Mar. 24, 2014 - The University of Southern Mississippi

Graduate Council Minutes
The University of Southern Mississippi
March 24, 2014
The Graduate Council met at 3:00 p.m. on March 24, 2014, in McCain Library, Room 203 with
Dr. Bonnie Nicholson, Chair of the Graduate Council, presiding.
The following voting members were present: Dr. Bret Becton, Dr. Janie Butts, Ms. Robin Carr,
Dr. Dana Fennell, Dr. Jay Grimes (via conference call), Dr. Jerome Kolbo, Dr. James Lambers,
Dr. Bonnie Nicholson, Dr. Douglas Rust, Dr. Jake Schaefer, Dr.Kyna Shelley and Dr. Mike
The following voting members were represented by proxies to constitute a quorum: Dr. Janie
Butts for Dr. Cynthia Chatham, Dr. Ravic Ringlaben for Dr. Hollie Filce, and Dr. Ken Swope for
Dr. Kyle Zelner.
The following non-voting members were present: Dr. Diane Fisher for Dr. Ann Blackwell,
Dr. Bill Powell, Dr. Maureen Ryan, and Dr. Chris Winstead for Dr. Patricia Biesiot.
The following guests were present: Ms. Desira Bailey, Ms. Linda Bass, Ms. Carolyn Cawthon,
Dr. Heath Grames, Dr. Lillian Hill, Ms. Kathryn Lowery, Dr. Georgianna Martin, Mr. Maxim
van Norden, Dr. Michelle Pendergrass, Ms. Dawn Porter and Dr. Kamden Strunk.
Call to Order
Dr. Nicholson called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
Adoption of Agenda
Dr. Nicholson presented the agenda for approval. Dr. Ringlaben moved and Dr. Lambers
seconded a motion to approve the agenda. The motion passed.
Approval of Minutes
Dr. Nicholson presented the February 24, 2014 minutes for approval. Dr. Ringlaben
moved and Dr. Lambers seconded a motion to approve the February 24, 2014 minutes.
The motion passed.
Course and Program Proposals
College of Arts & Letters
School of Mass Communication and Journalism
Dr. Nicholson presented the request to modify MCJ 589. Dr. Ringlaben moved
and Dr. Lambers seconded a motion to untable MCJ 589. The motion passed. At
the department’s request, MCJ 589 was withdrawn from the agenda.
College of Business
Department of Management and International Business
Dr. Nicholson presented the request to modify MBA 600, MBA 605, MBA 611
and MBA 640. Dr. Ringlaben moved and Dr. Wittmann seconded a motion to
accept these courses as a group. The motion passed. Dr. Wittmann moved and
Dr. Ringlaben seconded a motion to approve the modifications of MBA 600,
MBA 605, MBA 611 and MBA 640. The motion passed.
Department of Finance, Real Estate, and Business Law
Dr. Nicholson presented the request to add REI 635. Dr. Ringlaben moved and
Dr. Lambers seconded a motion to approve the addition of REI 635. The motion
College of Education and Psychology
Department of Child and Family Studies
Dr. Nicholson presented the request to add FAM 792. Dr. Ringlaben moved and
Dr. Lambers seconded a motion to approve the addition of FAM 792. The motion
Dr. Nicholson presented the request to add FAM 794L. Dr. Ringlaben moved and
Dr. Rust seconded a motion to approve the addition of FAM 794L. The motion
Department of Curriculum, Instruction and Special Education
Dr. Nicholson presented the request to modify IT 567, IT 610, IT 636, IT 644,
IT 645, IT 648, IT 650, IT 709 and IT 755. Dr. Ringlaben moved and Dr.
Wittmann seconded a motion to accept these courses as a group. The motion
passed. Dr. Ringlaben moved and Dr. Schaefer seconded a motion to approve the
modifications of IT 567, IT 610, IT 636, IT 644, IT 645, IT 648, IT 650,
IT 709 and IT 755. The motion passed.
Dr. Nicholson presented the request to modify the plan of study for the MS in
Instructional Technolgy program. Dr. Ringlaben moved and Dr. Lambers
seconded a motion to approve the modification of the plan of study for the MS in
Instructional Technolgy program. The motion passed.
