1 ANNUAL REPORT - ANIMAL HEALTH LABORATORY (AHL) - YEAR 2013 1. Introduction The activities of the Animal Health Laboratory (AHL) have continued with ongoing scheduled tasks and duties. The diagnostic facilities have been made available to the breeding community, the public, the Police Department and Ministry of Health & Quality of Life. Ongoing surveillance programmes on poultry, bovine, ovine and caprine, porcine and cat diseases have continued. New diagnostic Elisa kits have been purchased. Elisa kits for the detection of antibodies to African Horse Sickness virus, to West Nile virus, to Peste de Petits Ruminants, to Contagious Bovine Pleuro-pneumonia, to Bovine Mycobacterium, to Mycobacterium Para-tuberculosis and to multi-species A Influenza Virus are those that have been newly introduced. Meat differentiation using the agar gel immuno-diffusion test for raw meat and elisa test for cooked meat have been in the forefront. Proficiency testing has continued and the AHL has participated into three international tests (Infectious Laryngotracheitis, Avian Influenza and Salmonella antibodies) in chicken serum to demonstrate the diagnostic capabilities of the AHL. The AHL has also performed Elisa tests to detect antibodies to Influenza type A Virus in pork serum. Monkey trapping have continued but new tasks have been introduced - (a) sterilization and (b) microchipping of trapped monkeys before release in the wild. Some issues at the AHL have not been resolved, perhaps due to lack of funds, although requests have been made and reminders sent. It is not all gloom and doom but a real effort is needed to find a solution to the following:(a) Purchase of carbon dioxide gas cylinder (40 kgs). (b) Purchase of a fan. (c) Leakage of gas in Microbiology Section. (d) Connection of equipment and apparatus to a powerful generator to prevent breakdown and protect diagnostic kits and biological during electrical failure. (e) Purchase of curtains and blinds. 2 (f) Maintenance, repair or purchase of air conditioners. (g) Lighting problems in Tissue Culture Section, Vaccine Production Unit, corridor, PCR Unit, Waiting Room and outside the AHL. (h) Refill or purchase of fire extinguisher. (i) Renovation of toilet. (j) Repair/change of flooring in Post Mortem, Parasitology, Haematology Section. (k) Purchase of additional Laboratory chairs and 1 executive chair. (l) Construction of 10 additional monkey traps and 1 big trap. It is encouraging to note that the AHL has performed with limited funds attributed at the beginning of the year but more funds would be necessary to improve the work set up and to purchase up to date apparatus and diagnostic kit. The activities and duties performed are described below. 2. Field 2.1 Monkey 2.1.1 Monkey Trapping (Table 78) 2.1.2 Residential Area, Private Plantation, Public and Private Schools, Public Garden, Private Clinic 140 interventions were made (Veterinary Services: 95; Noveprim Ltd: 45). 42 monkeys were caught (Veterinary Services: 32; Noveprim Ltd: 10). 2.1.3 Sterilisation of monkeys 2.1.4 Vasectomy, ovariectomy and microchipping Vasectomy was performed on one male monkey and ovariectomy on one female monkey. Both monkeys were microchipped. 3 2.1.5 Tuberculin Test One male and one female monkey were tested for Mycobacterium tuberculosis with negative results at 24, 48 and 72 hours. 2.1.6 Release of trapped monkey Two monkeys (one male and one female) were released in the wild after vasectomy, ovariectomy, microchipping and tuberculin tests. 2.1.7 Monkey Breeding Farm and Export Quarantines Bioculture Ltd. Biodia Ltd. Biofarm Ltd. Cynologics Ltd. Les Campêches Ltd. 35 visits were effected to check the health and welfare status and tattoo numbers/microchip numbers of monkey on the day of export to France, Great Britain and USA. 2 visits to supervise TB testings. 1 visit to read TB tests. 1 visit to check the management of quarantine before transfer of monkeys. 8 visits were effected to investigate into suspected cases of tuberculosis, to perform post mortem and to collect samples. 8 visits to supervise TB testing and to read TB tests. 1 visit to check health and welfare status of monkeys. 1 visit was performed to participate in the readings of TB tests. 2 visits were effected to check the health and welfare status. 