Community Ecology Biodiversity Outline: 1. How many species are there on Earth? 2. Definition of biodiversity (richness + evenness) I. Diversity indices are easy but flawed measures of biodiversity II. Species identity important 3. Scales of diversity 4. Four well-studied patterns of diversity: intermediate disturbance hypothesis, latitudinal gradients, species-area relationship, diversity-productivity relationship Terms/people: biodiversity (diversity) richness evenness rarefaction abundance J. Connell intermediate disturbance hypothesis latitudinal gradient species-area relationship species accumulation curve diversity-productivity relationship alpha, beta, gamma, delta, epsilon diversity (Whittaker) diversity indices (Shannon-Wiener, Simpson, inverse Simpson, Shannon evenness, Simpson evenness) Question for the class to answer (have your answer ready before coming to class, and be prepared to be called upon): approximately how many species are there on earth? Why don’t we know exactly how many species there are? Dr. McIntyre’s $0.02: 1) Most studies have focused on “charismatic megafauna,” game, commercially valuable, or pest species rather than the bulk of living organisms. 2) Most studies have taken place in small study areas. 3) Most studies have taken place over short time periods (only ~2% of studies last longer than 5 years). 4) Most survey methods were designed to document common species and miss rare species because emphasis has been placed on mapping and describing communities based on dominant species, not rare ones. 5) There is little scientific reward for observational studies and surveys (compared to studies using experiments/scientific method). Consequently, surveys are not funded much (pool of money goes to experiments). 6) Lack of funding means that there is reduced emphasis on training taxonomists. 7) Lack of funding also means that museum specimen collections are not computerized (not enough funds to hire programmers). Therefore, few specimen collections are able to be cross-checked with other collections/surveys. Basically, biodiversity inventories are lower priority than are projects with “deliverables” that directly benefit humans (e.g. medical research, ag research, pest control, etc.). So what can we do about this? 1) Make the best of existing information. Let’s get collections computerized, standardized, and cross-checked. 2) Fund surveys! Find ways to make surveys appealing to funding agencies and taxpayers. Emphasize small and rare species and the linkage from genetic to species to community diversity, not just species of economical concern. Debunk the myth that experiments are the only truly scientific and rigorous studies. 3) Train, reward, recruit, and maintain taxonomists. These are easier said than done. We are losing species at an unprecedented rate: Extinction - loss of biodiversity. There have been 5 major extinctions in history (due to climate change stemming from asteroid impact, and natural ice age/interglacial cycles), involving the loss of ~96-99% of all species that ever existed. However, we are now in the midst of "The Sixth Extinction," one that is due to anthropogenic causes: for birds and mammals, there have been ~200 extinctions in the past 400 years, which is 66x higher than the previous 2 million years. These losses are ones that are often preventable and thus the focus of so much attention, conservation effort, etc. Only ~12% of the Earth is set aside for conservation, compared to rates of deforestation (e.g. Brazilian Amazon: 1.4 km2/hr) or urbanization (e.g. PHX: acre/hr). "This is the folly that our descendants are least likely to forgive us." - E.O. Wilson, 1985 Biodiversity (a.k.a. diversity) diversity = richness + evenness "diversity" should be used only to refer to richness + evenness and not as a synonym for richness (Hurlbert 1971) Example: number of species community 1 10 community 2 10 So the two communities have the same diversity, right? Wrong! Look at the communities in more detail: species 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 community 1 100 individuals 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 community 2 4 individuals 3 1 1 2 4 2 2 3 1 Community 2 is much more even and therefore more diverse, relatively speaking. But is it fair to compare two communities if they have different numbers of individuals (since community 1 has 109 individuals whereas community 2 has only 23)? Rarefaction (from rarify = “to thin”) standardizes by sample size (number of individuals) to compare communities with different numbers of individuals (Sanders 1968 [who had wrong formula, corrected independently by Hurlbert 1971 and Simberloff 1972], James and Rathbun 1981): E(S)n = expected number of species in a sample of size n S ( N ni )! N! E ( S ) n {1 } (n!)([ N ni ] n)! n!( N n)! i 1 where N = number of individuals in larger sample, n = number of individuals in subsample, ni = number of individuals of species i; the ! (factorial) notation indicates a product of all previous terms in a series (e.g. 5! = 5x4x3x2x1 = 120) Example of rarefaction: two communities (A and B), with more species being found in community B but also more individuals, so it really may not be a fair comparison without rarefaction: number of individuals in: community A community B species 1 5 10 species 2 5 20 species 3 6 10 species 4 0 20 species 5 0 2 total N 16 62 So you found 3 species in community A but 5 species in community B. But how many species would you expect in community B if only 16 individuals were sampled there? N = 62, n = 16, ni = {10,20,10,20,2}, E(S)n = 0.962+0.999+0.962+0.999+0.453=4.376 (interpretation: you’d expect to find between 4-5 species in community B if you only sampled 16 individuals, so community B is still slightly more speciose than community A). Ask Dr. McIntyre if you have any questions about how this answer was obtained! Rarefaction best to use when NA/NB >10 or <0.1. Rarefaction is computationally demanding; one program that can be used is Ecosim ( Caveat: Rarefaction assumes that individuals are randomly distributed, meaning that richness is likely overestimated by rarefaction since most individuals in nature are typically clumped. Gotelli (2008) gives a good, plain-language explanation of rarefaction. For alternatives to rarefaction, see Ch. 13 in Southwood and Henderson (2000). Not just numbers of species