Department of Educational Studies and Research
Dr. Nicholson presented the request to add REF 600. Dr. Lambers moved and
Dr. Ringlaben seconded a motion to approve the addition of REF 600. The motion
Dr. Nicholson presented the request to add REF 707. Dr. Ringlaben moved and
Dr. Butts seconded a motion to approve the addition of REF 707. The motion
Dr. Nicholson presented the request to add REF 708. Dr. Ringlaben moved and
Dr. Swope seconded a motion to approve the addition of REF 708. The motion
Dr. Nicholson presented the request to add REF 723. Dr. Lambers moved and
Dr. Ringlaben seconded a motion to approve the addition of REF 723. The motion
Dr. Nicholson presented the request to add REF 724. Dr. Ringlaben moved and
Dr. Becton seconded a motion to approve the addition of REF 724. The motion
Dr. Nicholson presented the request to add HE 705. Dr. Ringlaben moved and
Dr. Lambers seconded a motion to approve the addition of HE 705. The motion
Dr. Nicholson presented the request to add HE 614. Dr. Ringlaben moved and
Dr. Lambers seconded a motion to approve the addition of HE 614. The motion
Dr. Nicholson presented the request to add HE 655. Dr. Swope moved and
Dr. Ringlaben seconded a motion to approve the addition of HE 655. The motion
Dr. Nicholson presented the request to modify HE 654. Dr. Lambers moved and
Dr. Schaefer seconded a motion to approve the modification of HE 654.
The motion passed.
Dr. Nicholson presented the request to add an emphasis area in Social Justice for
the MS in Education degree. Dr. Ringlaben moved and Dr. Butts seconded a
motion to approve the addition of an emphasis area in Social Justice for
the MS in Education degree. The motion passed.
Dr. Nicholson presented the request to modify the MS emphasis in Educational
Studies and Research degree. Dr. Wittmann moved and Dr. Butts seconded a
motion to approve the modification of the MS emphasis in Educational
Studies and Research degree. The motion passed.
Dr. Nicholson presented the request to modify the M. Ed. in Higher Education
With and emphasis in Student Affairs Administration. Dr. Lambers moved and
Dr. Ringlaben seconded a motion to approve the modification of the M. Ed. in
Higher Education With and emphasis in Student Affairs Administration.
The motion passed.
College of Health – No Business
College of Nursing
Department of Advanced Practice
Dr. Nicholson presented the request to add NSG 615. Dr. Butts moved and
Dr. Lambers seconded a motion to approve the addition of NSG 615. The motion
Dr. Nicholson presented the request to modify the plans of study for the RN-MSN
(PMHNP), RN-MSN (FNP), and RN-MSN (AGNP) programs. Dr. Wittman
moved and Dr. Ringlaben seconded a motion to take these programs as a group.
The motion passed. Dr. Ringlaben moved and Dr. Wittmann seconded a motion to
table the modifications of the plans of study for the RN-MSN (PMHNP),
RN-MSN (FNP), and RN-MSN (AGNP) programs. The motion passed.
Dr. Nicholson presented the request to modify the plans of study for the MSN
(PMHNP), MSN (FNP), MSN (AGNP), certificate (PMHNP), certificate
(FNP) and certificate (AGNP) programs. Dr. Butts moved and Dr. Swope
seconded a motion to take these programs as a group. The motion passed.
Dr. Lambers moved and Dr. Ringlaben seconded a motion to
approve the modifications of the plans of study for MSN
(PMHNP), MSN (FNP), MSN (AGNP), certificate (PMHNP), certificate
(FNP) and certificate (AGNP) programs. The motion passed.
Department of Systems Leadership and Health Outcomes
Dr. Nicholson presented the request to modify NSG 829. Dr. Butts moved and
Dr. Lambers seconded a motion to approve the modification of NSG 829.
The motion passed.
College of Science and Technology
Department of Biological Sciences
Dr. Nicholson presented the request to modify BSC 512, BSC 561 and BSC
561L. Dr. Lambers moved and Dr. Butts seconded a motion to untable and
accept these courses as a group. The motion passed.
Dr. Lambers moved and Ms. Carr seconded a motion to approve the modifications
of BSC 512, BSC 561 and BSC 561L. The motion passed.
