January 2016 GRETEL H. PELTO

January 2016
Curriculum Vitae
Bennington College, Bennington, Vermont.
University of Minnesota, B.A. in Sociology.
University of Minnesota, graduate study in Anthropology.
M.A. (Thesis Title: People and Politics in a Chippewa Community)
Ph.D. (Dissertation Title: Life on the Upper Mississippi: Social and Psychological
Adaptation in a Marginal Rural Area)
Academic Positions
Instructor, Webster College, Webster Grove, Missouri.
Instructor, Eastern Connecticut State University, Willimantic, Connecticut
Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of
Connecticut, Storrs, Connecticut.
Clinical Associate, Department of Community Medicine, University of Connecticut
School of Medicine, Farmington, Connecticut.
Assistant Professor, Department of Anthropology, University of Connecticut, Storrs,
Connecticut. Joint appointment in Department of Community Medicine.
Assistant Professor, Department of Nutritional Sciences, University of Connecticut,
Storrs, Connecticut.
Associate Professor, Department of Nutritional Sciences. University of Connecticut,
Joint appointment in Department of Anthropology.
Professor, Department of Nutritional Sciences, University of Connecticut, Storrs,
Connecticut. Joint appointment in Department of Anthropology.
1999-2006 Professor, Division of Nutritional Sciences. Cornell University, Ithaca, NY (retired,
June, 2006) (Appointments to graduate field status in Anthropology, Latin
American Studies, and Public Affairs)
2007 Graduate Professor, Division of Nutritional Sciences
Non-Academic Positions
Caseworker, Hennepin County Welfare Department, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
1992-1998 Senior Scientist, Division of Child Health and Development. World Health
Organization, Geneva. Switzerland (Responsible for developing and implementing
behavioural research program to improve health care delivery to children and
household management of childhood illness and nutrition)
Honors and Awards
Awarded National Institute of Health Graduate Training Fellowship
Awarded National Institute of Mental Health Graduate Training Fellowship
Awarded National Science Foundation Dissertation Improvement
Awarded Fulbright grant for research in Finland on dietary change
Appointed Honorary Research Fellow, University of Birmingham,
Awarded Doctor Honoris Causa, Doctor of Science in Food Science and
Nutrition; University of Helsinki
Appointed Fellow, American Society for Nutrition
Nominated for the Solon T Kimball Award for Public and Applied
Awarded Bronislaw Malinowski Award (given "to an outstanding social scientist
in recognition of efforts to understand and serve the needs of the world's
societies and who has actively pursued the goal of solving human problems
using the concepts and tools of social science") Society for Applied
Appointed Distinguished Adjunct Professor. Instituto Nacional de Salud Publica,
Cuernevaca, Mexico
Awarded Nutritional Anthropologist of the Year, 2008, Society for the
Anthropology of Food and Nutrition
Honored by a symposium: “Gretel Pelto and the Anthropology of Food and Nutrition”
Annual meeting of the American Anthropological Association
Awarded Kellogg Prize in International Nutrition. American Society for Nutrition
Elected and Appointed Responsibilities
Appointed to Board of Directors, Parent-Child Resource Center for Eastern
Elected to Executive Committee, Society for Medical Anthropology
Appointed to International Advisory Group on Infant and Young Child
Feeding, Nutrition Foundation
Appointed Chairperson, Committee on Nutritional Anthropology. International
Union of Nutritional Sciences
Appointed to Task Force on Low Income and Elderly for the National
Conference on Nutrition Education. Co-sponsored by U.S. Department of
Health, Education and Welfare; Department of Agriculture; Federal
Trade Commission and the White House
Appointed to Task Force on Nutrition, Hartford Area Health Education
Appointed to Task Force II on Post Harvest Food Loss, United Nations
University World Hunger Programme
Appointed to Subcommittee on Maternal and Infant Nutrition in the Developing
World, Committee on International Nutrition Programs, National Academy of
Sciences, Food and Nutrition Board
Appointed to External Advisory Panel, Four Country Study of Infant
Feeding Practices. American Public Health Association
Appointed to Editorial Advisory Board, Journal of Nutrition Education
Appointed Consulting Editor, Nutrition Research: An International Journal
Appointed to Publications Policy Committee. Society for Applied Anthropology
Appointed to Ad Hoc Committee to organize an International Symposium, for
opening the USDA Western Nutrition Center
Appointed to Joint WHO/UNICEF Nutrition Support Programme, Working Group
for Project on Determinants of Infant Feeding Practices, WHO Division of Maternal
and Child Health
Elected to Nominations Committee. American Anthropological Association
Appointed Editor for Applied Anthropology, American Anthropologist
Appointed to Committee on International Nutrition Programs. National Academy of
Sciences, Food and Nutrition Board.
Appointed to U.S. National Committee for International Union of Nutritional
Sciences (Vice-Chair: 1989-1992). National Academy of Sciences. Division of
Biological Sciences.
Appointed member of Committee II/4, Committee on Nutrition and Anthropology.
International Union of Nutritional Sciences
Appointed to Programme Advisory Group on Nutrition. World Health Organization,
Regional Office for Europe. Copenhagen
Appointed to Subcommittee on Dietary Management of Diarrhoeal Disease.
Committee on International Nutrition Programs, Food and Nutrition Board.
Appointed to Steering Committee. International Dietary Energy Consultative
Group (IDECG).
Appointed to Advisory Committee, Travelers Center on Aging, University
of Connecticut
Appointed to Scientific Working Group of the Diarrhoeal Diseases Control
Programme, World Health Organization.
Elected President, Council on Nutritional Anthropology
Appointed Contributing Editor, Nutrition Reviews
Appointed to Editorial Board, Qualitative Health Research
1991Appointed to Editorial Advisory Board, Ecology of Food and Nutrition
Appointed Chief Examiner for two Ph.D. candidates, Department of
Nutrition, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Elected to Executive Committee, Society for International Nutrition
Appointed, Senior Advisor, Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology Unit, London
School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (University of London)
1998-2001 Elected Vice President and Editor, Council on Nutritional Anthropology
2001-2002 Appointed to External Advisory Committee for Evaluation of Honduran
Education and Health Intervention Program, International Food Policy
Research Institute
2001-2006 Appointed to Long Range Planning Committee, American Society for
Nutritional Sciences (appointed to second term, 2004)
Appointed to Nominations Committee, Society for International Nutrition
2003Appointed to Editorial Board, Maternal and Child Nutrition
2004- 2006 Elected Councillor. American Society for Nutritional Sciences
2005Appointed to Editorial Board, Human Organization
Appointed Symposia Coordinator (2006) Journal of Nutrition
2007-2009 Appointed to Fellow Selection Committee, American Society for Nutrition
Appointed External Ph.D examiner. University of Wageningen. Wageningen, The
2007Appointed to Program Advisory Committee. Helen Keller International.
2009-2013 Appointed to International Union of Nutritional Sciences,
Task Force on Traditional, Indigenous, and Cultural Food and Nutrition
Appointed Member, Advisory Board for the Implementation Research
Platforms. Alliance for Health Policy and Systems Research. Geneva,
2012 Appointed to Maternal and Child Health Editorial Board,
2013Appointed to Nutrition Social Behaviour Change Expert Working Group.
Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition
Appointed to Expert Review Panel, Sackler Institute for Nutrition Science, New
York Academy of Science
2013Appointed to International Union of Nutritional Sciences, Task Force on Diet,
Nutrition and Long Term Health
Research Grants as Principal Investigator or Co-Investigator (excluding grants with
students or as a collaborator)
Household Food Use and Nutrition in eastern Connecticut, University of
Connecticut Research Foundation
Dietary Modernization in West Finland, Finnish Academy Research Society
Collaborative Research Support Program (CRSP) on Food Intake and Human
Function: Mexico Project. USAID Office of Nutrition
Breast Feeding and Birth Intervals Among Women in Solis, Mexico:
Analysis of CRSP Data, WHO
Body Weight and Socio-econoic Status of Women in Eastern Connecticut,
USDA/Hatch Grant, Connecticut Experiment Station
Maternal Caregiving and Nutritional Status of Children in a Highland Mexican
Area [Analysis of CRSP Data], National Science Foundation
Adult Morbidity in Solis, Mexico: Analysis of CRSP Data. World Bank
Functional Implications of Marginal Malnutrition: Analysis of CRSP Data, USAID
Office of Nutrition (1989-92)
Behavioural Research on Acute Respiratory Infection. Programme for Control of
Diarrhoeal and Respiratory Disease, WHO
Dietary Markers for Assessing Impact of Economic Development Programs,
University of Connecticut Research Foundation, Innovative Grant Program
Micronutrient Intervention Trial to Prevent Low Birthweight in Bangaldesh, NIH
2001-2005 “Prevention or cure? A comparison of the effectiveness of targeting food
supplements to malnourished children compared to universal targeting of children
under two in Haiti” (International Food Policy Research Institute and Cornell
Univ.) Funded by FANTA.
National and International Consultancies (selected)
Consultant, research project on infant feeding practices in Guatemala,
Consultant, Project on Infant Feeding, Hispanic Health Council, Hartford, CT.
Scientific Coordinating Council of the Collaborative Research Support
Program on Food Intake and Function, Board for International Food and
Agricultural Development, US/AID.
