March 2008 As we age, the decreasing amounts of digestive

Natural Health
Chiropractic P.C.
922 Street Road,
Southampton, PA 18966
(215) 357-8191
Dr. Joseph J. Maio
March 2008
Digestive Enzymes
As we age, the decreasing amounts of digestive enzymes in our
bodies can lead to many nutritional disorders. Before considering a good
multi-vitamin, you should consider supplementing a digestive enzyme
which will greatly increase the nutritional value of food. Most people over
the age of thirty are deficient in digestive enzymes and don’t even know it.
Enzyme deficiencies are often a cause of poor digestion and will limit your
body from absorbing the nutrients from the food eaten to sustain good
Some of the symptoms of enzyme deficiency are:
 Acid Reflux
 Heartburn
 Bloating, Gas, and Cramping
 Constipation and poor elimination
 Diarrhea
 Hot flashes
 Irritable bowel syndrome
 Neck and shoulder pain
 Sinus infections
 Skin problems/rash
Poor digestion is the lack of nutrient absorption and can lead to much
more serious health problems, such as:
 Diabetes and hypoglycemia
 High cholesterol
 Colitis, IBS and Crohn's disease
 Chronic fatigue
 Over or under optimum weight
 Severe bloating and pain
When enzymes are present in the foods you eat or the enzyme
supplement you take, this will allow an increase of digestion to occur.
When enzymes are not available in food, due to processing, your body is
forced to produce the digestive enzymes you need.
It takes a lot of energy for the body to create digestive enzymes. Your
body is designed to receive the majority of foods in the raw state. When
there is a large demand for digestive enzymes placed on your body, there
may not be enough enzymes to produce the types of cellular enzymes your
body needs for daily functions.
Your body makes hundreds of different kinds of enzymes, but fewer
than two dozen digestive enzymes. A lot of your body’s ability to create
enzymes is used to supply digestive enzymes instead of the hundreds of
enzymes required for organs and tissue function.
Digestive enzymes should be taken immediately before a meal.
Enzyme tablets and capsules should always be swallowed whole.
March Special
Standard Process - Multizyme 150 capsules
Regularly $ 33.00 Now only $ 27.00!
Buy Organic
“Certified Organic” produce costs more but is your best assurance of
pesticide free status. Growing methods can change from year to year, and
countries of origin considerations make it more difficult to know exactly
what you’re buying, especially when buying coffee.
When we think about pesticides in our food, we think about fruits and
vegetables. However the two highest foods in terms of contamination are
from animals (high in hormones too). This is because of the levels of
pesticides that accumulate in the flesh of animals from eating feeds high in
Coffee beans which often come from South America are possibly
treated with a high concentration of chemicals that are banned in the US.
The ten highest foods for pesticides contamination are:
 Milk
 Beef
 Coffee
 Peaches: they contain a heavy dose of the cancer causing
fungicides captan and iprodione, and the neurotoxic pesticide
methyl parathion.
 Green bell peppers: Unfortunately, bell peppers are heavily
contaminated with neurotoxin insecticides than all other crops
 Strawberries: Consistently show high levels of fungicides. Two
of these, captan and iprodione, are classified by the EPA as
probable human carcinogens.
 Apples: their pesticide load is disturbingly high. There are more
pesticides detected on apples (36) then any other fruit or
vegetable analyzed.
 Celery: is a marginal source of caroteniods, but provides
virtually no vitamins or minerals. It is a major source of
exposure to neurotoxic pesticides and the probable human
carcinogen, chlorthalonil. Celery had the highest percentage of
samples with detectable residues (81 percent) of all 42 fruits
and vegetables analyzed.
Cucumbers: have a tendency to absorb dieldrin- a banned
(often used in South America and Mexico), extremely potent
carcinogenic pesticide, from the soil. When eaten, dieldrin
persists in human fat for decades.
Grapes: grapes from Chile add a load of cancer causing and
endocrine disrupting fungicides.
Spinach: high in DDT, permethrin, chlorthalonil and other
cancer causing pesticides.
Cantaloupe: especially from January through April, when
imports from Mexico are at their peak.
An organic label does not somehow magically transform junk food into a
health food. “Organic” sugar and “all-natural” processed foods are every bit
as harmful to your health as conventional sugar and processed food.
Don't Put Your Coffee in Plastic Cups
The amount of dangerous bisphenol-A (BPA) that leaches from
plastic bottles into the drinks they contain is most dependent on the liquid's
temperature, according to new research. When both new and used
polycarbonate drinking bottles were exposed to boiling hot water, BPA was
released 55 times more rapidly. The increased release of BPA continued
even after the hot liquid was removed, meaning that even washing plastic
cups or bottles in a hot dishwasher could lead to increased BPA content in
cold drinks.
BPA is an endocrine disruptor which mimics your body's natural
hormones. Hormones serve different functions throughout your body. BPA
has been shown to affect reproduction and brain development.
Source: Science Daily January 30, 2008
Did You Know?
Wow! When it comes to high calorie food take a look at this. The highest
calorie food with little nutritional value in America is Outback Steakhouse’s
Aussie Cheese Fries with Ranch Dressing: 2,900 calories, 182g fat, 240g
carbs. Even if you split these 'starters' with three friends, you'll have
downed a dinner's worth of calories before you entree arrives!
How’s this for a not so healthy “healthy” burger - Ruby Tuesday’s Bella
Turkey Burger: 1,145 calories, 71g fat, 56g carbs.
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