Dr. Nicholson presented the request to modify BSC 578L. Dr. Swope moved and
Dr. Butts seconded a motion to untable BSC 578L. The motion passed.
Dr. Rust moved and Dr. Becton seconded a motion to approve the modification of
BSC 578L. The motion passed.
Dr. Nicholson presented the request to add BSC 578. Dr. Butts moved and Dr.
Lambers seconded a motion to untable the addition of BSC 578. The motion
passed. Dr. Lambers moved and Ms. Carr seconded a motion to approve the
addition of BSC 578. The motion passed.
Department of Marine Science
Dr. Nicholson presented the request to add HYD 607. Dr. Ringlaben moved and
Dr. Rust seconded a motion to untable the addition of HYD 607. The motion
passed. Dr. Lambers moved and Ms. Carr seconded a motion to approve the
addition of HYD 607. The motion passed.
Dr. Nicholson presented the request to modify HYD 600 and HYD 620.
Dr. Shelley moved and Dr. Lambers seconded a motion to untable and
accept these courses as a group. The motion passed.
Dr. Lambers moved and Dr. Butts seconded a motion to approve the
modifications of HYD 600 and HYD 620. The motion passed.
Dr. Nicholson presented the request to modify the plan of study for Hydrographic
Science. Dr. Lambers moved and Ms. Carr seconded a motion to untable the plan
of study for Hydrographic Science. The motion passed. Dr. Lambers moved and
Dr. Butts seconded a motion to approve the modification of the plan of study for
Hydrographic Science. The motion passed.
School of Computing
Dr. Nicholson presented the request to modify COS 791. Dr. Lambers moved
and Dr. Ringlaben seconded a motion to approve the modification of COS 791.
The motion passed.
School of Polymers and High Performance Materials
Dr. Nicholson informed Council of the proposal to suspend admission to the
MS in Polymer Science and Engineering (Composite Engineering). This is strictly
Officers Report
Chair – Dr. Bonnie Nicholson
Dr. Nicholson reported that Dr. Wiesenburg approved our resolution and has
offered to have it printed and framed. Dr. Easterling has been coordinating this
process and plans to also have a second resolution printed for Dr. Siltanen’s
family. The framed resolution will hang in the 202 conference room.
Dr. Wiesenburg is in receipt of a letter requesting that the 202 conference room
be renamed in Dr. Siltanen’s honor.
She also reported the Strategic Planning Committee will meet on Friday, 3/28.
A satisfaction survey of the graduate admissions software is in development.
Chair Elect – Dr. James Lambers
No report.
Corresponding Secretary – Dr. Bonnie Nicholson
No report.
Parliamentarian – Dr. Bonnie Nicholson
No report.
Standing Committee Reports
Bylaws Committee – Dr. Mike Wittmann
No report.
Credentials Committee – Dr. Monika Gehlawat
Dr. Nicholson submitted the Credentials report for March 2014 for approval. The
report was approved. (see attached)
Election Committee – Ms. Robin Carr
Policies and Procedures Committee – Dr. James Lambers
Dr. Lambers reported the Policies & Procedures Committee is considering two
issues and would like input from the entire council.
1. A policy change that would allow the standardized test requirement to be
waived for certain applicants. The department or school responsible for a
program would apply for a waiver of the requirement, which would then have to
be approved by the Council and the Office of the Provost. Text of the proposed
policy change and bulletin changes will be added to the InfoCenter to solicit
2. A policy change that would allow GTAs to register for 9-13 credit hours during
Fall and Spring semesters, instead of the current requirement of 13. If a GTA is
registered for at least 9 hours of graduate coursework, then they may use their
tuition scholarship to cover additional hours from undergraduate courses, subject
to a maximum of 13 total hours. The proposed policy change will be added to the
InfoCenter as well.
Program Review Committee – Dr. Janie Butts
No report.
Liaisons to University Committees
Assessment Committee- Dr. James Lambers
No report.
E-Learning Committee- Dr. James Lambers
No report.
Teaching Evaluation Committee – Dr. Bonnie Nicholson
No report.
New Business
No new business.