1 visit was performed to check the health status after TB testings. 2 visits to check the health and welfare status and tattoo numbers on the day of export to France. 2 visits to supervise TB testing and reading of the tests. 1 visit to check the health and welfare status of selected monkeys for export. 2 visits to check the health and welfare status and tattoo numbers on the day of export to France. 4 visits to supervise TB testings and to read TB results. 1 visit to verify the improvements made in the breeding, growing and quarantine sites. 1 visit to check the health and welfare of monkeys in the breeding, growing and quarantine sites. 4 Biosphere Ltd. Le Tamarinier Ltd. Noveprim Ltd. 1 visit was performed to check the site for the construction of new feral and new breeding compound. 1 visit was performed to check the health and welfare status. 4 visits to check health and welfare status on the day of export to France. 2 visits to supervise TB testing and reading of the tests. 17 visits to check the health and welfare status on day of export to Germany, United Kingdom, United States of America, Spain. 2.1.8 Welfare of Trapped Monkey One inspection was carried out in Goodlands to investigate into the welfare of trapped monkey. 2.1.9 Number of Inspections A total of 99 inspections were effected. 2.2 Horses 2.2.1 Permanent, Transit Quarantines and Private Stables A total of 120 visits and inspections were carried out (24 at Palma; 39 at Poste Lafayette transit quarantine; 29 at Trou-aux-Biches transit quarantine; 7 at Floreal; 3 at Champ de Mars; 2 at Pointe-aux-Sables; 1 at La Brasserie; 1 at Domaine Les Pailles; 10 at Curepipe, 3 at Mon Choisy and 1 at La Louisa), to accompany horses from Airport, to check the health status and microchip numbers, to collect blood samples, to verify compliance with first 19 days and last 40 days vector protected isolation, to place electrical fly trap to investigate into the presence of Culicoides midges, to disinfect lorries/floats before loading of horses, to check loading of horses and to release horses and to perform post mortem. 2.2.2 Blood Samples A total of 630 blood samples were collected for diagnostic purpose and surveillance: 101 at Palma; 152 at Poste Lafayette (148 from transit horses and 4 from race horses); 248 at Trou-aux-Biches (240 from transit horses and 8 from race horses); 76 at Floreal; 15 at Champ de Mars; 4 at Pointe-aux-Sables; 1 at La Brasserie; 2 at Domaine Les Pailles; 24 at Curepipe; 6 at Mon Choisy ad 1 at La Louisa. 5 2.3 Clearance at Airport and Seaport 2.3.1 Airport 106 inspections were carried out at the Airport to:(a) Check health status and effect clearances of the following: 268 horses and 2 ponies from South Africa. 52 dogs from Singapore, Madagascar, South Africa, Réunion Island, Denmark, France, Australia, Philippines, United Kingdom, Spain, Ireland, New Zealand. 20 cats from South Africa, Thailand, France, Réunion Island, Singapore, Germany and Spain. 85,051 day old chicks from France and the Netherlands. 500 day old turkeys from France. 490 day old ducklings from the United Kingdom. 52 pet birds from South Africa and Switzerland. 197 guinea fowls from France. 262 goats from South Africa. 1 rabbit from France. (b) To investigate into the illegal entry of 2 dogs (1 from Italy and 1 from Denmark) and afterwards accompany them to the Airport and to supervise repatriation of dogs to their respective countries. (c) To supervise unloading of horses from lorries/floats, check health status and loading into export stalls / or loading into the aircraft. 2.3.2 Seaport Similarly, 22 inspections were carried out at the Seaport to check the health status and to effect clearance of the following animals:o 7,045 cattle from Kenya, South Africa and Australia. o 1,969 goats from South Africa. o 827 cattle, 2 pigs, 750 sheep, 1,757 goats, 103 chicken baskets, 2 guinea pigs and 2 dogs from Rodrigues. 2.3.3 Number of Inspections A total of 128 inspections were effected at Airport and Seaport. 6 3. Bovine 3.1 Food Security Fund Project 28 inspections were carried out in the following farms: Richefield, MABI, Sharda (ISKCON), Ferme de Verdun and Green Mix Farming to check health and welfare status, management system and reproduction. 