Sem 1 Unit 1 Inquiry, Biochemistry & Enzymes

A.P. Biology
Scientific Inquiry, Biochemistry & Enzymes Unit
Vocabulary & “what you need to know” organized by Topic:
Organizing Themes of Biology (Chapter 1)
o biology
o levels of organization (be able to put them in order by size)
o biological system
o emergent properties
o reductionism
o unifying themes of biology (table 1.1 p.27- be able to match theme & description)
Scientific Inquiry (1.5)
o Inquiry
o qualitative data
o quantitative data
o inductive reasoning
o deductive reasoning
o hypothesis (+be able to write one)
o controlled experiment
o independent variable
o dependent variable
o constant variable
o control group
o theory
o model
Biochemistry - Atoms & Bonding (Chapter 2)
o matter, element, compound
o atom
o proton, neutron & electron
o atomic number
o mass number
o atomic mass
o isotope & radioactive isotope
o electron configuration (be able to configure an element up to 3rd shell)
o valence electrons
o molecule
o covalent bond, polar covalent & nonpolar covalent
o ionic bond
o cation & anion
o hydrogen bond
o van der Waals interactions
o reactants & products of a chemical reaction
o equilibrium
Properties & Biological Importance of Water (Chapter 3)
 polar molecule
 Know the four emergent properties of water & their significance
 cohesion
 adhesion
 surface tension
 kinetic energy
 heat
 temperature
 specific heat
 Celsius scale
 calorie (cal)
 kilocalorie (kcal)
 joule
 heat of vaporization
 evaporative cooling
 solution & aqueous solution
 solvent & solute
 hydration shell
 hydrophilic & hydrophobic
 molecular mass, mole (mol), Molarity
Acids, Bases & Buffers (3.3)
 hydrogen ion
 hydroxide ion
 pH
 acid
 base
 pH scale (be able to use it, know neutral & which end is acid/base)
 buffers
 Acid precipitation
Carbon’s Role in Molecular Diversity (Chapter 4)
 Organic chemistry
 formation of carbon bonds
 hydrocarbons
 isomers
 structural isomers
 geometric isomers
 enantiomers
 functional groups
Structure & Function of Macromolecules (Chapter 5)
 macromolecule
 polymer
 monomer
 hydrolysis
 condensation & dehydration reactions
 carbohydrates
 monosaccharide, disaccharide, polysaccharide
 starch, glycogen, cellulose
 fat, fatty acid (saturated & unsaturated)
 phospholipid
 steroid
 cholesterol
 enzymes
 catalysts
 amino acids, polypeptides, proteins & peptide bonds
 four levels of protein structure
 denaturation & renaturation of a protein
 chaperonin
 nucleic acids, DNA & RNA
 polynucleotides & nucleotides
 purines & pyrimidines
 double helix
 antiparallel
Metabolism, Energy & Enzymes (Chapter 8)
o metabolic pathway, catabolic & anabolic pathways
o kinetic & thermal energy, potential energy, chemical energy
o thermodynamics (know the laws of thermodynamics)
o entropy
o free energy (be able to use the equation for free energy)
o exergonic & endergonic reactions
o energy coupling
o structure & hydrolysis of ATP
o phosphorylated
o catalyst, enzyme
o free energy of activation (or activation energy) & how enzymes affect it
o substrate, enzyme-substrate complex, active site, induced fit
o effects of temperature, pH, cofactors (& coenzymes), inhibitors (competitive &
o allosteric regulation
o coopertivity
o feedback inhibition