Spelling & Vocabulary Contract Activities

Name _________________________ Homeroom _____________
Spelling and Vocabulary Contract Activities
Directions: Each week you will be assigned spelling and vocabulary
homework. This will come either from Classical Roots or words from
stories we are reading. You are responsible for completing three of these
assignments (and/or Classical Roots activities) to learn the spellings and
meanings of your words. You may choose any combination of three
activities and turn all three in before your test on Friday. You are
responsible for studying your words as well. Choose a style of studying
that works best for you. It is always a good idea to ask an adult to help
you with studying for the final meaning or spelling test.
Divide each word into syllables. Check your answer in the dictionary and write the page number.
Write sentences using the words. Each sentence needs at least six words.
Write a synonym and antonym for each word.
Make a crossword puzzle using the words (puzzlemaker.com has some great ideas).
Draw a picture that tells a story or uses the meanings of your words.
“Hide” your words in the picture.
6. Classify the words according to parts of speech.
7. Write tongue twisters using your words.
8. Use the words in similes. (Comparing two unlike things using the words like or as).
9. Create a code and write the words and definitions in code.
Include a key for someone else to solve it.
10. Write newspaper headlines using all of your words.
11. Create anagrams using your words (you may pair or triple some together)
12. Write the spelling word, definition, and the guidewords from the dictionary page where it is listed.
13. Write all of the smaller words found in each word (they – the, hey, he, yet)
14. Write something that is surprising about the word that will help you remember it.
15. Write other words that have the same spelling pattern (at least 3).
The words do not have to rhyme.
16. Write your words 5 times each.
17. Write analogies using all of your words... ________ is to _______ as _____ is to ______
18. Write oxymorons using all of your words.
19. Write a story using the words (at least ¾ of the words).
20. Write an advertisement using your words (at least ¾ of the words).
21. Write a poem using your words (at least ¾ of the words).
22. Write a comic strip using the words (at least ¾ of the words).
23. Write riddles, jokes, or puns using your words (at least ¾ of the words)
Come up with your own ideas and ask for Mrs. Luster’s approval:
*Spelling /vocabulary homework is a task completion grade on your report card (Dem, Prg, N).
*Spelling tests are writing grades. Vocabulary tests are reading grades.
Name _________________________ Homeroom _____________
*Optional - Earn an ES by studying the challenge words in your Classical Roots lessons and
demonstrating knowledge on your spelling and meanings tests.