database for organic compounds. National Institute of Materials and Chemical Research, Japan. Organic compounds; 30,000. MS, 13C NMR, 1H NMR, ESR, IR and Raman spectral data. QD 255.5 E4 P76 CD-ROM, Sci & Eng Reference Properties of organic compounds. CRC Press. Boca Raton, Fla.: CRC Press, 1996. Organic compounds; 27,500. 2 “Provides physical property and spectral data for over 27,500 organic chemical compounds. Data may be accessed by substructure searches, physical property searches, spectral peak searches, or any combination thereof.” QD 291 G738 1975 V. 1-6, Sci & Eng Reference Grasselli, Jeanette G. Atlas of spectral data and physical constants for organic compounds. 2nd ed. Cleveland: CRC Press, 1975. Organic compounds; 21,000 Tabulated data for IR, Raman, NMR, and mass spectra from various published collections. Volume 1 contains name/synonym directory, structures, and spectroscopic aids; volumes 2-4 contain data tables; volumes 5-6 have indexes of molecular weight, physical constants, Wiswesser Line Notations etc. http://www.spectra.galactic.com/spconline Spectra online is “a free searchable database containing over 6,000 spectra of IR, MS, NMR (proton, carbon and other nuclei), UV/VIS and NIR spectra. Pure compounds include chemical formula, CAS number, chemical name, chemical structures (you will need MDL’s Chime plug-in to view chemical structures).” QC 462.85 T313 1989, Sci & Eng Reference Pretsch, Erno. Tables of spectral data for structure determination of organic compounds. 2nd ed. Berlin; New York: Springer-Verlag, 1989. NMR, 13C, Infrared, Mass, UV-visible data and their correlation and molecular structures. Name index. ULTRAVIOLET SPECTRAL DATA Indexes and bibliographies: ZQC 451 A1 U4, Sci & Eng Reference Hershenson, H.M. Ultraviolet and visible absorption spectra. Index 1930-54; 1955-59; 1960-63. New York: Academic Press. Organic, organometallic and inorganic compounds; 73,000 entries. Compound name index. Collections of UV spectral data: QC 437 O65 1960-1989, Sci & Eng Reference Organic electronic spectra data. New York: Interscience, 1960Organic compounds; 250,000+ Tabulated data. QD 291 G738 1975, Sci & Eng Reference Graselli, J.G. and W.M. Ritchey. Atlas of spectral data and physical constants for organic compounds. 2nd ed. Cleveland: CRC Press, 1975. 3 Organic compounds; 10,391. Tabulated data. Molecular weight index; melting point index; boiling point index; chemical structure and substructure index (Wiswesser line notation); wave number index; numerical index of source curves. QD 291 H5 1967, Sci 7 Eng Reference; Woodward Library Hirayama, K. Handbook of ultraviolet and visible absorption spectra of organic compounds. New York: Plenum Press Data Division, 1967. Organic compounds; 8,443. Tabulated data. Classified sequence (chromophoric group); index of absorption maxima. QC 434 L322, Sci & Eng Reference Lang, L. Absorption spectra in the ultra-violet and visible region. New York: Academic Press, 1961Organic and inorganic compounds; 8,443. Graph form. Twenty volumes of spectra with several cumulative indexes as well as name and formula indexes in each volume. Mainly spectra of organic substances but some inorganic compounds are included. QC 459 S33 1979, Sci & Eng Reference Simons, William W. Sadtler handbook of ultraviolet spectra. Philadelphia: Sadtler, 1979. Organic compounds; 1,600. 2,000 UV spectra representing the neutral, base, and acid scans for 1,600 compounds. Spectra arranged according to functional groups of the corresponding compounds. Indexed by compound names and by wavelength location and absorptivity of spectral peaks. QC 459 M6 1950 V. 1-5, Main Moore, C.E. An ultraviolet multiplet table. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1950. (Circular of the National Bureau of Standards; 488). Elements; 88. Tabulated data. QC 459 U85, Sci & Eng Reference Perkampus, H.H. et al. UV atlas of organic compounds. London: Butterworths, 196671. Organic and inorganic compounds; 1,060. Graph form. Five volumes of spectra with a cumulative, formula index in volume 5. Brief discussions of main features of the spectra of functional groups and certain structural constituents. Spectra of some inorganic compounds are included. QC 459 S33 1979, Sci & Eng Reference Simons, William W. (ed.). The Sadtler handbook of ultraviolet spectra. Philadelphia: Sadtler, 1979. Organic compounds; 1,600 4 Graph form. 2,000 UV spectra representing the neutral, base, and acid scans for 1,600 compounds. Spectra arranged accordinig to functional groups of the corresponding compounds. Indexed by compound names and by wavelength location and absorptivity of spectral peaks. QD 95 M3 1959 V. 12-13, Sci & Eng Reference Selected ultraviolet spectral data. TRC Data Project 44. Texas: Thermodynamics Research Center, 1959Organic compounds (excluding hydrocarbons), inorganic compounds from lighter elements; 1,393. Graph form. http://www.science-softcon.de/uv-vis.htm UV/Vis spectra data base of atmospheric constituents contains more than 1,200 spectra of about 120 atmospheric constituents and is accessible free-of-charge. Correlation tables for UV spectral data: QD 272 S6 P47 1974, Sci & Eng Reference Pestemer, M. Correlation tables for the structural determination of organic compounds by ultraviolet light absorptiometry. Weinheim: Verlag Chemie, 1974. Organic compounds; 23,000 Sequence: increasing unsaturation, then atoms additional to C, H and decreasing wavelengths. Indexes and bibliographies of specific chemical classes: QD 421 H55 1964, Woodward Library Hesse, M. Indolalkaloide in Tabellen. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1964. Indole alkaloids; ca. 600. Collections of UV spectral data of specific chemical classes QC 463 A5 H65 1965, Sci & Eng Reference; Woodward Library Holubek, J. and O. Strouf. Spectral data and physical constants of alkaloids. Prague: Publishing House of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences; London: Heyden, 1965. Alkaloids; 1,000. Graph form. Plant name index. QV 350 U42 1978, Woodward Library Umezawa, H. Index of antibiotics from actinomycetes. Tokyo: Japan Scientific Societies Press, 1978. Antibiotics from actinomycetes; ca. 800. QD 95 F8 1951, Main 5 Friedel, R.A. and M. Orchin. Ultraviolet spectra of aromatic compounds. New York: Wiley, 1951. Aromatic compounds; 1951. Graph form. http://chem01.usca.sc.edu/chemistry/spectra/uvvis/index.html USCA UV/VIS spectra. University of South Carolina. Dyes and indicators; ca. 40. QD 441 O38 1962A, Main, Woodward Jurd, L. “Spectral properties of flavonoid compounds.” IN: The Chemistry of Flavonoid compounds. New York: MacMillan, 1962. Flavonoids; 400. Tabulated data; a few graphs. QD 441 M18 1972, Woodward Library Mabry, T.J. et al. The systematic identification of flavonoids. New York: SpringerVerlag, 1960. Flavonoids; 175. Graph form. QD 400 K32, Main Amarego, W.L.F. “Ultraviolet spectra of heterocycles.” IN: Physical methods in heterocyclic chemistry. Vol. 3. New York: Academic Press, 1963-74. Heterocyclics; ca. 2,000. Tabulated data. Classified sequence. QD 476 S34 1964, Main; Woodward Scott, A.I. Interpretation of the ultraviolet spectra of natural products. Oxford; New York: Pergamon, 1964. Natural products, including 1,450 steroids; 2,230. QC 453 Y35 1970, Sci & Eng Reference Yamaguchi, K. Spectral data of natural products. Amsterday; New York: Elsevier, 1970. Natural products; 1,500. Tabulated data. Classified sequence; index of plant and animal names. QD 431 V473 1965, Main Venkstern, T.V. Absorption spectra of minor bases, their nucleosides, nucleotides, and selected oligoribonucleotides. New York: Plenum Press Data Division, 1965. Nucleic acid components; 33. Graph form. QD 431.7 J35 1971, Main; Woodward Janik, B. Physicochemical characteristics of oligonucleotides and polynucleotides. New York: IFI/Plenum, 1971. 