3.2 Hides (Table 70) 11 inspections were carried out to check the condition of conservation of hides prior exportation to Hong Kong and Thailand. 3.3 Disease Surveillance 3.3.1 Bovine Mycobacterium, Contagious Bovine Pleuro-pneumonia, Mycobacterium Paratuberculosis, Food and Mouth Disease, Rift Valley Fever 278 blood samples were collected from the Central Abattoir, out of which 270 sera were subjected to Elisa tests to detect antibodies to Bovine Mycobacterium, Contagious Bovine Pleuro-pneumonia and Mycobacterium Paratuberculosis, 184 sera were tested for presence of antibodies to Foot and Mouth Disease virus and 90 sera for antibodies to Rift Valley Fever virus. 3.3.2 Brucella abortus 348 blood samples were collected as follows:Central Abattoir Curepipe LBS Friesian Dairy Farm Grand Gaube 278 36 17 17 348 344 serum samples were subjected to the Rose Bengal test to detect antibodies to Brucella abortus (Central Abattoir - 274 samples; Curepipe LBS - 36 samples; Friesian Dairy Farm - 17 and Grand Gaube Farm - 17). All samples were negative. 3.3.3 Bovine Tuberculosis TB testing were performed on 17 lactating cows in Friesian Dairy Farm at La Brasserie. Tests read at 48 and 72 hrs were negative. 7 3.3.4 Export to Rodrigues One visit was performed at La Marie to check health and welfare status of 8 calves, to collect stool samples for parasitological analysis prior to export. 3.4 Disease Investigation 3.4.1 Suspected cases of Tuberculosis 3 cows were tested with Bovine Tuberculosis in a farm at Vale. The tests were read at 48 and 72 hrs with negative results. 3.4.2 Suspected case of Anaplasmosis Whole blood samples were collected from 17 animals in a farm at Grand Gaube to test for the presence of Anaplasma Marginale and Anaplasma Centrale. The samples were positive for Anaplasma Marginale. After 19 days, whole blood samples were collected from the same animals (15) for the same test. The 15 samples were negative. 4. Ovine and Caprine 4.1 Disease Investigation 4.1.1 Contagious Caprine Pleuro-pneumonia (CCPP) 4.2 2 visits were effected at Pointe-aux-Canonniers and Sottise to check the health status and to collect blood samples and 1 visit at Piton du Milieu to perform post-mortem and to collect blood samples. 9 blood samples were collected from Pointe-aux-Canonniers, 10 blood samples from Sottise and 7 blood samples at Piton du Milieu (26 in total). 3 serum samples from Pointe-aux-Canonniers and 3 samples from Piton du Milieu were positive for antibodies to Mycoplasma Caprilorum, the causative agent of CCPP (Latex agglutination test). Disease Surveillance 379 blood samples were collected as follows: Central Abattoir: 353 (352 goats and 1 sheep). Pointe-aux-Canonniers: 19 goats. Sottise: 10 goats. Piton du Milieu: 7 goats. 8 The serum samples were subjected to the undermentioned test: Elisa to detect antibodies to Rift Valley Fever virus (92 samples). Elisa to detect antibodies to Foot and Mouth Disease virus (83 samples). Elisa to detect antibodies to Mycobacterium Paratuberculosis (171 samples). Elisa to detect antibodies to Peste des Petits Ruminants virus (351 samples). Latex agglutination test to detect antibodies to Mycoplasma Capillorum, the causative agent of CCPP (39). Rose Bengal test to detect specific antibodies to Brucella Melitensis (353 samples. In all tests, antibodies count did not show incriminating levels to suspect active infection of the animals. 5. Swine 5.1 Disease Surveillance 840 blood samples were collected as follows:Central Abattoir St. Martin Palmar Quarantine 820 8 12 The sera were subjected to the following tests: Elisa to detect antibodies to African Swine Fever Virus: 748 (Abattoir: 736, Palmar Quarantine: 12). Elisa to detect antibodies to Type A Swine Influenza: 92 (Abattoir: 92). Elisa to detect to Classical Swine Fever: 12 (Palmar Quarantine: 12). Rose Bengal to detect antibodies to Brucella suis: 840 (Abattoir: 820; St. Martin: 8 and Palmar Quarantine: 12). No incriminating antibodies titres were recorded to suspect active infections in all animals tested. 9 6. Birds 6.1 Pet/Decorative Birds 6.1.1 CITES and Import Permits A total of 10 visits were effected at Beau Bassin, Floreal, Goodlands, Port Louis, Pointe-aux-Sables, Côte d’Or to check housing condition and bio-security measures prior to the issue of CITES permits and import permits. 