Proposta presentació Sistema Compartit al SELL - HEAL-Link

From different databases in a centralized library system
a unique database to manage
different libraries as a system
Lluís Anglada, Ramon Ros, Marta Tort
14th SELL Meeting
Firenze, May 23rd
Our Long March
• 25 years working together around ILS
– Catalan university libraries informally decided to use the same
ILS (VTLS): 1990-94
• not without effort
• not without indirect help of universities department of the Catalan
– CCUC creation: 1991-95 and 1995-96
– The joint decision to change to an ILS of new generation: 2002
– Shared tender (Millennium, SFX & MetaLib): 2005
– Centralized installation of different databases in the same
computer, managed centrally (2007)
Why we are looking for another change?
• For technological reasons (big technological changes since 2005)
– From ILS to platforms for services (Marshall Breeding)
– Discovery tools
– Cloud computing (SaaS)
• For economic reasons
– We need (and want) to be more productive
– We will not have more staff, so we need to reduce the staff dedication to classical routines
in order to move them to new services
– Our intentions: to save 10% of actual staff time using a unique DDBB and unifying
• For service reasons
– To offer to the users a single box to search
– To search over all the collection (print books, journal articles and digital objects in
– If we transform the actual different collections in a unique one, our services will be more
attractive and powerful
Are the new systems really new?
• Marshall Breeding (Library Systems report 2014)
– Form ILS to Library services platforms
– OCLC Worldshare Management System, ALMA (Ex-Libris), Sierra (Innovative), Spydus
9 (Civica), Kuali OLE, Open Skies (VTLS), Intota (Serials Solutions)
• Main features of the Next Generation ILS:
– They manage the whole library, specially the electronic content.
– They work with diferent metadata formats at the same time: MARC, DC, DCQ, METS,
– Cloud based.
– Designed for a high cooperation and reuse.
– They are not closed sistems, they are platforms where to build apps on top of.
A main objective, 3 sub objectives
• We established a 3 years objectives for 2012-2014:
– A unique system, cataloguing once, able to search all the library
resources, flexible to grow, interoperable with the other Systems and
easy to build new services upon.
– To do that, we need
1. A unique DDBB
2. A single search box for all the library resources
3. A more flexible computer architecture
A main objective, 3 sub objectives
1. A unique DDBB (internally – for the staff - economy)
– Not a unique catalogue, but a unique DDBB
– To spend less time in traditional routines
– With more ability to manage our data and create new services
2. A single search box for all the library resources (externally – for the
library users – quality)
Google like searches
An integrated search for print books, journal articles, digital objects in repositories
To improve the user experience and library searches
To increase the usage of library resources
3. To allow a fully flexible system regarding hardware
– we want to externalize the hardware in order to be more cheap, economically
sustainable and flexible in growth.
Didcovery tool
Cloud computing
A 3 year objective
• 2012:
– we started the internal debate doing presentations of the objectives
for the shared system in all the libraries (for nearly all the staff)
• 2013
– What are others doing?
• Seminars: Marshall Breeding / Jean Bernon (ABES) / Hans Geleijnse, Corno
Vromans, Marc van den Berg (Tilburg University), and, John Helmer (Orbis
– meetings of the CBUC with library directors and senior librarians in
order to establish (in private) their real needs and wants
• 2014
– Working groups for: cataloguing in a unique DDBB, prepare a unique
lending rules, defining the needs for a shared discovery tool
Shared system: demos
Lloc: Aula Màster de la UPC, campus Nord. Barcelona
19 de març
10 – 13 h
14 – 17h
26 de març
1 d’abril
• Intota (ILS)
• Summon (Discovery)
• Alma (ILS)
• Primo (Discovery)
• Worldcat Local
• OpenSkies (ILS)
• Chamo (Discovery)
• Sierra (ILS+Discovery)
• EDS (Discovery de
l’empresa EBSCO)
But, is this what we really want?
• 30/4/14 we had a monographic meeting
– Yes, we still want the 3 objectives that we established at the beginning
• A central DDBB, a search box, a SaaS system
– The change must be worthwhile (not just an upgrade).
– All components should be from a unique provider, although may be installed
in different phases.
• Next steps
– To inform internally to other sectors (managers, TIC, etc.)
– To contact companies and start asking for quotations.
– To continue the technical works with specific groups (specially discovery,
lending, cataloguing, and user management)