6 Nucleotides. Tabulated data.. QD 113 I55 1963, Sci & Eng Reference IUPAC Commission on Spectrochemical and other Optical Procedures for Analysis. Tables of spectrophotometric absorption data of compounds used for the colorimetric determination of elements. London: Butterworths, 1963. Organic complexes formed in colorimetric analysis; 534. Graph form. QD 411 R35 1969, Main (storage) Ramsey, B.G. Electronic transitions in organometalloids. New York: Academic Press, 1969. Organometallic compounds of nontransition metals; 1,170. Author index; classified sequence. http://chrom.tutms.tut.ac.jp/JINNO/DATABASE/00alphabet.html JINNO PAH database. JINNO Laboratory. Toyohashi University of Technology, Toyohashi, Japan. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons; ca. 50. QV 25 S8 1963, Woodward Sunshine, I. And S.R. Gerber. Spectrophotometric analysis of drugs including atlas of spectra. Springfield, Ill.: Thomas, 1963. Pharmaceuticals; 143. Graph form. Index of absorption maxima. QV 740 AA1 A534. Woodward Library Florey, K. Analytical profiles of drug substances and excipients. San Diego: Academic Press, 1992Pharmaceuticals; ca. 550. Graph form. QV 25 C22 1981, Woodward Library Sunshine I. CRC Handbook of spectrophotometric data of drugs. CRC Press, 1981. Pharmaceuticals; 368. Name index. http://chrom.tutms.tut.ac.jp/JINNO/DRUGDATA/00alphabet.html Drug database. Jinno Laboratory, Toyohashi University of Technology, Toyohashi, Japan. Pharmaceuticals; ca. 80 Access by name. QD 401 F973 1975, Main Furhop, J.H. and K.M. Smith. Laboratory methods in porphyrin and metalloporphyrin research. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1975. 7 Porphyrins and porphyrin derivatives; 114. Tabulated data. Classified sequence. QC 463 P7 K5, Main; Woodward Kirschenbaum, D.M. Atlas of protein spectra in the ultraviolet and visible regions. New York: IFI/Plenum, 1972-74. Proteins; 1,650. Graph form. Source indexes (animal, tissue, microbial, viral, plant, algae, yeast and fungi, apoprotein); index of additives and modifiers. TS 1892 F4713 1966, Main Fikhtengol’ts, V.S. et al. Ultraviolet spectra of elastomers and rubber chemicals. New York: Plenum Press Data Division, 1966. Rubber chemicals (ie chemicals used in compounding synthetic rubber) and elastomers; 141. Graph form. Classified sequence. QD 426 B4 1968, Sci & Eng Reference Bernstein, S. et al. Physical properties of steroid conjugates. New York: SpringerVerlag, 1968. Steroid conjugates; ca. 150. Tabulated data. QD 415 E55 1963, Main Engel, L.L. Physical properties of the steroid hormones. New York: MacMillan, 1963. Steroid hormones and related compounds; ca. 2,500. Tabulated data; a few graphs. Chemical class index. WK 150 H33 1969, Woodward (storage) Hadd, H.E. and R.T. Bickenstaff. Conjugates of steroid hormones. New York: Academic Press, 1969. Steroid hormone conjugates; ca. 1000. Tabulated data. Chemical structure index. QC 463 S8 N4 1965, Sci & Eng Reference Neudert, W. and Ropke, H. Steroid-spektrenatlas. Atlas of steroid spectra. Berlin; New York: Springer-Verlag, 1965. Steroids; 900. Graph form. Classified sequence. EMISSION SPECTRA: Indexes and bibliographies: QC 453 G74, Sci & Eng Reference 8 Greenwood, N.N. et al. Index of vibrational spectra of inorganic and organometallic compounds. Cleveland: CRC Press, 1972Inorganic and organometallic compounds; ca. 35,000 Collections of emission spectral data: QC 453 M35 1969 V. 1-2, Sci & Eng Reference MIT wavelength tables: with intensities in arc, spark, or discharge tube of more than 100,000 spectrum lines most strongly emitted by the atomic elements under normal conditions of excitation between 10,000 A and 2,000 A arranged in order of decreasing wavelengths. Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 1969-1982. v. 1: Tables of wavelengths; v. 2: Wavelengths by element. Main tables contain more than 100,000 entries for the most important known spectrum lines emitted between 10,000 and 2000 angstroms by atoms in the first two stages of ionization. Elements (82); ca. 100,000 lines. Digitised data, listed by decreasing wavelength. QD 96 E46 V37 1990, Sci & Eng Reference Varma, Asha. CRC handbook of inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy. Boca Raton, Fla.: CRC Press, 1991. Elements (70). Includes references. http://physics.nist.gov/cgi-bin/AtData/main_asd NIST atomic spectra database. National Institute of Standards and Technology. “Contains data for radioactive transitions and energy levels in atoms and atomic ions. Data are included for observed transitions of 99 elements and energy levels of 52 elements. ASD contains data on about 900 spectra from about 1 Å (Ångströms) to 200 µm (micrometers), with about 70,000 energy levels and 91,000 lines, 40,000 of which have transition probabilities listed. The most current NIST-evaluated data associated with each transition are integrated under a single listing.” QC 453 P37 1971, Sci & Eng Reference Parsons, M.L. and P.M. McElfresh. Flame spectroscopy: atlas of spectral lines. New York: IFI/Plenum, 1971. Elements (70); ca. 2,000 lines. Digitised absorption, emission and fluorescence data, listed by element. Collections of emission spectra of specific chemical classes: QC 463 B4 V313 1969, Main Varsanyi, G. Vibrational spectra of benzene derivatives. Budapest: Akademiai Kimado; New York: Academic Press, 1969. Benzene derivatives; 700. Tabulated data and graphs. Classified sequence. 9 QC 454 S9413 1974, Main Sverdlov, L.M. and E.P. Krainov. Vibrational spectra of polyatomic molecules. New York: Wiley, 1973. Hydrocarbons; ca. 600. Classified sequence. QC 463 M38 B7 1975, Main Braterman, P.S. Metal carbonyl spectra. London: Academic Press, 1975. Metal carbonyls; 106. QC 463.07 M35 1977, Main Maslowsky, Edward. Vibrational spectra of organometallic compounds. New York: Wiley, 1977. Organometallic compounds; QD 172 R2 A85 2000, Sci & Eng. Reference Huang, Benli. An atlas of high resolution spectra of rare earth elements for inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy. Cambridge: Royal Society of Chemistry, 2000. Rare earth elements; 65. Tabulated data and graphs. QC 464 S6 L313 1972, Main Lazarev, A.N. Vibrational spectra and structure of silicates. New York: Consultants Bureau, 1972. Silicates. FURTHER INFORMATION: http://www.chemfinder.com Chemfinder. Cambridgesoft. Cambridge, Mass. Points to spectral data on the web for specific substances. Search by chemical name, molecular formula, molecular weight, or CAS Number, and then follow the Physical properties link. Chemical abstracts: Available in print form and on CD-ROM (from 1987 onwards) in the Science and Engineering Reference area. To use CD-ROM: An example using benzaldehyde: Click the Search button, and in the first search box, type benzaldehyde. In the following box, type spectra. You can narrow it down further if you like. If you wanted infrared spectra of benzaldehyde, type (infrared or IR) in the second box instead. Scroll through the retrieved titles, and click to get the full citation. To use print version: 10 Section 73 of the weekly and cumulative print issues covers topics in optical, electron, and mass spectroscopy and related studies, when they are the principal topics of papers. Or, you can use the chemical substances indexes to locate published spectral information on particular compounds. Example (from the 1992-96 Chemical Compound Index) using benzaldehyde again: Look up benzaldehyde: Benzaldehyde [100-52-7] – properties – IR of: 116 128034v This directs you to volume 116 of Chemical Abstracts. When you look up abstract number 128034v, you will find: Infrared study of benzaldehyde and 4-substituted benzaldehydes in carbon tetrachloride and/or chloroform solutions: the carbonyl group. Nyquist, Richard A. et al. Applied spectroscopy 1991 45(10)1641-8. QD 251 D49 1996, Sci & Eng Reference Dictionary of organic compounds. 6th ed. London; New York: Chapman & Hall, 1996. Literature references only. QD 148 D53 1992, Sci & Eng Reference Dictionary of inorganic compounds. London; New York: Chapman & Hall, 1992. Literature references only. QD 411 D53 1995, Sci & Eng Reference Dictionary of organometallic compounds. 2nd ed. London; New York: Chapman & Hall, 1995. Literature references only. 11