6.1.2 Disease Surveillance One visit was performed at Floreal to check the health status after import and to collect feed samples for rapid detection of Avian Influenza Virus. 9 samples were tested and found negative. One visit at Casela Bird Park to check health status and to collect fecal samples for the rapid detection of Avian Influenza Virus. 28 samples were collected and subjected to Common Avian Influenza Virus (AIV), H5 subtype virus and Newcastle Disease virus rapid detection. All samples were negative. 6.1.3 Disease Investigation One visit at Floreal to investigate into a suspected case of Psittacine Beak and Feather Disease. 6.2 Migratory Birds 6.2.1 Disease Surveillance 71 fecal samples were collected from migratory birds at the Terre Rouge Estuary and subjected to the following rapid test: Type A Influenza Virus (AIV): 71 tests. Type A Influenza Virus - H5 Subtype: 61 tests. Type A Influenza Virus - H7 Subtype: 41 tests. Newcastle Disease Virus: 12 tests. All samples were negative. 10 6.3 Quarantine Yemen Bird Quarantine One visit to evaluate the structural conditions and bio-security measures to accommodate birds after importation. 6.4 Platinum Exotic Quarantine One visit to check the health status of birds after importation. 6.5 Poultry 6.5.1 Disease Investigation One visit was performed at Mare d’Albert to investigate into abnormal mortality of chickens. Post-mortem examination revealed infestation with round worms. One visit at Mont Ida to investigate into mortalities of pigeons. Rapid tests of Avian Influenza Virus were negative. One visit at the Poultry Breeding Centre in Réduit to investigate into irritation of skin of turkeys. 6.5.2 Disease Surveillance 5 fecal samples were collected from commercial layers at Roselyn Cottage, 5 fecal samples from breeder layers and 8 fecal samples from breeder broilers at Malherbes and subjected to rapid detection of Avian Influenza Virus as follows: A Influenza Virus (AIV): 18 samples. A Influenza Virus H5 Subtype: 18 samples. All samples were negative. 6.5.3 Growth Promoter 30 liver samples were collected as follows:Poultry abattoir at La Brasserie Poultry abattoir at Mahebourg Poultry abattoir at Phoenix Poultry abattoir at Beau Climat 5 5 15 5 11 The samples, among others, were sent to Holland for detection of the presence of growth hormones and promoters. 7. Dog One visit was effected at Belle Rose to investigate into the aggressive behavior of one female dog. 8. Cat Blood samples were collected from 94 stray cats in MSPCA pound at Port Louis and 7 stray cats at DVS precinct. The sera was subject to Elisa tests to detect antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii. 9. Bat 9.1 Disease Investigation 9 blood samples were collected as follows: 4 in Bel Ombre Forest, 4 in Black River Forest and 1 at the Animal Health Laboratory. 7 serum samples were tested for antibodies to Corona Virus. 9.2 Export One visit was effected at Gerard Durell Endemic Wildlife Sanctuary in Tamarin to check health status and loading of fruit bats on the day of export to USA. 10. Tortoise 10.1 Import One visit at Camp Levieux to check the housing condition and bio-security measures prior to the issue of a CITES permit and an import permit. 10.2 Export (Table 69) 10 visits were carried out at La Vanille Crocodile Park to check the health status of Aldabra tortoises on the day of export to Germany (1); Japan (1); Spain (2); Thailand (2) and the United States of America (4). 10.3 Identification One visit was carried out at the Pamplemousses Botanical Garden to supervise the micro-chipping of 39 tortoises (19 adults and 20 juveniles). 12 11. Crocodile Skin (Table 69) One visit was effected at La Vanille Crocodile Park to check the conditions of salted skins on the day of export to Zimbabwe. 12. Casela Safari Park One visit was carried out to check the parks, enclosures and existing buildings prior to approval as a quarantine to accommodate wildlife indented to be imported. 