STRATOSPHERIC OBSERVATORY FOR INFRARED ASTRONOMY (SOFIA) E. E. Becklin1,2 and L. J. Moon1 Division of Astronomy and Astrophysics, University of California Los Angeles, 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90095-1562, USA 2Universities Space Research Association, NASA Ames Research Center, MS 144-2, Moffett Field, CA 94035-1000, USA 1 ABSTRACT The joint U.S. and German SOFIA project to develop and operate a 2.5-meter infrared airborne telescope in a Boeing 747-SP is now well into development. First science flights will begin in 2004 with 20% of the observing time assigned to German investigators. The observatory is expected to operate for over 20 years. The sensitivity, characteristics and science instrument complement are discussed. SOFIA will have instrumentation that will allow astronomical surveys that were not possible on the KAO. A future SOFIA survey project related to astrochemistry is discussed. INTRODUCTION The Stratospheric Observatory For Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) is NASA's and DLR's premier observatory for infrared and submillimeter astronomy into the next century. A Boeing 747-SP aircraft will carry a 2.5-meter telescope designed to make sensitive infrared measurements of a wide range of astronomical objects. It will fly at and above 12.5 km, where the telescope collects radiation in the wavelength range from 0.3 micrometers to 1.6 millimeters. The telescope and 20% of operations will be supplied by Germany through contracts managed by DLR. A team led by the Universities Space Research Association (USRA) has been selected by NASA to design and develop the airborne platform; and to assemble, test, and operate the SOFIA observatory. The development of the science instruments to be attached to the SOFIA telescope will be the responsibility of the U.S. and German science communities. In the U.S., science instruments will be designed and built at universities and national centers through a USRA peer review process. SOFIA FIRST LIGHT INSTRUMENTS A total of ten instruments have been selected and are now under development. The selection includes four Facility Class (FI) Science Instruments (AIRES, HAWC, FORCAST, and FLITECAM), five Principal Investigator Class (PI) Science Instruments, and one Special Purpose Principal Investigator Class (SI) Science Instrument. Two of the PI Class instruments are being developed in Germany. FIRST LIGHT EXPECTED IN 2004 SOFIA will see first light in 2004, and is planned to make more than 140 scientific flights per year of at least 8 hours duration. SOFIA is expected to operate for at least 20 years, primarily from Moffett Field in California, but occasionally from other bases around the world, especially in the Southern Hemisphere. SOFIA’s typical line of sight precipitable water vapor is 10m. The SOFIA Science and Mission Operations Center (SSMOC), to be operated by USRA, will be located at NASA Ames Research Center at Moffett Field, in the same hangar housing SOFIA. The SOFIA Program will support approximately 50 investigation teams per year. SOFIA is primarily for use by the U.S. and German science Name AIRES HAWC FORCAST FLITECAM EXES CASIMIR SAFIRE FIFI LS GREAT HIPO Class FI FI FI FI PI PI PI PI PI SI Table 1. SOFIA First Light Instruments PI Institute Type of Instrument E. Erickson NASA-ARC Echelle Spectrometer; 40 to 110 m, R~10,000 D.A. Harper Univ. of Chicago Far Infrared Bolometer Camera; 30-300 m T. Herter Cornell University Mid IR Camera; 5-40 m I. McLean UCLA Near IR Test Camera; 1-5 m J. Lacy Univ. of Texas Echelon Spectrometer; 5-28m, R=1500 & 100,000 J. Zmuidzinas Caltech Heterodyne Spectrometer; 250-600 m H. Moseley NASA-GSFC Fabry-Perot Spectrograph 145-655 m, R=5-10,000 A. Poglitsch MPE, Garching Field Imaging Far IR Line Spectrometer; 40-350 m R. Gueston MPIfR Heterodyne Spectrometer; 75-250 m E. Dunham Lowell Observatory Visible Occultation CCD; Photometer/Imager communities, but it is also open to the international science community. Seventy-six percent of the observations will be allocated by a USA peer-review process (managed by USRA), 19% will be allocated