Trends in on farm biodiversity management in South Australia`s

Agricultural industries make an important contribution to South Australia's economic
prosperity. In 2009-10 the gross value of agricultural production was $4.6 billion for the
state. This contributed 12 per cent to the gross value of agricultural production in
Australia for 2009-10 (ABS 2011). Agriculture occupies 55 per cent of South Australia's
984 000 square kilometre landmass (Figure 1). Land managed for agriculture includes
assets important for biodiversity conservation. These include remnant native vegetation
(such as patches of forest, woodlands, shrublands and grasslands), native vegetation
along rivers and creeks, wetlands and rocky outcrops. Preliminary estimates suggest that
around 36 per cent of South Australia's native vegetation may be on land mapped as
used for agriculture (Figure 2). Much of this land is native pasture.
Caring for our Country—the Australian Government's $2 billion flagship natural resource
management initiative—is funding projects in the sustainable farm practices national
priority area under the improving management practices and landscape scale
conservation targets. These projects provide information to farmers in the broadacre
cropping, dairy, horticulture and beef cattle/sheep industries about land management
practices that will help improve soil condition and contribute to maintaining a healthy
By 30 May 2012, $448 million had been approved for projects to improve soil and
biodiversity management practices on farm. On farm practice change is being monitored
using the biennial Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Agricultural Resource
Management Survey (ARMS), which surveys 33 000 of Australia's 135 000 agricultural
businesses (farmers). Results are reported at the national, state and natural resource
management region levels (ABS 2009). The numbers reported are estimated from a
sample of about one-quarter of all agricultural businesses, so the results are subject to
sampling error. This is most pronounced for questions with lower response rates. Data
were not publishable for some practices in some regions.
Agricultural industry profile
According to ABS estimates, in 2009-10 there were 14 095 agricultural businesses
(farmers) in South Australia, a decrease of 6 per cent since 2007-08. During this time
the area managed for agriculture decreased by about 3 per cent. In 2009-10 the average
age of farmers in South Australia was 54; on average they had managed their holdings
Trends in on farm biodiversity management in South Australia's agricultural industries
for 23 years and farmed in their local region for 29 years. An estimated 9 per cent
(1287) of agricultural businesses had a Landcare group member.
Figure 1. Major agricultural land use in South Australia, 2005-06.
Note: The areas of dairying and horticulture have been exaggerated for display.
Source: ABARE-BRS 2010a, ABARES-BRS 2010b (horticulture), ABS 2005-06 Agricultural census (mesh blocks
containing dairy farms).
Trends in on farm biodiversity management in South Australia's agricultural industries
Figure 2. Native vegetation extent for South Australia and estimated proportion
mapped as being under agricultural land use.
Source: BRS 2010, ABARE-BRS 2010b.
On farm biodiversity management practices
Caring for our Country has provided funding to encourage farmers to improve the
protection and management of native vegetation on farm, including wetlands and
vegetation along streams and rivers. This funding has complemented the activities of
state agencies, industry and community groups. Data from the ABS 2007-08 and 200910 ARMS help track trends in the adoption of biodiversity management practices.
The area of native vegetation on farms
In 2009-10 around 59 per cent of agricultural businesses in South Australia were
estimated to have native vegetation on their holdings (Figure 3). About 80 per cent of
businesses with native vegetation provided an estimate of its area, which was calculated
at about 29 million hectares. In 2007-08, an estimated 60 per cent of agricultural
businesses had native vegetation (Figure 4), with an estimated area of about 27.6 million
Trends in on farm biodiversity management in South Australia's agricultural industries
Figure 3. Estimated percentage of agricultural businesses with native
vegetation on holdings in South Australia, 2007-08 and 2009-10.
Figure 4 shows that the area of native vegetation on South Australian farms is larger
than ABS data suggest; around 20 per cent of businesses reporting native vegetation did
not provide an area estimate. Additionally, smaller rural properties (with an annual
estimated value of operation of less than $5000) are not surveyed by the ABS. The ABS
estimates were compared with the area of native vegetation shown in the native
vegetation extent 2004 dataset (BRS 2010) constrained to agricultural areas using
catchment scale land use data (ABARE-BRS 2010b). In South Australia the ARMS
estimate of the area of native vegetation on holdings accounted for about 66 per cent of
this area (Figure 4). Figure 4 also shows the extent of conservation/protected (including
Indigenous and minimal land uses) for comparative purposes.