13. Animal Health Laboratory - In House Report 13.1 Post Mortem The inputs from post mortem have been important for preliminary diagnosis of diseases. The total number of examination done is represented in Table I and amounted to 851 with the following breakdown:Poultry Ovidae Bovidae Capridae Deer Dog Birds (Other than poultry) Rabbit Tortoise Guinea Pig Mongoose Bat 729 2 1 32 7 30 39 3 3 1 1 1 The pathological diagnosis in the species are represented in Tables 2 - 10. 13.2 Parasitology 335 parasitological examinations were done on feces of poultry, bovidae, ovidae, capridae, suidae, rabbit, dog, deer and peacock. (Table 11) and the findings for various species are represented in Tables 12 - 16. Similarly, blood and skin scrapings were analysed for parasites. The tests performed are shown in Tables 17, 18, 19. Furthermore, the Diagnostic Section was involved in detecting antibodies to Anaplasma gondii in cat serum, in giving 13 advices on husbandry practice and export of live animals, in the euthanasia of monkeys, cats, bats, birds and dogs and in providing assistance to the Police Department in cases of poisoning, poaching, illegal slaughter and cruelty to animals. The activities are shown in Tables 17 to 23. 13.3 Bacteriology (Tables 25 - 56) The Bacteriology Section has continued to give support to the Parasitology and Post Mortem Sections in the isolation of pathogens and in disease diagnosis. It was involved in the preparation of cultures, in the staining of cultures, in isolation of microorganisms, in confirmatory tests, in antibiotic sensitivity testing, in the preparation of media and in analytical profile index of isolated microorganisms. 13.4 Virology & Serology (Tables 57 - 60) 13.4.1 Virology Vaccine Production Newcastle Disease V4 Strain A total of 1,420,000 doses of vaccines were produced and 1,234,000 doses offered for sale at Réduit and Sub Offices. Testing of vaccine 30 haemagglutination tests were performed to detect presence of virus in allantoic fluid. Fowl Pox Vaccine A total of 51,000 doses were produced and 47,950 doses offered for sale at Réduit and Sub Offices. Testing of vaccine Freshly prepared Fowl Pox vaccines on Chorio allantoic membrane of 9-10 days chicken embryos were tested on 20 live broilers for safety. 13.4.2 Serology The Serology Section has been involved in the following:- 14 14. (a) Handling and processing of sera from different species of animal. (b) Disease surveillance - Elisa tests to detect antibodies to OIE listed diseases of livestock and poultry. (c) Meat speciation: Elisa and agar gel immuno-diffusion tests (AGID) to detect species of meat that have been used in adulteration. Elisa was used for cooked meat products and AGID for raw meat products using specific anti-serum (Tables 24 and 57). (d) Proficiency testing scheme with GDV B - Animal Health Services Laboratory Ltd. in the Netherlands on the detection of antibodies to Avian Influenza virus, Infectious Laryngo-tracheitis virus in chicken serum. Certificates of participation were granted to the Animal Health Laboratory after statistical analysis of the results by the Organising Laboratory (Table 57). Export of Monkeys (Tables 60 - 66) The following Companies namely Bioculture Ltd, Cynologics Ltd, Les Campêches Ltd, Noveprim Ltd, Le Tamarinier Ltd. have exported monkeys to Canada, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, France, Spain, Germany. 15. Export of Blood and Blood Derivatives of Monkey Origin (Annexes to Tables 60-65) These Companies have also exported blood and blood derivatives to the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Singapore and Germany for diagnostic purposes. 16. Import of Horses 145 race horses and 212 transit horses were imported throughout 2013. Export of Transit Horses (Table 67) 154 transit horses were exported to EU. 17. Export of Horse Serum (Table 68) Horse sera were exported to OVI (South Africa) and CVRL (Dubai) for diagnostic purposes. 15 N.B: 18. OVI: Onderstepoort Veterinary Institute CVRL: Central Veterinary Research Laboratory. Export of Day Old Chicks and Hatching Eggs (Tables 71 - 75) The total number of day old chicks, hatching eggs and ducklings exported to Rodrigues, Madagascar, Uganda, Tanzania, Seychelles, Rwanda and Malawi amounted to 904,150, 265,020 and 1,640 respectively. Companies involved were Avipro Ltd, Innodis Ltd, Inicia Ltd. and Le Poulet Fermier Ltd. Hatching eggs were exported to Rodrigues, Tanzania, Madagascar and Seychelles. 