by a German peerreview process, and 5% will be allocated at the discretion of the USRA Observatory Director. The USRA Investigator Program is currently being formulated. There will be a mix of Key Projects, Surveys, Service Observations, and Small Investigations. The latter would be awarded annually; the first two investigation modes could be multi-year projects. The program will also support the development of U.S. science instruments for SOFIA. Some of these instruments will be facility instruments, which will be supported by the SSMOC for use by general investigators. General investigators may also use PI science instruments, but support will be limited. A data cycle system, DCS, for use with facility instruments will allow non-airborne astronomers the ability to easily obtain SOFIA observations in a routine manner. It will also provide an archive of airborne data. Fig. 1. The SOFIA primary mirror is now lightweighted by 80% and is being polished at REOSC in France . Fig. 2. The SOFIA SiC secondary mirror blank. Work on SOFIA is presently being carried out in Germany and the U.S. The primary mirror (Figure 1) has been ground, annealed and lightweighted by 80%. The secondary mirror (Figure 2) is made of SiC. Figures 3 and 4 show forgings of the inner and outer support cradle. The aircraft (Figure 5) has undergone pre-modification test flights to verify and document its performance. The flight tests indicate that SOFIA's performance is significantly better than its predecessor's, the Kuiper Airborne Observatory (KAO). The aircraft is presently being modified to include the open-air cavity door (Figure 6). Detailed tests and analyses have resulted in several design changes. The telescope will now be built with a hydrostatic bearing rather than an air bearing. Changes in the aircraft door design have also led to improved telescope and aircraft performance. Fig. 3. Forging of the inner support cradle. Fig. 4. Forging of the outer support cradle. Fig. 5. The SOFIA 747-SP aircraft, originally dedicated as the ‘Clipper Lindbergh’. Fig. 6. The first structural cut in the 747-SP aircraft on March 21, 2000. SCIENCE POTENTIAL SOFIA will provide a sensitive platform with high spatial resolution for both imaging and spectroscopy at most infrared wavelengths, including those longer than the 200 m limit of the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) and Space Infrared Telescope Facility (SIRTF). Figure 7 and Figure 8 show a comparison to other missions. Fig. 7. SOFIA photometric point source sensitivities are shown compared with KAO, IRAS, ISO, and SIRTF. On source integration time is 1 hour. Fig. 8. SOFIA spatial resolution compared with KAO, IRAS, ISO, and SIRTF. With the parameters given under SOFIA Characteristics in Table 2, and the atmospheric transmission at flight altitudes given in Traub & Stier (1976) (see Figure 9) we calculate that the background limited NEFD at 100 m in a 30% band should be about 400 mJyHz-1/2 and at 450 m about 300 mJyHz-1/2. The corresponding 1- noise in an hour integration should be 7 mJy at 100 m and 5 mJy at 450 m. The 1- line flux limit in 1 hour should be about 4 x 10-18 Wm-2 at a resolution of 103 at 100 m. Table 2. SOFIA Characteristics Nominal Operational Wavelength Range 0.3 to 1600 m Primary Mirror Diameter 2.7 meters System Clear Aperture Diameter 2.5 meters Nominal System f-ratio 19.6 Primary Mirror f-ratio 1.28 Telescope’s Unvignetted Elevation Range 20-60 degrees Unvignetted Field-of-view Diameter 8 arcmin 13 arcmin at optimum focus Maximum Chop Throw on Sky ± 4 arcmin (unvignetted) Diffraction-Limited Wavelengths 15 m Recovery Air and Optics Temp in Cavity 240K Image Quality of Telescope Optics (at 0.6m) 1.5 arcsec on-axis (80% encircled energy) Optical Configuration Bent Cassegrain, chopping secondary and flat folding tertiary Chopper Frequencies 1 to 20 Hz for 2-point square wave chop Pointing Stability < 1.”0 rms for first light Pointing Accuracy < 0.”5 if on-axis Focal Plane tracking =3” if on-axis Fine-Field tracking Total Emissivity of Telescope (goal) 15% at 10 m with dichroic tertiary 10% at 10 m with aluminized