Trends in on farm biodiversity management in South Australia's agricultural industries
Figure 4. Area of native vegetation estimated on agricultural holdings in South
Australia by the 2007-08 ARMS compared with the native vegetation extent
2004 dataset (agricultural areas only).
Note: Only 80 per cent of businesses with native vegetation provided an area estimate; native vegetation on
smaller holdings not surveyed by ABS could not be excluded from this analysis.
Protection of native vegetation on farms
Of the 59 per cent of agricultural businesses estimated in 2009-10 to have native
vegetation on their holdings, 55 per cent protected an estimated 3.3 million hectares of
native vegetation for conservation purposes (Figure 5, Table 1). Between 2007-08 and
2009-10 there was an estimated 12 per cent decrease in the number of agricultural
businesses protecting native vegetation on farm for conservation purposes (Figure 5).
However, the area estimated by ABS as protected increased by over 4.3 million hectares,
with the majority of this occurring in the Alinytjara Wilurara/South Australian Arid Lands
region (Table 1).
Trends in on farm biodiversity management in South Australia's agricultural industries
Figure 5. Estimated percentage of South Australian agricultural businesses
protecting native vegetation for conservation purposes, 2007-08 and 2009-10.
Table 1. Area of native vegetation protected by South Australian agricultural
businesses for conservation purposes, 2007-08 and 2009-10.
Area (hectares)-2007-08
Area (hectares)-2009-10
South Australia
3 337 528
7 593 097
Alinytjara Wilurara/South Australian Arid
2 629 214
6 901 945
283 661
260 050
Kangaroo Island
28 718
20 351
Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges
13 322
12 475
Northern and Yorke
151 601
241 930
SA Murray-Darling Basin
143 027
91 272
87 985
65 074
Eyre Peninsula
South East
Methods for protecting native vegetation on farm
About 64 per cent of the 4557 agricultural businesses protecting native vegetation for
conservation in 2009-10 were estimated to totally exclude livestock (from about 4.4
million hectares), about 39 per cent retained existing native vegetation (1.1 million
hectares), about 30 per cent managed weeds (346 000 hectares) and 32 per cent were
estimated to have controlled livestock access (3.2 million hectares). A further 25 per cent
managed pest animals (3.5 million hectares). About 16 per cent were estimated to have
planted or seeded native vegetation (area not publishable) (Figure 6). By 2009-10 there
Trends in on farm biodiversity management in South Australia's agricultural industries
had been an estimated reduction in the estimated number of agricultural businesses
reporting all methods for protecting vegetation (Figure 6).
In 2009-10 about 13 per cent (1054) of all South Australian agricultural businesses were
estimated as having conservation agreements (an agreement between a land owner and
an organisation such as an Australian Government or state agency to help the landowner
protect vegetation) on their holdings, a slight decrease from 14 per cent in 2007-08
(Figure 7). About 95 per cent of these provided an estimate of the area (about 1.1
million hectares) under conservation agreements on their holdings, an increase of over
77 000 hectares since 2007-08 (Table 2). It was estimated that for 2009-10, of the
businesses holding conservation agreements, 58 per cent were held in perpetuity (Figure
7). It is likely that a number of smaller rural properties not surveyed by the ABS also had
conservation agreements.
Figure 6. Methods used for protecting native vegetation for conservation
purposes by agricultural businesses in South Australia, 2007-08 and 2009-10.
Note: Shown as a percentage of the estimated number of agricultural businesses protecting native vegetation.
Data were not publishable for the number of businesses planting or seeding native vegetation and the number
of businesses retaining existing native vegetation on Kangaroo Island and in the Alinytjara Wilurara/South
Australian Arid Lands region.
