Extra-Curricular Activities Student Code - DocuShare

Extracurricular Activities Student Code
The Byron-Bergen Board of Education, faculty, administration, and staff believe that extracurricular
involvement is an integral part of a student's total educational program as it helps form a connection
between the student and the school community and nurtures each student's special interests and abilities.
The intent of this code is to foster and promote in every student participating in extracurricular activities
good citizenship, sportsmanship, and good conduct including serving as a chemical free role model for all
students. Participation in extracurricular activities is a privilege that ascribes responsibility to those who
choose to participate. As representatives of our school and community, students participating in
extracurricular activities are expected to exemplify the kind of role models we encourage our children to
follow. For this reason, this document establishes additional protocols regarding citizenship and
sportsmanship, the use of alcohol, tobacco, performance-enhancing substances, and chemical substances
used illegally. As part of the responsibilities of being a representative of our school community, students
are expected to use good judgment and avoid situations compromising their roles as good citizens and
specifically those in which alcohol or other drugs are being used illegally. While disciplinary measures
are a part of the approach to discouraging chemical use, it is only one part; we strongly believe in the
promotion of treatment for substance abuse.
Students and their parents will be expected to read this extracurricular activity code and sign a Student
Extracurricular Code Agreement prior to participation in any and all extracurricular activities for each
school year. State education law defines the school year as July 1 to June 30; therefore, this code is in
effect during the entire calendar year.
For the purposes of the Byron-Bergen Extracurricular Activities Student Code, extracurricular
participation is defined as involvement in any non-credit bearing, school sponsored organization or
activity, including class organizations, clubs and athletic teams.
The coach, the Athletic Director, and the Executive Principal make decisions involving allegations of
improper student conduct in the area of athletics. For other extracurricular activities, the activity advisor,
House Principal, and the Executive Principal will make decisions regarding improper conduct of the
activity’s participants. The Byron-Bergen Extracurricular Activities Student Code applies to all students
representing the Byron-Bergen School District involved in interscholastic and extracurricular activities.
Extracurricular participants are expected to follow the rules and policies of the school district as stated in
the Byron-Bergen School District Code of Conduct. Each member of an extracurricular activity or
athletic team is expected to do the following; attend all practice sessions or meetings, refrain from all
profane and vulgar language, demonstrate good sportsmanship and cooperative attitudes, and treat all
participants, officials, coaches, and advisors with respect.
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Participation in and being a spectator of athletics and extracurricular activities is meant to be an enjoyable
learning experience. Students must remember that they are at a contest/event to support and cheer for a
team and to enjoy the skill and competition, not to intimidate or ridicule the other team, its cheerleaders or
fans. Students are expected to be positive role models through their own actions. A display of good
sportsmanship and citizenship will reflect positively on our students and school. Therefore, actions meant
to demean other participants and officials are in conflict with the highest ideals of interscholastic and
extracurricular activities and will not be tolerated. Consequences for displaying poor citizenship and
sportsmanship can result in a suspension from extracurricular activities ranging from one day to one year
based on the nature and level of severity as determined by the Athletic Director (for situations involving
athletics), the coach or advisor, House Principal, and the Executive Principal.
Responsibilities of Spectators at Athletic Events
An admission ticket symbolizes the privilege of observing a contest and is a contract for its holder to act
appropriately and in a sportsmanlike manner. Students representing the Byron-Bergen School District
will recognize and show appreciation for the competition by either team. Students are expected to respect
the integrity and judgment of contest officials and learn the rules of the game so that they may understand
and appreciate why certain situations take place. Expectations of good citizenship outlined in the
previous section of this code are expected from students as spectators at athletic competitions or
extracurricular activities.
The student is responsible for all school owned equipment and supplies issued to him/her as a participant
in a school sponsored program. The student or his/her parent/guardian must pay for lost, stolen, or
damaged equipment before (s)he can participate in any further interscholastic athletic/extracurricular
activities. Seniors may not be allowed to participate in graduation exercises if they have not returned or
replaced lost or damaged school equipment prior to graduation.