Consultant, Task Force on Maternal and Infant Nutrition, United Nation
Administrative Coordinating Council/Subcommittee on Nutrition
Consultant, Project on Community Participation and Community Diagnosis,
Division of Maternal and Child Health, WHO
Consultant, research project on infant feeding practices in Cameroon,
Educational Development Center, Boston, Massachusetts
Consultant to the Rector to evaluate the research programmme of the World
Hunger Programme, United Nations University, Tokyo
Consultant, Dietary Management of Diarrhea (DMD). Johns Hopkins University,
Department of International Health, Division of Nutrition.
Consultant. Study of Behavioural Factors in Severe Diarrhoea. School of Public
Health. University of the Philippines.
Consultant, Breastfeeding and Weaning Intervention Project. Research Institute for
Tropical Medicine. Manila, Philippines.
Consultant to Acute Respiratory Control Programme, World Health
Consultant to Thrasher Fund in Salt Lake City, Utah, to advise about future
research directions
Consultant to Division of Child Health and Development, World Health
Organization. Advisory meeting on integrating child development in child
health activities
2001 Consultant. Instituto Nacional de Salud Publica (INSP), Cuernavaca, Mexico
Consultant to Pan American Health Organization for “Informal meeting on
indicators for infant and young child feeding practices”
2003 – 07 Consultant. UCLA/RAND. Project on effects of iron supplementation on
adult performance, Indonesia
Consultant. UNICEF. Program on “Integrating Nutrition and Care-forDevelopment”
Consultant. Project on improving indicators of programme effectiveness. World
Food Programme. Rome.
Consultant. Integrated management of adult illness; Adaptation of guidelines.
World Health Organization. Geneva.
Consultant. Global Alliance to Improve Nutrition. Geneva, Switzerland. Project to
develop and support implementation of a research protocol: “Focused
Ethnographic Study of Market and Home Feeding Behaviors for Decision-Making
to Improve Infant and Young Child Nutrition”
Programmatic Activities in Professional Organizations
American Anthropological Association
1974 Co-organizer and co-chair, "Symposium on Nutritional Anthropology"
1975 Co-organizer and co-chair, "Symposium on Nutritional Anthropology:
Methodological Issues"
1977 Co-organizer and co-chair, "Symposium on Diet, Health and Social Change"
1979 Workshop leader for Conference on Ethnographic Evaluation: "Evaluating
Nutrition Intervention Programs."
1982 Invited discussant, "Symposium on Integrating Theory, Research and Practice in
Applied Educational Anthropology"
1983 Organizer and chair, "Symposium on Continuity and Change: Dietary
Modernization in Latin America"
1987 Organizer and chair, "Symposium on 'Small But Healthy': Perspectives on the
Concept of Adaptation"
1988 Co-organizer and co-chair, "Symposium on The Household Production of
American Institute of Nutrition/American Society for Nutritional Sciences/American Society for
1987 Organizer and co-chair, "Symposium on Current Issues in Food Intake
Methodology." Presented Overview paper: "Dietary Change."
1999 Organizer and co- chaired a two-part mini-symposium on care-giving under the
sponsorship of the Society for International Nutrition Research
2002 Organizer and co-chair. Symposium on Symposium on " Belief, Power and the
State of Nutrition " (Published as supplement in Journal of Nutrition. January,
International Union of Nutritional Sciences
1978 Invited co-organizer, "Symposium on Evaluating Nutrition and Health Programs:
Anthropological Perspectives and Methods." XIth International Congress of
Nutrition. Rio de Janeiro.
1981 Invited organizer and chair "Mini-Symposium on Nutritional Anthropology for
XIIth International Congress of Nutrition. San Diego, CA.
1982 Organized and chaired "Conference on Methodological Issues in Nutritional
Anthropology" (Co-sponsored by UNU World Hunger Programme, and United
States Department of Agriculture) Cambridge, MA.
1984 Co-organizer "Short Course on Nutritional Anthropology," taught by members of
the committee, held in Veracruz, Mexico, (Co-sponsored by Universidad
Nacional Autonoma de Mexico).
1988 Invited organizer and chair "Symposium on Household Conditions, Maternal
Caregiving and Child Nutrition" XIVth International Congress of Nutrition,
Seoul, Korea
1997 Invited organizer and chair "Symposium on ecological and cultural factors
affecting programming for nutrition." XVIth International Congress of Nutrition.
Montreal, Canada.
Society for Applied Anthropology
Invited discussant, "Symposium on Nutrition." Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Workshop leader for "Training Workshop on Evaluating Nutrition Intervention
Programs." Edinburgh, Scotland.
International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease
1994 Invited organizer and facilitator of a workshop on "Ethnography, communication and
ARI control programmes." Annual Meeting of the International Union Against
Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases. Mainz, Germany.
Invited organizer and chair of "Care-seeking in ARI: Behaviour and Barriers."
Conference on Global Lung Health and 1996 Annual Meeting of the International
1996 Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. Paris.
Society for Implementation Science in Nutrition
Member of Secretariat to establish the society
Elected to Board of Directors, as Councillor-at-Large
Editorial Activities
Founder and Co-Editor, Reviews in Anthropology. (A quarterly journal devoted to
review essays of work in anthropology and related fields)
Founder and Co-Editor, Medical Anthropology: Cross Cultural Studies in
Anthropology and Health. (Continued as member of editorial board, 1985-96)
Editor, Monograph Series in Nutritional Anthropology, International Commission
on the Anthropology of Food. International Union of Anthropological and
Ethnological Sciences
Guest Editor, Symposium on "Small But Healthy?" Human Organization
Guest Editor (with Margaret Bentley), Symposium on "Household Production of
Nutrition." Social Science and Medicine
Guest editor (with Mark Nichter). Special issue, "Social and Behavioral
Perspectives on Acute Respiratory Infection." Medical Anthropology (Vol.15,
1998-2001 Editor. Nutritional Anthropology
Guest Editor Symposium: “ Belief, Power and the State of Nutrition.” Journal of
Symposium Coordinator. Journal of Nutrition
Invited Presentations: Conferences, Workshops and Lectures (Selected)
1971 "Indian-White Relations in a Reservation Town" Syracuse University, Department of
Anthropology. Syracuse, NY.
1971 With P.J. Pelto "Behavioral Anthropology: Some Ethical and Practical Implications"
State University of New York, Oswego, Theory on the Fringe Symposium. Oswego, NY.
1974 "Socio-cultural Factors in Depression in a Marginal Rural Area" University of Missouri,
Department of Anthropology. Columbia, MO.
1974 "Culture, Food Intake and Health Behavior" Dairy Food and Nutrition Councils of New
Jersey and New York, Workshop on Nutrition and Health. New Brunswick, NJ.
1974 "A Look at Health Food Movements" Dairy Food and Nutrition Council of New York,
Media Writers Conference. Cooperstown, NY.
1976 "Nutritional Anthropology" Pomona College, Department of Anthropology. Pomona,
1976 "Nutrition and Anthropology" University of North Carolina, Greensboro, Department of
Anthropology. Greensboro, NC.
1976 With P.J. Pelto, "Social Factors in the World Food Crisis" Institute of World Affairs,
Lecture Series on Our Daily Bread. Salisbury, CT.
1977 "Health Food Users: The Role of Culture in Food Use Patterns" American Dietetic
Association, Major Session on Cultural Determinants of Food Use. Boston, MA.
1977 With P.J. Pelto, "Environment, Disease and Human Adaptation: Case Examples from
Latin America" Cornell University, Conference on Human/Environment Interactions:
Perspectives for Health Planning. Ithaca, NY.
1977 With Susan S. Scrimshaw: "Assessing the Impact of Nutrition and Health Programs on
Family Organization" Pan American Health Organization, Conference on Evaluating the
Impact of Nutrition and Health Programs. Isla Contadora, Panama.
1977 "Effects of Family and Lifestyle on Nutrition and Health" American Public Health
Association, Food and Nutrition Section Symposium on Lifestyles as Related to
Nutrition and Health. Washington, D.C.
1977 "Culture and Food Patterns in Eastern Connecticut" Baylor University and University of
Houston, joint seminar. Houston, TX.
1978 "Behavior and Lifestyles: Future Programming for Nutrition" New York City
Department of Health, Nutrition Division Seminar. New York, NY.
1978 "Research Methods in Nutritional Anthropology" University of Oslo, Institute of
Nutrition. Oslo, Norway.
"Research Issues in Medical Anthropology" University of Oslo, Institute of Social
Anthropology. Oslo, Norway.
"Infant Feeding Practices in the Developing World: Beliefs and Motivations." Nutrition
Foundation and Michigan State University, International Symposium on Infant Feeding.
East Lansing, MI
USAID and University of California, Berkeley, "Title XII Workshop on Nutrition and
Reproductive Competence." La Jolla, California
"Social Factors in Food Intake" Northern Connecticut Dietetic Association. Hartford,
"Nutritional Anthropology: Historical Overview and Contemporary Perspectives"
Michigan State University, Department of Anthropology. East Lansing, MI.
United Nations University. World Hunger Programme, "Workshop on Goals, Processes
and Indicators." Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research, "Conference on the
Anthropology of Food." Burg Wartenstein, Austria.
"Anthropological Contributions to Nutrition Education Research" National Science
Foundation/Cornell University Conference on Nutrition Education. Ithaca, NY.
"Dietary Modernization and Social Change" Sigma Xi Lecture Series, University of
Connecticut. Storrs, CT.
"Dietary Modernization in West Finland" Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
International Food and Nutrition Program. Cambridge, MA.
United Nations University. World Hunger Programme, "Workshop on Estimates of
Nutrient Requirements and Economic Planning." Cambridge, Massachusetts.