The meeting was adjourned. The next meeting is scheduled for April 28, 2014 at 3:00.
The deadline for submitting materials to the Graduate School for the Agenda is Thursday,
April 17, 2014.
Greg Pierce, Recording Secretary
Dr. Bonnie Nicholson, Chair
March 24, 2014
College of Business
Department of Management and International Business
MBA 600
Organizational Behavior and Leadership.
Face to face format.
MBA 600
Organizational Behavior and Leadership.
Face to face and online correspondence format.
Effective fall 2014.
MBA 605
Marketing Management.
Face to face format.
MBA 605
Marketing Management.
Face to face and online correspondence format.
Effective fall 2014.
MBA 611
Managerial Accounting.
Face to face format.
MBA 611
Managerial Accounting.
Face to face and online correspondence format.
Effective fall 2014.
MBA 640
Financial Management.
Face to face format.
MBA 640
Financial Management.
Face to face and online correspondence format.
Effective fall 2014.
Department of Finance, Real Estate, and Business Law
REI 635
Commercial Real Estate Investment and Analysis.
3 hours. Effective summer 2014.
College of Education and Psychology
Department of Child and Family Studies
FAM 792
Special Problems in Marriage and Family Therapy.
1-4 hours. Effective summer 2014.
FAM 794L
Marriage and Family Supervision Lab.
1-4 hours. Effective summer 2014.
Department of Curriculum, Instruction and Special Education
IT 567
Desktop Publishing.
IT 567
Digital Publishing and Visual Design.
Course Description. Effective fall 2014.
IT 610
Sociological Perspectives in Technology.
IT 610
Ethics and Issues in Instructional Technology.
Effective fall 2014.
IT 636
Instructional Systems Design.
IT 636
Instructional Design and Development.
Effective fall 2014.
IT 645
Computers in Education.
IT 645
Technology in Education.
Course Description. Effective fall 2014.
IT 648
Telecommunications in Education.
IT 648
Digital Communications in Education.
Course Description. Effective fall 2014.
IT 709
Administration of Instructional Technologies.
IT 709
Leadership in Instructional Technology.
Effective fall 2014.
IT 650
Distance Learning Systems.
IT 650
Instructional Strategies of Online Teaching.
Course Description. Effective fall 2014.
IT 644
Advanced Hypermedia Development.
Face to face format.
IT 644
Instructional Multimedia Design.
Face to face and online correspondence format.
Effective fall 2014.
IT 755
Web-Based Instruction.
Face to face format.
IT 755
Web Development and Assessment.
Face to face and online correspondence format.
Effective fall 2014.
Plan of Study for the MS in Instructional Technology program.
Reduce the number of core courses from 27 to 18.
Increase required hours in elective course work from 6 hours to 12 hours.
Reduce the number of hours in the program from 33 to 31.
Change graduation requirements from 3 options to 1 option with
2 requirements. Effective fall 2014.
Department of Educational Studies and Research
REF 600
Foundations of Educational Studies and Research.
3 hours. Face to face and online correspondence
Format. Effective fall 2014.
REF 707
Critical Theories in Education.
3 hours. Face to face and online correspondence
Format. Effective fall 2014.
REF 708
Race, Ethnicity, Schooling in the American South.
3 hours. Face to face and online correspondence
Format. Effective fall 2014.
REF 723
Assessment in Student Affairs Practice.
3 hours. Face to face and online correspondence
Format. Effective fall 2014.
REF 724
Assessment of Learning in Higher Education.
3 hours. Face to face and online correspondence
Format. Effective fall 2014.
HE 705
Social Justice in Higher Education.
3 hours. Face to face and online correspondence
Format. Effective fall 2014.
HE 614
Administration in Student Affairs.
3 hours. Face to face and online correspondence
Format. Effective fall 2014.
HE 655
Capstone Seminar in Student Affairs.
3 hours. Face to face and online correspondence
Format. Effective fall 2014.
HE 654
Practicum in Student Affairs.
Pass/Fail grading basis. 1 repeat allowed.
HE 654
Supervised Practice in Student Affairs.
A-F grading basis. 3 repeats allowed.
Effective fall 2014.
Emphasis area in Social Justice for the MS in Education degree.