Students are required to attend all classes during the school day in order to participate in extracurricular
activities after school. An exception is made if the legitimacy of the absence or tardiness is verified by an
appropriate excuse for a bona fide reason congruent with the School’s Attendance Policy.
a. Absences: If a student has an unexcused absence, is truant, suspended in or out of school, or
excused from any part of the school day due to illness, (s)he may not participate in any
extracurricular activity that day.
b. Tardiness: Any student who is late to school is considered tardy. (S)he must sign in at the
attendance office. (S)he will then report to the House Principal to get permission to participate in
extracurricular activities that day. The House Principal will check to see if attendance has been a
previous problem. If it is not a recurring problem, permission to participate will be granted. If
tardiness has been a problem, the student participating in an extracurricular activity will not be
allowed to participate in his/her extracurricular activity that day and a suspension of the student
from participating in the next related extracurricular event may occur. Students participating in an
extracurricular activity who are tardy to school and do not report to the appropriate school office
upon arriving at school will not participate in his/her extracurricular activity that day and may be
suspended from a subsequent related extracurricular activity.
c. Absence Following Extracurricular Events: Each student is expected to attend school the school
day following an extracurricular activity. If a pattern of absence or tardiness develops, the House
Principal will take appropriate disciplinary action. If absences after an extracurricular activity
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have been a reoccurring issue, participation in the student’s next scheduled extracurricular activity
may be suspended.
Activity Rules and Penalties for Infractions
In addition to the extracurricular rules set forth in this code, the individual coach/advisor may establish
rules for the activity above and beyond what is outlined in this policy. Additional rules/policies must be
in writing and reviewed and approved in advance to their distribution by the Athletic Director (for
athletics) and the House Principal (for athletics and extracurricular activities). Approved rules must then
be distributed to participants and their parents. Some areas regulated by the coach/advisor rules may be,
but are not limited to, curfews, late to the extracurricular activity, or insubordination to the coach/advisor.
Exceptions to the rules established by the coach/advisor may be made by the coach/advisor after
conferring with the Athletic Director (for athletics) and/or House Principal (for athletics or extracurricular
activities) and the Executive Principal. Violations to these sport or activity specific rules may range from
a warning to suspension or dismissal from the extracurricular activity.
In determining penalties for infractions of this code, the respective coach/advisor, the Athletic Director
(for situations involving athletics) and/or House Principal and Executive Principal will make a decision
on the penalty. The District reserves the right to determine any appropriate penalty based on the
circumstances of a violation. When determining the penalty, consideration will be given to the type of
violation and disciplinary record of the student.
The student and the parents will be notified by a school administrator assigned by the Executive Principal
as soon as possible after the determination of the investigation and, if appropriate, the assigned
consequences. The administrator will also inform them of the appeal procedure.
During a period of suspension from athletics, student athletes will be required to attend all practices and
participate in all aspects of the program without benefit of playing time or dressing in uniform for any
interscholastic competition.
Violation Reports
Extracurricular Activity Student Code Violation Reports will be accepted only from coaches,
administrators, teachers, school personnel or police officers that have personal knowledge of the violation.
Violation Reports are submitted directly to the Executive Principal, and a copy will be forwarded to the
Athletic Director (for situations involving athletics) and the appropriate House Principal. It will be the
responsibility of an administrator as determined by the Executive Principal to inform the parents and
coach/advisor of the alleged violation and impending investigation. The Executive Principal will conduct
an investigation with the assistance of other school personnel, including the coach/advisor. Violations will
result in penalties ranging from suspension from participation, to dismissal from the extracurricular
activity as listed in this code under the section entitled "Activity Rules" and the section "Drugs and
Reports of alleged violations from all other sources must be based on direct, first person knowledge, and
addressed in writing directly to the Superintendent of Schools. If reasonable suspicion exists, the
Superintendent will file an official report with the Executive Principal and school officials or others will
conduct a thorough investigation, as the Superintendent deems appropriate.
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Drugs & Alcohol
For the first incident of a student in possession of, using, selling or distributing any controlled substance
(drugs, steroids, alcoholic beverages or “look-alikes”) or possessing drug paraphernalia, the student will
be suspended from all extracurricular activities for a period not less than 25 percent of the number of days
of the season/activity. Following a second incident, the student will be ineligible to participate for 50
percent of the season/activity. Subsequent violations may result in penalties up to the permanent
suspension of the student from all activities as recommended by agreement of the Executive Principal and
the Extracurricular Review Board. Participants in extracurricular clubs or activities will be suspended for
an equivalent period of time as determined by the Extracurricular Review Board. Violations and all the
subsequent penalties will carry over and be cumulative from school year to school year.
If a student verifies that (s)he has pursued an evaluation and is participating in a recommended treatment
program with a New York State certified substance abuse counselor or agency, the student may appeal the
length of his/her suspension. As determined by the Extracurricular Review Board, the duration of the
suspension may be reduced by up to 50 percent. The student and his/her parents may consult with a
member of the student support or counseling staff to obtain an appropriate referral for counseling.
