APA Design Document 1 American Psychological Association Instruction By Russell Gremillion Submitted to the Department of Graduate Education College of Professional The University of West Florida In partial fulfillment of the requirement of the course of EDG6414 APA Design Document 2 Design Document I. Audience Analysis Learners: Most of the freshmen entering into college have little or no knowledge of the American Psychological Association (APA) and its importance to documentation of information sources when writing research papers. This publication provides documentation for in-text citations at the point in the paper where the information is presented and a works-cited pages t the end of the paper listing all of the sources used in the papers. An APA (American Psychological Association) referenced research paper, in short, presents to your reader the results of your research, investigations, and findings on your topic. The scope of the learners is a culturally diverse group ranging from ages 19 to approximately 50 who are entering college with no prior knowledge of the APA manual. The learners will have prerequisite skills such as basic email, spreadsheet, and word processing software skills. Environment: This instruction can be done completely online. Computer requirements include: word processing software and email program. The instruction does not require the student to download any plug-ins. Because of the limited resources regarding APA guidelines, students are required to have access to a readily available APA manual know as “The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 5 th ed.” Most college libraries have multiple copies of this manual for students use. The instruction will provide examples of quotations but not exact guidelines from APA manual. The instruction will be is designed for a 6th grade reading level. The students will be required to have access to a computer with internet connection. It will probably take about 45 minutes to an hour to complete the lesson. The assignment will then be graded and returned to the student with feedback. Instructional Needs The desired outcome of this instruction is for the learner to gain an understanding of the APA guidelines and how to properly document citations. APA Design Document 3 Through this planning and designing process, we will demonstrate to students how to properly site publications using “The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 5th ed”. In part this will be accomplished by sharing common tips and techniques as well as commonly make mistakes. As a result of this instruction, learner will be able properly identify and site the different sources using the guidelines of the APA manual. This instruction is designed for college students with little or no knowledge APA documentation of information sources when writing research papers. These students of this instruction will be guided through the basic Instructions for citing print, media and electronic materials using APA Format. II. Design Metaphor This instruction will be presented in a professional interface. The student will be able to either proceed through the course in a linear manner or follow their own path by using the navigation buttons. The navigation bar is located in the left side of the screen. All of these options mimic real world knowledge; therefore the student should not need too much instruction on how to navigate through the course. The student will be driven to complete the course by the scenario at the beginning of the course used to grab and hold their attention. Upon completion of the course they will be able to test their knowledge taking the final assessment. The basic design of this instruction will center on the format of APA functions. The instruction will be broken down into the different sections of citations as shown in the following objective section. The lesson will consist of a pretest before the instruction begins which gives immediate feedback and a self assessment at the end of the 3rd lesson. After completing the self assessment the user then moves on to the final assessment. The instruction will include resources in which the student can use as a reference when taking the self-assessment. The final assessment will be at the end of the third section. The assessment will allow the student to identify the quotes within the research paper, and then properly cite them according to the American Psychological Association, 5th ed. APA Design Document 4 III. Outline and Objectives Title: APA Introductory Guidelines Course Section One 1.0 Citing Books 1.2 Citing Periodicals 1.3 Citing Electronic Sources 1.4 Citing Dissertations, Theses, and Practicum Section Two 2.1 Citing Government Reports 2.2 Citing ERIC ED Documents 2.3 Citing Proceedings 2.4 Citing Legal Materials Section Three 3.1 Other resources (interviews, films etc…) 3.2 Quiz Overall Objective: Given a research paper the student will correctly apply the various APA style guidelines 1.0 Lesson Citing Books 1.2 Citing Periodicals 1.3 Citing Electronic Sources 1.4 Citing Dissertations, Theses, And Practicum Objective Given a quotation or from a scholarly work, the student will cite the quote correctly