
Safety and Health Policy
This policy applies to all Elphinstone Group activities. We believe in a culture where
harm to any employee, subcontractor, clients or visitors is unacceptable.
Elphinstone’s business culture is our commitment to providing a healthy and safe
workplace. Our goal is to eliminate conditions and incidents that could result in
personal injury or ill health. We strive for zero incidents, injuries and occupational
All personnel have a responsibility to work safely, to take all reasonable care for their
own health and safety, and to consider the health and safety of other people who
may be affected by their actions.
To achieve this objective, we will:
Maintain an Occupational Health and Safety management system to comply
with AS/NZS 4801
Establish measurable objectives and targets across the business and
regularly review their progress to ensure continued improvements and
elimination of work related harm.
Comply with the appropriate legislation, standards and codes of practice to
protect the health and safety of all persons.
Promote communication about health, safety and welfare as a normal
component of all aspects of work.
Maintain relevant training, policies, procedures, systems, information and
organisational structures to support and communicate effective health and
safety practices throughout the company.
Strive to work together to promote and provide solutions and improvements to
our health and safety systems and to encourage all employees and
contractors to be actively involved in this process.
Signed: Jody Elphinstone
Jody Elphinstone
Date: 27/02/2015