"Dietary Change in Industrializing Countries" Univ. of Massachusetts, Boston,
Department of Anthropology, Conference on Nutrition and Culture. Boston, MA.
"Research Issues in Nutritional Anthropology." University of Massachusetts, Amherst,
Department of Anthropology. Amherst, MA.
"Why Do People Eat What They Do?" Connecticut Nutrition Council. E. Hartford, CT.
"Alternative Methods of Analyzing Dietary Data." Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, Short Course on Nutritional Status Assessment for Anthropologists.
Cambridge, MA.
With P.J. Pelto, "Assessing Household Composition and Organization." United Nations
University, Workshop on Methods for Evaluating the Impact of Nutrition Intervention
Programs. Cambridge, MA.
With P.J. Pelto,"Community Nutrition Practicum: Students in Community Settings"
Hunter College, Department of Anthropology. New York, N.Y.
Kentucky State Health Department, "Symposium on Promotion of Breast Feeding in
Low-Income Populations." Symposium Discussant. Lexington, Kentucky.
U.S. Department of Agriculture, "International Symposium In Honor of the Opening of
the Western Nutrition Center." Member of the Planning Committee.
World Health Organization and University of Perugia, "Workshop on Community
Diagnosis and Community Participation." Perugia, Italy.
National Institute of Child Health and Development, "Workshop on Determinants of
Breast Feeding." (Co-chair of the workshop) Reston, Virginia.
"Determinants of Food Intake: Anthropological Models" Yrjo Jahnsson Foundation,
Medical Symposium on Nutrition Research. Hameenlinna, Finland.
With P.J. Pelto, "Diet and Delocalization: Dietary Changes Since 1750." Rockefeller
Foundation, Conference on Hunger and History: The Impact of Changing Food
Production and Consumption Patterns on Society. Bellagio, Italy.
"Ethnographic Methods for Nutritional Epidemiology" Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, International Food and Nutrition Program. Cambridge, MA.
"Short Course in Nutritional Anthropology" University of Helsinki, Department of
Nutrition. (Two Weeks) Helsinki, Finland.
"Assessing Nutritional Status in the Community." Yale University, School of Public
Health. New Haven, CT. 1
"Social Class and Diet in Contemporary Mexico" Wenner-Gren Foundation for
Anthropological Research, Conference on Food Preferences and Aversions. Cedar Key,
With Mary S. Lung'aho: "The Weaning Process: A Cross-Cultural Review of Infant
Feeding Practices" World Health Organization, Conference on Determinants of Infant
Feeding Practices. Geneva,
"Intra-household Food Distribution" VIIth Western Hemisphere Congress of Nutrition.
Miami, FL.
International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences and UNESCO,
Conference on "Food Policy and The Social Sciences." Mexico City, Mexico.
World Health Organization/UNICEF, "Workshop on Research Programme for the Joint
Nutrition Support Programme on Determinants of Young Child Feeding and Care."
Padua, Italy.
"The Role of Nutrition in Development" University of Helsinki, Institute of
Development Studies. Helsinki, Finland.
"Infant Nutrition in the Developing World" University of Helsinki, Department of
Nutrition. Helsinki, Finland.
"Models for Applied Research on Nutrition and Culture" IUAES and UNESCO,
Conference on Food Policy and The Social Sciences. Mexico, D.F.
"Current Issues in Nutritional Anthropology" Finnish Anthropological Society. Helsinki,
"Nutrition Concerns: Contrasts between Industrial and Developing Countries" University
of Kuopio, Department of Community Medicine. Kuopio, Finland.
"Cultural and Ecological Aspects of Food Use" University of Helsinki, Department of
Religious Studies. Helsinki, Finland.
"Nutritional Anthropology in the United States." Finnish Academy and Ministry of
Health, Conference on Future Research Directions in Nutrition. Helsinki, Finland.
"Health and Nutrition of Women and Children in Developing Countries" New York
Academy of Sciences, Anthropology Section. Workshop on Health and Nutrition of
Women and Children in Prehistoric and Modern Populations. New York, NY.
"Aspectos Culturales de la Alimentacion Infantil" Instituto Nacional de Nutricion,
Seminario Taller Manejo Dietetico de la Diarrhea. Lima, Peru.
"Women, Food and Nutrition: The Child Perspective" University of Massachusetts,
Amherst, Conference on Economics, Politics and Hunger. Amherst, MA.
With L.H. Allen, "The CRSP Project on Food Intake and Human Function in Mexico"
First Conference of the International Dietary Energy Consultative Group, INCAP,
Guatemala City.
"Perspectives on Dietary Change" York University, Department of Anthropology and
University of Toronto, Department of Nutrition, Joint Seminar on Nutrition. Toronto,
"Cultural Beliefs and Dietary Behavior" Pediatric Symposium. District of Columbia
WIC Program. Washington, D.C.
"Cultural Issues in Maternal and Child Health" Xth International Conference on Social
Science and Medicine. Barcelona, Spain.
"Determinants of Infant Feeding Practices" Johns Hopkins University and World Health
Organization, Meeting on Improving Infant Feeding Practices to Reduce Diarrhoea.
Baltimore, MD.
"Research Issues in Nutritional Anthropology" Philippine Dietetic Association. Manila,
"Nutrition and Cognitive Development of Preschoolers in a Highland Mexican Area"
University of Florida, Department of Nutritional Sciences. Gainesville, FL.
"Anthropological Studies of Diarrheal Diseases in Children" University of Florida,
Department of Anthropology. Gainesville, FL.
"Correlates of Cognitive Development of Preschoolers in a Highland Mexican Area"
Johns Hopkins University, School of Hygiene and Public Health, Department of
International Health. Baltimore, MD.
With Lindsay H. Allen, "Marginal Malnutrition in Children" Third Annual Workshop,
Connecticut WIC Program. Waterbury, CT.
"Social Epidemiology of Nutrition: Challenges for the 1990s" University of Maryland,
Department of Human Nutrition. College Park, MD.
WHO, CDD Programme, "Workshop on Intervention Studies in Diarrhoeal Disease
Research." New Delhi, India. (participated as facilitator)
Tufts University/ USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging, "Conference on
Field Methods in Nutritional Epidemiology." Boston, MA
Applied Diarrheal Disease Research Project (Harvard Institute for International
Development), with N.E. Medical Center Hospitals and Johns Hopkins School of
Hygiene and Public Health, "Workshop on Invasive Diarrheas, Shigellosis and
Dysentery." Bangkok, Thailand.
"Nutrition and Cognitive Development in a Highland Mexican Area" Food and Nutrition
Research Institute. Manila, Philippines.
"The Role of Ethnicity in Food Selection and Counseling" 59th Annual New York State
Dietetic Association.
Johns Hopkins Univeity and US\AID. Workshop on Acute Lower Respiratory Infection
and Child Survival in Developing Countries. Washington, D.C.
World Health Organization. Acute Respiratory Infection Programme. Workshop on
Methodologies for Community-Based Morbidity Studies of ARI. Geneva.
Washington University and University Clinic for Pediatrics, Vienna "International
Symposium on the Prevention and Treatment of Primary Malnutrition." Cairo, Egypt.
Johns Hopkins University, World Health Organization, and UNICEF: "Meeting on
Household Management of Diarrhea and Acute Respiratory Infection." Baltimore,
UNICEF and United Nations University. "Conference on Rapid Assessment
Procedures." Pan American Health Organization. Washington, D.C.
WHO. Workshop on Focused Ethnographic Studies of ARI. Chiang Mai, Thailand.
(Participated as a facilitator)
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. "Workshop on the Analysis of
Observational Data." Winchester, UK
WHO. Workshop on Focused Ethnographic Studies of ARI. Islamabad, Pakistan.
UNICEF, WHO, UNDP. International Conference on Control of Acute Respiratory
Infections. Washington, DC.
"The Social Costs of Marginal Malnutrition." University of Oslo, School of Medicine.
WHO. Workshop to develop multi-center study of indoor air pollution and ARI. EastWest Center. University of Hawaii.
WHO. Conference on prevention of ARI mortality and morbidity. Geneva.
WHO, African Regional Office. Workshop on Focused Ethnographic Studies of ARI.
Doula, Cameroon.
WHO, LSHTM. Workshop on community surveillance of ARI. London School of
Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
United Nations Administrative Coordinating Council/Subcommittee on Nutrition.
Conference on methods for the control of vitamin A deficiency in relation to infant and
child mortality. Ottawa, Canada.
"The role of ethnography in nutrition research." National Institute of Nutrition. Beijing,
"Cultural perceptions of acute respiratory infections." Clinical Epidemiology
Programme. Gadja Mada University. Yogajakarta, Indonesia.
"Methodological challenges of focused ethnography." Maternal and Child Health Unit.
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
"Communication and CDD Case Management." UNICEF/USAID. Conference on
celebrating 25 years of ORT. Pan American Health Organization, Washington, DC.
"Rapid Assessment Procedures." Short Course on Participatory and Rapid Appraisals for
Management of Health, Nutrition and Family Planning Programmes. Dept. of Public
Health and Policy. London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Evaluating social and psychological responses to vitamin A interventions.14th
Annual Bristol-Myers/Mead Johnson Nutrition Research Symposium.: Beyond
Nutritional Recommendations: Implementing Science for Healthier Populations.
Washington, D.C.
The challenge of locally-adapted nutrition counselling within the context of primary
health care. Department of Nutrition, University of California, Davis.
"Developing models for nutrition interventions within the context of child health."
Maternal and Child Health Unit, Department of Epidemiology. London School of
Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
"Continuity and change in applied nutritional anthropology." Invited Session.
