2409.26f, 13fre Page 1 of 6 FOREST SERVICE HANDBOOK Portland, Oregon FSH 2409.26f - SEED HANDBOOK R6 Amendment No. 2409.26f-93-19 Effective July 20, 1993 POSTING NOTICE. Supplements to this handbook are numbered consecutively. Check the last transmittal sheet received for this handbook to see that the above supplement number is in sequence. If not, obtain intervening supplement(s) at once from the Information Center. Do not post this supplement until the missing one(s) is received and posted. After posting, place the transmittal at the front of the title and retain until the first transmittal of the next calendar year is received. The last R6 Amendment to this handbook was 2409.26f-93-18 (13WIN). Document Name 13FRE Digest: Updates Tree Seed Use Plan. /s/ John E. Lowe JOHN E. LOWE Regional Forester Superseded New (Number of Sheets) 3 4 R6 AMENDMENT 2409.26f-93-19 EFFECTIVE 07/20/93 2409.26f, 13fre Page 2 of 6 R6-FS-2400-159 (2/93) SEED USE PLAN UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST SERVICE, REGION 6 Forest Fremont Page 1 of 3 Date Revised May 3, 1993 Species Name | | | | | |Seed | Species |Zone Seed Code* | | |Area | |Code |Dist. |Pounds | |Planned| | | | |Eleva- | |Germ |tion |Planting| % | Plan Base | | |Crop |Plan | |M Seed |Year |Base | |Per Lb. |Interval |In Years | White Fir 015 011 01 5565 0 77 9.92 10 10 White Fir 015 012 01 6575 0 62 10.62 10 10 White Fir 015 021 01, 03 5060 4.4 76 13.37 10 10 White Fir 015 022 01, 03 6070 13.2 48 13.05 10 10 White Fir 015 031 01 5060 3.1 50 11.52 10 10 White Fir 015 032 01, 03 6070 13.3 55 12.30 10 10 White Fir 015 051 01 5060 27.1 47 9.90 10 10 Shasta Red Fir 021 032 04 6070 23.6 72 5.20 10 10 Western Larch 073 031 04 5060 * * 10 Incense Cedar 081 021 01, 02 5060 50.1 78 18.70 15 15 Incense Cedar 081 022 02 6070 12.2 78 18.70 15 15 Incense Cedar 081 051 01, 02 5060 53.8 78 18.70 15 15 Whitebark Pine Whitebark Pine 101 101 022 032 01 01 6070 6070 * 0.5 0.5 *Western Larch is an introduced species, seed will be purchased from neighboring Forests. R6 AMENDMENT 2409.26f-93-19 EFFECTIVE 07/20/93 2409.26f, 13fre Page 3 of 6 *Seed Code: For coding to seed zone complete all items except area code. For coding to breeding zone complete species and area code only. Reference Chapter 30, FSH 2409.26g, R6. R6 AMENDMENT 2409.26f-93-19 EFFECTIVE 07/20/93 2409.26f, 13fre Page 4 of 6 R6-FS-2400-159 (2/93) SEED USE PLAN UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST SERVICE, REGION 6 Forest Fremont Page 2 of 3 Date Revised May 3, 1993 Species Name | | | | | |Seed | Species |Zone Seed Code* | | |Area | |Code |Dist. |Pounds | |Planned| | | | |Eleva- | |Germ |tion |Planting| % | Plan Base | | |Crop |Plan | |M Seed |Year |Base | |Per Lb. |Interval |In Years | Lodgepole Pine 108 011 02 5565 8.6 52 76.47 15 15 Lodgepole Pine 108 012 02 6575 6.1 86 65.18 15 15 Lodgepole Pine 108 021 02, 03 5060 9.3 93 69.65 7 10 Lodgepole Pine 108 022 02, 03 6070 8.6 91 69.58 7 10 Lodgepole Pine 108 031 03, 04 5060 12.8 91 70.85 5 10 Lodgepole Pine 108 032 03, 04 6070 15.5 91 62.21 5 10 Lodgepole Pine 108 041 04 5060 25.5 92 71.08 5 10 Lodegpole Pine 108 042 04 6070 17.8 84 82.83 5 10 Jeffrey Pine 116 051 01 5060 83.1 92 4.08 7 10 Sugar Pine 117 176 01, 02 03, 04 4570 367.7 71 2.36 5 10 W.White Pine 119 170 01, 02 03, 04 4570 27.3 75 22.22 3 10 W.White Pine 119 180 02 5575 16.9 70 19.82 3 10 *Seed Code: For coding to seed zone complete all items except area code. For coding to breeding zone complete species and area code only. Reference Chapter 30, FSH 2409.26g, R6. R6 AMENDMENT 2409.26f-93-19 EFFECTIVE 07/20/93 2409.26f, 13fre Page 5 of 6 R6-FS-2400-159 (2/93) SEED USE PLAN UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE FOREST SERVICE, REGION 6 Forest Fremont Page 3 of 3 Date Revised May 3, 1993 Species Name | | | | | |Seed | Species |Zone Seed Code* | | |Area | |Code |Dist. |Pounds | |Planned| | | | |Eleva- | |Germ |tion |Planting| % | Plan Base | | |Crop |Plan | |M Seed |Year |Base | |Per Lb. |Interval |In Years | Ponderosa Pine 122 011 02 5565 147.0 88 9.414 25 25 Ponderosa Pine 122 012 02 6575 149.1 92 8.78 25 25 Ponderosa Pine 122 021 01, 02 03 5060 503.17 79 10.62 10 10 Ponderosa Pine 122 022 01, 02 03 6070 331.8 81 9.63 20 20 Ponderosa Pine 122 030 04 4050 61.4 94 8.60 7 10 Ponderosa Pine 122 031 01, 03 04 5060 1500.9 87 10.16 10 10 Ponderosa Pine 122 032 01, 03 04 6070 751.0 78 9.69 20 20 Ponderosa Pine 122 041 04 4560 183.9 90 9.48 10 10 Ponderosa Pine 122 042 04 6070 40.7 90 9.45 25 25 Ponderosa Pine 122 050/051 01, 02 4560 442.1 85 8.52 5 10 Douglas Fir 202 021 01 5060 0.3 10 10 Douglas Fir 202 051 01 5060 1.3 Bitterbrush 999 All 01, 02 03, 04 Mtn. Mahogany 999 All 01, 02 03, 04 89 30.70 10 10 4070 47 20.83 5 10 4070 25 (estimate) R6 AMENDMENT 2409.26f-93-19 EFFECTIVE 07/20/93 2409.26f, 13fre Page 6 of 6 *Seed Code: For coding to seed zone complete all items except area code. For coding to breeding zone complete species and area code only. Reference Chapter 30, FSH 2409.26g, R6.