tertiary Chopped Image Quality due to =9.”1 for 80% encircled energy diameter coma for ±4’ Chop Throw =5.”8 for 50% encircled energy diameter SURVEYS WITH SOFIA SOFIA has the opportunity to obtain airborne surveys for infrared astronomy. Some surveys will be encouraged by the operations center. Below we give an example of a spectral line survey. The variety of instruments on SOFIA makes it possible to conduct molecular line surveys in wavelength regions that are not accessible from the ground. From ground based observatories such surveys have been performed by e.g. Blake et al. (1986) from 247-263 GHz, Schilke et al. (1997a) from 325-360 GHz and Schilke (1997b) from 607-725 GHz. A study is ongoing to determine the feasibility of a similar project for SOFIA, covering almost the entire region from 30-330 m, which is inaccessible from ground-based observatories (Becklin, Davidson and Horn, 1999). The German PI-class heterodyne spectrometer GREAT, operating in several bands including 1.6-2.0 THz (188-150m) with a resolution of ~106 will be especially useful for line survey studies, see e.g. Graf et al. (1998). With GREAT, the beam size for the 150-188 m range with SOFIA is of similar size as with the CSO survey conducted by Schilke et al. (1997a). The 325-360 GHz and 607-725 GHz surveys show typical lower limits for 3- line intensities of about 0.3 K and 1 K respectively. Using Hot Electron Bolometers (HEBs) for the 1.6-2.0 THz range of GREAT, one can estimate that the total integration time for this 400 GHz range should not exceed 20 hours in order to detect 3- lines at a level of 1.5 K. The SOFIA survey should be similar to the lower frequency surveys since the lines should be stronger for higher frequencies. Advantage has been taken of the fact that the 1.62.0 THz band of GREAT will have two polarizations in each of the two beams, so that simultaneous observations at two different frequencies are possible. Fig. 9. Atmospheric Transmission vs. Wavelength in the Infrared. The figure shows computed atmospheric transmission (Traub & Stier 1976) as a function of wavelength for aircraft (14 km) and mountaintop (4 km) altitudes. The absorption is largely due to water vapor; figure is from Erickson (1995). The wavelength ranges adjacent to the one from GREAT (150-188 m) can be covered at the longer wavelengths by CASIMIR which is another PI-class heterodyne spectrometer with a resolution of R106 and at shorter wavelengths by other GREAT bands and by the facility instrument AIRES, a grating spectrometer with R104. With CASIMIR, the range from 188-330 m becomes accessible and with AIRES the range from 40-110 m. The atmospheric transmission at SOFIA's operating altitudes gives access to almost all molecular rotational transitions up to the lightest hydrids in the wavelength range from 30-330 m. The first light instruments can cover this range with only small gaps from 30-40m and from 110-150 m. Those gaps however could be filled with future instruments and/or upgrades of existing instruments. REFERENCES Becklin, E. E., Davidson, J. and Horn, J. M. M., Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA), in The Physics and Chemistry of the Interstellar Medium, ed. V. Ossenkoft, Zermatt Symp. pp. 444-449, 1999. Erickson, E. F., SOFIA: The Next Generation Airborne Observatory, Space Sci. Reviews, 74, pp. 91-100, 1995. Blake, G. A., Sutton, E. C., Masson, C. R., Phillips, T. G., ApJS, 60, 257, 1986. Graf, U. U., Haas, S., Honingh C., Jacobs, K., Schieder, R., Stutzki, J., Array receiver Development at KOSMA for the Submillimeter and Terahertz Spectral Range, Proc. of the SPIE, Vol. 3357, 159, 1998. Schilke, P., Groessbeck, T.D., Blake G.A., Phillips, T. G., A Line Survey of Orion KL from 325 to 360 GHz, ApJS, 108, 301, 1997a. Schilke, P., Phillips, T.G., Mehringer, D.M., First Wide Band Submillimeter Line Surveys, in The Far Infrared and Submillimetre Universe, ed. A. Wilson, ESA Publication Division, The Netherlands, pp. 73-78, 1997b Traub, W. A. and Stier, M., Theoretical Atmospheric Transmission in the Mid- and Far-Infrared at Four Altitudes, Applied Optics, 15, 364, 1976.