19. Export of dog and cat 206 dogs and 75 cats accompanied by tourists, mauritian and foreign nationals were exported to Rodrigues, Mayotte, USA, Canada, Germany, Switzerland, South Africa, Djibouti, Australia, Italy, Belgium, France, India, Madagascar, Poland, Réunion, Kenya, Comores and United Arab Emirates. 20. Sterilisation of Trophies (Tables 76 - 77) 272 trophies were sterilized after imports and 250 prior to export. /ss 16 8.2 VETERINARY SECTION 8.2.1 IMPORT PERMIT SECTION Table 8.79 : Landing of Live Animals – 2013 Dogs Cats Horses Slaughter Cattle Slaughter Goat Goat for Breeding Day Old Chicks Day Old Ducklings Day Old Guinea Fowls Day Old Turkey Rabbit Tortoise Breeding Gilts Boars (Pigs) Live Birds 121 58 367 6148 1969 262 87353 733 550 510 2 14 50 6 176 Table 8.80 : Landing of Meat/Meat Products & Others – 2013 Tons Frozen Buffalo Meat Frozen Beef/Veal Frozen Mutton/Lamb/Sheep/Goat Meat Frozen Processed Pork Products Frozen Pork Meat For Processing Frozen Processed Poultry Products Frozen Minced Chicken for Processing Frozen Duck Products Frozen Turkey Frozen Rabbit Frozen Crocodile Meat Chilled Beef/Veal Chilled Lamb/Mutton/Goat Chilled Processed Poultry Products Chilled Processed Pork Products Chilled Duck Products Chilled Pigeon Chilled Rabbit Chilled Turkey Products Chilled Buffalo Canned Beef Products Canned Mutton Products 3124 1779 4474 20.5 838.5 3649 74 17 237.5 1.4 0.6 688 117.5 7.8 197.3 5.2 122 266 568 4.8 413.7 323.7 (contd.) 17 (Table 8.80 contd) Tons 212.6 475.8 62 287 746 84 27 1373 1019 181 2134 22782 Canned Pork Canned Chicken Canned Duck Products Canned Pet Food Dried Pet Food Honey Dried Pork Sausages Wool, Bristles & Animal Hairs Horse Feed Poultry Feed Cattle Feed Grand Total Kgs/Pcs/Bundles Chilled Deer 68.4 kgs Chilled Ostrich Canned Rabbit 3.6 kgs 148 kgs Canned Baby Food & Soup Biltong (Dried Beef Meat) Monkey Feed 285 kgs 41 kgs 750 kgs Preserved Duck Eggs 36000 pcs Hunting Trophies Pork Casing Sheep Casing 8.22 500 pcs 2763 bundles 4697 bundles VETERINARY FIELD & AMBULATORY UNIT Table 8.81 : No. of Artificial Insemination, Re-Insemination, Pregnancy Diagnosis, Sick Cases, Tagging & Spaying MONTH January February March April May June July August September October November December TOTAL A.I R.I P.D SICK CASES 98 120 142 84 104 114 128 109 126 98 117 91 1331 70 82 94 70 84 59 108 71 53 58 72 95 908 112 92 99 50 86 71 84 100 98 107 101 96 1076 1024 925 835 787 727 1021 858 882 786 1087 957 627 10546 TAGGING CALF 33 71 51 109 100 117 169 102 43 25 48 65 933 SPAYING DOGS & CATS CAPRINE 10733 2156 18 No. of Permits issued for Hakeekah No. of Permits issued for Qurbani : : 201 1164 Table 8.82 : Meat Inspection carried out at Central Abattoir, Roche Bois Beef 8901 Goat 4679 Sheep 318 Beef 683 Pigs 9706 Table 8.83 : Inspection of imported products carried out at Cold Storages 1. No. of Cold Rooms visited 645 2. No. of Import Permit processed 1997 3. No. of Landing Permit processed 1267 4. Exportation of Animal Feed 4722 Tons 5. Exportation of Chicken Paws 12 Tons (China) 6. Exportation of Cans 7. No. of Certificates issued for 4, 5 & 6 59 8. Clearances at (i) Parcel Post Office, Port Louis (ii) DHL (Plaisance Airport) 22 7 9. Site visit for approval of New Cold Rooms 3 10. Samples to Food Technology Laboratory 328 11. State Trading Corporation - No. of request for sale of damaged rice and flour as animal feed after inspection and Test Reports from FTL 11 480 Cartons (Seychelles) 19 8.3 REVENUE 8.3.1 VETERINARY FEES Total revenue for services and goods at the Division of Veterinary Services amounted to Rs 1,647,310. Clearance fee Revenue from clearance fee for importation of slaughter cattle, goats and sheep, breeding heifers, horses, dogs and cats, rabbits, cage birds and day old chicks amounted to Rs 114,000. Import permits Revenue from import permits for slaughter cattle, goats and sheep, horses, dogs, cats, rabbits, cage birds and day old chicks amounted to Rs 505,800. Quarantine fee Revenue from quarantine fees amounted to Rs 119,050. Other revenue Revenue from permits for animal feed, pet food, wool/animal hairs, honey, meat and meat products and other permits amounted to Rs 837,695. Artificial insemination and vaccines Revenue from artificial insemination and sale of vaccines amounted to Rs 70,765.