Trends in on farm biodiversity management in South Australia's agricultural industries
Figure 7. Estimated percentages of South Australian agricultural businesses
with conservation agreements for protecting of native vegetation and
percentages for those held in perpetuity, 2007-08 and 2009-10.
Note: No data were publishable for the numbers of businesses with conservation agreements in perpetuity on
Kangaroo Island and in the Alinytjara Wilurara/South Australian Arid Lands region.
Table 2. Estimated area of conservation agreements held by South Australian
agricultural businesses for protecting native vegetation, 2007-08 and 2009-10.
Area (hectares)-2007-08
Area (hectares)-2009-10
South Australia
981 398
1 058 609
Alinytjara Wilurara/ South Australian Arid Lands
632 254
678 815
Eyre Peninsula
154 585
231 815
Kangaroo Island
6 720
6 333
Adelaide and Mount Lofty Ranges
4 670
11 002
Northern and Yorke
28 596
22 156
SA Murray-Darling Basin
95 547
34 504
South East
59 026
73 984
Protection of wetlands
In 2009-10 about 12 per cent of South Australia's agricultural businesses were estimated
as having wetlands on their holdings, a small decrease in the numbers reported for 200708 (Figure 8). Of the 12 per cent reporting wetlands, 65 per cent protected their
wetlands for conservation purposes, an increase from an estimated 44 per cent in 200708 (Figure 9).
Trends in on farm biodiversity management in South Australia's agricultural industries
In 2009-10 an estimated 34 per cent of agricultural businesses protecting wetlands on
holdings retained existing native vegetation (about 300 000 hectares) and 54 per cent
controlled livestock access (925 hectares).
An estimated 40 per cent of agricultural businesses managed weeds (about 94 000
hectares) in wetlands, 46 per cent excluded livestock (about 104 000 hectares), 22 per
cent managed pests or feral animals (about 294 000 hectares), 13 per cent maintained
water in wetlands (about 5300 hectares) and about 14 per cent planted or seeded native
vegetation (about 1400 hectares). Figure 10 shows that these estimated percentages
were lower than those for 2007-08 for all methods except for controlling livestock access,
which increased from 42 per cent in 2007-08.
Figure 8. Estimated percentages of South Australian agricultural businesses
with wetlands on holdings, 2007–08 and 2009–10.
Trends in on farm biodiversity management in South Australia's agricultural industries
Figure 9. Estimated percentages of South Australian agricultural businesses
protecting wetlands on holdings for conservation purposes, 2007-08 and 200910.
Figure 10. Methods used for protecting wetlands for conservation purposes in
South Australia, 2007-08 and 2009-10.
Note: Shows methods used as a percentage of the estimated number of agricultural businesses protecting
wetlands. Data were not publishable for the number of businesses planting or seeding native vegetation in the
Kangaroo Island (2009-10), Northern and Yorke (2007-08 and 2009-10) and South East (2007-08) regions;
Trends in on farm biodiversity management in South Australia's agricultural industries
controlling livestock access in the Eyre Peninsula and Northern and Yorke regions in 2007-08; managing weeds
in the Northern and Yorke and Alinytjara Wilurara/South Australian Arid Lands regions in 2009-10; managing
pests or feral animals in the Eyre Peninsula, Kangaroo Island (2009-10) and Northern and Yorke (2007-08)
regions; retaining existing native vegetation in the Kangaroo Island (2009-10), Northern and Yorke (2007-08)
and Alinytjara Wilurara/South Australian Arid Lands (2007-08 and 2009-10) regions; maintaining water in
wetlands in the Eyre Peninsula (2009-10), Kangaroo Island (2007-08 and 2009-10), Northern and Yorke (200708) and Alinytjara Wilurara/ South Australian Arid Lands (2007-08) regions; and totally excluding livestock in
the Kangaroo Island, Northern and Yorke and Alinytjara Wilurara/South Australian Arid Lands regions in 200708.
Protection of vegetation along rivers and creeks
In 2009-10, 28 per cent of agricultural businesses in South Australia were estimated as
having rivers or creeks on their holdings (Figure 11). Of this 28 per cent, 48 per cent
were protecting creek or riverbank areas, an increase from 39 per cent in 2007-08
(Figure 12).
