Certifications of studies, and transcript request form (Please fill out all the necessary details) A. Personal Details: Last Name Previous Last Name First Name Student Number / I.D. Number (all 9 digits): B. Academic details: Degree Department Began studies on (year) Graduated on (year) Year of termination of studies (for those who didn't graduate) C. I ask for the following: (please note – all documents are produced in three copies. For each additional set, there will be a 10 ILS fee). Documents requested Price for active Price for students. (Fee will be graduated/students' who automatically charged were terminated. (Please to your account) read section D to follow) Master Transcript *--40 ILS PhD Transcript *--- 40 ILS "Non-Degree" Transcript *--- 40 ILS Continuing Education Unit Transcript 40 ILS 40 ILS Current Semester Studies verification --- --- Verification of duration of studies – for Master Verification of duration of studies – for PhD Other (please specify) 40 ILS 50 ILS 40 ILS 50 ILS 40 ILS 40 ILS Proof of Eligibility for degree 40 ILS 40 ILS Copies of Diploma for 40 ILS 40 ILS Request to send the original diploma via registered airmail for those who didn't attend the graduation ceremony 20 ILS Additional requests/remarks: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Room #200 Churchill Building , 200 חדר,בניין צ'רצ'יל Tel. 04-8292739,2693 'טל Fax. 04-829-5635 'פקס yaelc@dp.technion.ac.il Active Students: *You may see and download your transcript online: http://www.graduate.technion.ac.il/Eng/Personal_info/Personal_info.asp using the personal code given to you at time of acceptance. The Transcript is official only if it is signed with the Graduate School Stamp at the Graduate School's Office. *An official Studies Certificate (in Hebrew) will be emailed in the beginning of the semester. **An official Studies Certificate in English may be ordered at: certificate@dp.technion.ac.il ***Proof of eligibility for the degree and a final transcript (in Hebrew) will be produced automatically at the end of your studies, and will be sent to you address once the degree has been confirmed. D. Payment Method: A charge to your credit card will be made by the Graduate School Office. Please fill out all the following details. Your request will be processed after confirmation of payment. Credit Card: Exp. Date: CVV : Number: Name on card: I.D.# E. Please send the documents to: Address: Internal Technion mail, to department Please leave at the Graduate School Office – I will pick them up personally If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Levana Ben-Shabat, at the Graduate School office: Phone: 972-(0)4-8292573, Fax: 972-(0)4-8295635, email: levana@dp.technion.ac.il Date: Signature ___________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ Room #200 Churchill Building , 200 חדר,בניין צ'רצ'יל Tel. 04-8292739,2693 'טל Fax. 04-829-5635 'פקס yaelc@dp.technion.ac.il