Supplementary Information 1. Patient phenotype The proband is the second of three children born to non-consanguineous Caucasian parents following an uneventful pregnancy. Birth weight was 3.9 kg. She presented in infancy with mild dysmorphic features and global developmental delay. On review at age 16 her height is 157.7cm (9-25th centile), weight is 54.8kg (50th centile) and OFC 57cm (91st-98th centile). She has pronounced facial hypotonia, with an everted lower lip and protruding tongue (Figure 1A), with drooling. She has a high-arched palate, and her ears are low-set and protruding with over-folded helices. She has an occipital cystic scalp lesion with an underlying scalp defect associated depigmentation of the surrounding hair, as a result of a congenital naevus. She has small hands with short, tapering fingers which have mild skin syndactyly, and small feet with friable nails. She sustained a pathological fracture of her right tibia at age 5, which revealed an underlying mono-osteotic fibrous dysplastic lesion. Ophthalmology examination was normal apart from an astigmatism in the right eye. She is globally developmentally delayed and was statemented for educational needs from the age of 3, and at the age of 16 has severe non-progressive learning difficulties. In terms of her motor development she walked at 21 months, although was subsequently noted to fall frequently and has poor fine motor skills, remaining clumsy and uncoordinated. She has a protuberant abdomen, suggesting a degree of postural muscle weakness, however there is no clinically detectable limb hypotonia and she has good muscle power and exercise tolerance. At age 16 she is able to walk long distances, run and ride a bicycle. Her speech development has been more markedly delayed. Her first words were at the age of 2.5 years, she was using single words and sign language at age 5 years and short sentences by age 10 years. Her cognitive speech difficulties have been compounded by motor difficulties and she has been assessed as having severe dysarthria and velo-pharyngeal insufficiency with significant oral-motor dyspraxia. She required grommets and adenoidectomy as a child but her hearing is normal. She has poor concentration with a diagnosis of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), with some improvement on medical treatment. Investigations have included serial serum creatine kinase measurements which have been persistently elevated (600-1200 u/l). Whilst initially attributed to her tibial lesion, her ALP and ALT have remained in the normal range, suggesting a mild myopathy as the more likely cause of the elevated creatine kinase. A comprehensive metabolic screen was entirely normal. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain revealed extensive, symmetrical, non-progressive signal abnormalities in the subcortical cerebral white matter, slightly more marked in frontal regions (Figure 1B); basal ganglia were normal. A computed tomography (CT) scan showed no evidence of white matter calcification. Electroencephalography (EEG) and electroretinography (ERG) were normal however visual evoked response (VER) testing demonstrated a slightly delayed flash response in the left eye. All the studies described were carried out as part of fully consented routine diagnostic testing, and ethical approval was not therefore required. 2. Immunofluorescence Immunofluorescent microscopy images from a biopsy of the patient’s vastus lateralis muscle. Neonatal myosin Fast myosin Slow myosin Supplementary Figure 1. Staining for myosins shows type 1 fibre predominance; occasional staining for neonatal myosin suggests a small amount of fibre regeneration. Dystrophin (Dys3) α-Dystroglycan (core) α-Dystroglycan (IIH6) Laminin β2 Supplementary Figure 2. Staining for dystrophin, α-dystroglycan (both core and IIH6) and laminin β2 shows essentially normal staining patterns, though the laminin β2 staining was noted as reduced. The limited quantitative resolution of immunofluorescence means that we cannot reliably distinguish between 50% and 100% of wild-type levels. Staining was performed as previously reported1. 