Nutritional Anthropology: Pondering our past, planning our future. American
Anthropological Association Annual Meeting. San Francisco.
"Childhood pneumonia and applied research models for medical anthropology."
Conference on the role of medical anthropology in infectious disease control. Institute of
Tropical Hygiene and Public Health. Heidelberg University. Heidelberg, Germany
"Theoretical framework and programmatic implications of focusing on parental caregiving to improve nutrition and health in children." BRAC; Dhaka, Bangladesh
"Perspectives on care-giving" Technical seminar and round table discussion. Instituto
Nacional de Salud Publica (INSP), Cuernavaca, Mexico
"The role of care-giving practices in complementary feeding," Consensus Meeting on
Complementary Feeding, International Pediatric Association, Casablanca, Morocco
"Anthropological perspectives on health research and action," Focal paper in the
conference on "Theory and Action for Health," London, England, cosponsored by The
Health Development Agency for England (HEA), the U.S. Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC), and the World Health Organisation (WHO).
"The Critical Link: Interventions for Child Growth and Development." Technical
seminar, co-sponsored by the HNP Public Health and Nutrition Thematic Groups, World
Bank, Washington, D.C.
"Perspectives on care-giving," Keynote speech at Conference on "Early Childhood Care
for Survival, Growth and Development" co-sponsored by Government of India, UNICEF
and World Bank, October, 2000, New Delhi, India.
“Closing the gap between the environment and child health outcomes through
interventions to improve parental care. International Conference on Environmental
Threats to the Health of Children: Hazards and Vulnerability. WHO and Chulabhorn
Research Centre. Bangkok, Thailand.
"Household management of acute respiratory infections." Meeting on the “Evidence base
for community management of acute respiratory infections (ARI).” Stockholm, Sweden
Improving feeding practices: current patterns, common constraints, and the design of
interventions. Global Consultation on Complementary Feeding. World Health
Organization. Geneva. November, 2002
“Developing survey-based measures of family psychosocial care practices for
optimal early childhood development: Setting the stage.” with P. Menon and E.
Frongillo UNICEF. “Consultation on the Development of Indicators of Family
Psychosocial Care and Responsive Feeding.”
“Planning evaluation research on parenting interventions in a programmatic context.”
Keynote lecture. UNICEF/Aga Khan Foundation. Workshop on Parenting and Family Care
Evaluation. July. Dubrovnik, Croatia.
2006 Seminar presentation: “Crossing the bridge: from formative research to intervention
development” Instituto Nacional de Salud Publica, Cuernavaca, Mexico
2006 “Designing the Haitian Behavior Change Intervention” Symposium on Food Assisted
Nutrition Programs: Prevention or Cure AED/IFPRI. Washington, D.C. September.
2007 “Taking Care of Children: maternal and child nutrition and health from an
anthropological perspective” Malinowski Award Lecture. Society for Applied
Anthropology. Tampa, FL. March
2007 “The Role of Anthropology in a Randomized Nutritional Intervention Study in Rural
Haiti” University of Wageningen,. Wageningen, Netherlands. February.
2007 “The uses of anthropology in designing nutrition interventions: a case study from
Haiti “ Instituto Nacional de Salud Publica. Cuernavaca, Mexico. June
“Beyond Behaviour: Exploring the meaning of nurture.” Key note address.
Conference on “Nutrition and Nurture in Infancy and Childhood.” University of
Central Lancashire. Grange for Sands, Cumbria. UK June.
“Applying anthropology in an RCT to reduce malnutrition in rural Haiti.”
Bloomsbury Lecture Series. London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.
London, UK
“Putting Global Perspectives in Perspective” Workshop: Bringing Together Research
on Responsive Feeding. McGill University, Montreal.
“Behavioural change interventions in programmes to improve infant and young child
feeding.” WHO/UNICEF Consensus Meeting “Strengthening action to improve
feeding of infants and young children 6-23 months of age in nutrition and child health
programmes” Geneva.
“Premastication: The Second Arm to Prevent Infant Malnutrition” Invited Speaker
Society for the Anthropology of Food and Nutrition. American Anthropological
Association. San Francisco CA
Maternal and Young Child Working Group (MIYCN) “ Balancing health, cost
and convenience in feeding infants and young children in Accra, Ghana: a
focused ethnographic study.” Washington, DC April 6, 2011
New York Lactation Consultant Association. “Complementary Feeding:
Behavioral and Cultural Challenges.” New York: May 24, 2011
Maternal and Young Child Working Group (MIYCN) “The Focused
Ethnographic Study Toolkit.” Napa, California: March 8, 2012
USAID, Nairobi, Kenya. “Enhancement of nutritional content of
complementary foods through agricultural interventions.” May 17, 2013
USAID, Washington, D.C. “Improving Complementary Feeding in Rural
Kenya: Barriers and Opportunities.” August 29, 2013
World Bank: Washington, D.C. “Focused Ethnographic Studies as a tool for
Program Planning and Development. August 29, 2013
Maternal and Young Child Working Group (MIYCN) “IYC Feeding in
Kenya: Highlights from focused ethnographic studies.” Granada, Spain
International Congress of Nutrition. “Reconciling macro-level policy with
micro-level reality to sustain food security: A case study from Alaska
Macro-Micro” In Task Force Symposium “ Traditional, Indigenous and Cultural
Food and Nutrition. Granada, Spain.
University of Groningen. “Ethnographic Methodologies for Nutrition
Research. Dept of Demography. Population Research Center. University of
Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands.
Courses Taught: University of Connecticut
Department of Nutritional Sciences
Food, Culture and Society (Lower Division)
Community Nutrition (Upper Division)
Ecology of Food and Nutrition
Community Nutrition
Research Methods in Nutrition
Department of Anthropology
Medical Anthropology
Psychological Anthropology
Research Methods in Cultural Anthropology
Social Anthropology
Introduction to Anthropology
Joint: Department of Anthropology and Department of Community Medicine
Medical Anthropology
Evaluation of Nutrition and Health Programs
Perspectives on International Community Health
Courses Taught Cornell University
Note: all teaching was at graduate level
Food and Nutrition Assessment in a Social Context
(2 semester sequence team taught annually with D. Pelletier
Cross-cultural Perspectives on Nutrition and Development in Early Childhood
Planning an ethnographic component in nutrition research
Culture, Ecology and Nutrition: An Overview of Nutritional Anthropology
Qualitative Methods for Nutrition and Health Research (Team Taught with R. Safman)
The Social Context of Maternal and Infant Nutrition
Cornell Ph.D Major Advisor
Keiko Goto, Ph.D. May 2004.
Title: The Application of a Participatory Approach in Health and Nutrition Programs: a Case
Study of an HIV/AIDS Prevention Initiative among Youth
Lucy Thairu, Ph.D. December 2005
Title: An EthnographicInvestigation of Early Infant Feeding and Neo-natal Care on Pemba
Island, Tanzania
Cecilia Acuin, Ph.D. October 2006
Title: Early complementary feeding behaviors in peri-urban Manila
Sera Young, Ph.D. December 2008
Title: A Biocultural Study of the Relationship between Pica and Anemia
University of Connecticut Ph.D's Major Advisor
Kathleen Musante Dewalt (1979)
Title: Nutritional Strategies And Agricultural Change In A Mexican Community
E. Anne Duthie (1982)
Title: A Prospective Study of Duration of Lactation in Fife, Scotland
Georgine Severson Burke (1986),
Title: Sociocultural Determinants of Nutrient Intake and Arterial Blood Pressure among
Cambodian Refugees in Utah
Ruth H Whipple Crocker (1988)
Title: Correlates of Success in the Treatment of Childhood Obesity
Margaret E. Bentley (1988)
Title: The Household Management of Childhood Diarrhea in Rural North India
Se-Young Oh. (1990)
Title: Nutrition and Cognitive Development of School-age Children in Solis, Mexico.
Jeffrey R. Backstrand (1990)
Title: Patterns of Household Food Consumption in Rural, Central Mexico
Yasmin Mossavar-Rahmani (1992)
Title: Determinants of body size perceptions and dieting behavior in a multi-ethnic group of
hospital staff women
Lynne Lohfeld-Uzunoz (1993)
Title: Explanatory Models Of Acute Respiratory Infections In Young Children In Turkey
Lauren Suzanne Blum(1999)
Title: The Cultural Context of Vitamin A Deficiency: A Comparative Study of Two Hausa
Communities (Niger)
University Academic Service (excluding Departmental Service)
University Search Committee for Director of Women's Studies (appointed)
University Area Health Education Center Committee for Inter-Campus Coordination
University Advisory Committee for the Institute for Social Inquiry (appointed)
University Advisor Committee for the Center for International Community Health
Studies (appointed)
College of Agriculture Promotion, Tenure and Reappointment Committee (elected)
College of Agriculture World Food Day Committee (appointed)
Latin American Studies Center Fellowship Committee (appointed)
President's Task Force On Production Agriculture and the College of Agriculture and
Natural Resources (appointed)
1988-89 Graduate Advisors Council, Travelers Center on Aging (appointed)
1989-91 College of Agriculture, Excellence in Teaching Committee (appointed)
1990-92 University of Connecticut Faculty Senate (elected, University-wide election)
1999-2000 Policy Analysis and Management, external member, Search Committee
Books and Monographs
1. Pelto, G.H. and P.J. Pelto. (1976) The Human Adventure: An Introduction to Anthropology.
New York: Macmillan.