Effective fall 2014.
MS degree emphasis in Educational Studies and Research.
Replace HE/REF/CPS 692 with REF 600. Effective fall 2014.
M.Ed. in Higher Education with emphasis in Student Affairs
Increase the total credit hours from 33 to 45; Add HE 614, HE 655,
REF 600 and REF 723; Move HE 612 and HE 739 to Electives.
Effective fall 2014.
College of Nursing
Department of Advanced Practice
NSG 615
Health Promotion & Disease Prevention for APRN.
2 hours. Effective fall 2014.
RN-MSN emphasis in Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner.
RN-MSN emphasis in Family Nurse Practitioner.
RN-MSN emphasis in Gerontological Nurse Practitioner.
MSN in Nursing with emphasis in Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner.
Reduce the total credit hours from 48 to 47; Add NSG 615 and NSG 803;
Remove NSG 602, NSG 648, NSG 648L. Effective fall 2014.
Graduate certificate in Nursing with emphasis in Psychiatric Nurse
Increase the total credit hours from 38 to 40; Add NSG 615.
Effective fall 2014.
MSN in Nursing with emphasis in Family Nurse Practitioner.
Reduce the total credit hours from 45 to 44; Add NSG 615 and NSG 803;
Remove NSG 602, NSG 648, NSG 648L. Effective fall 2014.
Graduate certificate in Nursing with emphasis in Family Nurse
Increase the total credit hours from 35 to 37; Add NSG 615 and NSG 803;
Remove NSG 648, NSG 648L. Effective fall 2014.
MSN in Nursing with emphasis in Gerontological Nurse Practitioner.
Reduce the total credit hours from 45 to 44; Add NSG 615 and NSG 803;
Remove NSG 602, NSG 648, NSG 648L. Effective fall 2014.
Graduate certificate in Nursing with emphasis in Psychiatric Nurse
Increase the total credit hours from 35 to 37; Add NSG 615.
Effective fall 2014.
Department of Systems Leadership and Health Outcomes
NSG 829
Leadership and Organizational Theory.
NSG 829
Leadership and Organizational Theory.
Course overview and objectives.
Effective fall 2014.
College of Science and Technology
Department of Biological Sciences
BSC 512
Medical Entomology. 2 hours.
BSC 512
Medical Entomology. 3 hours.
Effective fall 2014.
BSC 561
Histology. 4 hours.
BSC 561
Histology. 3 hours.
Effective fall 2014.
BSC 561L
Histology Laboratory. 0 hours.
BSC 561L
Histology Laboratory. 1 hour.
Effective fall 2014.
BSC 578L
Molecular Biology Laboratory. 4 hours.
BSC 578L
Methods in Biotechnology Laboratory. 1 hour.
Course Description. Effective fall 2014.
BSC 578
Methods in Biotechnology. 3 hours.
Effective fall 2014.
Department of Marine Science
HYD 607
Oceanography for Hydrographers.
3 hours. Effective fall 2014.
HYD 600
Classical Geodesy. 4 hours.
HYD 600
Classical Geodesy. 3 hours.
Effective fall 2014.
HYD 620
Math Concepts for Hydrographers. 1 hour.
HYD 620
Math Concepts for Hydrographers. 3 hours.
Effective fall 2014.
MS in Hydrographic Science plan of study.
Add HYD 607; Remove HYD 602 and MAR 561.
Effective fall 2014.
School of Computing
COS 791
Research in Computational Sciences. Pass/Fail.
COS 791
Research in Computational Sciences. Graded.
Effective fall 2014.
School of Polymers and High Performance Materials
Suspend admission to the MS in Polymer Science and Engineering
(Composites Engineering) degree program. Effective fall 2013.
DATE: March 24, 2014
TO: Graduate Council
FM: Graduate Credentials Committee
RE: Graduate Faculty Recommendations
Recommendation Status
Barber, Debra A.
Associate Level 1
Advanced Practice (Nursing)
Anestis, Joye C.
Associate Level 2
Hendon, Joseph R.
Associate Level 3
Coastal Sciences
Regular Level 1
Regular Level 2
Sciolino, Martina
Credentials Committee Chair
Respectfully submitted,
Regular Level 3