and individuals that are important: species identity also critically important (e.g. native vs. exotic spp.). Diversity indices: THE benchmark for evaluating management efficacy, disturbance, and other factors. There are many: - Shannon-Wiener (a.k.a. Shannon, incorrectly as Shannon-Weaver; was independently derived by Shannon and by Wiener) Index, H’ = - (pi)(ln(pi)), where pi = proportion of individuals belonging to the ith of S species -One of the most commonly used indices, yet fraught with problems! (Highly sensitive to n, highly influenced by rarity, difficult to interpret.) Simpson's Index is preferred: - Simpson's Index (esp. useful for communities where all individuals are counted, which is rare), lambda = (pi2) because this index, as written, is counterintuitive in that it ranges from 0 (high diversity) to 1 (low), the inverse Simpson's Index is often used: D = 1/lambda Evenness also has indices: - Shannon evenness = H'/ln(S), ranges from 0 (not even) to 1 (completely even) - Simpson evenness = D/S, ranges from 0 (not even) to 1 (completely even) - Berger-Parker (dominance index), d = Nmax/N where Nmax = number of individuals of the most abundance species, N = total number of individuals over all species There are many other diversity and evenness indices: see Magurran (1988, 2004) for a thorough exposition of diversity indices. Because different diversity indices weight species’ abundances differently (i.e., treat rare species differently), the conclusion of whether one community is more diversity than another can depend on the diversity measure used. Example of calculating diversity indices: Suppose you survey a community and find 5 species, called A-E. Below is the abundance (number of individuals) belonging to each species. A = 100 B = 50 C = 98 D=7 E=2 Sum = 257 individuals Using these data, calculate the Shannon, Simpson’s, and Shannon and Simpson evenness indices of diversity for this community. Answer: Shannon-Wiener Index = 1.191 inverse Simpson's Index (D) = 2.981 Shannon evenness = 0.74 Simpson evenness = 0.59 Ask Dr. McIntyre if you have any questions about how these numbers were obtained! There are MANY online pages that can be used to calculate various diversity indices, such as: Diversity is invoked to quantify and to compare communities. But diversity is a function of area sampled (topic of the next lecture), sampling effort, and species-specific traits such as crypsis. So how do you know if you've adequately sampled a community's diversity? Since there is a tradeoff between sampling effort (e.g. cost and time to sample) and diversity, and since communities are constantly in flux (remember the lectures on equilibrium and on succession?), you need to know when to stop ("stopping rule" of Magurran 2004). One easy way is to produce a species accumulation curve (S vs. # of samples taken, or # of new species per sample vs. # of individuals) and determine its asymptote. (There are also more recent and more rigorous ways to determine whether you've adequately sampled a community, using nonparametric estimators of richness as developed independently by Anne Chao and Robert Colwell; see Magurran 2004.) Note how a species accumulation curve is similar to a rarefaction curve, but the SAC is based on empirical data whereas rarefaction curves are based on smoothed models. Scales of diversity (Whittaker 1960, 1972, 1977) to distinguish between diversity of species and diversity of habitats; alpha and beta most commonly used: alpha = within sample/habitat diversity indices beta = between habitats similarity indices (Jaccard's or Sørensen’s [for presence-absence data], Morisita's [for abundance data]) gamma = within landscapes delta = between landscapes epsilon = within biomes (biogeographic provinces) and others (e.g. Ricklefs 1987 - local vs. regional scales of diversity) 4 well-studied patterns of diversity: 1) intermediate disturbance hypothesis (Connell 1961, 1978; but see Mackey and Currie 2001) 2) latitudinal gradient in diversity: more species in tropics than at poles (see Figs. 2.1, 2.2 in Mittelbach text) “The verdant carpet which a luxuriant Flora spreads over the surface of the earth is not woven equally in all parts…[O]rganic development and abundance of vitality gradually increase from the poles towards the equator.” (Alexander von Humboldt 1850) Some proposed explanations for latitudinal gradient are given below (Pianka 1988, Rosenzweig 1995, Körner 2000), falling roughly into 4 categories: 1) null models (e.g. greater area in the tropics - “mid-domain effect” in Fig. 2.4) 2) resource limitations (i.e., an area’s carrying capacity) with respect to climate/productivity (“species-energy hypothesis”) (MacArthur and MacArthur 1961, Brown et al. 2004) 3) geologic history (tropics are older, glaciation refugia idea of Haffer 1969) 4) evolutionary time, speciation higher because of energy/metabolism, extinction lower because of climate stability Some researchers (e.g. Mannion et al. 2014) take a different approach to the lat. grad. and instead view the tropics as either “cradles” of biodiversity or “museums” of biodiversity (cradles generate new species with speciation rates that are higher in the tropics and extinction rates that do not vary by latitude, museums preserve species with speciation rates that are constant with latitude but with lower extinction rates in the tropics). It is also possible that the tropics support both higher speciation and lower extinction rates (combination of cradle and museum). 3) species-area relationship (topic of a future lecture) 4) diversity-productivity relationships (see pp. 29- 31 in Mittelbach text) Next lecture: why does biodiversity matter? (In other words, so what if biodiversity is declining?) References: Benton, M.J. 1987. The history of the biosphere: equilibrium and nonequilibrium models of global diversity. Trends Ecol. Evol. 2:153-156. Brown, J.H., J.F. Gillooly, A.P. Allen, V.M. Savage, and G.B. West. 2004. Toward a metabolic theory of ecology. Ecology 85:1771-1789. [Ecology vol. 85, no. 7 devotes several papers to the metabolic theory of ecology, which Brown proposes as a new paradigm.] Connell, J.H. 1961. The influence of interspecific competition and other factors on the distribution of the barnacle Chthamalus stellatus. Ecology 42:710-723. Connell, J.H. 1978. 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