2. Poggie, J.J., G.H. Pelto and P.J. Pelto, eds. (1976) The Evolution of Human Adaptations:
Readings in Anthropology. New York: Macmillan.
3. Pelto, P.J. and G.H. Pelto. (1978) Anthropological Research: The Structure of Inquiry.
Second Edition. New York: Cambridge University Press. (Also translated into Spanish, Finnish,
4. Pelto, G.H. and P.J. Pelto. (1979) The Cultural Dimension of the Human Adventure. New
York: Macmillan.
5. Jerome, N.W., R.F. Kandel and G.H. Pelto, eds. (1980) Nutritional Anthropology:
Contemporary Approaches to Diet and Culture. Pleasantville, N.Y.: Redgrave Publishing Co.
6. Glasser, M. and G.H.Pelto. (1980) The Medical Merry-Go-Round: A Plea for Reasonable
Medicine. Pleasantville, N.Y.: Redgrave Publishing Co.
7. Pelto, G.H., P.J. Pelto, and E. Messer, eds. (1989) Methodological Issues in Nutritional
Anthropology. Tokyo: United Nations University Press.
8. Blum, L, P.J. Pelto, G.H. Pelto and H.V. Kuhnlein. (1997) Community Assessment of Natural
Food Sources of Vitamin A . Boston: International Nutrition Foundation.
9. Pelto, G.H. and L.H. Vargas, eds. (1992) Perspectives on Dietary Change. In collaboration
with Universidad Autonoma Nacional de Mexico. Published as special double issue of Ecology
of Food and Nutrition. Vol. 27. 3-4.
10. Kuhnlein, H.V. and G.H. Pelto, eds. (1997) Culture, Environment and Food to Prevent
Vitamin A Deficiency. Boston: International Nutrition Foundation
11. Pelto G, Dickin K, Engle P.(1999) A critical link: interventions for physical growth and
psychological development. Geneva, Switzerland: Department of Child and Adolescent Health
and Development, World Health Organization. (WHO/CHS/CAH/99.3).
12. Goodman A, Dufour, D and Pelto GH, editors. (2000) Nutritional Anthropology: Biocultural
Perspectives on Food and Nutrition. San Francisco: Mayfield Publishing.
13. Habicht, J.-P., G.H. Pelto, and J. Lapp, Doing impact evaluation 13. Methodologies to
evaluate the impact of large scale nutrition programs. 2009, World Bank: Washington, DC.
14. Dufour, D. Goodman A, and Pelto, GH. eds. (2012) Nutritional Anthropology. Second
Edition. Oxford University Press.
15. Thuita FM, Pelto. (2015) Resilience and Economic Growth in the Arid Lands – Improving
Resilience: Summary Report on Focused Ethnographic Studies on Infant and Young Child Feed
Behaviours, Beliefs, Contexts and Environments in Isiolo, Marsabit and Turkana Counties.
Geneva and Washington: Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition.
Technical Reports and Manuals
1.Pelto, G.H. (1983) Consultant Report for Cameroon. Project on Effect of Food Availability
and Infant Feeding Practices on Nutritional Status of Children 0-23 Months. Report One.
Newton, Mass: Educational Development Center.
2. Pelto, G.H. (1983) Consultant Report for Cameroon. Project on Effect of Food Availability
and Infant Feeding Practices on Nutritional Status of Children 0-23 Months. Report Two.
Newton, Mass: Educational Development Center.
3. Pelto, G.H. and A.M. Ferris. (1983) Review of Effects of Lactation on Maternal Nutritional
Status, prepared for the Committee on International Nutrition Programs, National Academy of
4. Pelto, G.H. (1984) Consultant Report for Cameroon. Project on Effect of Food Availability
and Infant Feeding Practices on Nutritional Status of Children 0-23 months. Report Three.
Newton, Mass.: Educational Development Center.
5. Allen, L.H., A. Chavez and G.H. Pelto. (1987) The Mexico Project. Collaborative Research
Support Program on Food Intake and Human Function. Final Report. Storrs, CT: University of
Connecticut. (395 pp).
6. Pelto, G.H., L.H. Allen, and A. Chavez. (1990) Breastfeeding and child spacing in the Solis
Valley, Mexico. Report for the World Health Organization, Nutrition Unit.
7. Pelto, G.H., H. Martinez, L.H. Allen, and A. Chavez. (1990) Adult morbidity in the Solis
Valley, Mexico. Report for the World Bank.
8. Allen L.H., J.R. Backstrand, A Chávez, and G.H. Pelto. (1992) People Cannot Live by
Tortillas Alone: The Results of the Mexico Nutrition CRSP. Mexico Project Final Report to the
US Agency for International Development. Collaborative Research and Support Program on
Human Nutrition and Function. Department of Nutritional Sciences, University of Connecticut.
290 pp.
9. Acute Respiratory Control Programme. (1993) Manual for Focused Ethnographic Study of
Acute Respiratory Infections. 203 pp.
10. Acute Respiratory Control Programme. (1993) Data Analysis Workbook for the Focused
Ethnographic Study of Acute Respiratory Infections Manual. 90 pp.
11. Division for the Control of Diarrhoeal and Respiratory Infections. ( 1995) Guidelines on
Using Ethnography to Improve Communication Between Families and Health Workers. 55 pp.
12. Division for the Control of Diarrhoeal and Respiratory Infections. (1995) Procedures for
Local Adaptation of ARI Home Care Advice. 52 pp.
13. Division of Child Health and Development.(1996) Procedures for Assessing Caretaker
Comprehension of ARI Home Care Advice.
14. Division of Child Health and Development. (1997) Integrated Management of Childhood
Illness Adaptation Guide: Protocol for Identifying and Validating Local Terms for Childhood
Illnesses. 35 pp.
15. Division of Child Health and Development. [ Dai, Y., S. Pieche and G.H. Pelto) (1997) The
ARI Communication Project in Four Provinces in China: Report to AusAID. 72 pp
16. Division of Child Health and Development [G.H. Pelto, K. Dickin and P. Engle] (1997)
Promoting Healthy Growth and Development: A Review of Child Development and Nutrition
Interventions. 90 pp.
17. Menon P, Ruel M, Pelto G, Habicht J-P (2001) Review of health and nutrition education
messages and delivery system currently used in Haiti, and recommendations for further research.
A report submitted to the Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance Project, Academy for
Educational Development, Washington, D.C
18. Menon, P, Loechl, C, Pelto, GH, Ruel, M. (2002) Development of a Behavior Change
Communications Program to Prevent Malnutrition in the Central Plateau of Haiti: Results and
Challenges from a Formative Research Study. A report submitted to the Food and Nutrition
Technical Assistance Project, Academy for Educational Development, Washington, D.C. (122
19. Menon P, Ruel M, Pelto G, Pierre, Y-F, Metellus E, Ferrus A.(2002) A qualitative study of
the patterns of infants feeding and care in the Hinche area of Plateau Central, Haiti. A report
submitted to the Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance Project, Academy for Educational
Development, Washington, D.C
20. Loechl, C., Menon, P., Pelto, G., Ruel, M. (2003). Developing a behavior change
communications program to improve infant and young child feeding practices in rural Haiti: A
manual for program planners. A report submitted to the Food and Nutrition Technical
Assistance Project, Academy for Educational Development, Washington, D.C
21. Loechl, C., Pelto, G., Ruel, M.T., Menon, P. (2004). An operations evaluation of World
Vision’s integrated health and nutrition program in Central Plateau, Haiti. Final Report
submitted to the Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance Project, Academy for Educational
22. Menon, P., M. Arimond, M. T. Ruel, G. Pelto, J.-P. Habicht, and C. Loechl. (2005).
Using Operations Research to Monitor Program Implementation and Inform Impact Evaluation
Results of a Second Round of Operations Research of the World Vision Maternal and Child
Health Program in Haiti. Report submitted to the Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance
Project, Academy for Educational Development, Washington, D.C., 2005.
23. Menon, P., and M. T. Ruel, with (in alphabetical order) M. Arimond, J.-P. Habicht, B.
Hankebo, C. Loechl, J. Maluccio, M. N. Mbuya, and G. Pelto. (2007) Prevention Is Better than
Cure. Final Report of the Evaluation: Prevention or Cure? Comparing Preventive and
Recuperative Approaches to Targeting Maternal and Child Health and Nutrition Programs in
Rural Haiti. Submitted to the Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance Project, Academy for
Educational Development, Washington, D.C.
24. Pelto G.H. Assessing the Behavioral and Local Market Environment for a Commercial
Complementary Food: a Focused Ethnographic Study Manual. First Edition, Geneva: Global
Alliance for Improved Nutrition, 2010
25. Pelto GH, Armar- Klemesu M. (2010) Balancing Health, Cost and Convenience in feeding
Infants and Young Children in Accra: a Report from a Focused Ethnographic study. Submitted to
Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition
26. Habicht J-P; Pelto G.H. (2011) Looking to the future: a formative evaluation for the
Micronutrient Initiative. Prepared for the Micronutrient Initiative. Ottawa, Canada
27. Pelto GH, Armar- Klemesu M. (2013) Feeding Infants and Young Children in Vihiga
County, Western Kenya: Report from a Focused Ethnographic study. Submitted to Global
Alliance for Improved Nutrition (145 pp.)