using APA 5th edition style guidelines. Given a quotation from a scholarly work, the student will cite the quote correctly using APA 5th edition style guidelines. Given a quotation from a scholarly work, the student will cite the quote correctly using APA 5th edition style guidelines. Given a quotation from a scholarly Assessment Proper citation of quote from a research paper. Proper citation of quote from a periodical. Proper citation of quote from an electronic source. Proper citation of quote from a APA Design Document 5 2.1 Citing Government Reports 2.2 Citing ERIC ED Documents 2.3 Citing Proceedings 2.4 Citing Legal Materials 3.1 Other resources (interviews, films etc…) work, the student will cite the quote correctly using APA 5th edition style guidelines. Given a quotation from a scholarly work, the student will cite the quote correctly using APA 5th edition style guidelines. Given a quotation from a scholarly work, the student will cite the quote correctly using APA 5th edition style guidelines. Given a quotation from a scholarly work, the student will cite the quote correctly using APA 5th edition style guidelines. Given a quotation from a scholarly work, the student will cite the quote correctly using APA 5th edition style guidelines. Given a quotation from a scholarly work, the student will cite the quote correctly using APA 5th edition style guidelines. dissertation etc... Proper citation of quote from a government report. Proper citation of quote from an ERIC ED document. Proper citation of quote from a proceeding. Proper citation of quote from a legal document. Proper citation of quote from another source other than ones mentioned above. APA Design Document 6 IV. Instruction Analysis Before the learners begin the instruction, it is expected they will be capable of using the computer not only for the web instruction but also how to email and use word processing and spreadsheet software. This web based instruction will guide them through the process of identifying items in a research paper that need to include a citation and properly citing them. Prop erly cit ing quot at ions taken from Prop erly cit ing quot at ions t aken from an ERIC ED documents Prop erly cit ing quot at ions t aken from p roceedings V. Prop erly cit ing quot at ions taken from a Prop erly cit ing quot at ions taken from a Begin Prop erly cit ing quot at ions t aken from a government rep ort Prop erly cit ing quot at ions t aken from other sources Prop erly citing quot at ions Prop erly cit ing quot at ions t aken from a dissert at ion Finish Design Strategy Gagne’s Events of Instruction 1. Gaining attention Learning Processes Attention 2. Informing the learner of the objective Expectancy Potential Strategies for Constructing a Basic Website To gain attention, the learners will read the guidelines for basic APA in the introduction. The objectives in this course will be given to the learner at the beginning of each class meeting APA Design Document 7 3. Stimulating recall of prior learning Retrieval to working memory 4. Presenting the stimulus Pattern recognition; selective perception 5. Providing Learner Guidance Assistant; encoding 6. Eliciting Performance Retrieval, responding 7. Providing Feedback Reinforcement, error correction 8. Assessing Performance Responding, retention 9. Enhancing Retention and Transfer Retention, retrieval, generalization VI. via face-to-face instruction or email communication. The instruction will stimulate recall of prior learning by reviewing the basics of APA style of writing for publication The stimulus will be presented in the interface using publication manual from American Psychological Association which is currently being used in writing for publication. The instructor will assist the learner by guiding the learner through the process of preparing to write for publication using APA style. The instructor will create a display of a sample APA publication to be viewed by the learner. The learner will be given the opportunity to submit specific questions regarding the content and the self assessment. Feedback will be given to the learner via upon completion of the final assessment. As stated in above feedback will be given to the learner via feedback upon completion of the final assessment. The learner will have the opportunity to use what is taught throughout their career. Evaluation Items The instruction contains a pretest at the beginning of the course which gives the user immediate feedback. At the end of lesson 3, the user is given the opportunity to take a self quiz. After the self quiz then user then moves on to the final assessment. The final assessment will consist of all the information the student has covered throughout the course. The final assessment is multiple choice questions relating to the material within the lessons. Once complete, the user submits the answers to the instructor using the submit button at the bottom of the page. APA Design Document 8 Sample Questions: 1. Which is the correct way to cite an author in APA? o o o a) Dan Seligson b) Seligson, Dan c) Seligson, D. 2. How do you write the date of publication? o o o a) month, date, year b) date, month, year c) year, month, date