1 CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, BAKERSFIELD Department of Nursing NURSING 440 Basic Dysrhythmia Syllabus Spring Quarter 2004 FACULTY: Kathleen Gilchrist, RN, PhD, CCRN, PHN Office: RNEC 132 Phone: 661-664-3229 Email: kgilchrist@csub.edu Office hours: Mondays 10:30-12:00 or by appointment DAY(s)/TIME/LOCATION Mondays 1:00 pm – 3:45 pm RNEC 105 CREDITS: 3.0 Quarter Units; three 50-minute class hours per week. COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course will focus on the interpretation of ECG rhythms and dysrhythmias. A systematic approach to dysrhythmia interpretation will be utilized. This course is for nursing students interested in working in medical/surgical units, critical care units, emergency departments, operating rooms, postanesthesia care units, outpatient clinics, and various community settings where nurses are responsible for interpreting the client’s heart rhythm as a part of their job requirement. PREREQUISITES: Nursing 251 or permission of the instructor COURSE OBJECTIVES: Upon successful completion of N440, the student will: 1. Describe the general physiologic structures of the heart. 2. Correctly label the structures of the cardiac conduction system. 3. List the elements that go into analyzing and interpreting the ECG strip. 4. Identify the criteria for dysrhythmias that are associated with the sinus node, the atria, the atrioventricular junction, the ventricles, blocks in the atrioventricular node, supraventricular tachycardia, bundle branch blocks, bypass mechanisms, and pacemakers. TEACHING METHODS: Lecture/Discussion Audio-Visual materials 1 2 REQUIRED TEXTBOOK: Walraven, Gail (1999). Basic Arrhythmias, (5th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Brady Prentice Hall. Recommended Textbook: Cohn, E. G., & Gilroy-Doohan, M. (2002). Flip and see ECG (2nd ed.). Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders Company. STUDENT EVALUATION: (This course may be taken CR/NCR) 1. 2. Grading Scale: A = 100-93 A= 92-90 B+ = 89-87 B = 86-83 B= 82-80 C+ = 79-77 C CD+ D DF Evaluation Methods/Assignments: Quizzes (1 per week) Final Exam 60% 40% = = = = = = 76-73 72-70 69-67 66-64 63-60 59 & below The final grade consists of the total points. Seventy-three percent (73%) is the lowest passing score. There will be no rounding up to 73%. You may take the course for credit/no credit. To receive credit you must fill out the appropriate form the first day of the course and receive 73% as your overall course grade. Less than 73% will result in no credit. 3. Services for Students with Disabilities: CSUB provides services for students with disabilities through the Services for Students with Disabilities Office (661) 664-3360; TDD (661) 664-4263. 4. Academic Honesty: All students are expected to read and adhere to the Academic Honesty policy detailed on page 59 of the 2001-2003 CSUB Catalog and the Ethical Standards found in the Undergraduate Nursing Student Policy Handbook All work must be original work written for this course by the individual submitting it. See definition of plagiarism according to University General Catalogue and Department of Nursing Student Handbook. The penalty for plagiarism is an “F” in the course for first offense and termination from the University for second offense. If any questions, ask your instructor. 5. Attendance Policy: It is expected that students will attend each class. Additional Information: Students will not be allowed to make up missed quizzes or the final exam except for very compelling reasons and with arrangements made with the instructor prior to the scheduled exam or quiz. 2 3 TOPICAL OUTLINE/READING ASSIGNMENTS Class Date March 29 Topic Assignment Due None April 5 Introduction to N440 1. Electrophysiology 2. Waves and measurement 3. Analyzing ECG rhythm strips April 12 4. Sinus rhythms Quiz: Chapters 1-3 April 19 5. Atrial rhythms Quiz: Chapters 1-4 April 26 6. Junctional rhythms Quiz: Chapters 1-5 May 3 7. Heart blocks Quiz: Chapters 1-6 May 10 8. Ventricular rhythms Quiz: Chapters 1-7 May 17 E. Pacemakers Quiz: Chapters 1-8 May 24 Final review Quiz: Chapters 1-8 and pages 523-528 May 31 Memorial Day June 7 Final exam 1:00 – 3:30 pm Quiz: Chapters 1-2 Homework to be done before class Read Chapters 1-2 Do practice self-test and practice sheets Read Chapter 3 Do practice self-test and practice sheets Read Chapter 4 Do practice self-test and practice sheets Read Chapter 5 Do practice self-test and practice sheets Read Chapter 6 Do practice self-test and practice sheets Read Chapter 7 Do practice self-test and practice sheets Read Chapter 8 Do practice self-test and practice sheets Read pages 523-528 and other materials Start Chapter 9—we will work on it in class No Class 3