Women`s Center Club

Women’s Center Club
Rm. 220 Lawrence Center
Constitution and By-Laws
Updated September 2010
Article I. Name
1. The name of the organization shall be the Women’s Center Club of West
Chester University, and will herein be referred to as the Women’s Center Club
2. The Women’s Center Club operates from the Women’s Center, located in
Room 220 Lawrence Center, 610-436-2122.
Article II. Purpose
1. The Women’s Center Club is a student organization that serves the student
population as a support, discussion, action, and education organization. Our
purpose is to inform the student population about women’s issues and related
Article III. Membership
1. The club is open to students, faculty, and staff who are interested in women’s
issues and who attend a meeting, or an event sponsored by the club.
2. WCC will not discriminate for membership on the basis of race, religion,
color, creed, national origin, age, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation,
or disability.
3. Active Membership
a. Any individual meeting all of the following qualifications will be an
Active member.
i. Attend three consecutive meetings to be considered an active
ii. Once an active member, you may retain your membership by
attending two meetings per month.
Article IV. Meetings
1. General meetings will be held weekly on Mondays at 7:30pm in the Women’s
Artice V. Structure
1. The Women’s Center Club consists of two parts. They are; The Executive
Board, and the General Assembly.
2. The executive Board shall be made up of six members who shall be
nominated by the members of WCC and approved by a majority secret ballot
vote of the WCC at a regularly scheduled election. These offices include:
a. President
b. Vice President
c. Treasurer
d. Secretary/ Membership Coordinator
e. Public Relations
f. Philanthropy/ HERstorian
3. A non-club appointed SGA representative will also sit on our executive board.
4. If a position shall become open during the semester, an election may be held
and voted upon by the general assembly in a regularly scheduled meeting.
5. The term of office is one year.
g. The term begins and ends with the induction of the new officers.
h. The term limit in each position is two years.
i. If a position is uncontested after the election application
process, the current officers may run again regardless of term
6. The general assembly is made up of all the active members of WCC of West
Chester University.
Article VI. Officers and Duties
1. Offices held through election every spring semester:
a. President
b. Vice President
c. Treasurer
d. Secretary/ Membership Coordinator
e. Public Relations
f. Philanthropy/ HERstorian
2. Qualifications for Office
a. Attend at least 75% of all meetings and programs to be considered for
b. Officers will be active members at the time of the election and the
entire term the officer serves.
c. Officers will have a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.5 at the time of
the election and maintain a minimum of 2.5 during the term of office.
Students with no GPA record at West Chester University must have a
cumulative GPA of 2.5 from the school previously attended. Special
circumstances may be taken into consideration by the Advisor.
d. Officers must maintain a minimum of nine academic credits during
their term of office.
e. It will be considered an automatic resignation if a GPA of 2.5 is not
maintained during the term of office.
f. First Semester students will not be eligible to serve in the capacity of
President of WCC
3. Duties expected from officers:
a. Each officer will be required to complete a minimum of one hour
weekly fulfilling position duties not including the weekly executive
board meeting.
b. Each office will be responsible for coordinating a minimum of one
project or program during each semester.
c. President
i. Preside over all meetings unless excused by the Executive
Secretary and/or Vice President
ii. Preside over all Executive Board meetings.
iii. Organize activities, meetings, and programs
iv. Collect information, gather resources, and delegate
d. Vice President
i. Stand in for any chair if not available
ii. In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall
perform the duties and assume the obligations of the President.
iii. When a permanent vacancy in the position of President occurs,
the Vice President shall serve as President until an election is
iv. Hold the position of Head Project Coordinator and delegate
any projects or programs to other executive board members.
e. Treasurer
i. Keep an accurate record of all WCC funds.
ii. Help organize fundraisers
iii. Provide updated financial reports to the WCC
iv. May reallocate funds in the budget with the approval of the
general assembly by simple majority.
v. Controls all accounts with Philanthropy and General Funds.
vi. Responsible for holdings meetings with the Advisor over
vii. Preside over the General Assembly in the absence of both the
President and Vice President.
f. Secretary/ Membership Coordinator
i. Maintain accurate minutes and an attendance record of all
WCC and Executive Board meetings and notify members if
they are in jeopardy of losing their Active membership.
ii. Prepare with the President the agenda for each General
iii. Compile and publish a semester list of currently active
members with contact information.
iv. Preside over the General meetings in the absence of the
President, Vice President, and Treasurer.
g. Public Relations
i. Get publicity for the WCC
ii. Create, obtain, and distribute any and all flyers pertaining to
the WCC.
iii. Maintain communication with the Project Coordinator.
iv. Organize efforts to promote the WCC.
h. Philanthropy Coordinator/ HERstorian
i. Organize efforts to raise money for charity.
ii. Find opportunities for WCC members to volunteer.
iii. Archive the events and happenings of the WCC.
i. SGA Representative
i. Serve as a liason between student government and the WCC.
4. Elections
a. General Elections shall occur in March and the active members
notified in advance as to when and where the elections are to take
place. All students who are active members are eligible to vote in
general elections.
b. Newly elected officers will officially take office after being
transitioned by previous office holders at the end of the previous
officer’s term. Transitioning shall consist of providing pertinent
materials for the office, as well as any helpful instructions the previous
officer sees fit to provide.
c. Election Rules
i. Active members are eligible to run for office as long as they
are enrolled in at least nine (9) credits and who have a GPA of
at least 2.5 with special circumstances considered by the
ii. A prospective candidate must complete the election application
process by date set by the Secretary with special circumstances
considered by the advisor.
iii. If a seat remains open after the election application deadline, it
will remain open at the time of the general election.
iv. Under no circumstances will there be a write-in general
v. The General Election Process must be completed with no less
than 10 class days remaining in the semester for an adequate
transition period.
vi. The application deadline should occur at least one month
before the election date.
vii. The members must be notified of the elections, at least two
times prior to the election date.
viii. A vacancy in the Presidency will be filled automatically by the
Vice President.
ix. Any other vacancies that occur within elected positions are
filled by elections during the WCC general meeting.
1. The floor must be open to nominations for two (2)
consecutive meetings with voting taking place during
the third meeting.
2. Active members are eligible to run for any position;
with the exception of the president (that seat will be
filled as described above.)
3. All active members are eligible to vote during these
x. In the event a new elected executive board member declines
her position, a new election will be held in a General Meeting.
Article VII. Advisor
1. The advisor should currently be a university employee or faculty
2. The advisor should be available to hold meetings with the President and
Vice President each week to discuss any issues that need to be addressed.
3. The advisor should be available to give consultation on all contracts and
related WCC programs or organizational affairs.
Article VIII. Fiscal Affairs
1. The WCC fiscal year will coincide with the Student Services, Incorporated
fiscal year. The Treasurer, assister by the Executive Board will prepare a
finalized budget and present it to Student Services, Incorporated.
2. All community service donations come from fundraising money.
a. Donation money may be allocated in one amount to a single recipient
or broken down and allocated to multiple recipients.
Article IX. Technology
1. The website should be kept up by a designated executive board member, which
is decided upon at the beginning of each school year.
2. The club email can be accessed by the President and the Secretary.
Article X. Amendments to the Bylaws
1. A simple majority provided the amendment has been submitted in writing at
the previous weekly meeting may amend these bylaws at any regular meeting of the