28. Pelto GH, Armar- Klemesu M. (2013) Feeding Infants and Young Children in Kitui County,
Eastern Kenya: a Report from a Focused Ethnographic study. Submitted to Global Alliance for
Improved for Improved Nutrition (150 pp)
29. Pelto GH, Hotz C. (2013) Improving Complementary Feeding in Rural Kenya: Barriers and
Opportunities. Submitted to Global Alliance for Improved for Improved Nutrition (40 pp)
30. Pelto GH (2013) Mapping the Scope and Practice of Behavior Change Communication to
Improve Infant and Young Child Feeding. Submitted to Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition
Policy Briefs
Thuita F, Pelto GH. (2015) Policy Brief: Feeding Infants and Young Children in Isiolo County.
African Development Solutions and United States Agency for International Development.
Nairobi, Kenya
Thuita F, Pelto GH. (2015) Policy Brief: Feeding Infants and Young Children inTurkana County.
African Development Solutions and United States Agency for International Development.
Nairobi, Kenya
Thuita F, Pelto GH. (2015) Policy Brief: Feeding Infants and Young Children in Marsabit
County. African Development Solutions and United States Agency for International
Development. Nairobi, Kenya
Pelto GH. , Thuita F. (2015) Policy Brief: Feeding Infants and Young Children in Vihiga
County. African Development Solutions and United States Agency for International
Development. Nairobi, Kenya
Pelto GH. , Thuita F. (2015) Policy Brief: Feeding Infants and Young Children in Kitui County.
African Development Solutions and United States Agency for International Development.
Nairobi, Kenya
Journal Articles and Book Chapters
(excluding published abstracts)
1. Pelto, G. (1967) Socioeconomic Organization in an Indian-White Community. In: Symposium
on Minnesota Indians. J.A. Paredes, ed. American Indian Studies Center. Bemidji State College.
Bemidji, Minn. pp. 42-47.
2. Pelto, G. and J.J. Kliman. (1968) Markets in a Region of Hidalgo, Mexico: A Preliminary
Survey. In: Social and Cultural Aspects of Modernization in Mexico. F.C. Miller and P.J. Pelto,
eds. Department of Anthropology. University of Minnesota. pp. 16-24.
3. DeWalt, K.M. and G.H. Pelto. (1972) Cultural Versus Structural Variables in the Prediction of
Adequate Nutrition. In: The People of Temascalcingo: A Regional Study of Modernization. B.R.
DeWalt and P.J. Pelto, eds. Department of Anthropology. Univ. of Conn. pp. 114-118.
4. Pelto, P.J. and G.H. Pelto. (1973) Ethnography: the fieldwork enterprise. In: Handbook of
Social and Cultural Anthropology. J.J. Honigmann, ed. Chicago: Rand McNally. pp. 241-288.
5. Pelto, P.J. and G.H. Pelto. (1975) Intracultural diversity: some theoretical issues. American
Ethnologist 2: 1-18.
6. Pelto, G.H. (1976) Adaptation to economic marginality: a psycho-social Model. In:
Evolution of Human Adaptations. J.J. Poggie, et al., eds. New York: Macmillan. pp. 332-340.
7. Pelto, G.H. and N.W. Jerome. (1977) Intracultural diversity and nutritional anthropology.
In: Health and the Human Condition. M. Logan and E.E. Hunt, eds. Boston: Duxberry Press. pp.
8. DeWalt, K.M. and G.H. Pelto. (1977) Food use and household ecology in a Mexican
community. In: Nutrition and Anthropology in Action. T. Fitzgerald, ed. The Hague: Van
Gorcum. pp. 79-93.
9. Pelto, P.J. and Pelto G.H. (1978) Medicine, anthropology, community: an overview. In:
Health and the human condition: perspectives on medical anthropology. Logan, M. And Hung,
EH. Eds. Duxbury Press, MA. pp. 401-407.
10. Scrimshaw, S.S. and G.H. Pelto. (1979) Family composition and structure in relation to
nutrition and health programs. In: Evaluating the Impact of Health and Nutrition Programs.
R.E. Klein, M.S. Read, H.W. Riecken, J.A. Brown, Jr., A. Pradilla and C.H. Daza, eds.
New York: Plenum Press. pp. 183-225. (1982. Spanish Language Edition. Published by
Organizacion Panamericana de la Salud. Publicacion Cientifica. No. 432.)
11. R.F. Kandel, Jerome, N.W., and G.H. Pelto, (1980) Introduction. In: Nutritional
Anthropology: Contemporary Approaches to Diet and Culture. N.W. Jerome, et al., eds.
Pleasantville, N.Y.: Redgrave Publishing Co. pp. 1-11.
12. Jerome, N.W., G.H. Pelto and R.F. Kandel, (1980) An ecological approach to nutritional
anthropology. In: Nutritional Anthropology: Contemporary Approaches to Diet and Culture.
N.W. Jerome, et al., eds. Pleasantville, N.Y.: Redgrave Publishing Co. pp. 13-45.
13. Pelto, G.H., N.W. Jerome and R.F. Kandel. (1980) Methodological issues in nutritional
anthropology. In: Nutritional Anthropology: Contemporary Approaches to Diet and Culture.
N.W. Jerome, et al., eds. Pleasantville, N.Y.: Redgrave Publishing Co. pp. 47-60.
14, DeWalt, K.M., P.B. Kelly and G.H. Pelto. (1980) Nutritional Correlates of Economic
differentiation in a highland Mexican community. In: Nutritional Anthropology: Contemporary
Approaches to Diet and Culture. N.W. Jerome, et al., eds. Pleasantville, N.Y.: Redgrave
Publishing Co. pp. 205-233.
15. Kandel, R.F. and G.H. Pelto. (1980) The health food movement: social revitalization or
alternative health maintenance system? In: Nutritional Anthropology: Contemporary Approaches
to Diet and Culture. N.W. Jerome, et al., eds. Pleasantville, N.Y.: Redgrave Publishing Co. pp.
16. Pelto, G.H. (1980) Chippewa people and politics in a reservation town. In: Anishinabe: Six
Studies of Minnesota Chippewa in the 1960s. J.A. Paredes, ed. Gainesville, Fl.: The University
Presses of Florida. pp. 242-323.
17. Pelto, G.H. and Jerome, N.W. (1980) An anthropological perspective on nutrition program
evaluation. In: Nutrition and Food Science, Volume Two. W. Santos, et al., eds. New York:
Plenum. pp. 553-571.
18. Pelto, G.H. (1981) Anthropological contributions to nutrition education research. J. of Nutr.
Ed. 13 (Suppl.1): 2-8.
19. Pelto, G.H. (1981) Perspectives on infant feeding: decision-making and ecology. Food and
Nutr. Bull. 3(3): 16-29.
20. Jerome, N.W. and G.H. Pelto. (1981) Integrating ethnographic research with nutrition
studies. Fed. Proc. 40(11): 2601-2605.
21. Pelto, G.H., P.J. Pelto, and M.S. Lung’aho. (1981) Modern and traditional food use in West
Finland: an example of quantitative pattern analysis. Nutrition Research 1:63-71.
22. Pelto, G.H. (1981) Methodological issues in nutritional anthropology. Food and Nutr. Bull.
3(4): 21-28.
23. Pelto, G.H. (1981). Los alimentos desde una perspectiva social. Enciclopedia Salvat de la
Salud. Salvat, S.S. de Ediciones Arrieta, 25. Pamplona, pp 312-320.
24. Pelto, G.H. (1981) Infant feeding practices in the third world: beliefs and motivations.
In: Infant and Child Feeding. J.T. Bond, et al., eds. Nutrition Foundation Monograph. New
York: Academic Press. pp. 191-204.
25. Fernandez, M. and G.H. Pelto. (1981) Anthropological studies of nutrition in marginal
communities. In: Nutrition in Health and Disease and International Development: Symposia
from the XII International Congress of Nutrition. A.E. Harper and G.K. Davis, eds. New York:
Alan R. Liss. pp. 491-500.
26. Osteraas, G., B. Posner, G.H. Pelto, R. Wolf, L. Aronstein, M. Mikkola and J. Saltzman.
(1983) Developing new options in home-delivered meals: the SMOC demonstration elderly
nutrition project. J. Am. Dietet. Assoc. 82: 524-528.
27. Pelto, G.H. and P.J. Pelto. (1983) Diet and delocalization: dietary changes since 1750. J. of
Interdisc. Hist. xiv(2): 507-528.
28. Pelto, P.J. and G.H. Pelto. (1983) Culture, nutrition and health and. In: The Anthropology of
Medicine. L. Romanucci-Ross, M. Moerman, and L. Tancredi, eds. Cambridge, Mass.: Bergin.
pp. 173-200.
29. Pelto, G.H. (1984) Ethnographic studies of the effects of food availability and feeding
practices. Food and Nutr. Bull. 6 (1): 33-43.
30. Pelto, G.H. and P.J. Pelto. (1984) Anthropological methodologies for assessing household
organization and structure. In: Methods for the Evaluation of the Impact of Food and Nutrition
Programmes. D. Sahn, R.Lockwood, and N.S. Scrimshaw, eds. Tokyo: The United Nations
University Press. pp. 204-225.
31. Pelto, G.H. (1984) Intrahousehold food distribution patterns. In: Malnutrition: Determinants
and Consequences. G. Davis, et al., eds. New York: Alan Liss. pp. 285-293.
32. Viteri, F.E., L.D. Meyers, G.H. Pelto, R.L. Naeye, M. Gebre-Medhin, E.S. Zeigler and M.G.
Herrera. (1985) Nutricion materno-infantil en paises en desarrollo. Bol. de Sanit. Panam. 89:558598.
33. Allen, L.H. and G.H. Pelto. (1986) Research on determinants of breastfeeding duration:
suggestions for biocultural studies. Med. Anthro. 9(2): 97-106.