Figure 11. Estimated percentages of South Australian agricultural businesses
with rivers and creeks on holdings, 2007-08 and 2009-10.
Trends in on farm biodiversity management in South Australia's agricultural industries
Figure 12. Estimated percentages of South Australian agricultural businesses
protecting rivers and creeks on holdings for conservation purposes, 2007-08
and 2009-10.
Methods for protecting vegetation along rivers and
In 2009-10 an estimated 48 per cent of the agricultural businesses protecting creek and
riverbank areas on their holdings undertook weed management (area not publishable),
45 per cent retained existing native vegetation (about 15 000 hectares), 42 per cent
controlled livestock access (about 617 000 hectares), 51 per cent excluded livestock (to
about 39 000 hectares) and an estimated 22 per cent managed pests or feral animals
(about 81 000 hectares). An estimated 17 per cent planted or seeded native vegetation
(about 1400 hectares). Figure 13 shows that these estimated percentages were lower
than those for 2007-08 across all methods.
Figure 13. Methods used for protecting river or creek banks for conservation
purposes on holdings across South Australia, 2007-08 and 2009-10.
Note: Shows methods used as a percentage of agricultural businesses who report protecting river and creek
banks. Data were not publishable for the number of businesses totally excluding livestock in the Alinytjara
Wilurara/South Australian Arid Lands and South East regions (2009-10); planting or seeding native vegetation
in the Kangaroo Island (2009-10), Alinytjara Wilurara/South Australian Arid Lands (2007-08), South Australian
Murray-Darling Basin (2007-08) and South East (2007-08 and 2009-10) regions; and managing pests or feral
animals in the Alinytjara Wilurara/ South Australian Arid Lands and South East regions (2007-08).
Land managed for agriculture includes a significant component of South Australia's
biodiversity assets. Estimates from the ABS ARMS data indicate that more than half of
the agricultural businesses reporting native vegetation or wetlands, rivers and creeks on
Trends in on farm biodiversity management in South Australia's agricultural industries
farm were protecting these resources for conservation purposes. Over the period 200708 to 2009-10, the estimated number of businesses protecting rivers and creeks and
wetlands increased (by 8 per cent and 20 per cent respectively) and decreased (by 3 per
cent) for protecting native vegetation.
These estimated increases were not always reflected in increased percentages of
businesses reporting methods used for protection. The 2009-10 ARMS asked respondents
to nominate the hectares of native vegetation, wetlands, rivers and creeks protected
through excluding or controlling livestock access, managing weeds or pests, retaining
existing vegetation or planting/seeding new native vegetation. The difficulties associated
with providing area estimates for these activities may have reduced the number of
responses to the questions.
ABARE-BRS 2010a, Land use of Australia 2005-06, version 4, Australian Bureau of
Agricultural Resource and Economics-Bureau of Rural Sciences, Canberra.
ABARE-BRS 2010b, Catchment scale land use mapping for Australia: update March 2010
dataset, Australian Bureau of Agricultural Resource and Economics-Bureau of Rural
Sciences, Canberra, available at
ABS 2011, Value of agricultural commodities produced 2009-10, Australian Bureau of
Statistics, Canberra.
ABS 2009, Land management and farming in Australia, 2007-08, cat. no. 4627.0,
Australian Bureau of Statistics, Canberra, available at
BRS 2010, Native vegetation extent 2004 dataset, Bureau of Rural Sciences, Canberra,
available at
© Commonwealth of Australia 2013
This document is provided under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia
(http://creativecommons.Org/licenses/by/3.0/au/) licence. Unless otherwise stated, all
images in the publication are copyrighted by their original owners. Thanks to Jodie
Mewett and Justyna Paplinska, Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics
and Sciences, for data analysis. This publication (and any material sourced from it)
should be attributed as Barson, M 2013, Trends in on farm biodiversity management in
South Australia's agricultural industries, Caring for our Country Sustainable Practices fact
sheet 30, Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, Canberra.
Trends in on farm biodiversity management in South Australia's agricultural industries