Any student who possesses, smokes, or uses a tobacco product or snuff will be viewed as violating the
controlled substance clause of this code. The penalty is the same for tobacco violations as those for drugs
and alcohol. The student will be encouraged to consult with the family doctor to seek appropriate medical
intervention to address their use of tobacco. If the student provides verification from the physician that
(s)he is actively involved in abstaining from tobacco, the Extracurricular Review Board may decide to
lessen the period of suspension by up to 50 percent.
Behavior and Conduct of Participants
Good community citizenship is required of all participants of extracurricular activities. Good community
citizenship involves following a high standard of behavior and conduct while in or out of the school
setting. Students are expected to follow all school regulations and local, state, and federal laws. In any
cases other that those involving drugs and/or alcohol, a student who is arrested resulting in a misdemeanor
or felony charge(s) or is convicted of a crime will be suspended from all extracurricular activities until the
infraction can be investigated by the Athletic Director (for situations involving athletics), the House
Principal (for situations involving athletics or extracurricular activities), and the Executive Principal.
Those investigating will make a decision on the student’s continued or future participation in
extracurricular activities.
a. Extracurricular activity participants who violate the Byron-Bergen Central School District Code of
Conduct may be subject to additional disciplinary action by the coach/advisor as outlined in the
specific sport or activity's rules.
b. Extracurricular activity participants who violate the law may be subject to disciplinary action by
the coach/ advisor as outlined in the activity's rules after an investigation by school officials
outlined in the section of this code entitled "Violation Reports."
Attending Gatherings
Students are prohibited from being present at any location where drugs and/or alcohol are being illegally
consumed. Remaining "present" is interpreted as the individual becoming aware or reasonably should
have been aware that alcohol or drugs were being consumed and that (s)he failed to leave the location. If
a violation is verified, the student will be subject to a suspension from all activities for seven (7) calendar
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days for the first incident. For a second incident, the student will be subject to a suspension from all
activities for fourteen (14) calendar days. Additional violations of this section of the code will result in
additional days of suspension as determined by the Executive Principal with input from the coach or
Review/Appeal Procedure
Any student wishing to appeal the disciplinary action resulting from this code or a sport or activity’s rules
must, within seven (7) calendar days of the determination of penalty, submit in writing to the Executive
Principal the reason(s) why the penalty should not be enforced. If the Executive Principal determines the
appeal has merit, the appeal will be forwarded to an Extracurricular Student Code Review Board for
consideration. Appeals challenging the decision of the Executive Principal may be submitted to the
Superintendent of Schools. If the Superintendent deems the appeal has grounds for review, s/he will
review the appeal within thirty (30) calendar days of the Executive Principal's decision. If s/he finds
sufficient grounds through the appeal process, the Superintendent may make modifications to the
Executive Principal’s decision.
The Extracurricular Student Code Review Board will consist of seven members to be named by the
Executive Principal prior to the opening of school each year. The composition of the review board will
include an administrator who chairs the committee, an extracurricular club advisor, an athletic team
coach, a middle school teacher, a high school teacher, a school counselor, and a student. A written
decision of the review board must be made and submitted to the Executive Principal within five (5) school
days of the appeal.
Signature of Agreement
The signatures on the Extracurricular Student Code Agreement of the student's parent/guardian and the
student are required for participation in any extracurricular activity or athletic team. Any student involved
in more than one school activity need to complete this agreement only once for any school year. A
completed and signed Student Extracurricular Code Agreement form MUST be on file with the Executive
Principal before a student is allowed to participate in any activity. The signature of a parent/guardian on
this document also indicates the parent has given permission for the student to participate in all
interscholastic sports and extracurricular activities of the Byron-Bergen Central School District. All
participation forms will be kept on file on the Executive Principal's office. This agreement will remain in
effect for one year.
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Byron-Bergen Middle/High School
6917 West Bergen Road
Bergen, NY 14416
Student Extracurricular Code Agreement
For students to participate in
Athletics and Extracurricular Activities
By signing below, the individuals so named agree that the Extracurricular Activities Student Code has
been read and understood. The signatures also indicate that the individuals agree with the terms and
conditions of the Extracurricular Activities Student Code. The student named below may participate in
any of the interscholastic athletic and extracurricular activities offered by the Byron-Bergen Central
School District.
Student Name__________________________________
(Please Print)
Student Signature________________________________
Parent/Guardian Name____________________________________
(Please Print)
Parent/Guardian Signature__________________________________
Date_________________________ School Year __________________
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