34. Pelto, G.H. (1986) Current research directions in nutritional anthropology. J. of Soc. Med.
9(2): 93-103.
35. Allen LH, Ferris AM, and Pelto GH (1986) Maternal factors affecting lactation. In: Proc II.
International Conference on Human Lactation. M. Hamosh and P Hamosh, eds. New York:
36. Goodman, A., L.H. Allen, G.P. Hernandez, A. Amador, L.V. Arriola, A. Chavez and G.H.
Pelto. (1987) Prevalence and age at development of enamel hypoplasias in Mexican children.
Amer. J. Physical Anthro. 72: 7-19.
37. Ferris, A.M., T. McCabe, L.H. Allen and G.H. Pelto. (1987) Biological and cultural
determinants of successful lactation in eastern Connecticut. J. Amer. Dietet. Assoc. 87: 316-321.
38. Pelto, G. H. (1987) Cultural and social issues in maternal and child health and nutrition. Soc.
Sci. and Med. 25: 553-559.
39. Pelto, G.H. (1987) Social class and diet in contemporary Mexico. In: M. Harris and E. Ross,
eds. Food and Evolution. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. pp. 517-540.
40. Pelto, G.H. (1987) Research directions in nutritional anthropology: toward a problemoriented perspective. In: Food Deficiency: Studies and Perspectives. Y. Atal, ed. Social and
Human Sciences in Asia and the Pacific. UNESCO. Bangkok. pp.32-51.
41. Bentley, M.E., G.H. Pelto, W.L. Straus, D.A. Schumann, C. Adegbola, E. de la Pena, G.A.
Oni, K.H. Brown and S.L. Huffman. (1988) Rapid ethnographic assessment: applications in a
diarrhea management program. Social Science and Medicine 27(1):107-116.
42. Guarnaccia, P.J., P.J. Pelto, G.H. Pelto, L.H. Allen, L. Meneses, and A. Chavez. (1988)
Measuring socioeconomic status: assessing intra-community diversity. Culture & Agriculture
43. Leslie, J., G.H. Pelto and K. Rasmusson. (1988) Nutrition of women in developing
countries. Food and Nutr. Bull.10 (2): 3-7.
44. Pelto, G.H. and P.J. Pelto. (1989) Small but healthy? an anthropological perspective. Human
Org. 48(1):11-15.
45. Mertens, M.L. and G.H. Pelto. (1989) Training and personnel issues in the introduction of
social and behavioural components into nutrition programmes and research. Food and Nutr. Bull.
46. Stanek, E.J., Shetterley, S.S., Allen, L.H., Pelto, G.H. and A. Chavez. (1989) A cautionary
note on the use of autoregressive models in analysis of longitudinal data. Statistics in Medicine
47. Pelto, G.H. (1989) Introduction: methodological directions in nutritional anthropology. In:
Pelto, G.H., P.J. Pelto, and E. Messer, eds. Methodological Issues in Nutritional Anthropology.
Tokyo: United Nations University. pp.ix-xvi.
48. Bravo-Ureta, B, Ely, R.D., Pelto, P.J., Meneses, L, Allen, L.H., Pelto, G.H. and Chavez, A.
(1989) Determinants of rural-to urban labour movements in Mexico: household perspective. In:
B. Greenshields and M. Bellamy, eds. Government Intervention in Agriculture: Cause and
Effect. Aldershot, U.K.: Gower Publ. Co. pp. 234-239.
49. Allen, L.H., G.H. Pelto, A. Chavez, H. Martinez, R.D. Ely, and C. Capacchione. (1990)
Maternal correlates of infant growth in rural Mexico. In: S.A. Atkinson, L.A. Hanson and R.K.
Chandra, eds. Breastfeeding, Nutrition, Infection and Infant Growth in Developing Countries.
ARTS Biomedical Publishers, St. Johns, Newfoundland. pp. 299-306.
50. Pelto, P.J. and G.H. Pelto. (1990) Field methods in medical anthropology. In: Johnson, T.M.
and Sargent, C., eds. Medical Anthropology: A Handbook of Theory and Method. Westport, CT:
Greenwood Press. pp. 269-297
51. Pelto, P.J., M. Bentley and G.H. Pelto. (1990) Applied anthropological research methods:
Diarrhea studies as an example. In: Anthropology and Primary Health Care. J. Coreil and D.
Mull, eds. Reidel Publishing Co. pp. 253-272.
52. Pelto, G.H. (1990) Maternal care-giving and child nutrition. Proceedings of the 14th
International Congress of Nutrition. Seoul, Korea.
53. Pelto, G.H. and C. Kendall. (1990) Behavioral aspects of acute respiratory infection in
children. In: A. Gadomski, ed. Acute Lower Respiratory Infection and Children Survival in
Developing Countries. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Institute for International
Programmes. pp. 145-152.
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97. Pelto GH, Dickin K, Engle P. (2002) Promoting child well-being: the case for integrated
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98. Pelto GH, Backstrand J. (2003) Interrelationships between power-related and belief-related
factors determine nutrition in populations. The Journal of Nutrition Education 33(1) 297S-300S.
99. Pelto GH, Levitt E, Thairu L. (2003) Improving feeding practices: current patterns, common
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100. Pelto GH and Freake H. (2003) Social research in an integrated science of nutrition: future
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102. Backstrand JR, Allen LH, Black AK, de Mata M, Pelto GH. (2002) Diet and iron status of
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103. Santos I; Victora C G, Martines, J,Gonçalves H.,GiganteII D; Valle N, Pelto GH (2002)
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"integrated management of childhood illness" strategy (WHO/UNICEF)) Revista Brasileira de
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105. Pelto GH, Habicht J-P.(2002) International agencies. In: Encyclopedia of Food and Culture.
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107. Pelto GH, Santos I, Gonçalves H, Victora C, Martines J, Habicht J-P (2004) Nutrition
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109. Blum L, Pelto GH, Pelto, PJ. (2004) Coping with a Nutrient Deficiency: Explanatory
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110. German J B, Bauman, DE, Burrin, DG, Failla ML, Freake H C, King JC, Klein S, Milner
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111. Thairu L, Pelto, GH, Rollins NC, Bland, RM, Ntshangase N. (2004) Socio-cultural
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112. Ruel MT, Loechl C, Menon P, Pelto GH (2004) Donated fortified cereal blends improve the
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113. Zeisel, SH, Freake H, Bauman DE, Bier DM, Burrin DG, German J B, Klein S,
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114. Menon P. Ruel MT, Loechl C, Pelto GH, Habicht JP. (2005) From research to program
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115. Young S, Pelto GH. (2006) Core Concepts in Nutritional Anthropology. In: Temple N,
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116. Bonvecchio A, Pelto GH, Escalante E, Monterrubio E, Habicht JP, Nava F, Villanueva MA,
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117. Leroy JL, Habicht JP, Pelto G, Bertozzi SM. (2007) Current priorities in health research
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118. Roberfroid, D, Pelto GH, Kolstern P. (2007) Plot and see! Maternal comprehension of
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119. Menon P, Ruel MT, Loechl CU, Arimond M, Habicht JP, Pelto GH and Michaud L.
(2007). Micronutrient Sprinkles are effective at reducing anemia among children 9-24 months
when delivered through an integrated health and nutrition program in rural Haiti. JNutr. 137:
120. Pelto, G. H. (2008) Taking care of children: applying anthropology in maternal and child
nutrition and health. Malinowski Award Lecture, 2007. Human Organization, 67 (3): 237-243.
121. Ruel MT, Menon, P, Habicht J-P., Loechl C, Bergeron G., Pelto GH, Arimond M, Maluccio
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behaviour change and communication for reduction of childhood undernutrition in Haiti: a
cluster randomised trial. The Lancet. 371, 9612 (16 February):588-595.
122. Dickerson, T., Fernandez, D., Topgyal, Samen, A., Gelek, Nyima, Pelto, G., Craig, S. and
Dye, T. (2008) From butter tea to Pepsi®: a rapid appraisal of food preferences, procurement
sources and dietary diversity in a contemporary Tibetan township. Ecology of Food and
Nutrition, 47:3, 229 — 253.
123. Thairu, L, Pelto GH. (2008) Newborn Care Practices in Pemba Island (Tanzania) and their
implications for newborn health and survival. Maternal and Child Nutrition (4):194-208.
124. Menon P, Mbuya M, Habicht, J-P, Pelto, G, Loechl, CU, Ruel, MT. (2008) Assessing
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125. Loechl CU, Menon P, Arimond M, Ruel MT, Pelto G, Habicht JP, and Michaud L. (2009)
Using program theory to assess the feasibility of delivering micronutrient Sprinkles through a
food-assisted maternal and child health and nutrition program in rural Haiti. Maternal and Child
Nutrition. 5(1):33-48.
126. Pelto GH, Zhang Y, Habicht J-P. (2010) Premastication: the second arm of infant and
young child feeding for health and survival. Maternal and Child Nutrition. 6 (1): 4-18.
127. Goto, K., Pelto, GH, Pelletier, D., & Tiffany, J.. (2010). “It really opened my eyes:” The
effects on youth peer educators of participating in an action research project. Human
Organization, 69, (2): 192-199.