3. Quantitative RT-PCR. Patient muscle RNA was prepared from ~100 mg of vastus lateralis biopsy material by homogenising in 1 ml of QIAzol (RNA extraction kit, QIAGEN) and subjecting to RNA extraction according to the manufacturers’ instructions. Human muscle RNA purchased from Ambion was used as a normal control sample. RNA was quantified using an RNA Nano Chip on an Agilent 2100 Bioanalyser (Agilent Technologies). Single-strand cDNA was synthesized from approximately 3 μg of total muscle RNA using a cocktail of gene-specific primers (dystroglycan, dystrophin and α-dystrobrevin) and M-MLV Reverse Transcriptase (Applied Biosystems). 2 μl cDNA was used for the first round of nested PCR using gene-specific outer primer pairs. Second-round nested RT-PCR products were cloned into pCR4-TOPO (Invitrogen), linearised using NcoI or PmeI (NEB), quantitated using Nanodrop ND-100 (Labtech International), serially diluted and used as standards to control for differing efficiencies of amplification. Diluted first-round RT-PCR products were used as templates in a quantitative second round PCR using SYBR green detection in an ABI Prism 7000® Sequence Detection System. For each amplimer, measurements of threshold cycle (Ct) were used to infer initial template copy number when compared to Ct measurements of the respective serially diluted standard. Each datum plotted is the mean of three measurements (±SD) normalised to α-dystrobrevin and with the normal muscle expression level set to 100%. Primer sequences are given in Supplementary Tables 1 and 2. Supplementary Tables 1 & 2. Primer sequences. Outer Forward Reverse Gene Name Sequence Name Sequence Dystroglycan HumDGFO cagaggctgtcagggactggg HumDGRO ccagccgtgtagcgctcactg Dystrophin DysSBSFO gggctacctgccagtgcagac DysSBSRO ggaaatcaagatctgggcagg Dystrobrevin ADybE8FO ggaaatcacctgctaagaagctg ADybE15RO ctagctcagcaatcagctgcc Inner Forward Reverse Gene Name Sequence Name Sequence Dystroglycan HumDGFI ccatgcactcagtgctctcag HumDGRI gtaatgcacacccttatcagtg Dystrophin DysSBSFI ccatggaaactcccgttactctgatcaac DysSBSRI ggatcctcactgggcaggactacgaggctg Dystrobrevin HumADybE9-F gctcacatcgtgcctcccag HumADybE10-E14R ctcaagcatgctcctggtaa 4. Dystroglycan Amplification and Sequencing Patient and control DAG1 transcripts were amplified using nested RT-PCR. A single outer PCR reaction was used, which then served as a template for two overlapping inner PCR reactions of ~1.5 kb each. Nested RT-PCR was carried out as described above for generating QRT-PCR standards. Instead of cloning, the resulting PCR products were sequenced directly using BigDye Terminator v3.1 Cycle Sequencing Kit (Applied Biosystems, Inc.) and BetterBuffer (Microzone Ltd) according to manufacturers’ instructions, followed by electrophoresis on an Applied Biosystems 3730 DNA Analyser. Inner primers plus two additional “Seq” primers gave complete sequence coverage of the coding region. All oligonucleotides were synthesised by MWG-Biotech. The sequence of the patient’s intact DAG1 transcript was found to be identical to that of nucleotides 726-3506 of GenBank accession number NM_001165928. Primers sequences are given in Supplementary Table 3. Supplementary Table 3. Primer sequences. Forward Reverse Reaction Name Sequence Name Sequence Outer Inner 1 Inner 2 Seq Seq HumDAG1FO HumDAG1FI(1) HumDAG1FI(2) HumDAG1FI(3) HumDAG1FI(4) cctacagttcaggcggatggag gaacccagctctgggaccaag cagaagctggcaccacagttcc ggatgccgacctcaccaagatg cgagtatttcatgcatgcc HumDAG1RO HumDAG1RI(1) HumDAG1RI(2) cccaaagtctctccagctgc ggcagtttccaatctggtgatgg gacaacaccatgtcgtctccag 1. Jimenez-Mallebrera C, Torelli S, Feng L et al: A comparative study of alphadystroglycan glycosylation in dystroglycanopathies suggests that the hypoglycosylation of alpha-dystroglycan does not consistently correlate with clinical severity. Brain Pathol 2009; 19: 596-611.