128. Young SL, Blanco I, Hernandez-Cordero S, Pelto GH, Neufeld LM. Organoleptic
properties, ease of use, and perceived health effects are determinants of acceptability of
micronutrient supplements among poor Mexican women Journal of Nutrition. 2010
129. Young SL, Khalfan SS, Farag TH, Kavle JA, Ali SM, Hajji H, Rasmussen KM, Pelto GH,
Tielsch JM, Stoltzfus RJ. (2010) Association of pica with anemia and gastrointestinal distress
among pregnant women in Zanzibar, Tanzania. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and
Hygiene 2010 Jul;83(1):144-51.
130.Pelto GH. (2010) Foreword. In F. Dykes and V.M. Hall, eds. Infant and Young Child
Feeding: Challenges to Implementing a Global Strategy. Wiley-Blackwell, pp vx-xx.
131. Pelto GH, Habicht J-P. (2011) Discouraging premastication may do more harm than good:
response to the letter by Levinson et al (2010). Maternal and Child Nutrition. 7 (1):105–106.
132. Pelto GH, Armar-Klemesu M. (2011) Balancing Nurturance, Cost and Time:
Complementary Feeding in Accra, Ghana. Maternal and Child Nutrition. 7 (Issue supplement
s3): 66-81.
133. Young SL, Sherman PW, Lucks JB. Pelto GH. (2011) Why on earth? Evaluating
hypotheses about the physiological functions of human geophagy. The Quarterly Review of
Biology. 86 (2):97-120
134. Engle PL, Pelto GH (2011) Responsive Feeding: Implications for Policy and Program
Implementation. Symposium: Responsive Feeding—Promoting Healthy Growth and
Development for Infants and Toddlers. Journal of Nutrition. 141(3):508-11.( Epub 2011 Jan 26)
135. Habicht JP, Pelto GH. (2012) Multiple micronutrient interventions are efficacious, but
research on adequacy, plausibility, and implementation needs attention. Journal of Nutrition
142(1): 205- 209. ( Epub 2011 Nov 23)
136. Goto K, Tiffany J, Pelto GH, Pelletier D. (2012) Young people’s experiences in youth-led
participatory action research for HIV/AIDS prevention. International Journal of Child, Youth
and Family Studies. 4:396-408.
137. Young, S. L., & Pelto, G. H. (2012). Core concepts in nutritional anthropology. In: Temple
NJ, Wilson T, Jacobs DR, eds. Nutritional Health: Strategies for Disease Prevention. Pp. 523537.
138. Monterrosa, E. C., Pelto, G. H., Frongillo, E. A., & Rasmussen, K. M. (2012). Constructing
maternal knowledge frameworks: How mothers conceptualize complementary feeding. Appetite.
59 (2):377–384
139. Affleck, W., Pelto, G. (2012). Caregivers’ responses to an intervention to improve young
child feeding behaviors in Rural Bangladesh: A Mixed Method Study of the facilitators and
barriers to change. Social Science & Medicine.75: 651-658.
140. Pelto, G. H., Armar‐ Klemesu, M., Siekmann, J., & Schofield, D. (2012). The focused
ethnographic study ‘assessing the behavioral and local market environment for improving the
diets of infants and young children 6 to 23 months old’ and its use in three countries. Maternal &
Child Nutrition, 9(S1), 35-46.
141. Pelto GH, Dufour D, Goodman A. (2012) The biocultural perspective in nutritional
anthropology. In: Dufour D, Goodman A, and Pelto GH, editors. Nutritional Anthropology:
Biocultural Perspectives on Food and Nutrition. Second edition. New York: Oxford University
Press. Pp. 1-8.
142. Pelto GH, Levitt E, Thairu L. (2012) Feeding babies: Practices, Constraints and
Interventions. In: Dufour D, Goodman A, and Pelto GH, editors. Nutritional Anthropology:
Biocultural Perspectives on Food and Nutrition. Second edition. New York: Oxford University
Press. Pp. 427-439.
143. Pelto, G. H. (2013). The ideational dimension of maternal and infant nutrition: the
importance of conflicting values. Maternal & Child Nutrition, 9(1), 1-2.
144. Jones AD, Ngure, FM, Pelto, GH, Young SL. (2013) What are we assessing when we
measure food security? A compendium and review of current metrics. Advances in Nutrition 4:
145. Pelletier D. and Pelto GH. (2013) From efficacy research to large-scale impact on
undernutrition: The role of organizational cultures. Advances in Nutr 4(6): 687-696.
146. Mbuya MN, Menon P, Habicht J P, Pelto GH, and Ruel MT. (2013) Maternal knowledge
after nutrition behavior change communication is conditional on both health workers' knowledge
and knowledge-sharing efficacy in rural Haiti. J Nutr, 143(12): 2022-8.
147. Habicht J-P, Pelto GH. (2014) From biological to program efficacy: Promoting dialogue
among the research, policy, and program communities. Advances in Nutrition. January 2014. 5
(1): 27-34.
148. Bonvecchio A, Reyes-Morales, Theodore F, Lozada AL, Rivera-Dommarco JA, Neufeld
FM and Pelto GH. (2013) Report from Mexico: Barriers to the promotion of healthy infant
growth at primary healthcare centers in nutrition transition contexts. Sight and Life, 27 (2): 7779.
149. Ngure, F. M., Reid, B. M., Humphrey, J. H., Mbuya, M. N., Pelto, G., & Stoltzfus, R. J.
(2014). Water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH), environmental enteropathy, nutrition, and early
child development: making the links. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1308(1),
150. Fabrizio, C. S., Liere, M., & Pelto, G. (2014). Identifying determinants of effective
complementary feeding behaviour change interventions in developing countries. Maternal &
child nutrition, 10(4), 575-592.
151. Desai, Amy, Mduduzi NN Mbuya, Ancikaria Chigumira, Bernard Chasekwa, Jean H.
Humphrey, Lawrence H. Moulton, Gretel Pelto, Grace Gerema, and Rebecca J. Stoltzfus.
"Traditional oral remedies and perceived breast milk insufficiency are major barriers to exclusive
breastfeeding in rural Zimbabwe." The Journal of nutrition 144, no. 7 (2014): 1113-1119.
152. Matare, C. R., Mbuya, M. N. N., Pelto, G., Dickin, K. L., & Stoltzfus, R. J. (2015). for the
Sanitation Hygiene Infant Nutrition Efficacy (SHINE) Trial Team. Assessing maternal
capabilities in the SHINE Trial: highlighting a hidden link in the causal pathway to child
health. Clin Infect Dis, 61(suppl 7), S745-51.
153. Mbuya, Mduduzi NN, Naume V. Tavengwa, Rebecca J. Stoltzfus, Valerie Curtis, Gretel H.
Pelto, Robert Ntozini, Rukundo A. Kambarami et al. "Design of an intervention to minimize
ingestion of fecal microbes by young children in rural Zimbabwe." Clinical Infectious
Diseases 61, no. suppl 7 (2015): S703-S709.
154. Tumilowicz, A., Habicht, J. P., Pelto, G., & Pelletier, D. L. (2015). Gender perceptions
predict sex differences in growth patterns of indigenous Guatemalan infants and young
children. The American journal of clinical nutrition, 102(5), 1249-1258.
155. Pelto, G. H., Martin, S. L., Van Liere, M., & Fabrizio, C. S. (2015). The scope and practice
of behaviour change communication to improve infant and young child feeding in low- and
middle-income countries: results of a practitioner study in international development
organizations. Matern Child Nutr, http://doi.org/10.1111/mcn.12177 (accessed July 1 1, 2016)
156. Pelto, G. H., Martin, S. L., van Liere, M. J., & Fabrizio, C. S. (2015). Perspectives and
reflections on the practice of behaviour change communication for infant and young child
feeding. Maternal & Child Nutrition, http://doi.org/10.1111/mcn.12203 (Accessed March
157. De Ver Dye, T., Pelto, G., Kristensen, S., Samen, A., & Dozier, A. (2015). Attitudes and
practices towards micronutrient supplementation among pregnant women in rural Tibet. Global
public health, 10(1), 119-128.
158. Santos, Iná S., Alicia Matijasevich, Maria Cecília F. Assunção, Neiva CJ Valle, Bernardo L.
Horta, Helen D. Gonçalves, Denise P. Gigante, José C. Martines, Gretel Pelto, and Cesar G.
Victora. "Promotion of Weight Gain in Early Childhood Does Not Increase Metabolic Risk in
Adolescents: A 15-Year Follow-Up of a Cluster-Randomized Controlled Trial." The Journal of
nutrition 145, no. 12 (2015): 2749-2755.
159. Habicht, J. P., & Pelto, G. H. Implementing Interventions to Deliver Nutrition.Sight and
Life, (2015) 12.
160. In Dykes F and Flacking R, eds. Ethnographic Research in Maternal and Child Health.
London: Routledge. Pp.157-178.
In Press
Pelto G.H. Focused ethnographic studies for food and nutrition planning and program
development. In: J. Brett and J. Chrzan, eds. Research Methods for the Anthropological Study of
Food and Nutrition. New York: Berghahn Publishers. (in press)
Hotz C, Pelto,GH, Armar-Klemesu M. Ferguson EF, Chege P, Musinguzi E. Constraints and
opportunities for implementing nutrition-specific, agricultural and market-based approaches to
improve nutrient intake adequacy. In press. Maternal and Child Nutrition
Pelto, GH, Armar-Klemesu. Identifying interventions to help rural Kenyan mothers cope with
food insecurity: results of a focused ethnographic study. In press, Maternal and Child Nutrition.
Tumilowicz A,. Neufeld, LM, Pelto GH. Using ethnography in implementation research to
improve nutrition interventions in populations. In press. Maternal and Child Nutrition